Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 2 2 401 1 36 3 3 401 2 584 1 4 4 304 Day 35. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 1 5 5 304 I saw a building collapse today. Perhaps the concrete underwent some chemical reaction due to the temperature change. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 1 6 6 304 I was... (Static)... patrolling aimlessly when I heard the sound of glass shattering. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 1 7 7 304 Not long after that, a window wall snapped and dropped vertically onto the pavement. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 1 8 8 304 Afterward, there was like a gentle push from a pair of invisible hands... ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 1 9 9 304 And the building fell like a domino. Shards spattered everywhere, carried by a gust of wind. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 1 10 10 304 I suddenly wondered how long it took the people who lived there to build this towering structure. Nature reclaimed it in but a second. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 1 11 11 304 AniZhuanchangBegin Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory538.png 1 1 12 12 402 584 13 13 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory573.jpg 14 14 301 DialogEnable Snow covers everything as far as they can see, and high-rises and roadside structures are buried beneath unmelting ice. Human settlements are ruined beyond recognition. 15 15 401 1 208 16 16 301 This is the first time Sniper-PK43 leaves his building. Walking in the city he was once tasked to guard, he creates a little white mist with every step he takes as his legs press and lifts the quiet, unmoving snow. 17 17 301 Carefully he walks as if afraid of ruining the planet he sets foot on. Then he finds a giant wave of snow coming from the highway before him. 18 18 201 1 500482 800 19 19 301 PanelActor1Shake 1 ?? Awoooo—! 1 20 20 301 ?? The inspectors are here to catch naughty kids! 1 21 21 203 1 0.25 22 22 401 2 1514 23 23 301 A suffocating mech approaches Sniper-PK43 as he hears a girl's voice above it. 24 24 402 1514 25 25 201 1 500470 -350 600 26 26 301 1 Sniper Is this what you wanted to show me? 1 27 27 201 1 500476 28 28 301 1 Nanami Indeed! Isn't it cool? 1 29 29 201 1 500470 -350 600 30 30 301 1 Sniper I couldn't detect you even when you rode this monstrosity into my range. What exactly are you... 1 31 31 201 1 500475 4 32 32 301 1 Nanami I told you. Nanami is Nanami! 1 33 33 201 1 500470 -350 600 34 34 301 1 Sniper Where did you find this, anyway? 1 35 35 201 1 500475 36 36 301 1 Nanami You mean Power? 1 37 37 301 Nanami slaps the mech underneath her. 38 38 301 Nanami Nanami doesn't know either. Power was here when I arrived here. 1 39 39 201 1 500470 -350 600 40 40 301 Sniper And you gave it a weird name... It is a shame it cannot speak for itself. 1 41 41 201 1 500476 42 42 301 1 Nanami Doesn't its name sound powerful? Nanami spent a long time before coming up with it! 1 43 43 301 Nanami Nanami chooses the form of Power! 1 44 44 401 2 1514 45 45 203 1 0.25 -1920 46 46 301 With Nanami's nonsensical command, the mech begins to tread forward with its giant steps. 47 47 202 1 1 48 48 402 1514 49 49 201 1 500475 50 50 301 1 Nanami What should we do next...? 1 51 51 201 1 500470 -350 600 52 52 301 1 Sniper You said you would help me find my maker, but you have no idea how to do it? 1 53 53 201 1 500476 54 54 301 1 Nanami We'll figure it out! Nanami has solved many problems on her journey, so don't you worry! I'll be able to help you with this! 1 55 55 202 1 1 56 56 301 AniZhuanchangBegin There is nothing Sniper-PK43 can do but follow the mech-riding girl silently on this aimless journey. 57 57 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory55.jpg 58 58 301 AniZhuanchangEnd They walk past three seemingly identical blocks, where the sights are as they appeared back when Sniper-PK43 saw them on his roof—dreary and lifeless. 59 59 301 They enter the buildings that have yet to collapse, searching for any sign of human activities, but they always leave empty-handed. 60 60 301 Perhaps this is the end of the world, Sniper-PK43 thinks, and the soldier and he are the two remaining beings in this world—an enlarged version of their roof. 61 61 201 1 500475 62 62 301 1 Nanami Hey, look... There's something ahead...! 1 63 63 202 1 1 64 64 301 Nanami screams after they cross a sparse wood. 65 65 301 What catches Nanami's attention is a building barely visible ahead of them. Unlike the structures in previous areas, it is not covered in snow but a giant white dome, and figures, seemingly mechanoids, scatter around the place. 66 66 201 1 500470 -350 600 67 67 301 1 Sniper Hold on, let's make sure they are not Corrupted... 1 68 68 202 1 1 69 69 301 Nanami charges forward with Power, and Sniper-PK43 has no choice but to follow. At the base of the building is a mechanoid clearing the remaining snow. It stops when it notices Nanami approaching, and the monitor above its head glows yellow. 70 70 301 After a second, it speaks. 71 71 201 1 500354 72 72 301 1 Mechanoid Guests! Guests! 1 73 73 301 With that, other mechanoids of different models and shapes around it also stop their work and pass along the phrase. "Guests! Guests!" The line echoes among the machines, spreading to the entire area. 74 74 201 1 500476 75 75 301 1 Nanami How welcoming! 1 76 76 202 1 77 77 301 Nanami jumps off Power's back and steps forward. She is greeted by an adorable robot. 78 78 201 1 500354 79 79 301 1 Snowball Hello! My name is Snowball. Welcome to the House of Love! This is a charming neighborhood designed for humans. Are you here to visit? 1 80 80 203 1 0.25 -400 81 81 201 2 500472 1 400 82 82 301 1 Nanami There are still communities like this around? That's wonderful! Nanami is searching for a human. Do you have humans here? 2 83 83 301 Snowball There are currently no humans living in this neighborhood... 1 84 84 301 The small robot droops its ears, looking disappointed, but it soon cheers up once again. 85 85 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Snowball But we have been preparing for humanity's arrival. Our site provides first-class services and comes with comprehensive residential and entertainment facilities. Feel free to come in and take a look! 1 86 86 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory96.png 87 87 202 1 2 1 88 88 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Because of the dome, the "neighborhood" is not covered in snow like its surroundings. Still, the wind has brought snow inside, so plenty of mechanoids are working on clearing the snow and repairing the facilities. 89 89 301 Sniper-PK43 even sees a bear carrying a large fridge across the road. 90 90 201 1 500472 7 91 91 301 1 Nanami There are so many mechanoids in this place! Have you always been here? 1 92 92 201 1 500354 93 93 301 1 Snowball We all came from different parts of the world, gathering in this place. I was a performer mechanoid in an amusement park, but I led everyone here because we shared the same wish. 1 94 94 201 1 500470 -350 600 95 95 301 1 Sniper What wish is that? 1 96 96 201 1 500354 97 97 301 1 Snowball That humans would return. 1 98 98 201 1 500472 99 99 301 Nanami Speaking of which, where are all the humans? Nanami hasn't seen a single person on her journey here... 1 100 100 201 1 500354 101 101 301 1 Snowball There have been fewer and fewer humans on the surface ever since the moment it suddenly started snowing. I never saw one again, so I had to leave the park to find another place that would need me... 1 102 102 202 1 1 103 103 301 The bear, who is passing by Nanami, also stops. 104 104 201 1 500208 105 105 301 1 Bear Same here... I was a bionic mechanoid in the ARU. I would help out the fishermen there, unlike the other bears... Ever since the winter came, the Arctic was even colder than before. All the fishermen gradually left. 1 106 106 201 1 500084 1 107 107 301 1 Explorer Happened to me too. I was stationed in the desert, but it became a snowfield by the time I left. 1 108 108 201 1 500472 14 109 109 301 1 Nanami Why has it become like this...? 1 110 110 301 Listening to the mechanoids talking about their experience, Nanami begins to look more and more somber. It seems that extreme weather has not just happened to this city. 111 111 201 1 500354 112 112 301 1 Snowball We are here. Please come in, dear guests. 1 113 113 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The community leader brings Nanami and Sniper-PK43 to a building, gesturing them to enter. 114 114 202 1 1 115 115 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory260.png 116 116 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Nanami exclaims the moment she steps inside. 117 117 201 1 500472 7 118 118 301 1 Nanami Whoa...! I can't believe there's still a place like this! Did you guys make all of these? 1 119 119 301 The hall has been transformed into a tidy, cozy home, with a sofa and a coffee table in the lounge and a play area that is colorful and bright. In the center of the hall is a large machine emitting heat. 120 120 203 1 0.25 400 121 121 201 2 500354 -400 122 122 301 1 Snowball We did. I was going to place some plants here, but finding surviving plants is impossible these days... 2 123 123 204 1 1 124 124 301 Sniper-PK43 recognizes the plants in the hall are all just replicates made with synthetic polymers. 125 125 301 The small robot spins around in the hall, introducing each facility to Nanami. 126 126 301 Snowball This is our leisure area, where humans can relax and rest. 2 127 127 301 Snowball This is the play area for human children. We thought that if humans visited, they might bring children with them. 2 128 128 204 1 7 129 129 301 Nanami Oh my! It's Nanami's favorite arcade! 1 130 130 204 1 1 131 131 301 Snowball Here we have installations modeled after an aquarium. Since we could not find any living fish, our bionic fish are playing the parts for now. 2 132 132 301 The small bionic fish inside the tank approaches the glass, tapping tenderly where Nanami places her hand. 133 133 301 Snowball We built this "bonfire" to keep humans warm. We believed humans were gone seeking warmer places because of how cold this place became. As long as we guard this neighborhood, humans will find us and move in. 2 134 134 301 As the small robot talks, another mechanoid approaches, holding a tray. 135 135 301 Martini Please try our food, esteemed guests. 136 136 301 Snowball We are not sure how they taste since none of us have tastebuds... Perhaps you can offer some suggestions, Madam. 2 137 137 301 Before Snowball can finish, Nanami has already grabbed the cake from the tray and stuffed it into her mouth. 138 138 301 Nanami Nom-nom-nom. Nanami finks dey ah fery tasti! 1 139 139 202 1 2 1 140 140 201 1 500470 -350 600 141 141 301 1 Sniper Is that really okay... 1 142 142 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Looking at the girl with her big thumbs-up, Sniper-PK43 can only pretend not to see it and continue searching every corner of the interior. 143 143 202 1 1 144 144 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory259.png 145 145 301 AniZhuanchangEnd After Nanami has experienced all the facilities in a back-to-back mad dash, she crashes on the sofa, too tired to keep going. 146 146 201 1 500472 1 400 1 147 147 201 2 500354 -400 148 148 301 1 Snowball How would you rate our service, dear guest? 2 149 149 301 Nanami Fantastic! Nanami is satisfied! 1 150 150 301 Receiving feedback, Snowball jots down some notes seriously. 151 151 301 Nanami What are you doing? 1 152 152 301 Snowball Recording your feedback. That is how I can continue to improve this place. 2 153 153 202 1 2 1 154 154 201 1 500470 -350 600 1 155 155 301 1 Sniper She is not a human either... 1 156 156 201 1 500472 1 400 1 157 157 201 2 500354 -400 1 158 158 301 1 Snowball For some reason, I have a strange feeling that this madam is someone very special, so her opinions are equally important... 2 159 159 201 1 500473 400 160 160 301 1 Nanami Of course I'm special! Nanami is Nanami, duh! 1 161 161 301 Snowball Miss Nanami is like a human to us. 2 162 162 201 1 500472 1 400 163 163 301 1 Nanami Like a human? Nanami doesn't know anything about that. Anyway, you're all very nice, and I had a great time! There is just one thing! 1 164 164 301 Snowball Hm...? Is there something we can improve? 2 165 165 301 Nanami You aren't happy enough! Be happier! Let Nanami give you some pointers in return for your excellent service! 1 166 166 202 1 2 1 167 167 201 1 500470 -350 600 168 168 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Sniper ... 1 169 169 202 1 1 170 170 201 1 500354 1 171 171 201 2 500208 400 1 172 172 201 3 500084 -400 1 173 173 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Soon, the wall is adorned with Nanami's colorful graffiti: "Welcome to the House of Love". A small troupe of mechanoids led by Snowball is posing before it cheerfully, albeit stiffly. 174 174 502 PanelActor1Shake 175 175 502 PanelActor2Shake 176 176 502 PanelActor3Shake 177 177 301 1 Snowball T-ta-da—welcome to the House of Love! 1 178 178 202 1 2 3 1 179 179 201 1 500473 180 180 301 1 Nanami Cut! Perfect! 1 181 181 301 Acting as a director, Nanami rubs her chin satisfactorily on the side. 182 182 203 1 0.25 400 183 183 201 2 500354 -400 184 184 301 1 Snowball Will this make humans happy? 2 185 185 301 Nanami Ha! Ha! Ha! Of course it will! You all look so warm and adorable! Ten out of ten! 1 186 186 301 Snowball I still do not comprehend. We are warm? But this room is still far from generating the temperature humans find comfortable... 2 187 187 201 1 500472 1 400 188 188 301 1 Nanami I wasn't talking about the temperature. I meant you are welcoming and affectionate... 1 189 189 301 Gently, she holds Snowball's head in her hands. 190 190 301 Nanami You send your love to the other person, and the other person will feel warm and fuzzy inside! 1 191 191 204 1 2 192 192 301 Nanami touches Snowball's forehead with hers. Like a ritual, the small robot seems to be able to receive Nanami's "love" in silence. 193 193 301 Snowball I see... Is this warmth? 2 194 194 301 Snowball Thank you, Miss Nanami... 2 195 195 201 1 500473 400 196 196 301 1 Nanami You're welcome! Hehe, this is what Nanami ought to do! 1 197 197 301 Snowball Alright then, we shall put rehearsal into our daily maintenance routine. We will keep working hard, Miss Nanami. 2 198 198 301 Nanami Good! I believe there will be humans here one day! 1 199 199 201 1 500472 1 400 200 200 301 1 Nanami We've been here for a while now... 1 201 201 202 1 2 1 202 202 201 1 500470 -350 600 203 203 301 1 Sniper There are no signs of human activity here. We should go. 1 204 204 201 1 500472 5 400 1 205 205 201 2 500354 -400 1 206 206 301 1 Nanami I know, I know! 1 207 207 204 1 1 208 208 301 Nanami Nanami planned to continue her journey anyway. So, this is where we say goodbye. 1 209 209 301 Snowball Is that so... If it were not for the other mechanoids here, I would have joined you in your search for humans. 2 210 210 301 Nanami You can! Nanami would love to have you join us! 1 211 211 301 Snowball But I will never get to see the humans who find our neighborhood if I leave. It is my duty to make humans feel at home. I shall continue to guard this place until the day I can no longer lead us. 2 212 212 204 1 14 213 213 301 Nanami Nanami feels so moved... 1 214 214 202 1 2 1 215 215 201 1 500470 -350 600 216 216 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Sniper Please refrain from wiping your snot and tears on me, especially when we do not know what they are made of. 1 217 217 202 1 1 218 218 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory94.png 219 219 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Nanami waves goodbye to the mechanoids at the entrance of the community. 220 220 201 1 500473 221 221 301 1 Nanami You've all done a great job! 1 222 222 201 1 500354 223 223 301 1 Snowball Goodbye, Miss Nanami. Thank you for your feedback. Please visit us soon! 1 224 224 201 1 500472 2 225 225 301 1 Nanami Woohoo—! Nanami had a great time! 1 226 226 202 1 1 227 227 301 That is when Nanami and Sniper-PK43 realize it is already nighttime outside. 228 228 401 2 968 229 229 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySnowNew.prefab 1 230 230 301 The wind seems to be stronger at night, pulling more snow into the "neighborhood." Whirling inside the dome, it almost sounds like it is wailing. 231 231 201 1 500470 -350 600 232 232 301 1 Sniper What is wrong? 1 233 233 201 1 500472 234 234 301 1 Nanami Nothing. It's just... the wind sounds like it's crying. 1 235 235 204 1 2 236 236 301 Longingly, Nanami places her hand on the building's wall as if feeling something. 237 237 301 Nanami ... 1 238 238 204 1 1 239 239 301 Nanami Snipey, once we've found your maker, Commandant, and the others, we'll tell all of them about this neighborhood! 1 240 240 301 Nanami Then, this will truly become a happy place. 1 241 241 201 1 500470 -350 600 242 242 301 1 Sniper What is a "Commandant"? 1 243 243 301 Sniper And were you not happy? 1 244 244 202 1 1 245 245 301 Sniper-PK43 is surprised to hear what he said. He does not understand what "happiness" is, but he unintentionally interprets Nanami's behavior as a human. 246 246 301 Nanami smiles. 247 247 201 1 500472 1 248 248 301 1 Nanami It's because I saw how everyone still remains hopeful, and that hope, in return, continues to push them forward. That's why I'm happy! 1 249 249 301 She waves, and the mech waiting outside the dome seems to feel her longing and walks toward her. 250 250 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Nanami Let's keep going, Snipey. 1 251 251 402 968 252 252 202 1 1 253 253 401 1 36 254 254 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory93.png 255 255 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Miles away from the neighborhood, Nanami and Sniper-PK43 look down as they—technically, just Nanami—lie on a plateau. They can still see the bright and empty city in the distance as if it is the only star in the silent night. 256 256 401 1 120 257 257 301 Nanami raises her hand to block away the snow falling on her face. Through the gap between her fingers, she looks at the lonely neighborhood. 258 258 201 1 500472 259 259 301 1 Nanami Do you like it there, Snipey? 1 260 260 201 1 500470 -350 600 261 261 301 1 Sniper ...Are you referring to that community? It does not mean anything in particular to me. 1 262 262 202 1 1 263 263 301 Eventually, Nanami puts down her sore arm and blinks, staring at the flashing phantoms the bright stars left in her eyes. 264 264 201 1 500472 265 265 301 1 Nanami For a second, Nanami doesn't know where she is... 1 266 266 301 She flips over on the ground and extends her arms, burying her face in the snow as if she is embracing the earth. 267 267 301 Nanami Even though Nanami has always traveled alone since she left home, I never felt lonely. 1 268 268 204 1 14 269 269 301 Nanami But now... for some reason... 1 270 270 301 She pats the ground gently, and the snow splashes onto Sniper-PK43. 271 271 204 1 272 272 301 Nanami Alright, alright... Please stop being upset if you're mad, granny earth... 1 273 273 201 1 500470 -350 600 274 274 301 1 Sniper Are you trying to comfort earth for real? 1 275 275 301 The girl, with her head in the snow, replies, but her words are all muffled. 276 276 301 Sniper Although my database is not updated, I know that... Earth is strong. Stronger than any human or mechanoid. 1 277 277 301 As he speaks, his motion sensor captures a strangely-shaped red deer dashing through the night. Creatures other than humans seem to have started to adapt to the environment. 278 278 301 Sniper-PK43 cannot help but wonder. 279 279 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Are there... still humans on this planet?