Id Key ActivityId Page TextFormat DataName Note 1 TxtCharaEnName 1 2 {0} MaxAbilityCharacterEnName Character Name (English) of Most Trained Character 2 TxtCharaFullName 1 2 {0} MaxAbilityCharacterFullName Name of Most Trained Character (Full) 3 TxtAbility 1 2 {0} MaxAbility BP of Most Trained Character 4 TxtLoveNum 1 2 You have reached "{1}" Affection with \n{0} members MaxTrustData Characters with Max Affection 5 TxtPartnerNum 1 2 Currently owned: {0} PartnerCount CUBs Owned 6 TxtPlayerName 1 2 {0} Name Commandant Name 7 TxtRegisterTime 1 2 {0} CreateTime Time Registered 8 TxtPlayDays 1 2 {0} days have passed ExistDayCount Time Since Registration 9 TxtGuildName 1 2 {0} GuildName Guild Name 10 TxtMainStoryProgress 1 2 {0} {1} MainLineStage Main Mission Progress Stage Name {0} Progress ID {1} Stage Name 11 TxtMainChapter 1 2 {0} BfrtSchedule Stronghold Chapter Name 12 TxtAreaChapter 1 2 You have reached Area {0} AssignSchedule Border Pact Progress 13 TxtPlayerName 1 5 {0} Name Commandant Name 14 TxtPlayerId 1 5 {0} PlayerId Commandant ID 15 TxtEnterDay 1 5 {0} CreateTime Time Registered 16 TxtPlayDay 1 5 {0} ExistDayCount Time Since Registration 17 TxtMedalNum 1 5 {0} MedalCount Medals Earned 18 TxtCollectionNum 1 5 {0} ScoreTitleCount Collectibles Obtained 19 TxtMemberCount 1 5 {0} CharacterCnt Characters Owned 20 TxtLoveNum 1 5 {0} MaxTrustLvCharacterCnt Characters with Max Affection 21 TxtMaxTrustName 1 5 {0} MaxTrustName Name of Character with Max Affection 22 TxtDormNum 1 5 {0} DormCount Dormitories Owned 23 TxtFurnitureNum 1 5 {0} FurnitureCount Decor Owned 24 TxtPlayerName 2 2 {0} Name Commandant Name 25 TxtRegisterTime 2 2 {0} CreateTime Player Registration Time 26 TxtPlayDays 2 2 {0} day(s) from now ExistDayCount Time From Registration 27 TxtGuildName 2 2 {0} GuildName Guild Name 28 TxtLoginDayTimes 2 2 You've been on mission in Babylonia for {0} days this year. LoginDayTimes Log-in Days This Year 29 TxtConsumeSerum 2 2 {0}ml Serum used ConsumeSerum Total Serum Consumed This Year 30 TxtConsumeNut 2 2 {0} Cog(s) used ConsumeNut Total Cogs Consumed This Year 31 TxtCharaEnName 2 2 {0} MaxAbilityCharacterEnName English Name of the Character with the Highest Practice 32 TxtCharaFullName 2 2 {0} MaxAbilityCharacterFullName Name of the Character with the Highest Practice (Full Name) 33 TxtAbility 2 2 {0} MaxAbility Battle Power of the Character with the Highest Practice 34 TxtLoveNum 2 2 Affection reaches [{1}]\nwith {0} members MaxTrustData Characters with the Highest Affection 35 TxtPartnerNum 2 2 Owned in Total: {0} PartnerCount CUBs Owned 36 TxtMainStoryProgress 2 2 {0} {1} MainLineStage Main Story Stage Name {0} Progress No.{1} Stage Name 37 TxtMainChapter 2 2 {0} BfrtSchedule Stronghold 38 TxtAreaChapter 2 2 Successfully reached Area {0} AssignSchedule Border Pact Progress 39 TxtPlayerName 2 5 {0} Name Commandant Name 40 TxtPlayerId 2 5 {0} PlayerId Commandant ID 41 TxtEnterDay 2 5 {0} CreateTime Player Registration Time 42 TxtPlayDay 2 5 {0} ExistDayCount Time From Registration 43 TxtMedalNum 2 5 {0} MedalCount Medals Obtained 44 TxtCollectionNum 2 5 {0} ScoreTitleCount Collectibles Obtained 45 TxtMemberCount 2 5 {0} CharacterCnt Characters Owned 46 TxtLoveNum 2 5 {0} MaxTrustLvCharacterCnt Characters with the Highest Affection 47 TxtMaxTrustName 2 5 {0} MaxTrustName Name of the Highest Affection 48 TxtDormNum 2 5 {0} DormCount Dormitories Owned 49 TxtFurnitureNum 2 5 {0} FurnitureCount Decors Owned