Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2301_12.jpg 2 2 401 1 207 3 3 301 DialogEnable 02:07 p.m. 4 4 301 It has been 32 hours since she left the conservation area of City 043. The girl finally makes it back to this place, her leg fractured and broken. 5 5 301 Liv ... 6 6 301 Liv wants to speak, but her words are lost before they can reach her trembling lips. Her leg is in pain, but compared to that, what she feels in her chest is even worse. It is like something got stuck there and is pulling at her pain nerves. 7 7 301 No matter how many times she checks, the result is the same. The boy in front of her has grown cold and lifeless. 8 8 301 The sunlight at noon is warm. A gentle breeze echoes through the central courtyard and the empty halls like a playful child. 9 9 301 The exit to freedom is so close yet so far to reach for those trapped here. 10 10 301 Liv ...I... I... 11 11 301 The sorrow and sadness she tried so hard to bury inside her heart over these past few days are too much to bear. She can no longer hold it in. Her mind crumbles, letting out all her most emotional feelings. She hates herself. 12 12 301 The skinny border collie circles around his dead master, licking the blood that has run dry and turned black, but the wounds will never heal again. 13 13 301 It turns around and touches Liv's hand with his nose, telling her to use her bandage. 14 14 301 Liv ... 15 15 301 The girl dressed in a white suit looks down at the item in her hand. It is a gift that comes from her perilous journey over the past 31 hours. 16 16 301 Back then, there was still hope— 17 17 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory314.png 2 18 18 301 Making it through countless collapsed buildings lying in rubble while surrounded by the Corrupted and Hetero-Creatures, two overloaded ambulances drove for 13 hours before they reached the conservation area of City 046. 19 19 510 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2301_12.jpg 20 20 301 Just as Lucia predicted, the armed Scavengers living in this place are not at all friendly. 21 21 301 After some "exchanges" using violent forces and firepower, their leader finally agreed to have a "friendly" conversation with the Constructs. 22 22 201 13 500398 -400 23 23 201 14 500166 5 400 24 24 301 1 Armed Refugee Leader Get out of here! Constructs are not welcome here! 13 25 25 301 Armed Refugee Leader This conservation area is our promised land. We kept our side of the bargain and rebuilt it, but Babylonia took the liberty and gave it to someone else. 13 26 26 301 Armed Refugee Leader Now that we have finally reclaimed what is rightfully ours, you filthy dogs still refuse to let us be? 13 27 27 301 Lucia No. We just wanted to find shelter for the wounded people in these cars. 14 28 28 301 Armed Refugee Leader Humph. I'm sick and tired of your excuses. They told us last time they had to prioritize those in need due to limited resources. And guess what happened? We were driven away and forced to rebuild another place! 13 29 29 201 14 1031001 400 30 30 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Liv No. That's not we want... We were indeed under attack by a barrage of Hetero-Creatures. We will never take advantage of your space. Please listen to us and give us a chance. 14 31 2212 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory457.jpg 2 32 2213 510 1000 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2301_12.jpg 33 31 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Liv tries to explain the many benefits if everyone helps each other, but the Scavengers won't listen to reason. 34 32 301 In the end, what makes them compromise is the Hetero-Creature disaster that took place in City 043. 35 33 301 In exchange, all the Constructs but the Gray Ravens must remain there to stand guard and protect City 046 from the potential threat of more Hetero-Creatures. 36 34 301 Armed Refugee Leader Since the threat is real, I will insist no longer. I hope we can survive together, but when things get out of hand, we'll have to save our own skin first. 13 37 35 301 Armed Refugee Leader Bring your casualties inside. And don't forget your promises. 13 38 36 301 Lucia Rest assured. I never go back on my words. 14 39 37 301 After helping the casualties and refugees settle down and handing over their duties in the conservation area of City 046 to the other guards, Gray Raven returns once again to City 043. 40 38 202 13 14 1 41 39 301 After the problems are resolved, Gray Raven returns once again to City 043. 42 40 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory339.png 1 43 41 301 But what awaits them isn't the flat wasteland they used to see in the outskirt area of City 043. Instead, they see despair in crimson color. 44 42 510 2 45 43 301 This time, the Red Tide isn't as overwhelming as the one they encountered in City 075, but it is more than enough to submerge the outskirts of City 043. 46 44 301 Thankfully, the conservation area is located on high ground and safe from the threat, for now. 47 45 201 11 500026 400 48 46 201 12 500166 5 -400 49 47 301 1 Lee We don't have enough protective measures. We must proceed with caution. 11 50 48 301 Lucia It's okay. I know an underground tunnel. It was a metro system abandoned halfway through its development. Many Corrupted workers still remain there. 12 51 49 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia This can be dangerous and we'll have to take a detour, but it is absolutely doable. And we'll make it there in time. 12 52 50 202 11 12 1 53 51 510 1 54 52 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory286.png 2 55 53 510 1000 2 56 54 301 AniZhuanchangEnd —If nothing went wrong, they would have safely made it through the Red Tide and back to the conservation area in 3 hours. 57 55 301 But there is no "would have." 58 56 301 Without the commandant's access, they have no way of knowing in which city the twins are. 59 57 301 AniZhuanchangBegin And when they appear within the detecting range of Liv's sensors, Gray Raven realizes the incarnation of despair and catastrophe has already made it across City 042 and arrived at this very place. 60 58 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory325.png 61 59 201 1 500363 400 62 60 201 2 500364 -400 63 61 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Twin: Male ... 2 64 62 301 Twin: Female ... 1 65 63 201 1 1031001 5 -600 66 64 201 2 500166 5 67 65 201 3 500026 600 68 66 301 1 Liv They want to cross the Red Tide... And they are approaching the conservation area! 1 69 67 301 Liv Cali, Lina, Stanley, and Matches are still there in the conservation area! 1 70 68 301 Lucia We have to stop them! 2 71 69 301 Lee We cannot directly make it through the Red Tide. But if we take a detour, we'll be too late. 3 72 70 301 Lucia Let's draw their attention. 2 73 71 301 Lucia That is the only way to stop them from getting inside the conservation area! 2 74 72 301 Lee Alright. 3 75 73 401 2 10011001 76 74 401 300 2 10011001 77 75 401 200 2 10011001 78 76 301 Standing right next to the Red Tide, Lee shoots at the twins from 3.8 kilometers away several times. But the distance proves to be a problem as those shots fail to land on their targets. 79 77 301 Lee Tsk. If only Snipe or Wanshi were here... 3 80 78 301 Liv Wait a minute. I think they are turning around... and heading for us! 1 81 79 301 Lucia Have we been spotted? 2 82 80 301 Liv They are indeed approaching us. Perhaps they heard our voices? 1 83 81 301 Lee Another possibility is those creatures have learned... or should I say stolen the movement detecting technologies from a certain Construct. 3 84 82 301 Lucia In any case, we have managed to draw our targets' attention. Let's split up and retreat. We must not engage them in a fight! 2 85 83 301 Lee Alright. 3 86 84 301 Lucia You go that way. Liv, I'll carry you! 2 87 85 202 1 2 3 1 88 86 301 The three of them immediately jump off the car and run off in different directions under the cover of the night. 89 87 301 The twins seem to have noticed this trick and stopped for a few seconds to rethink their next move. 90 88 301 Then, they imitate Gray Raven's tactic. The male twin turns to chase Lee as the female twin follows closely behind Liv and Lucia. 91 89 301 The pursuit continues for hours. They hunt Gray Raven with such ease that it is more like they are playing with their prey. 92 90 201 1 1031001 5 -400 93 91 201 2 500166 5 400 94 92 301 1 Liv ...We cannot shake them off... 1 95 93 301 Lucia I don't think they are even going at full speed. What must we do to escape? 2 96 94 301 Lucia Lee, what's your status? 2 97 8000 203 1 0.25 -800 98 95 202 1 99 96 203 2 0.25 -500 100 97 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory320.png 2 101 98 201 13 500026 400 102 99 301 1 Lee Same as yours. 13 103 100 301 Lee It is still on my tail. 13 104 101 301 Though they manage to distract the twins from the conservation area, they are also trapping themselves in a tricky situation at the same time. 105 102 510 2 106 103 202 1 2 13 1 107 104 301 Just when the three of them are exhausted, desperate, and about to give up, they receive a call from the Babylonia HQ. 108 105 301 Seizing their one chance to shake off the twins, the members of Gray Raven agree to participate in the first testing program of the Omega Prototype. 109 106 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Starting from there... they are caught in a fierce fight where bullets fly and blades clash. 110 107 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2301_12.jpg 111 108 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The three of them suffer different levels of injuries. Liv's leg, previously bandaged and supported by a splint, fractures completely. She can barely move without Lucia helping her. 112 109 301 And when they finally return, it is all too late. 113 110 301 The three of them split up to search for survivors in City 043, but Vanessa and Bambinata are nowhere to be found. 114 111 301 Tired and wounded, Liv trudges back to the conservation area only to find the three people who stayed behind have passed away. 115 112 301 Liv ... 116 113 301 All the deaths that Liv witnessed before didn't make her indifferent or cold-hearted. She regrets her inability to save lives. 117 114 301 Liv If only I had the ability to change all this, or had I been able to take them with us, I would've been able to save them. Cali, Lina, Stanley, Vanessa, Bambinata... all of them... 118 115 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv ...But there is no "would have." 119 116 401 3000 1 201 120 117 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory45.jpg 121 118 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Meanwhile, the researchers and decision-makers of Babylonia are waiting anxiously, dying to know if their "hope" has born any fruits. 122 119 201 1 500001 4 123 120 301 1 Celica The mission is complete... Glad we made it. 1 124 121 201 1 500012 125 122 301 1 Nikola It seems Gray Raven has enough strength to handle the twins. 1 126 123 201 1 500011 127 124 301 1 Hassen No. If they had enough strength, they wouldn't be driven to the corner. 1 128 125 301 He sighs. Now that is rare. 129 126 301 Hassen Had we given Gray Raven more time to prepare, they would've done better. And the result would've also been better. 1 130 127 201 1 500012 131 128 301 1 Nikola But there is no "would have." 1 132 129 301 Nikola Devastated by the disaster and hunted by our enemies, neither the victims nor our Gray Raven had time to react. And those maniacs wouldn't wait either. 1 133 130 201 1 500011 134 131 301 1 Hassen ... 1 135 132 202 14 1 136 133 201 1 500012 137 134 301 1 Nikola Show me the records. 1 138 135 301 Nikola takes the terminal from Celica. Together, the two of them look at its data, their eyebrows furrowed. 139 136 203 1 0.25 -550 140 137 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory287.png 2 141 138 201 13 500364 400 142 139 301 1 In the footage, Gray Raven barely managed to complete the rescue mission at the crash site and throw the Omega Prototype at the male twin. 143 140 301 Coming into contact with the cube, his "skin" started to fester, melt, and peel off. 144 141 301 Like a human, he wailed and watched as the skin fell to the ground. 145 142 201 13 500026 400 146 143 301 1 Lee That's all the damage we can do? 13 147 144 301 Lee ...But it seems his Punishing Virus... was absorbed? 13 148 145 201 13 500166 5 400 149 146 301 1 Lucia Recycle the weapon. We'll do another test round on the female twin. 13 150 147 201 13 1031001 5 400 151 148 301 1 Liv Okay! 13 152 149 301 After an ugly fight, they finally landed the Omega Prototype on the female twin as well. The same festering process occurred, this time eating away her hands and chest. 153 150 301 —Not only that, the festering wounds caused by this weapon didn't heal shortly afterward. 154 151 201 13 500026 400 155 152 301 1 Lee We have the data we need. The two tests show pretty much the same result. 13 156 153 201 13 500166 5 400 157 154 301 1 Lucia Our mission is done. Fall back! 13 158 155 301 She turns around only to find Liv's leg is broken. 159 156 301 Lucia Liv! We gotta get out of here! 13 160 157 301 She grabs Liv by her hand and uses the thruster to take flight, quickly pulling away from those two extremely dangerous threats. 161 158 201 1 500012 -500 162 159 301 1 Nikola The twins learn and adapt very fast, but they are not smart enough to see through the tricks of our Omega Weapon yet. 1 163 160 301 Recorded data shows the twins watched as Liv and the others left. They were looking at each other's wounds and making twisted, horrifying sounds. 164 161 201 13 500364 400 165 162 301 1 Twin: Male —"D-don't worry about me..." 13 166 163 201 13 500363 400 167 164 301 1 Twin: Female —"I'm not leaving you here..." 13 168 165 202 13 169 166 301 Nikola Humph. And who are they imitating this time? 1 170 167 301 After the two went out of sight, the twins finally started to observe the Omega Prototype dropped on the ground. 171 168 301 They no longer made physical contact. Instead, they found tools from their surroundings and used them to touch the cube in front of them. 172 169 301 Before long, this Omega Prototype Hassen once called "hope" stopped functioning because it was both overloaded and ravaged by stones. 173 170 510 2 174 171 203 1 0.25 -400 175 172 201 2 500011 400 176 173 301 1 The records stop here. 177 174 301 Hassen Are they still following Gray Raven? 2 178 175 201 1 500001 4 -400 179 176 301 1 Celica No. Asimov believes they are now wary of the Omega Prototype, which is why they have also given up on pursuing Gray Raven. 1 180 177 301 Celica But I don't think they... No, it's nothing. 1 181 178 301 Celica He was right. This experiment did help Gray Raven get out of that dangerous situation. 1 182 179 301 Hassen What happened to our team that helped deliver the Omega Prototype? 2 183 180 301 Celica Gray Raven tried to save them. 4 survived and 6 died. And they only managed to retrieve 1 supply box. 1 184 181 301 With these ugly numbers, the two know this isn't a fair deal. They sacrificed more than what they could rescue. 185 182 301 But they didn't send down this cube—this Omega Prototype—just to rescue people. 186 183 201 1 500012 -400 187 184 301 1 Nikola Sacrifices are inevitable. Had we faltered, we would've suffered heavier losses. 1 188 185 301 Hassen Have we delivered the data and records to Asimov? 2 189 186 201 1 500001 4 -400 190 187 301 1 Celica Yes. He confirmed it. Our Omega Prototype does have the power to absorb the Punishing Virus and actually hurt the twins. 1 191 188 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Hassen feels relieved. 192 189 202 1 2 1 193 190 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 194 191 401 1 36 195 192 401 1000 1 12 196 193 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Matches Woof! 197 194 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiZhuanchangBeginHei.prefab 2 198 195 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2301_12.jpg 199 196 301 Just when Liv is about to fall down deeper into a vortex of regrets, a loud barking sound interrupts her thoughts. 200 197 301 Liv Matches... 201 198 301 Upon hearing his name, the border collie sits next to Liv like a good boy. 202 199 301 Liv You are the only one left... 203 200 301 —Should she take him with her? 204 201 301 The people are biased. They don't like Matches. Perhaps she should let him go free for his own good. 205 202 301 But he might not live safely out there. The enemies wandering in the outside world might attack Matches, including those humans. 206 203 301 Liv doesn't know what to do, but then, she notices something white in the boy's breast pocket. 207 204 301 Liv ...What's this?... 208 205 301 Her trembling hand takes out a note stained with blood from that breast pocket. 209 206 301 She opens the note and sees a pair of wings. The lines are thick as if they are going to penetrate this paper. 210 207 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Her fingers move along the pencil lines and flip the paper over, and she finds the scribbled message left by the boy— 211 208 304 AniZhuanchangEnd 2000 i'm worried about matches. if by the time you return, matches is still here, please take him with you 575757ff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory517.jpg 1 1 212 209 304 i don't regrt leaving that vehicle. i wanted to help him 575757ff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory517.jpg 1 1 213 210 304 if you see me like this, please don't be sad 575757ff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory517.jpg 1 1 214 211 304 the fact that you have kept your promise and returned this makes me hapy 575757ff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory517.jpg 1 1 215 212 304 1 AniZhuanchangBegin thank you. i'm afraid i must go now 575757ff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory517.jpg 1 1 1