Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 401 2 1501 2 2 304 Memory loss rate: 98.72%... 99.9%... ff4e4eff 5 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 1 1 3 3 401 1 22 4 4 304 White. 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000041 1 5 5 304 I don't remember much of what happened after that. 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000042 1 6 6 304 People came here afterwards and guarded me. Someone kept calling my name, who was that...? 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000043 1 7 7 304 And... Why did that person look so worried? Why? Why that look? 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000044 1 8 8 304 It's the first time I've felt such relief. 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000045 1 9 9 304 Because that person is here. Everyone's here. 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000046 1 10 10 304 Everything I've ever wanted is already here. 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000047 1 11 11 304 It's a name I shouldn't forget... That person's... 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000048 1 12 12 304 AniZhuanchangBegin ...What is... the name? 000000ff 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 100000049 1 1 13 13 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg1201_6.jpg 14 110 401 2 1509 15 14 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Accessing memory data. Reloading Lucia's memory data... 16 100 401 3 100000053 17 15 301 Lucia I'm... 18 101 401 3 100000054 19 16 301 Lucia ID BPL-01. Member of Babylonia's task force. Military Construct. Gray Raven leader, my name is... Lucia. 20 17 302 Lucia! 102 You're Lucia. 103 21 102 401 3 100000055 22 18 21 301 Lucia And you are...? 23 103 401 3 100000056 24 19 301 Lucia I'm... Lucia. And you are...? 25 21 302 I'm your Commandant. 22 The one who swore to protect you. 22 26 22 301 Commandant I'm 【kuroname】. 27 23 301 Lucia slowly reaches out her hand, and the moment it touches yours— 28 24 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg1201_5.jpg 29 105 401 3 100000057 30 25 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia ...Commandant.