Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory170.png 2 2 401 1 7 3 3 201 1 500016 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 King What is this...!!!! 1 5 5 202 1 6 6 301 Not only the King, everyone was shocked and stopped to look at the light. 7 7 301 The artifact and the Demon King merged together, turning into a blazing sphere, then transformed into a strange surface that resembled a portal. 8 8 301 From which a familiar person walked out. 9 9 201 1 500001 4 10 10 301 1 Celica (?) Phew... It's been a while since I last appeared with a body. 1 11 11 201 1 500174 6 12 12 301 1 Liv It really is her... Miss Celica... 1 13 13 301 The artifact answered Liv's call, and turned the Demon King into Celica. 14 14 201 1 500173 15 15 301 1 Lee But will it actually help to have Celica here... 1 16 16 301 Lee was the first to respond, and his concern was actually everybody's. The artifact might be powerful, but what about Celica? 17 17 301 Lee If she's only a projection from Liv's M.I.N.D... There's no way that she can give us what we need. 1 18 18 201 1 500001 5 19 19 301 1 Celica (?) C'mon, you heroes... Are you questioning the power of the Goddess? I'm only using the look of Celica! 1 20 20 302 What Goddess? 21 Aren't you the Demon King? 22 21 21 23 301 Goddess Wait, did you just summon me, Goddess Celica, without knowing anything? 1 22 22 301 Goddess The Demon King is now part of me. The Goddess has no body, so I just borrowed his. 1 23 23 201 1 500016 24 24 301 1 King It's... It's the Overlord! Ohhhhhh! 1 25 25 201 1 500001 5 26 26 301 1 Goddess How many times have I told you not to call me Overlord! 1 27 27 301 The King was the second to realize what happened. Unlike us, he immediately shouted out a name. 28 28 301 Only to be kicked on the wall before he could even finish. 29 29 201 1 500166 30 30 301 1 Lucia At least we don't have to worry about her power. Whether you are Celica, or the Goddess... Could you lend your power to us? 1 31 31 201 1 500001 32 32 301 1 Goddess Of course. I answered your call, so I'm on your side, heroes. 1 33 33 201 1 500176 34 34 301 1 Camu Please get rid of that King then! 1 35 35 201 1 500001 36 36 301 1 Goddess No, heroes, you are the one to finish him off. 1 37 37 302 Why? 38 Just kick him a few more times, can't you? 39 38 38 40 301 Goddess The Goddess is set to be the administrator of this game. I can do many things, but I can never kill any being in the game. 1 39 39 301 Goddess Actually, I cannot do much other than delaying him... Didn't you realize the King was not damaged at all? 1 40 40 201 1 1081001 17 41 41 301 1 Kamui Um... So much efforts all wasted. 1 42 42 201 1 500001 2 43 43 301 1 Goddess Not at all! Remember I said you were the one to finish him off? Right now, I, the Goddess, shall give you the latest main quest! 1 44 44 202 1 45 45 301 Celica made a "I choose you" pose, and everyone heard a strange system sound. The quest menu was automatically opened. 46 46 301 System Main quest updated: Defeat the evil King. 47 47 201 1 500180 48 48 301 1 Karenina The main quest has changed... Hey, is this a system feature...? 1 49 49 201 1 500176 50 50 301 1 Camu Correct. We couldn't kill the King because that was a system setting. But right now, our main quest is to defeat the King. 1 51 51 301 Camu That means he is no longer invincible. This quest can now be "completed." 1 52 52 201 1 500016 53 53 301 1 King ...Ugh, I, I'm not going to die here! 1 54 54 202 1 55 55 301 Realizing the tide had turned, the King fled further into the Demon King's Castle. Many guards rushed out. 56 56 302 Let's go! 57 Get rid of the guards! 57 57 57 201 1 500166 5 58 58 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lucia Roger. All members, strike! 1