Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory271.png 2 2 401 1 103 3 3 201 1 500166 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Lucia Commandant! 1 5 5 202 1 1 6 6 401 2 10007502 7 7 301 A bomb explodes less than five meters away from you. Liv immediately opens a Protective Field. 8 8 301 Roland takes this opportunity to fall back further to the entrance of the Core Area. Despite the unrelenting attacks from the Gray Ravens, his reaction has been nothing short of a walk in the park. 9 9 201 1 500026 10 10 301 1 Lee This guy... has been hiding his true strength. 1 11 11 201 1 500008 12 12 301 1 Roland I'm flattered. I always believe that being environmentally friendly is a virtue, so it's important to win fuel-efficiently. 1 13 13 204 1 2 14 14 301 Roland Now, you're all treasured guests of Miss Luna. I can't just let you kick it before she achieves her goals. 1 15 15 301 Roland So until our actual protagonist arrives, how about a little chat? 1 16 17 301 Roland Say, Lucia, your swordplay is nothing but nostalgic. Have you finally remembered your past? 1 17 500 201 1 500166 18 501 301 1 Lucia ? 1 19 502 201 1 500008 2 20 18 301 Roland Ah, doesn't look like it. How about I tell you the story of what Babylonia did to you? 1 21 19 301 Roland And Lee, you were a Kurono, weren't you? Then you should know how the technology behind Constructs was developed. 1 22 20 301 Roland The bloodshed behind the curtains, the endless lies, the corpses threw away like trash when their experiments failed. Lucia... they never treated her as a "human" when they abandoned your sister. 1 23 21 204 1 4 24 22 301 Roland Can you say for certain that the commandant standing next to you won't do the same thing? 1 25 23 301 Roland Can you say for certain that, when all's said and done and you're no longer of any use, you won't suffer the same fate as those corpses, ruined and forsaken? 1 26 24 201 1 500166 5 27 25 301 1 Lucia Don't talk about Commandant like that! You never— 1 28 26 201 1 500008 29 27 301 1 Roland As long as humans are still their arrogant selves, they will never accept Constructs as one of them. You... will never be anything but tools. 1 30 28 301 Roland After all... 1 31 29 301 Roland's gaze stays on Liv for a second before sighing with a regretful expression. 32 30 301 Roland Humans will even happily trade their families away as wares. What chance do the non-human "others" have? 1 33 31 302 No. 32 34 32 302 Humans and Constructs are the same. 33 Not all humans are so despicable. 34 35 33 35 301 Roland You mean, Constructs are really just humans, right? 1 36 34 301 Roland You mean, "you" are different, and these Constructs are your buddies, right? 1 37 35 301 Roland Oh, humans... You just love to run your mouth about sunshine and rainbows to have us sacrifice ourselves. What's the big deal, right? When you can just wipe our memories, and here we go again, wigging our tails. 1 38 36 301 Roland All your pretty words, simply because these Constructs are still useful to you. 1 39 37 301 Roland To us Ascendants, everything's fair and honest. We only serve absolute power, and when we unite, we'll create a world where humans are the ones who go extinct. 1 40 38 201 1 500166 5 41 39 301 1 Lucia Enough with that! 1 42 40 201 1 500008 43 41 301 1 Roland Fine, fine. I know you won't listen. 1 44 42 301 Roland But if your commandant asks you to kill your sister now, will you be able to do it? 1 45 43 301 Roland Can you really put that blade of yours in Luna's heart? 1 46 44 201 1 500166 5 47 45 301 1 Lucia I... 1 48 46 301 Despite his mocking tone, Roland's eyes fixate on Lucia, his gaze unwavering, as if he is indeed waiting for her answer. 49 47 301 Lucia ... 1 50 48 301 Lucia turns away, ignoring his question, before raising her katana toward him again. 51 49 201 1 500008 4 52 50 301 1 Roland Is that so? 1 53 51 301 Roland Let me rephrase. 1 54 52 301 Roland Facing your closest family, who stands opposite you, her hands soaking in blood, do you— 1 55 53 202 1 1 56 54 401 2 1503 57 55 301 RImgBg1Shake Roland's piercing words are suddenly interrupted by a deafening noise. The bridge immediately sways from an enormous quake, seemingly originating from a massive explosion. 58 56 401 2 10007502 59 57 301 RImgBg1Shake The noises and the quakes do not stop. Instead, they come in waves, accompanied by blinding white light from the Core Area. 60 58 201 1 500166 61 59 301 1 Lucia What just happened?! 1 62 60 201 1 1031001 7 63 61 301 1 Liv It's from the Core... A huge spike in energy wave motion and Punishing Virus reaction! 1 64 62 201 1 500026 65 63 301 1 Lee Protect the commandant! 1 66 64 201 1 500008 4 67 65 301 1 Roland Gabriel... 1 68 66 301 Roland's expression briefly shifts for a second. Then he turns and bows to you all. 69 67 204 1 70 68 301 1 Roland Our friendly conversation must be cut short, apparently. We'll speak again, Commandant. 1 71 69 202 1 1 72 70 301 He throws a stun grenade at you, before swiping the operation terminal of the bridge. 73 71 301 The bridge slowly raises behind him, pulling back toward the Core Area. 74 72 201 1 500026 75 73 301 1 Lee We'll never get through if the bridge fully rises! Leave Roland to me. Lucia, Liv, take Commandant to the other side! 1 76 74 302 Jump onto the bridge before it is raised! 75 Attack Roland! 75 77 75 201 1 500008 78 76 301 1 Roland Sorry, I can't let you through. 1 79 77 202 1 1 80 78 301 Lucia draws her katana and swings at Roland, only to be blocked by his chain blade. Liv shields you from his bullets, before shooting the axle bearing of the bridge with her Levi-Gun, but that still fails to stop the bridge from drawing back. 81 79 301 Before the bridge is fully withdrawn, Roland utilizes the tension from his chain blade to launch himself into the Core. 82 80 201 1 500026 400 83 81 201 2 1031001 -400 84 82 301 1 Lee Dammit... He got away again. 1 85 83 301 Liv Based on what Roland just said... Luna really is in the Core Area. 2 86 84 202 1 2 1 87 85 201 1 500166 88 86 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lucia ... 1 89 87 202 1 1 90 88 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory275.png 91 89 401 1 203 92 90 301 AniZhuanchangEnd On the other side of the bridge— 93 91 301 Rushing further into the Core Area, Roland looks gnawing as he sprints in haste. 94 92 201 1 500008 5 95 93 301 1 Roland ...Dammit, Gabriel, why are you proceeding already? Have you figured it out? 1 96 94 301 Roland He's probably not gonna do anything to Luna, but I might've just underestimated how crazy he's gotten. 1 97 95 203 1 0.25 -400 98 96 204 1 4 99 97 201 2 500100 400 100 98 301 1 α Where are you heading? 2 101 99 301 Roland ...To find Luna. 1 102 100 301 α Why did you let the Gray Ravens go? 2 103 101 301 α Roland, who are you actually loyal to? 2 104 102 301 α What's your actual intention? 2 105 103 204 1 4 106 104 301 Roland My intention... has been pretty obvious since the beginning. 1 107 105 204 2 8 108 106 301 Alpha narrows her eyes to Roland's ambiguous answer. 109 107 301 α You've lost Luna's trust. I won't let you near her again, and once I've dealt with her troubles, I'll deal with you. 2 110 108 202 1 2 1 111 109 301 With that, Alpha turns and sets off in the direction of the explosion. Instead of catching up to her, Roland just stands there and laughs. 112 110 201 1 500008 113 111 301 1 Roland Hahahahaha... 1 114 112 201 1 500100 115 113 301 1 α Are you mad? 1 116 114 201 1 500008 117 115 301 1 Roland Sigh... You're her sister, and still, you have no clue what she wants. 1 118 116 301 Roland Have you even tried to understand who your sister is nowadays? 1 119 117 301 Roland Like, has she mentioned anything that you haven't paid attention to? 1 120 118 301 Roland And have you considered what the true nature of the Ascension-Network is? 1 121 119 201 1 500100 122 120 301 1 α ...What are you trying to say? 1 123 121 201 1 500008 124 122 301 1 Roland You know that I'm bad at the guessing game, and Luna isn't exactly chatty. 1 125 123 301 Roland She's definitely not as patient with me as she is with you. Oh, how I've suffered. 1 126 124 301 Roland That's why it's imperative for me to figure out what my boss needs, and work my butt off to achieve that. 1 127 125 301 Roland Whatever she wants, I'll get it. 1 128 126 301 Roland So. Her intent is my intent. 1 129 127 202 1 1 130 128 301 Alpha sneers in the face of Roland's unrelenting speech. 131 129 201 1 500100 13 132 130 301 1 α Be careful, Roland. Your smugness will take its toll. 1 133 131 201 1 500008 134 132 301 1 Roland ...Aha. 1 135 133 201 1 500100 136 134 301 1 α For me, Luna is Luna. Nothing else matters. 1 137 135 301 α I'll be by her side and give her whatever she wants. 1 138 136 201 1 500008 139 137 301 1 Roland (Chuckles) Do you truly know what she wants? 1 140 138 301 Roland ...Maybe she doesn't even know it herself? 1 141 139 201 1 500100 142 140 301 1 α ... 1 143 141 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Silently, Alpha draws her blade, and strikes toward Roland.