Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory4.jpg 2 2 401 1 201 3 3 301 DialogEnable You stand at the landing zone and watch the transport craft take off. 4 4 301 In the FOB erected by the vanguard forces, numerous teams are moving about the base, strengthening fortifications and adjusting comm lines. 5 5 301 Corrupted remains piled outside of the base allude to a small conflict while the base was being erected. A tall Construct is throwing debris on either side of the street to clear a passageway for personnel and vehicles. 6 6 301 This area had been engulfed in the flames of war like most human cities on the Earth's surface, now standing in silence as the surface falls into desolation. 7 7 301 Corrupted intermittently scurry down the street toward the base only to be immediately blown to pieces by the defense turrets. 8 8 201 1 500029 5 9 9 301 1 Lucia Corrupted. 1 10 10 302 Hold up. 11 11 11 201 1 1011001 12 12 301 1 Lee The base's defenses are sufficient enough to fight off the few Corrupted wandering outside the city. 1 13 13 201 1 500292 14 14 301 1 Liv Actually, a horde of Corrupted are making their way to the city center. That's our target for this mission. 1 15 15 302 Let's report for duty first. 16 16 16 201 1 500029 17 17 301 1 Lucia Right, the temp HQ should be... Ah, over there. 1 18 18 301 Lucia checks her surroundings, then fixes her eyes on a makeshift building in the center of the base. The white flowers and pink ribbons on the exterior of the temporary headquarters serve as a stark contrast with the surrounding charred city ruins. 19 19 203 1 0.25 -400 20 20 201 2 1011001 400 21 21 301 1 Lee Someone's sure got a strange taste. 2 22 22 301 Lucia Don't assume, Lee. Maybe they serve a special purpose. 1 23 23 301 Lee Perhaps. 2 24 24 301 Lee Alright, go report for duty. I'm going to scout the surrounding area. 2 25 25 301 Lucia Alright. We'll leave the reconnaissance to you then. 1 26 26 401 2 1516 27 27 301 Before Lucia could finish speaking, Lee had already turned to leave the base. 28 28 202 1 2 1 29 29 201 1 500292 6 30 30 301 1 Liv ... 1 31 31 302 Liv? What's going on? 32 32 32 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv Uh... It's nothing... Let's go report in... 1 33 33 202 1 1 34 34 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory256.png 35 35 401 1 202 36 36 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The HQ's interior is far more spacious than expected. A woman is in the center of numerous display panels. A hologram of the city fills the space outside of the screens. 37 37 401 2 1515 38 38 301 The woman furiously taps the screens, displaying various data on the city hologram, such as Corrupted distribution, weapon deployment and material allocation with each tap. 39 39 201 1 500029 40 40 301 1 Lucia Gray Raven, reporting for duty. 1 41 41 301 Lucia, who was walking in front, speaks first. Hearing Lucia, the woman stops tapping the screens with both hands. 42 42 201 1 500293 43 43 301 1 ??? Gray Raven? 1 44 44 301 She speaks as she pushes aside the display panel in front of her. Her eyes fall directly on the Gray Ravens walking into the HQ. 45 45 301 ??? Oh, THOSE Gray Ravens! Looks like you really are on the roster for this mission. 1 46 46 301 ??? It's been a while, 【kuroname】. 1 47 47 201 1 500029 48 48 301 1 Lucia You know each other, Commandant? 1 49 49 302 No clue. 50 It's you... 57 50 50 201 1 500293 51 51 301 1 ??? BAHAHA! I guess that's to be expected from you, Chief. 1 52 52 301 ??? Why would you care about those who can't keep up? 1 53 53 201 1 500029 54 54 301 Lucia What do you mean? 1 55 55 201 1 500293 56 56 63 301 ??? Nothing. Maybe this'll jog your memory. 1 57 57 201 1 500293 58 58 301 ??? Should I be honored that you remember me? 1 59 59 201 1 500029 60 60 301 Lucia What do you mean? 1 61 61 201 1 500293 62 62 301 ??? Nothing. I was just remembering a few things during our time at F.O.S. 1 63 63 301 Vanessa Let me re-introduce myself. My name is Vanessa, commandant of Egret and chief commander of this operation. 1 64 64 301 Vanessa Regardless of your past accolades, Commandant, you better follow my orders as the chief commander. 1 65 65 201 1 500029 66 66 301 Lucia Egret... Isn't that—? 1 67 67 401 2 1516 68 68 301 Vanessa rises from her seat, crosses the city hologram suspended in mid-air, and slowly approaches the Gray Ravens. 69 69 201 1 500293 70 70 301 1 Vanessa Yes... The team Liv used to be a part of. 1 71 71 203 1 0.25 -400 72 72 201 2 500292 6 400 73 73 301 1 Liv Vanessa... 2 74 74 301 Vanessa Seems you're still using the frame I had recalibrated for you. 1 75 75 301 Vanessa Why appear before me as Lux? Miss me that much? 1 76 76 301 Liv That's not the reason. 2 77 77 301 Vanessa Pfff, didn't I teach you to keep your mouth shut? 1 78 78 204 1 13 79 79 301 Vanessa 【kuroname】, the Constructs on your team aren't all this insubordinate. Are they? 1 80 80 301 Saying this, Vanessa slowly lifts her hand as if to touch Liv. 81 81 302 (Stop her) 84 (Stay silent) 86 82 82 202 2 1 83 83 203 1 0.25 84 84 301 Noticing Vanessa's intent, you take a step forward and catch Vanessa by the wrist. 85 85 302 Chief, discuss the mission at hand. 89 ... 91 86 86 201 2 500029 5 400 87 87 301 Also sensing Vanessa's intent, Lucia prepares to draw the blade sheathed on her arm at any moment and lunge forward. However, you step forward and catch Vanessa by the wrist. 88 88 302 Chief, discuss the mission at hand. 89 ... 91 89 89 204 1 13 90 90 92 301 Vanessa Heh. I don't know why, but I sure get a kick out of hearing the commandant call me that! 1 91 91 301 Vanessa Oh? Can't even bring yourself to have a little chit-chat with me? 1 92 92 302 Focus on the mission, please. 93 93 93 204 1 13 94 94 301 Vanessa Hmph. I see you're still as boring as always. 1 95 95 202 2 1 96 96 203 1 0.25 97 97 301 1 Vanessa Regardless, shouldn't a doll be punished for disobeying their master? 1 98 98 302 They are my comrades. There is no such thing as a "master." 99 99 99 301 Vanessa Comrades? You really haven't changed a bit. 1 100 100 301 Vanessa But if that's how you view them, I have no interest in getting involved. After all, they're your playthings anyway. 1 101 101 302 Constructs aren't "playthings" built to serve. 102 102 102 301 Vanessa Comrades to you, toys to me. Family to him, tools to her. It's irrelevant. Each team interacts differently. 1 103 103 301 Vanessa At any rate, the powers that be only care about completing the mission. 1 104 104 301 Vanessa But there's still one thing I'd like to say... 1 105 105 301 Vanessa leans in and whispers into your ear. 106 106 301 Vanessa Don't worry, you can cut the act. 1 107 107 301 Vanessa You can kick 'em to the curb whenever you've had your fun. 1 108 108 301 Vanessa Even the most beautiful of toys is worthless if it refuses to listen. 1 109 109 301 Vanessa Compared to such an exquisite dollhouse, they belong in the dump. Do they not? 1 110 110 201 1 500292 6 111 111 301 1 Liv Vaness... Chief, please focus on the mission. 1 112 112 301 Liv suddenly steps in between you and Vanessa. Looking outside the headquarters, she signals you with her gaze. 113 113 202 1 1 114 114 301 The confrontation had already stirred up quite the audience of onlookers. 115 115 302 ... 116 116 116 201 1 500293 13 117 117 301 1 Vanessa Hmph, why let go so easily? Hold on a little longer if you'd like. After all, it'd give others a chance to see another side of you, Chief. 1 118 118 301 Vanessa gently rubs her wrist, smiling at you and Liv. 119 119 201 1 500029 5 120 120 301 1 Lucia Chief, the Gray Ravens await your orders. 1 121 121 301 Lucia's loud voice suddenly comes from behind Vanessa. Vanessa scowls and turns to reprimand Lucia. 122 122 203 1 0.25 -400 123 123 201 2 500293 400 124 124 301 1 Vanessa Did I give you permission to interrupt? 2 125 125 301 Lucia Apologies for interrupting you, but the Corrupted threat still hasn't been alleviated. We must focus our efforts on the mission. 1 126 126 301 Lucia Neglecting one's duty may be detrimental to the success of the mission. If the higher-ups want to point fingers, you'll be shouldering the blame as the chief commander. 1 127 127 301 Vanessa ...Hmph. 2 128 128 301 Vanessa quietly sighs, then returns to her seat surrounded by screens. 129 129 401 2 1515 130 130 301 With a gentle tap of the screen, the Gray Raven symbol appears above the hologram of the city. 131 131 204 2 13 132 132 301 Vanessa Gray Ravens, breach 35th to 42nd Street in Zone B. 2 133 133 301 Vanessa There are far more Corrupted concentrated in this area than the surroundings. But, I'm sure that won't be an issue for your team. Right, Chief? 2 134 600 204 1 135 134 301 Lucia Understood. 1 136 135 301 DialogDisable Vanessa Good. Don't disappoint me, Gray Ravens. 2 137 136 302 ... 137 138 137 302 Gray Ravens, move out. 138 139 138 203 1 0.25 -400 140 139 201 2 500292 5 400 141 140 301 DialogEnable AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lucia and Liv Roger. 1 2 142 141 202 1 2 1 143 142 401 1 201 144 143 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory256.png 145 144 301 AniZhuanchangEnd As the Gray Ravens depart, the other teams originally gathered outside of the headquarters return to their respective posts. 146 145 401 2 1515 147 146 301 Vanessa types on a screen as she watches the Gray Ravens leave. 148 147 201 1 500293 13 149 148 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Vanessa 【kuroname】, how long do you think you can live out this naive fantasy of yours? 1