Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory49.jpg 2 2 401 1 202 3 3 201 1 500008 -400 4 4 201 2 500101 400 5 5 301 1 Gabriel Roland, how are you feeling? 2 6 6 301 Roland I must thank you. If it hadn't been for that thing you brought back, I wouldn't have improved so much. 1 7 7 301 Selena …… 8 8 301 Gabriel Well, this is what Miss Luna has hoped for. 2 9 9 202 1 2 1 10 10 201 1 500100 11 11 301 1 α Just don't lose to the Babylonia people again. 1 12 12 201 1 500008 13 13 301 1 Roland That's blunt. I will try. 1 14 14 202 1 1 15 15 301 The Ascendants are gathered in an empty church. Sunlight sneaks through the cracks in the walls and falls on their elegant figures. 16 16 301 ? ? ? That's it? You will try? 17 17 301 The church door slowly opens. Hearing the sound behind them, Roland and Gabriel stand to attention and salute. Alpha walks over to the door in a welcoming manner. 18 18 201 1 500105 19 19 301 1 Luna So... is that all you have to say? You will try? 1 20 20 301 The owner of the voice, Luna, walks over and asks again, her manner brisk and passionless. 21 21 201 1 500008 22 22 301 1 Roland Yes, Miss Luna, I will try. 1 23 23 301 Alpha furrows her eyebrows at Roland's answer. Gabriel shivers a little but quickly regains his calm. 24 24 301 — 25 25 201 1 500105 13 26 26 301 1 Luna Mm, I will be watching. 1 27 27 201 1 500008 28 28 301 1 Roland Thank you. 1 29 29 202 1 1 30 30 301 Luna's timely smile relaxes the tension before it escalates into something ugly. A certain someone feels relieved. Meanwhile, Roland and Gabriel finish their salute. 31 31 201 1 500101 32 32 301 1 Gabriel Since Miss Luna is here, why don't you update us on the progress of your mission... Miss Lamia. 1 33 33 301 Gabriel Miss Lamia? 1 34 34 202 1 1 35 35 301 Gabriel quickly moves on to the next topic, but this Lamia girl is unresponsive, as if she was somewhere else. 36 36 201 1 500100 37 37 301 1 α I haven't seen her since I got here... 1 38 38 201 1 500008 39 39 301 1 Roland You've been hiding here all along, have you, Lamia? Show up right now, or I'm gonna blow this place up. 1 40 40 301 ? ? ? Wait, wait, wait! Are you a devil!? 41 41 301 Roland Not a devil, but an Ascendant. Now stop being invisible and show yourself! 1 42 42 301 Lamia I'm here. Just lower your gun. I surrender! 43 43 202 1 1 44 44 301 Succumbing to Roland's threat, a monstrous feminine figure emerges from a dark corner. Despite her timid manner, she is actually an Ascendant working under Luna. 45 45 201 1 500008 -400 46 46 201 2 500165 400 47 47 301 1 Roland I just want to remind you it's time to quit slacking and get back to work. 1 48 48 301 Lamia I... I'm not slacking. I went to Akdilek and that disgusting ship... like I was told to. 2 49 49 301 Lamia I went into invisibility... only because I don't like crowds... 2 50 50 301 Roland Which is another way of saying "slacking off". So, you must have come into contact with certain people, right? 1 51 51 301 Lamia Um... yeah. 2 52 52 301 Roland ... 1 53 53 202 1 2 1 54 54 201 1 500105 55 55 301 1 Luna Anyway, the task I gave you, how did it go, Lamia? 1 56 56 202 1 1 57 57 301 Unfazed by the silly farce unfolding before her, Luna unhurriedly walks over to Lamia and asks. 58 58 201 1 500165 59 59 301 1 Lamia Uh... about that... I think I failed. 1 60 60 301 Lamia The leaders of Kowloong Corp refused to get on board with our plan, but neither would they be complicit in Babylonia's plot. 1 61 61 301 Lamia They said they'd rather decide the future of Earth on their own, without meddling from anyone. 1 62 62 201 1 500100 63 63 301 1 α How naive! Do they honestly think they can be neutral in a world like this? 1 64 64 201 1 500165 65 65 301 1 Lamia So don't get mad at me. I'm just the messenger! 1 66 66 201 1 500105 67 67 301 1 Luna My sister is not mad at you. She just can't understand their stupidity. 1 68 68 201 1 500165 69 69 301 1 Lamia But can you understand it? 1 70 70 201 1 500105 71 71 301 1 Luna Neither can I, of course. 1 72 72 201 1 500101 73 73 301 1 Gabriel So, Miss Luna, does that mean... 1 74 74 201 1 500105 75 75 301 1 Luna The power of Heteromers is under our control. Roland's frame has been enhanced. And most importantly, Babylonia is on its way to becoming a corporation. 1 76 76 301 Luna We can't let Babylonia beat us to it. Everyone, it's time to move. 1 77 77 301 Luna Just as Kowloong said. 1 78 78 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Luna We will decide the future of Earth! 1