Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 2 2 401 1 36 3 3 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiLianjie1New.prefab 2 4 4 401 2 1509 5 5 301 DialogEnable AniZhuanchangBegin System ... 6 6 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiLianjie1New.prefab 7 7 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory62.jpg 8 8 301 AniZhuanchangEnd System Connected. 9 9 401 1 102 10 10 201 1 500013 11 11 401 2 1508 12 12 301 1 Corrupted —! —! 1 13 13 501 PanelActor1Shake 1000 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLouDianNew.prefab 1 14 14 202 1 1 15 15 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLouDianNew.prefab 1 16 16 301 A strange scene unfolds before you. Watanabe and Ayla are standing on two sides, keeping distance from the Corrupted while preparing to fight. 17 17 201 1 500110 18 18 301 1 Ayla According to my calculations, the Corrupted are splitting up, moving toward our east and west. 1 19 19 301 Ayla How are you doing there, ■■■■■? 1 20 20 203 1 0.25 -400 21 21 201 2 1101001 400 22 22 301 1 Watanabe ■■■■■...? What's going on? 2 23 23 301 Ayla ...I detected an abnormal signal connecting to my M.I.N.D. 0.34 microseconds ago. This signal must have affected our communication system. 1 24 24 301 Ayla This signal... 1 25 25 301 Ayla Commandant...? You're watching us, aren't you? 1 26 26 302 Yep. 28 What are you two doing? 30 27 27 204 2 5 28 28 301 Watanabe I see. For a split second, it felt like I was being controlled. 2 29 29 31 204 2 30 30 301 Watanabe I'm assisting ■■■■■ in a temporary clean-up mission. 2 31 31 301 Ayla Commandant, care to explain what's going on? 1 32 32 302 (Explain) 33 33 33 301 Ayla So you were kidnapped and put into a connection chamber, because of April Fool's Day... And you have problems identifying us. 1 34 34 301 Watanabe But from what you said, the recognition discrepancy didn't happen to Lucia. 2 35 35 301 Ayla Perhaps that connection chamber wasn't fully activated just then... Or maybe there was another reason. Anyway, could you describe what we look like to you? 1 36 36 302 You're Ayla and Watanabe. 37 37 37 301 Ayla So I'm Ayla... Hmm. 1 38 38 204 2 5 39 39 301 Watanabe Watanabe... huh. Why would Commandant see me as Watanabe? 2 40 40 204 2 41 41 301 Watanabe Is this another trick that Lord is playing on me? 2 42 42 301 Ayla The kidnappers mentioned April Fool's Day. It could all be part of that. 1 43 43 301 Ayla Maybe we could find some clues by creating abnormal happenstances. How about... 1 44 44 301 Ayla ■■, put your hand on my chest. 1 45 45 401 1 205 46 46 302 Hold on! 47 That's harassment! 48 47 47 49 301 Ayla It's only a behavioral experiment in order to find out the truth. 1 48 48 301 Ayla Harassment...? 1 49 49 204 2 5 50 50 301 Watanabe No, I'm not doing that. In Commandant's eyes, it would be Watanabe putting his hand on Ayla's... chest, right? 2 51 51 301 Ayla Bugs are often discovered in irregularities. Maybe by inducing conflict, we will be able to test the stability of this connection system. 1 52 52 301 Ayla This could be the key to solving this issue. 1 53 53 301 Watanabe I said no. And please don't talk about these weird things with such a straight face! 2 54 54 302 487 Why don't we find some other way? 57 Anyway, let's start searching. 58 55 55 204 2 56 56 303 487 57 57 301 Watanabe I agree! Let's search for Commandant's whereabouts. 2 58 58 301 Ayla I just ran a second risk calculation. We don't know much about the chamber, so any attempts that may possibly crash the system might be potentially harmful. 1 59 59 401 3 108003 60 60 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Watanabe Looks like we have to search the area inch by inch. 2