Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 456 102 Graffiti Art Chapter 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/CommonLogo/BgLogo1.png 2 457 502 ThemeEnable 3 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory49.jpg 4 2 401 1 201 5 3 201 1 1031001 6 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Liv Lucia! 1 7 5 203 1 0.25 -400 8 6 201 2 1021001 9 400 9 7 301 1 Lucia L-Liv...? I'm... fine... 2 10 8 301 Liv How can it be all right?! You're hurt all over, and now you can't feel because you cut off your pain receptors. 1 11 9 301 Liv Stay put! I'll try to temporarily reinforce your damaged parts... 1 12 10 202 1 1 13 11 201 3 1011001 -400 14 12 301 1 Lucia ... 2 15 13 204 3 10 16 14 204 1 12 17 15 301 Lee I'm sorry, Lucia. 3 18 16 301 Lee I wasn't of much help that last fight. 3 19 17 204 3 20 18 301 Lucia Her... speed... her precision... It's a miracle I survived that long... 2 21 19 301 Lucia It was pure guesswork that I managed to deflect those few blows... 2 22 20 301 Lee I see... From what I can surmise from that battle, her blade strategy set shares great similarities to yours. 3 23 21 204 2 4 24 22 301 Lucia Similar...? Beaten at my own game, then... If only my visual signals weren't... 2 25 23 204 2 3 26 24 301 Lucia I don't understand... Why was I... the only one affected? 2 27 25 202 2 1 28 26 203 3 0.25 0 29 27 301 Lee ...Something like that has never happened before. 3 30 30 301 Lee The Memory Inductive Neural Depository, or M.I.N.D. system of us Constructs function in a vastly different way than the logic circuits of mechs and androids— 3 31 31 301 Lee Which means it is extremely difficult to disrupt a specific target. 3 32 32 301 Lee So unless they have a far more superior grasp of M.I.N.D. tech than the scientists back at Babylonia, it is impossible to specifically target someone. 3 33 33 202 3 1 34 34 201 2 1021001 3 35 35 301 1 Lucia ...At least the battle data was recorded, now we only have to wait for the analytics from HQ. 2 36 36 301 Lucia Let's hurry to the nearest meeting point. 2 37 37 203 2 400 38 38 201 1 1031001 -400 39 39 204 2 12 40 40 301 1 Liv WAIT! 1 41 41 301 Liv 30 seconds, Miss Wounded Lucia. There are still 30 seconds before your nano-reinforcement glue stabilizes. Wait. 1 42 42 204 2 6 43 43 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia ...Alright... 2 44 44 202 1 2 1 45 45 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory11.jpg 46 46 201 3 1011001 47 47 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Lee …… 3 48 48 301 Lee This is the designated meeting point. 3 49 49 202 3 1 50 50 201 1 1031001 7 51 51 301 1 Liv But there's a ton of... Construct.. remains... and Corrupted roaming around here...? 1 52 52 202 1 1 53 53 201 3 1011001 10 54 54 204 3 10 55 55 301 1 Lee We're too late, the battle here's already over. 3 56 56 204 3 57 57 301 Lee Look at the signal emitter over there— 3 58 58 202 3 1 59 59 201 1 500013 60 60 301 1 A broken Corrupted lay motionless on the radio. Although it had lost its power, it had managed to insert its arm into the radio and completely corrupt it. 4 61 61 202 1 1 62 62 201 2 1021001 63 63 301 1 Lucia ...The Constructs here lost hold. From the traces of battle here, they must have already given it their best... 2 64 64 202 2 1 65 65 201 1 500013 66 66 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 1 67 67 401 1 2 10002001 68 1000 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 1 69 68 202 1 70 69 301 Lucia steps forward and ends the Corrupted's life with one swift cut. She then destroys the corrupted emitter in several slashes. 1 71 70 201 1 1031001 400 72 71 201 3 1011001 -400 73 72 301 1 Liv So these signals are all just... bait from the Corrupted... 1 74 73 204 3 10 75 74 301 Lee Looks like you're right. It's a primitive trap, but we fell right in it since we need supplies so badly... Should we keep going, Commandant? 3 76 75 302 Search more thoroughly for friendly signals. 76 Immediately leave to avoid being besieged. 83 77 76 202 1 3 1 78 77 201 3 1011001 79 78 301 1 Lee The longer we dawdle in this trap, the greater the danger we face, but... I'll still support your decision. 3 80 79 301 Lee Liv, you have better searching capabilities, so we'll leave that to you. 3 81 80 202 3 1 82 81 201 1 1031001 83 82 87 301 1 Liv Alright! 1 84 83 202 1 3 1 85 84 201 1 1031001 86 85 204 1 7 87 86 301 1 Liv Commandant! W-wait! 1 88 87 204 1 7 89 88 301 1 Liv ...Wait! Several distress signals are blinking weakly nearby! 1 90 89 204 1 91 90 301 Liv They must have been in hiding before and are now trying to ask for our help. 1 92 91 202 1 1 93 92 201 2 1021001 4 94 93 301 1 Lucia But the battle has already been going on for a long time. They haven't recalled yet? 2 95 94 302 Recall? 95 They must have something important to convey. 105 96 95 202 2 1 97 96 201 3 1011001 10 98 97 301 1 Lee This should be basic knowledge for squads and commandants... 3 99 98 204 3 100 99 301 Lee A Construct's memory is unique just like a human's. However, Constructs can initiate a long-range recall just before their frame is destroyed. 3 101 100 301 Lee Though this would heavily deviate their M.I.N.D. thought model from the standard humanity thought model, it is still preferable to complete annihilation. 3 102 101 204 3 10 103 102 301 Lee If their M.I.N.D. is destroyed before they recall, then their memory will be completely destroyed. 3 104 103 202 3 1 105 104 110 202 3 1 106 105 202 2 1 107 106 201 2 1021001 400 108 107 201 3 1011001 -400 109 108 301 1 Lee Quite possible, especially since that enemy is capable of destroying their entire Construct squad. 3 110 109 202 2 3 1 111 110 201 1 1031001 7 112 111 301 1 Liv Oh, no! Corrupted picked up their signal! A horde of Corrupted are headed right toward them! 1 113 112 202 1 1 114 113 201 2 1021001 115 114 301 1 Lucia Commandant, your orders! 2 116 115 302 Gray Raven, prepare for battle! 116 117 116 201 1 1031001 600 118 117 201 3 1011001 -600 119 118 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lucia, Lee, and Liv Roger! 1 2 3