Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory52.jpg 2 1000 401 1 103 3 2 201 1 1031001 400 4 3 201 2 500029 -400 5 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Liv The chamber is open! 1 6 5 301 Lucia Liv, monitor Kamui's condition. 2 7 6 301 Liv The energy inside the chamber is... being absorbed by Kamui! His M.I.N.D. is overheating! 1 8 7 301 Liv No, this is too dangerous! 1 9 8 301 Lucia Bianca, wait! 2 10 9 201 1 1091001 400 11 10 301 1 Bianca Karen's situation might happen again if this continues! The Tenebrion he's consuming is too powerful—we have to remove the threat before it gets out of hand! 1 12 11 302 I think there's still hope... 12 13 12 301 Lucia Indeed. Just like Karen's case, we might be able to save Kamui with the same method. 2 14 13 201 1 1031001 400 15 14 301 1 Liv I'll try my best to— 1 16 15 201 1 1091001 400 17 16 301 1 Bianca No, I won't let you go through with that. This risk is far greater than Karenina's condition. 1 18 101 201 2 500029 -400 19 17 301 Lucia But it's still worth a try... Kamui, he is our companion. 2 20 18 201 1 1031001 7 400 21 19 301 1 Liv R-report! The viral density inside Kamui is shrinking rapidly! 1 22 1001 204 1 23 20 301 Lucia Please, Bianca. 2 24 21 202 1 2 25 22 201 1 1091001 400 26 23 201 2 1011001 -400 27 24 301 1 Lee I'm afraid our lives will be much more boring in the future without this guy lightening the mood. 2 28 25 301 Lee But most importantly, I dislike farewells just as much as I hate fighting my own companions. 2 29 26 201 2 1031001 14 -400 30 27 301 1 Liv I don't like them as well. I was afraid of Lee's situation just now and... s-so, if the same thing happened again... Bianca, please, wait for a bit more. 2 31 100 204 2 32 28 302 Please, Bianca! 29 33 29 301 Bianca You... 1 34 30 301 Liv The viral density has nearly dropped to zero! There won't be a corruption risk if we establish a connection now! 2 35 31 301 Bianca I understand. Then let me join you and see this through to the end. 1 36 32 302 Thank you. 33 37 33 301 Bianca No, I'll stay on guard duty. I'll pray for your success. 1 38 34 201 2 500029 -400 39 35 301 DialogDisable 1 Lucia Commandant, your orders! 2 40 36 302 Everyone, prepare for the final battle. 37 41 37 302 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Let's go bring Kamui back! 38