Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg 2 2 401 1 204 3 3 301 DialogEnable It is a very ordinary tile roof. Basic, simple, with no decorations. 4 4 201 1 500032 400 5 5 201 2 500049 -400 6 6 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 With the wizard's help, Gray Raven members have now transformed into their childhood looks, lying prone side-by-side on top of the roof. 7 7 101 DialogDisable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg 8 8 202 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 2 1 9 9 301 DialogEnable Ten minutes ago, the Travelling Wizard was made speechless when he saw the crates full of bamboo leaves. 10 10 201 1 500410 11 11 301 1 To ship the materials back, he borrowed the largest boat in the village from the fisherman. Still, he underestimated Gray Raven's ability. 12 12 301 Travelling Wizard Did you take all the bamboo leaves from the mountain...? 1 13 13 203 1 0.25 400 14 14 201 2 1031001 -400 15 15 301 1 Liv Sorry, Wizard. I forgot the boat had limited space. 2 16 16 301 Travelling Wizard I reserved some space for you to hide in the boat... I mean, we need to go past the ferry, and I don't think you want to be surrounded by villagers again... 1 17 17 301 Travelling Wizard Tch... Actually, don't worry. I can use my alteration magic to turn you into children, so you can hide inside the crates. 1 18 18 301 Travelling Wizard That also solves the problem. 1 19 19 301 After throwing four successful rolls, Gray Raven became Little Gray Raven. 20 20 301 But the Travelling Wizard never explained what the problem was. 21 21 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Just before the team arrived at the Travelling Wizard's temporary workshop, the villagers somehow found out where they were. Almost the entire village rushed to see their heroes. 22 22 202 DialogDisable 1 2 1 23 23 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg 24 24 201 1 500410 25 25 301 DialogEnable 1 Travelling Wizard We've got all the materials ready, folks. Rest assured that the crisis will soon be resolved. 1 26 26 301 The Travelling Wizard holds the bamboo leaves up high, trying to convince the crowd to leave. 27 27 301 Travelling Wizard What? Where are the heroes now? 1 28 28 301 Overwhelmed by the noisy crowd, he has to scream at the top of his lungs to answer them. 29 29 301 Travelling Wizard The heroes have gone back to the mountain. If you want to thank them, just wait in the village. 1 30 30 301 Travelling Wizard It's true! I swear! They are right there! 1 31 31 301 The Travelling Wizard points to the roof to make himself more convincing as he makes an oath. 32 32 301 The crowd has finally left. The Travelling Wizard collapses to the ground. 33 33 203 1 0.25 400 34 34 201 2 500049 -400 35 35 301 1 Liv Thank you, Travelling Wizard. 2 36 36 301 Liv peeks out from the roof. After feeling the villagers' extreme passion and hospitality, Gray Raven dares not show up directly in front of them. 37 37 301 Travelling Wizard No problem. I just didn't expect you to reject the honor without even thinking. 1 38 38 301 Liv We didn't help the village for that. 2 39 39 301 Travelling Wizard And that's exactly why I would like to thank you once again on behalf of the villagers. 1 40 40 301 Travelling Wizard But we don't have much time left. Where are you going next, heroes? 1 41 41 301 Liv Like what you said, there weren't enough materials outside the Realm of Dragons to make the replicas of the Ancient Triangle. 2 42 42 301 Travelling Wizard Correct. 1 43 43 301 Liv If we can solve the problem once and for all, we would love to give it a try. But we need a replica of the Ancient Triangle to enter the Realm of Dragons in the first place. 2 44 44 301 Liv So we want to go to the capital and get all the three parts needed first. 2 45 45 301 Travelling Wizard Great. 1 46 46 301 Liv Besides, we also collected a lot of materials from the bamboo forest. Once you have taken the portion you need, we'll give the rest to other villages in need along the way. After all, the forest is too dangerous for non-combatants to enter. 2 47 47 301 Travelling Wizard That's fantastic. When are you going to head out? Like, right now? 1 48 48 401 1 205 49 49 301 Lee Hold on... 50 50 301 Lee I think we need to settle our rewards first. 51 51 301 Travelling Wizard ... 1 52 52 301 Liv We didn't help you for the sake of rewards, but if we can get what we deserve, I'm sure we can help more people in the upcoming journey. 2 53 53 301 Travelling Wizard Oops, I almost forgot. 1 54 54 301 Lee I saw the Mountain God give you a large bag of gold coins. We must have completed some tasks along the way. 55 55 301 Lee Now I understand why the villagers forced you to make an oath. 56 56 301 Travelling Wizard Oh, don't say that. I was just comforting the villagers on behalf of gods. 1 57 57 202 2 1 58 58 201 2 500032 -400 59 59 301 1 Lucia You mean lying in the name of gods? 2 60 60 301 Travelling Wizard In the name of gods, I didn't lie. 1 61 61 301 The Travelling Wizard holds his head up high, as if it is one of the few things he can take pride in. 62 62 301 Travelling Wizard Anyway, here's the Heroes' Journal that records all the related information about the Realm of Dragons. It has been revised by many generations of heroes and can definitely be of help. 1 63 63 301 The Travelling Wizard holds something up high that resembles a notebook with many pieces of paper inside of different sizes. Just like what he described, its surface has been modified many times. 64 64 301 Liv stretches her hand as much as she could, but cannot reach the notebook with a child's body. Lucia has to hold her lower body so she can extend a little further to grab the Heroes' Journal. 65 65 301 The Travelling Wizard then strikes a pose to wave a silent goodbye. 66 66 302 Thanks for giving it to us. 67 67 67 302 But this is just the addendum at the bottom of the list of rewards, isn't it? 68 68 68 301 The Travelling Wizard crouches down as he prepares to run, pretending he didn't hear you. 69 69 202 1 2 1 70 70 302 (Immediately leap off the roof) 71 71 71 302 (Roll a Dexterity check) 72 (Roll a Strength check) 75 72 72 301 Dungeon Master Ayla Because you have been shrunk to a child's body, the DC (difficulty class) is very high. The dexterity roll is... successful. 1 73 73 301 Dungeon Master Ayla The Travelling Wizard takes a luck roll... 1 74 74 78 301 Dungeon Master Ayla Alright, Commandant lands from above and pounces on the Travelling Wizard, grabbing his robe. However, he quickly unties the robe, gets away, and disappears in the bush. 1 75 75 301 Dungeon Master Ayla Because you have been shrunk to a child's body, the DC (difficulty class) is very high. The strength roll is... successful. 1 76 76 301 Dungeon Master Ayla The Travelling Wizard takes a luck roll... 1 77 77 78 301 Dungeon Master Ayla Alright, Commandant lands from above and knocks the Travelling Wizard to the ground, but he quickly casts a spell to make himself slippery, losing the robe and disappearing in the bush. 1 78 78 201 1 500032 79 79 301 1 Lucia Commandant, shall we catch him? 1 80 80 302 Of course. He ran away with our rewards. 81 81 81 301 The team is about to go after the wizard, but something unexpected has caught up to them. 82 82 203 100 1 0.15 -100 83 83 202 1 84 84 301 Lucia tries to land but ends up falling on the grass. 85 85 201 1 500032 86 86 301 1 Lucia Why? 1 87 87 301 Dungeon Master Ayla As your bodies are shrunk to children's, you lose all attributes and any action that requires a check has their difficulty doubled before you get used to the new bodies. 88 88 202 1 1 89 89 201 1 500049 90 90 301 1 Liv Let me try. Roll. 1 91 91 301 Dungeon Master Ayla Rolling... Check failed. Little Liv stumbles upon her own feet, falling next to Little Lucia in the exact same way. 92 92 302 ... 93 93 93 302 Lee, would you like to give it a go too? 94 94 94 302 I mean, there's no ladder nearby anyway. 95 Don't worry, I'll catch you from below. 95 95 95 301 Lee Thanks, but no thanks. 96 96 301 Lee Commandant, don't forget that you are also a child now. Such action has its risks. Ayla, I'll roll a check. 97 97 301 Little Lee falls backward off the roof before he even starts to jump. 98 98 302 (We have trusted him too soon.) 99 99 99 301 Maybe we are the "problem" that he mentioned earlier... 100 100 302 Ayla, is there any way we can dispel this magic? 101 101 101 301 Dungeon Master Ayla Only those with the corresponding spell can do so. For example, a powerful wizard. 102 102 301 Liv If the Heroes' Journal was passed down by previous heroes, will it contain the information they left? Surely there must be some powerful wizards among them? 1 103 103 301 Liv opens the notebook and soon finds a hand-drawn map. 104 104 301 Liv Oh, here it is. The path to the capital... Commandant, we will go past a Nameless Sage along the way. 1 105 105 302 Ayla, what does the writing about this Nameless Sage look like? 106 106 106 301 Dungeon Master Ayla Looks pretty new. It almost has not faded at all. 107 107 302 Let's go there then. 108 108 108 202 1 109 109 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin We need to transform back to our original looks first...