Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory226.png 2 2 401 1 9 3 3 201 1 500209 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 In the surreal projection of M.I.N.D. space, you see another Amberia—the real Amberia. 5 5 301 Guided by the narwhal's voice, you see the true master of the bionics, Amberia, in the deepest recesses of her mind, festered by nightmares. 6 6 301 Amberia Who is it...? You're not Derek? Who are you? 1 7 1000 302 (Explain) 7 8 7 301 Amberia 【kuroname】, commandant from Babylonia. 1 9 8 301 Amberia I know why you are here, but I decline your request. 1 10 9 301 Amberia I won't stop the bionics... And I won't sleep again. I don't want to dream anymore. 1 11 10 301 Amberia I'm going outside. I'm going to open my eyes and escape from this place. 1 12 1001 302 Are you not going berserk? 11 If you promise not to hurt anyone else. 13 13 11 12 301 Amberia Berserk... You call this fear of mine, berserk? 1 14 12 16 301 Amberia I'm just trying to protect myself! Protect myself from those people! 1 15 13 14 301 Amberia Hurt others... No, I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just wanted the ones that hurt me gone... 1 16 14 15 301 Amberia You'd do the same in my shoes. I'm going to eliminate the ARU and everything that stands in my way. That way, I won't be imprisoned in this ice cave ever again. 1 17 15 16 301 Amberia I don't want anyone to call me a monster ever again! 1 18 16 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Amberia So... As long as you have the code, 【kuroname】, I will never let you leave this place! 1 19 1002 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory224.png 20 17 301 AniZhuanchangEnd —— 21 18 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) Ngh... Where am I... 1 22 1003 201 1 500214 1 23 19 301 1 Rosetta Looks like Commandant's succeeded. The pain in my M.I.N.D. is easing... 1 24 20 301 During Rosetta's defensive bout, she suddenly finds a massive weight lifted from her M.I.N.D. A glance at the Polar Soldier, silent in the rear, tells her that 【kuroname】 has entered the depths of Amberia's M.I.N.D. 25 1004 201 1 500209 26 21 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) How did you squirm out of my hold? Wait, why is my frame so slow! 1 1 27 1005 201 1 500214 1 28 22 301 1 Rosetta Thank the commandant. Also, weren't you just in misery as well? 1 29 1006 201 1 500209 30 23 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) Hmph... That was just pain caused by M.I.N.D. integration. Once it is complete, Amberia will no longer exist, and I can perfectly control this frame! 1 31 1007 201 1 500214 5 32 24 301 1 Rosetta Then you'll become the monster in Amberia's stead. Won't you? 1 33 1008 201 1 500209 34 25 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) ...I am not a—MONSTER! 1 35 1009 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 3 36 1010 401 2 10002001 37 26 301 Verbal and armed exchanges fly in the air. With Amberia's M.I.N.D. integration paused, Rosetta can finally make use of her lightning-fast speed and destructive power to gain an upper hand. 38 1011 201 1 500214 5 39 27 301 1 Rosetta If you're not a monster, why do you want to become Amberia and destroy your home?! 1 40 1012 201 1 500209 41 28 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) Take a look at yourself...! Why would you protect those bastards! 1 42 1013 201 1 500214 5 43 29 301 1 Rosetta Because I love this snowland; the feeling of snow beneath my feet... I want to be proud of this place. 1 44 1014 201 1 500209 45 30 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) What? 1 46 1015 201 1 500214 14 47 31 301 1 Rosetta I've always believed that the ARU can change. I thought I could find this change through the outside world. 1 48 32 301 Rosetta But when I got out, I realized... We ourselves, have to be the change we want to see. 1 49 1016 204 1 4 50 33 301 Rosetta Putting the past to rest to prevent another tragedy like you and me—that is my answer! 1 51 34 301 Rosetta throws a thrust at Amberia's upper body, but before it could connect, Atiel regains control of her frame and swipes Rosetta away. 52 1017 401 2 1506 53 35 301 PanelActor1Shake 1 Rosetta How unlucky... 1 54 36 301 Rosetta is knocked to the ground. Her light wings have softened the impact, but she still crashes into an icicle. 55 1018 201 1 500209 56 37 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) Always going on about your luck. I am—Amberia is—the actual unlucky one! 1 57 1019 201 1 500214 58 38 301 1 Rosetta Indeed. By unlucky, I meant you two. 1 59 1020 201 1 500209 60 39 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) Huh? 1 61 1021 201 1 500214 8 62 40 301 1 Rosetta I've always thought the entire world was down on its luck. That's why the Punishing Virus broke out. That's why I have no choice but to defeat you. 1 63 41 301 Rosetta Because we're all marred by misfortune, that's why we all suffer. This is why we are bound... 1 64 1022 201 1 500209 65 42 301 1 Amberia (Atiel) Rosetta... Spare the talk. Do you think you can defeat Amberia, the "perfect" humanoid-hybrid Construct?! 1 66 44 301 The particles emitted by Rosetta's light wings disperse, forming a thin reflective film over the fractured ice. 67 45 301 Rosetta's mixed expression, taken by hints of sadness, can be seen on the glinting ice. 68 1023 201 1 500214 5 69 46 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Rosetta I'm not just defeating you! I'm going forward! 1