Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory15.jpg 2 2 401 1 201 3 3 201 1 500176 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Camu That Hassen was definitely lying to us. 1 5 2001 203 1 0.25 400 6 2002 201 2 500180 -400 7 5 301 1 Karenina Why do you say that? 2 8 6 301 Camu Just based on my experience. I have seen similar plots in the games that Kamui played. 1 9 7 301 Camu The humble-looking King could actually be the final Boss. 1 10 2003 302 That's a lot of detail! 8 I don't think Hassen is like that. 9 11 8 10 301 Camu Details are always good. They help us to locate the objective. Don't you think? 1 12 9 10 301 Camu Remember, this is a game. That wasn't the real Hassen. 1 13 10 301 Camu I kind of learned what type of person Celica was yesterday. This King is probably set like Hassen in purpose to make others think he is a good guy. 1 14 11 301 Karenina A disguise, huh? Are you saying this Hassen is evil, and the Demons are good? 2 15 2004 302 Both can be evil though. 1001 Are you so sure that Hassen is evil? 1004 16 1001 1002 203 1 0.25 600 17 1002 1003 203 2 0.25 -600 18 1003 12 201 3 500181 19 12 15 301 1 Vera You have a good point, Commandant. 3 20 1004 1005 203 1 0.25 600 21 1005 1006 203 2 0.25 -600 22 1006 13 201 3 500181 23 13 14 301 1 Vera A good ruler doesn't necessarily have to be kind, but he must let others fear his authority. That Hassen apparently failed to do so. 3 24 14 15 301 Karenina Yeah, no matter what we said, he was always smiling. Disgusting. 2 25 15 301 Vera So why didn't we just beat that Hassen up? If he was evil, we could have skipped a lot of hassle. 3 26 16 301 Camu He had no HP bar. 1 27 17 301 Karenina HP bar... What is that? 2 28 18 301 Camu Remember the enemies we fought earlier on? I could check their status and remaining health through the system, but not NPCs like Hassen. 1 29 19 301 Camu They were not configured as enemies that we could attack. 1 30 20 301 Camu This is a game. Even if we can attack him, if he has no HP bar, he "cannot" be killed. 1 31 21 301 Karenina ...How are we going to deal with enemies like that? 2 32 22 301 Camu There are many ways, but all are up to the game settings, we can't really change that from our end. 1 33 23 301 Vera How annoying... Anyway, let's focus on the Demons and Liv now. 3 34 24 301 Camu True. But if my guess is right, Hassen should be the final Boss. 1 35 25 301 Vera What a boring plot. 3 36 26 301 The three villain Constructs kept attacking the old-school plot and inappropriate game settings, as if they were professional game designers. 37 27 301 Which completely destroyed the unfortunate listener's interests and dreams. 38 2005 202 1 2 3 39 2006 201 1 500013 40 2007 401 2 1508 41 28 301 1 Demon Uuuurgh! 1 42 2008 201 1 500181 1 43 29 301 1 Vera So this must be one of those compulsory fights. Well, Commandant of Gray Raven, now is your time to shine. Make sure we clear in the first attempt! 1 44 2009 302 Just do whatever you want. 30 Alright, leave it to me. 3000 45 30 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Vera Fine, we don't need a stable mind to unlock our full strength here. Just hide somewhere safe, okay? 1 46 3000 201 1 500180 47 31 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Karenina In the first attempt, huh... What will happen if we die in this game? 1