Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory4.jpg 2 2 401 1 102 3 3 201 1 500166 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Lucia All clear, Commandant. 1 5 5 302 Sure. 6 What about you, Lee? 6 6 6 201 1 500026 7 7 301 1 Lee Spotted the sixth batch of EX-monitor drones at 3 and 6 o'clock. The design sure is old-fashioned. 1 8 8 302 ... 9 Asimov is watching, you know. 9 9 9 202 1 10 10 401 2 10001004 11 11 301 Following a series of gunshots is a deafening blast. Roaring flames, like fireworks, dance in the distance. 12 12 201 1 500026 13 13 401 2 1511 14 14 301 1 Lee Piece of cake. 1 15 15 302 Keep moving. 16 16 16 201 1 1031001 17 17 301 1 Liv ...Wait. 1 18 18 302 What? 19 19 19 301 Liv Well... I detected an unnatural fluctuation in the energy field three minutes ago. I can't pinpoint the exact location, though. 1 20 20 301 Liv It's the first time something like this has happened... 1 21 9854 203 1 0.25 -400 22 21 201 2 500166 5 400 23 22 301 1 Lucia Our enemies are becoming skilled. Mission's getting tougher. 2 24 23 201 2 500026 400 25 24 301 Lee ...?! 2 26 25 301 Lee More monitors have been activated. And they're... moving? 2 27 26 204 1 7 28 27 301 1 Liv I think I know what's going on. 1 29 28 302 Explain. 30 30 30 301 Liv This whole area we're in is a vast energy field in the first place. That's why we can't perform any orientation functions with our devices—The energy level is the same everywhere. 1 31 32 301 1 Lee ...Which means... 2 32 33 204 1 33 34 301 Liv All device-based detection methods in the energy field are now obsolete. We cannot pinpoint the locations and density of the Punishing Virus, and therefore can't figure out the specific size of the dead zone... 1 34 35 302 We don't have database info too. 36 So we can't scan the area? 38 35 36 301 Liv Yeah. They called us the control group. Said the results would be more accurate this way. 1 36 37 39 301 Liv We must find the source of the Punishing Virus before the simulated mission ends. 1 37 38 301 Liv Yeah. We must find the source of the Punishing Virus before the simulated mission ends. 1 38 39 202 1 2 39 40 301 DialogDisable All eyes are immediately on a lone figure a few meters away. 40 42 201 1 500175 41 43 301 DialogEnable 1 Camu ... 1 42 44 301 Camu What are y'all looking at? 1 43 45 204 1 5 44 46 301 Camu ...Fine, fine... 1 45 47 302 We'll leave it to you. 48 46 48 202 1 47 49 301 The dark youth who had been leaning against his greatsword scowls and straightens up. He loosens his limbs with an irritated expression and picks up his weapon. 48 50 201 1 500026 49 51 301 1 Lee In case you haven't realized yet, this kind of situation was made especially for you. 1 50 52 302 A very bold comment... 53 51 53 201 1 500175 5 52 54 301 1 Camu Tch... 1 53 55 201 1 500166 5 54 56 301 1 Lucia Be careful, Commandant. 1 55 57 302 Don't worry. 58 I'll do my best. 58 56 58 201 1 1031001 57 59 301 1 Liv Over here, Camu. I'll inject the buffering liquid for you. 1 58 60 202 1 59 61 301 Camu ambles over, letting Liv reveal the port on his back. 60 62 201 1 1031001 61 63 301 1 Liv ...Done. Next, I'll be connecting you to my M.I.N.D. Just a moment... 1 62 64 202 1 63 65 301 Liv's gentle fingers work efficiently, but Camu does not seem too happy about being treated like a child getting a flu shot. You cannot help but feel amused at his scrunched-up face—when he sends you a sudden glare. 64 66 302 Ahem. 67 65 67 201 1 1031001 66 68 301 1 Liv Ready, Commandant? 1 67 69 302 Yep. 70 You're in charge now, Lucia. 71 68 70 73 301 Liv We'll leave it to you, Camu. 1 69 71 201 1 500166 5 70 72 301 1 Lucia I'll handle the rest. 1 71 73 202 1 72 74 302 AniZhuanchangBegin (Connect M.I.N.D.) 77 73 77 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory37.jpg 74 78 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab 3 75 566 401 2 1513 76 79 301 AniZhuanchangEnd After a short loading screen, your visual module gradually syncs up with Camu's. He is running, the dilapidated buildings on either side flashing by like tapestries scrolling past. 77 80 401 2 1515 78 81 301 Liv Camu, the energy field will collapse in 9 minutes and 42 seconds. Let us know if anything comes up. 79 82 301 Liv's voice is heard from the terminal. 80 83 401 2 1513 81 84 301 AniZhuanchangBegin ... 82 85 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab 83 86 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory42.jpg 84 87 201 1 500175 85 88 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Camu ...I smell it. The Punishing Virus. 1 86 89 301 Camu Right inside here. 1 87 90 302 (Contact Gray Raven) 91 (Observe the place) 94 88 91 301 Camu There's no need. I can handle this. 1 89 92 302 You need to report your findings. 93 90 93 95 301 Camu That's why I despise working in a group... 1 91 94 301 Camu What's the point of observing? The entrance is right in front of me. 1 92 95 202 1 1 93 96 301 Picking up his greatsword, Camu steps into the passage. 94 97 302 Wait... 98 These are special circumstances. 101 95 98 201 1 500175 5 96 99 301 1 Camu Shut up... if you don't want me to throw you out! 1 97 100 302 ... 105 98 101 201 1 500175 5 1 99 102 301 1 Camu You only realized now? 1 100 103 301 Camu Every circumstance is special when you're with me. It's not too late to leave if you're afraid. 1 101 104 302 Not gonna leave. 105 You're really something else. 105 102 105 202 1 1 103 106 301 Camu snorts and continues striding into the darkness up ahead, barely heeding your warning. His footsteps echo off the empty passage. 104 107 401 2 1516 105 108 301 You are not physically present and therefore unaffected by the Punishing Virus, but you can still sense Camu's nervousness from the connection between you two from his heavy breaths. 106 109 201 1 500175 107 110 301 1 Camu There's "something" up ahead. 1 108 111 302 The Corrupted? 112 The Punishing Virus? 112 109 112 301 Camu Probably. 1 110 113 401 2 1515 111 114 301 Liv Camu, your signal is weakening... please... situation... 112 115 202 1 113 116 201 1 500013 400 114 117 201 2 500067 -400 115 118 401 2 1508 116 119 301 1 Corrupted —! —!! 1 2 117 120 302 Watch out! 121 118 121 301 The sudden voice from the comms breaks the silence, and the crimson eyes of the Corrupted light up. Camu finds himself in the spotlight right away. 119 123 202 1 2 120 124 201 1 500175 5 121 125 301 1 Camu Tch... 1 122 126 202 1 1 123 127 301 Camu braces himself for the fight, like a bow string pulled tight. 124 128 201 1 500175 5 125 129 301 1 Camu Hey, get ready! 1 126 130 302 Always have been. 131 127 131 201 1 500013 128 132 401 2 10006001 129 133 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 1 130 134 401 2 1508 131 135 502 PanelActor1Shake 132 888 201 1 500175 5 133 138 301 1 Camu Die! 1 134 889 201 1 500013 135 140 401 2 10006001 136 141 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 1 137 142 401 2 1508 138 144 202 1 139 890 201 1 500175 5 140 146 301 1 Camu Hah... hah... ugh, stop it... 1 141 147 302 Can you handle them? 148 You seem ill. 148 142 148 202 1 143 149 301 The Corrupted crumble noisily in two and threes, sending electricity sparks flying. 144 150 401 2 10006001 145 555 401 2 1507 146 151 301 And yet Camu does not pause once in his attacks. 147 152 401 2 10006001 148 666 401 2 1507 149 153 301 Sword swinging, he strikes the fallen Corrupted again, again, even as the steel structures with their twisted limbs groan in pain, until his enemies are no more than shapeless blobs of metal. 150 154 401 2 10006001 151 777 401 2 1507 152 155 302 ...That's enough, Camu. 891 We're on a time crunch. 891 153 891 201 1 500175 5 154 156 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Camu Fine... Let's go. 1 155 157 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory43.jpg 156 158 202 1 1 157 925 401 1 201 158 159 401 2 1516 159 160 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Camu sets off deeper into the depths of the passage, where a lavish throne sits under the sunlight. A familiar man is seated upon it, chin resting on his hand, staring straight ahead. 160 161 502 DialogDisable 161 163 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryBlackSmokeNew.prefab 1 162 162 201 1 500008 163 164 301 DialogEnable 1 Roland? ... 1 164 165 302 Is this... Roland? 166 Is this... the source of the virus? 400 165 166 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryBlackSmokeNew.prefab 1 166 167 201 1 500175 167 168 301 1 Camu So that nerd is the one who did this? 1 168 169 301 Camu What kind of creep leaves this kind of thing here? 1 169 170 174 301 Camu Anyway, I'll smash it too, no matter what it is! 1 170 400 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryBlackSmokeNew.prefab 1 171 410 201 1 500175 172 171 301 1 Camu Is this Ro—Did that nerd leave it here? 1 173 172 301 Camu It reeks of the Punishing Virus. 1 174 173 301 Camu I'll teach you a lesson this time, real or not! 1 175 174 302 Wait... 175 176 175 301 Camu Just watch! 1 177 176 302 Camu! 177 178 177 201 1 500008 179 179 401 2 10006001 180 182 203 1 0.25 2000 181 184 301 RImgBg1Shake "Roland" gracefully leaps out of the way, smirking, easily dodging Camu's every strike. Then it counterattacks, like a silent, powerful killing machine. 182 189 201 1 500175 5 183 190 301 1 Camu Ugh... hah! Yah! Hah! 1 184 999966 401 2 1510 185 999967 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 3 186 191 302 Retreat! You can't handle him! 192 187 192 301 Camu Shut up! 1 188 193 301 Camu I know my own limits...hah... better than you! 1 189 194 301 Camu Hold your tongue and do something useful, Commandant! 1 190 195 502 PanelActor1Shake 191 197 301 Camu blocks Roland's attack and forces his weapon out of the way. He shouts. 1 192 198 204 1 5 193 199 301 Camu Hey! A little help here?! 1 194 200 302 (Sync M.I.N.D.) 201 195 201 202 1 196 202 301 Camu sticks his greatsword into a crevice in the rocks and leans against it, his head hanging, breaths turning long and deep, bangs covering his eyes. 197 203 301 Camu Ugh... 198 204 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Camu I won't show you any mercy! 199 206 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 200 209 301 AniZhuanchangEnd System Voice Warning: M.I.N.D. Overload?. 201 210 301 System Voice Loading failed, reestablishing connection. System update countdown: 25%>>65%>>… 202 211 301 System Voice …>>86% 203 212 301 AniZhuanchangBegin System Voice ...Connection failed... Preparing for reset. Loading... 204 213 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 205 214 301 AniZhuanchangEnd ... 206 215 301 ... 207 216 301 ??? ...Commandant! 208 217 301 ?? ...What... 209 218 301 ??? Performing full-body scan... 210 219 302 ... 220 211 220 301 ??? Commandant! 212 221 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Ugh... 222 213 222 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory122.png 214 223 401 1 208 215 224 201 1 1031001 6 216 225 501 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryZhengyanNew.prefab 3 217 226 301 1 Liv Commandant! How are you feeling? Are you hurt anywhere? How's your head? Can you see? 1 218 227 302 I'm fine. 228 What happened? 237 219 228 203 1 0.25 -400 220 229 201 2 500026 400 221 230 301 1 Lee I wouldn't call crumpling into a bloody heap in combat "fine"! 2 222 231 301 Lee Luckily it's just a simulated mission, or you could've died. 2 223 232 302 Calm down, I really am fine. 233 A bloody heap? 237 224 233 204 2 14 225 234 247 301 Liv Mr. Lee was really worried... 1 226 235 204 2 14 227 236 247 301 Liv Turned out the blood was just from a bloody nose, but we were still horrified... 1 228 237 202 1 2 229 238 201 1 500166 230 239 301 1 Lucia Your connection to Camu was suddenly severed and you fainted into a bloody heap. 1 231 240 302 A bloody heap? 241 232 241 203 1 0.25 -400 233 242 201 2 1031001 400 234 243 204 2 14 235 244 301 1 Liv Turned out the blood was just from a bloody nose, but we were still horrified... 2 236 245 204 1 5 237 246 301 Lucia ...We've all been very worried about you, Commandant. This must never happen again. 1 238 247 202 1 2 239 248 301 Asimov, who has been manning a large device at the side, speaks up right on cue. 240 249 201 1 500004 241 250 301 1 Asimov To put it simply, the level of power Camu used in the previous battle exceeded your max capabilities. 1 242 251 301 Asimov Like a balloon filled with too much water. You popped. 1 243 252 301 Asimov You're lucky it was just a simulated mission. If it weren't for me, you'd be in great trouble if it were actual combat. 1 244 253 302 You pretty much set us up. 254 Thanks, then. 255 245 254 256 301 Asimov I was just trying to cover all possibilities that could arise in combat. 1 246 255 301 Asimov No need to thank me. 1 247 256 301 Asimov Back to the topic. Clearly you weren't coordinating well. I'm sure, as a Commandant, you know this better than me. 1 248 257 301 Asimov Camu still isn't used to "sharing powers" with someone else. If he continues charging on without taking you into consideration, your role as a Commandant might as well be moot. 1 249 258 302 That's why you designed the simulation this way. 259 Where's Camu? 260 250 259 262 301 Asimov Yes, if that's how you want to interpret it. 1 251 260 201 1 500026 252 261 301 1 Lee Outside. 1 253 262 201 1 500026 1 254 263 301 1 Lee I know I can't expect you to follow my advice, but I still wish you'd reconsider your decision to remote-connect to Camu in combat situations. 1 255 264 302 I'll think about it. 265 He just needs time. 269 256 265 201 1 500004 257 266 301 1 Asimov You're the only one who's ever allowed your consciousness to be connected to Camu's. That's why we had to send the two of you together. 1 258 267 201 1 500166 5 259 268 274 301 1 Lucia But Gray Raven has only one Commandant— 1 260 269 201 1 500004 261 270 301 1 Asimov The Council would be happy to hear that. You're the only one who's ever allowed your consciousness to be connected to Camu's. That's why we had to send the two of you together. 1 262 271 302 So you're not giving me a choice? 272 Yeah. 272 263 272 201 1 500026 264 273 301 1 Lee If you're sure that 【kuroname】 is the only Commandant who can connect to Camu remotely, you should work even harder to keep 【kuroname】 safe. 1 265 274 201 1 500004 266 275 301 1 Asimov Rest easy. I've checked your Commandant from head to toe. Brain's still intact, nerves perfectly functioning. Just a bloody nose and nothing more. 1 267 276 301 Asimov I'll give a full report to the Council on what went down in the simulated mission. Meanwhile, it'd be wise for you to postpone any combat training activities of this type. 1 268 277 302 I'm still worried... 278 Okay, then. 278 269 278 201 1 500026 -600 270 279 201 2 1031001 14 271 280 201 3 500166 600 272 281 301 1 Lee ... 1 273 282 301 1 Liv ... 2 274 283 301 1 Lucia Commandant... 3 275 284 301 Lee I have one more thing to say, Commandant... I don't want to bring up you-know-what, but... well, I don't want you to become the second Strike Hawk captain. 1 276 285 302 ... 286 I'll be careful. 286 277 286 204 2 6 278 287 301 Liv Commandant... I trust you. 2 279 288 204 2 1 280 289 301 Liv You'll work something out, yeah? 2 281 290 302 Leave it to me. 291 Don't worry about it. 291 282 291 202 1 2 3 283 292 301 The three Gray Raven members gaze at you, each with a slightly different expression. All you can do is to push your still aching body up and look as relaxed as possible. 284 293 302 (Guess something needs to be done...) 294 285 294 301 They all seem to have something stuck in their throats, so you tactfully break the silence. 286 295 302 That's it for today, then. 296 Anything else? 300 287 296 201 1 1031001 288 297 301 1 Liv Yeah... 1 289 298 301 Liv Your examination results are fine, but you still need to rest lots and eat healthily... 1 290 299 302 Understood. 303 You worked hard too. 303 291 300 201 1 500026 292 301 301 1 Lee Well, get some rest, then. 1 293 303 201 1 500004 294 304 301 1 Asimov I'll get going now. 1 295 305 202 1 296 306 401 2 1516 297 307 301 Asimov picks up the scattered files on the control panel and exits the room. 298 308 201 1 500166 1 299 309 301 1 Lucia I'll walk you back to your place, Commandant. 1 300 310 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Okay. 311 I can walk myself. 311 301 311 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory17.jpg 302 312 202 1 1 303 313 401 2 1516 304 314 301 AniZhuanchangEnd You open the door to see Camu sitting on the bench in the corridor. 305 315 301 Noticing your arrival, he turns around, expression one of indescribable dark fury. He briefly scans the faces of the group and looks away. 306 316 301 You gesture for everyone to relax before they can speak. 307 317 302 I have business to attend to. 318 You guys can leave now. 318 308 318 301 Though worried, the others hold their tongues, nod and leave one by one. 309 319 301 Camu remains on his bench, staring resolutely at his own interlocked fingers, resting primly on his knees. He looks like a student outside the principal's office waiting for his punishment. 310 320 201 1 500175 311 321 301 1 Camu What do you want? 1 312 322 302 What? 323 313 323 301 Camu You're smiling again. Gives me the creeps. What do you want? 1 314 324 302 The creeps? 325 That's mean! 325 315 325 301 Camu That spooky nerd barely answered any of my questions. So annoying. 1 316 326 301 Camu Just tell us what you guys have decided. 1 317 327 302 "We" didn't decide anything. 328 I want to discuss something with you. 329 318 328 330 301 Camu You mean you were the only one who made the decision? 1 319 329 301 Camu Just get to the point. 1 320 330 301 Camu If you have something to say, say it. 1 321 331 302 Let's train together. 332 Date me. 333 322 332 335 301 Camu ...What? 1 323 333 301 Camu W-what? Are you nuts? 1 324 334 302 Just kidding! 335 You have no sense of humor. 335 325 335 301 Camu I'll give you another chance to reword that. What did you mean? 1 326 336 302 It'd help us work better together. 337 It'd help us hone certain skills. 337 327 337 301 Camu But we only failed the mission because you were useless! 1 328 338 302 That's why we gotta train. 339 329 339 301 Camu So you want me to sacrifice my private hours to train with you? I have no interest in socializing with my colleagues after work. 1 330 340 302 I just want to talk. 341 It'll be fun, promise. 341 331 341 301 Camu If I have to work with a human like you, you'll drag me down no matter how much we train. 1 332 342 302 Why don't we give it a try? 343 333 343 301 Camu I refuse. 1 334 344 302 I'll wait for you to come around. 345 335 345 301 Camu Huh? Where did you inherit that stupid persistence now? 1 336 346 302 It's a Commandant's sense of responsibility. 347 337 347 301 Camu Then wait as much as you want, dumb ***. 1 338 348 202 1 339 349 301 Impatient, Camu stands up and stalks out. 340 350 301 1 Camu ...How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not a good teammate to work with in the long-term. 341 351 301 Camu If you really have the best interests of your team in mind, you gotta make sure your idiot supervisors realize that getting to know me better wouldn't benefit you any. You need to understand this. 342 352 301 Camu If I can solve something with a fight, I will. 343 353 302 Make me understand, then. 354 ... 355 344 354 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Camu ...Tch, stubborn fool. 345 355 301 Camu Well? Nothing else to say? 346 356 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Camu In that case, leave me alone.