Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory156.png 2 2 401 1 18 3 3 504 AniZhuanchangEnd 0.7 4 4 301 DialogEnable Upon the tallest tower on the Nighter, a Construct in a mask is half-kneeling on the floor, her head lowered, waiting quietly for her actual mistress. 5 5 301 Soon, the Construct hears her mistress' familiar footsteps, and an imposing woman steps forward from the dark hall. The Construct lowers her head further. 6 6 201 1 500150 7 7 301 1 ??? Rise, Yazi. 1 8 8 301 Hearing that, Yazi slowly looks up and stands, retreating behind the woman. 9 9 203 1 0.25 450 10 10 201 2 500143 -450 11 11 301 1 Yazi As you wish... "Lady Qu", your subjects have gathered in the square with the projection screens. Is there something else I should prepare? 2 12 12 301 "Qu" That's not necessary... I'm not my pompous sister. I have no desire to waste my breath on them. 1 13 13 301 "Qu" I have no need for "will" on the Nighter... What they should follow are "rules." That is their only "value." 1 14 14 301 Yazi I understand. This is the only way this ship sails on the right course, as Huaxu told us. 2 15 15 301 "Qu" Yazi... would you think I'm doing something foolish? 1 16 16 301 To despise humans while being one—to despise humans while being their "monarch," shouldering the responsibility of carrying on Kowloong's legacy on this vessel. 17 17 301 Yazi I think... there's no one better for this role than you. 2 18 18 301 Looking at the ill-fitting attire on herself, "Qu" smiles, her true thoughts hidden. 19 19 204 1 1 20 20 301 "Qu" In the end, all I can do is steal her name and her role. Perhaps that's only fitting—a false monarch for a false prosperous time. 1 21 21 301 Yazi lowers her head, unsure how to respond. 22 22 204 1 23 23 301 "Qu" Yazi, turn on the video system. This will be my first time on the stage in this role and perhaps my last. Here begins the endless night. 1 24 24 202 1 2 1 25 25 401 2 613 26 26 501 300 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3 27 27 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 28 28 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 29 29 402 613 30 30 301 The Laws of the Nighter: 31 31 301 1. Wearing the monitoring device, "the collar", is compulsory. Everyone who does not wear one or tries to damage it will be sentenced to death. 32 32 301 2. "Miles" must be obtained with grubs earned in any way necessary. Everyone with zero "miles" will be sentenced to death. 33 33 301 3. The Nighter is to sail on the ocean until the calamity is over. Everyone who leaves or boards the Nighter without permission will be sentenced to death. 34 34 301 4. Those who are chosen to be the Children of Kowloong after becoming a Construct will gain the right to stay on the Nighter forever and bear witness to our glorious future when we return to Kowloong. 35 35 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 5. All freedoms save the restrictions in the aforementioned laws are granted in the name of Kowloong. 36 36 504 0 37 37 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory167.jpg 38 38 401 400 1 36 39 39 401 1 207 40 40 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Inside a quiet room, several holographic projections slowly overlap, forming an almost-humanoid figure. 41 41 201 1 500160 42 42 301 1 ??? Respond accepted. Password authorized. Loading preset—general interaction interface— 1 43 43 301 Huaxu The administrator logged in. Welcome, Master Villier. 1 44 44 301 Hearing Huaxu's usual greetings, the Construct Villier reveals a rare, gentle smile. 45 45 201 1 500150 46 46 301 1 Villier You're probably the only one left who'd call me "Villier"... But that's enough. I don't need someone else to understand who I am. 1 47 47 301 Huaxu's figure flickers as if thinking about something. 48 48 201 1 500160 49 49 301 1 Huaxu The passengers' survival rate is, in fact, increasing compared to the simulations done every half an hour after your initial announcement. I want to understand why you did it, Master Villier. 1 50 50 301 Villier turns on the surveillance system, monitoring the different corners of the Nighter lives. 51 51 201 1 500150 52 52 301 1 Villier Huaxu, you still don't fully understand humans... You have to understand them to manipulate them well. 1 53 53 301 Villier Apart from a few, most people who boarded the Nighter were the working class who struggled under Qu's rules. These seemingly authoritative but extremely pliable rules are in fact an opportunity. 1 54 54 301 Villier They will welcome our policies with open arms and work tirelessly to earn these "miles," building us exceptional Constructs. Then, one day... I will find a Construct that can become your body. 1 55 55 201 1 500160 56 56 301 Huaxu My body... 1 57 57 301 Villier tries to caress Huaxu's face. Even though he knows the figure before him is just a hologram, he is still disappointed that his touch meets only air. 58 58 201 1 500150 59 59 301 Villier I once thought not to rely on humans as well... I thought I could build you a perfect body with my own hands. 1 60 60 301 Villier That was the most flawless mechanoid I'd ever built—or so I thought. Even when I tailored it for you, its logic system still failed to adapt to your consciousness, a mind that uses the same architecture of Gestalt. 1 61 61 301 Villier But it made me realize that only a Construct's M.I.N.D. is ideal for you. 1 62 62 301 Huaxu's form flickers again. Emotions and self-awareness take root in Huaxu's constant calculations and reflections. 63 63 201 1 500160 64 64 301 Huaxu What happened to that failed mechanoid? 1 65 65 301 Villier looks a little surprised to find Huaxu curious about a mechanoid. 66 66 201 1 500150 67 67 301 Villier It accidentally generated excess human sentiments... even produced its own thoughts during its development. It was a defective product that lost its value. The Nighter has no use for defective products. 1 68 68 301 Villier recalls how the mechanoid stared at him with the gaze of a human. Even when Villier was the one who granted it a mind, it still turned out like the humans he despised the most. 69 69 301 Villier It was left behind in Kowloong, so I assume it has long been infected by the Punishing Virus and turned into a Corrupted, probably destroyed in a fight with humans. 1 70 70 201 1 500160 71 71 301 Huaxu Lost... death... destruction... "value"... What is the value I produce? 1 72 72 301 Villier walks toward the hologram, looking into Huaxu's eyes, his gaze conveying boundless affection. 73 73 201 1 500150 1 74 74 301 Villier Your existence itself is your value... You are the only perfect existence in this world. Nothing matters except you. This planet and this ship are just a cradle, existing only for your perfection. 1 75 75 301 Huaxu flickers again, the light flashing on Villier's passionate face. 76 76 204 1 77 77 301 Villier That's it for today... I'll be working on your system expansion next in preparation for your eventual frame. 1 78 78 301 Villier Therefore, I'm hoping you can take my place as "Qu" to govern the affairs on the Nighter by remote-controlling the Construct I built in Qu's image. 1 79 79 301 Villier Then, you might be able to witness more closely... how despicable humanity is. 1 80 80 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Villier takes one last look at Huaxu's flickering hologram before turning away and heading into the laboratory in the dark.