Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory180.png 2 2 401 1 28 3 555 401 2 1504 4 3 301 DialogEnable You run upstairs like Lee told you to, carrying the signal transmitter Ayla gave you. Finally, you reach the top of the Observatory. 5 4 301 What greets you is a heavenly dome dotted with stars. At your feet is a grass field, and around you are purplish-red flowers. The current war seems to have left this place untouched. 6 5 301 RImgBg1Shake And then, you find yourself flying. Caught completely unaware, you were sent crashing into a railing. 7 556 401 2 1506 8 6 302 (Do a safety roll) 9 557 201 1 500150 10 7 301 1 Qu Hah... Your escape ends here, commandant of Gray Raven. 1 11 8 302 My team members... 9 You caught up... 10 12 9 11 301 Qu Still resisting, but not for long. 1 13 10 11 301 Qu No. I didn't catch up—You, finally arrived. This will be your parting gift. 1 14 558 401 2 1516 15 11 301 Qu falls silent and marches toward you. The light glimmering off her blade almost blinds you, and the pain from the previous blow renders your temporarily incapacitated. 16 12 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Qu lifts her blade. 17 213 202 1 18 214 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 19 13 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Qu This is it. Become history, commandant of Babylonia! 20 215 401 2 10002001 21 501 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2 22 14 301 AniZhuanchangBegin ??? No, you won't!!! 23 217 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory180.png 24 15 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Someone descends from the air and interrupts Qu. 25 218 401 2 10002001 26 500 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2 27 16 301 She drives Qu backward with one cut—followed by others, relentlessly. Each swing sends forth cold particles, coating the nearby plants with rime. 28 503 401 2 10002001 29 504 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2 30 219 201 1 500150 31 17 301 1 Qu How... 1 32 220 202 1 1 33 18 301 DialogDisable 1 Black. Red. Your rescuer is a most familiar, yet also a most strange figure. She perks up upon noticing your unease. 34 223 201 2000 1 500166 1 35 19 301 DialogEnable 1 Lucia Are you okay, Commandant? 1 36 700 302 I'm fine. 20 Lucia? 21 37 20 22 301 Lucia Nothing makes me happier hearing that, Commandant. 1 38 21 22 301 Lucia Yes. Lucia, your Lucia, Commandant. 1 39 22 301 Lucia Can you stand, Commandant? I'm a bit tied up right now... 1 40 300 202 1 41 301 401 2 10002001 42 23 301 1 Qu slightly regains her posture, and goes on the offense. Lucia, too, braces for it with her dual blades. Despite their apparent resemblance, Lucia's combat style makes it clear that it is a frame different from Lotus. 43 24 301 RImgBg1Shake Lucia punctuates her attacks with airborne moves. Qu is overpowered, until she finally manages to gain distance by pushing Lucia out of range with a sweep of her blade. 44 227 201 1 500166 1 45 25 301 1 Lucia Oh, I haven't introduced you to my new frame yet. I came up with a name for it on my way over: Plume. Do you like it? 1 46 26 301 Lucia speaks about her new frame as she adjusts her posture. The introduction, however, is tinged with a strange hint of sadness on her face. 47 228 204 1 4 48 27 301 She sheathes her ice-borne blade behind, then draws her two-handed blade for an upward slash at Qu. 49 302 202 1 50 303 201 2 500150 51 1001 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 3 52 28 301 PanelActor2Shake 1 Qu Huaxu, what on earth is this Construct? 2 53 1004 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 54 6001 401 2 10002001 55 29 301 Huaxu Construct ID is BPL-01. Consciousness name, Lucia. 56 30 301 Qu That's not what I need from you! 2 57 31 301 Huaxu To adapt to her frame, she is still currently initializing her M.I.N.D. 58 32 301 Qu What?! 2 59 33 301 Their weapons meet, equal in strength. But with the help of the boosters on her back, Lucia gains an upper hand in this contest of strength, breaking Qu's glaive. 60 1003 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 3 61 1006 401 2 10002001 62 34 301 PanelActor2Shake Qu is forced to go on the defensive to dodge Lucia's attacks. 63 1007 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 64 306 202 2 65 35 301 She conjures a new weapon out of the virus with her other hand and throws it at you. Almost instantaneously, Lucia tosses her blade to deflect the projectile, protecting you once more. 66 2301 201 1 500166 67 36 301 1 Lucia Don't even think about it. 1 68 999 302 What's that about you initializing your M.I.N.D.? 1000 Lucia, your memories... 1002 69 1000 37 204 1 1 70 37 38 301 Lucia A factory reset, essentially. Do you still remember the first time we met, Commandant? 1 71 38 40 301 Lucia I was like a puppet back then... 1 72 1002 39 204 1 1 73 39 40 301 Lucia Most of it is gone. Only combat-related ones are left. 1 74 40 301 Lucia I know what you're trying to ask, Commandant. It's the only way for me to use this frame. 1 75 1100 201 2 500150 400 76 1101 203 1 -400 77 41 301 Qu You maniac... You're killing yourself, just to use this frame? 2 78 229 204 1 5 79 42 301 Lucia I'm not killing myself. I'm becoming a new me. 1 80 43 301 Qu That is merely a game of words. Does this world hold something of such value, that you would even give your soul for it? 2 81 44 301 Lucia Of course it does... You wouldn't understand! 1 82 45 301 Qu Hark! I give you death not out of caprice! 2 83 46 301 Qu Ever since the outbreak, we, Kowloong, foresaw the fate of Earth! We toiled for the Tabula Akasha—our only true purpose! 2 84 47 301 Qu If you have something you wish to protect, then you would know that beauty only lives in the past! 2 85 48 301 Lucia You're just afraid of facing the future! 1 86 49 301 RImgBg1Shake The two resume fighting. Their blades clash—slide off—lacerate each other. No longer is there a need for dodging attacks, only receiving the opponent in full. 87 50 301 Qu Earth's fate is decided. I will destroy you both, and I will put history to rest! 2 88 51 301 Lucia And how would you do that...? 1 89 52 301 Qu Gestalt, the thing that spawned this era and has kept it alive to this day. With an AI system of similar make, I can take over the entire Babylonia. 2 90 53 301 Qu And it shall fall. With the planetary mass of Babylonia, Earth will enter into an ice age when it plummets to the surface. 2 91 54 301 Qu Then, no longer will there be a place for us in the entire universe. Huaxu will destroy what is left of humanity. Kowloong will be all that is left. 2 92 55 301 Qu And Earth will become a tablet of all that was human—the Tabula Akasha. 2 93 8523 302 I will never let that happen! 56 Gestalt is not a tool to destroy the world. 57 94 56 58 301 Qu You think you, a mere human, can stop me? 2 95 57 58 301 Qu The wielder makes the tool! Not the tool the wielder! 2 96 241 204 1 1 97 58 301 Lucia Let's stop her together, Commandant! 1 98 59 301 Lucia raises her blade. The motion reminds you of the first time you met her; fearless, as always, yet now embellished with a hint of warmth. 99 60 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin And yet...