Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory57.jpg 2 2 401 1 207 3 3 201 1 500149 400 4 4 201 2 500155 -400 5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 Black Knight moves to C6. White Pawn advances one square to C2. 6 6 301 Chrome Bishop, C8 to G4. 2 7 7 301 John Your intention to attack is obvious. 1 8 8 301 Chrome ... 2 9 9 301 John You used to be less aggressive. 1 10 10 301 John Those sharp edges of yours will make you a target. All you did was expose this area for me to attack. 1 11 11 301 John Haven't I taught you to lay low and wait for the right opportunity to strike? 1 12 12 301 The White Queen moves to B3 with John's command, her threat plain as day. 13 13 301 Chrome Unless... I am equipped to handle what happens next. 2 14 14 301 Chrome I, too, am capable of noticing the possible traps. 2 15 15 301 Chrome signals the Black Queen to move to D7, protecting the Pawn on F7. 16 16 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Chrome You might think I've shown my weaknesses, but my position might not be as penetrable as you thought. 2 17 17 202 1 2 1 18 18 401 1 45 19 19 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory121.png 20 20 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Chatter Where's Asimov? Why isn't he here? Didn't we invite him specifically? 21 21 301 Chatter I heard he's working on something about a specialized frame. Probably too busy for this. 22 22 301 Chatter When was the last time you saw him at a place like this anyway? 23 23 301 Chatter Touche. 24 24 301 Chatter But the Science Council is paying a lot of attention to his little project. It could turn out to be something important. 25 25 301 Chatter If it were up to Nikola, he would've invented all kinds of terrifying weapons. 26 26 301 Chatter If we don't keep him in check... 27 27 301 Chatter Sure, better weapons mean a better chance to reclaim Earth. But to "them," something uncontrollable is hardly worth the trouble. 28 28 301 Chatter I heard some councilmen proposed a bill to increase our hold on the Constructs, but President Hassen rejected it for "humanitarian grounds." 29 29 301 Chatter "Humanitarian grounds"... Honestly, do they still count as humans? 30 30 301 Chatter Wasn't the bill proposed because of that "incident"? The way that Construct lost control... 31 31 301 Chatter I heard some civilians were hurt because of that... 32 32 301 The chatter from the guest not far from him has caught Chrome's attention. He looks at them, his head tilted. 33 33 201 1 500156 34 34 301 1 Chrome (A Construct lost control?) 1 35 35 301 Chrome (I didn't hear anything about that when I was in the base... No Construct has been punished for assaults either.) 1 36 36 301 Chrome (It's a severe problem if a human is attacked by a Construct.) 1 37 37 301 Chrome ...Could someone be spreading this "rumor" intentionally? 1 38 38 301 At this stage, exploiting a Construct to push for one's agenda is a desperate last resort. Anyone in a position of power would be foolish to do something this self-sabotaging. 39 39 301 On the other hand, Chrome understands Constructs well enough to know that deviating M.I.N.D.s in regular military Constructs is nigh impossible in a place like Babylonia without external stimuli. 40 40 301 Chrome Something is afoot... 1 41 41 301 Thinking that he needs more information, Chrome proceeds to find John on the other end of the ballroom. 42 42 301 Chrome Mr. Smith, there's something about... 1 43 43 201 1 500303 44 44 301 1 Servant Mr. John Smith? 1 45 45 301 Servant Councilman Tram wishes to talk to you about the project regarding restarting the Central Purification Filter in City 089. 1 46 46 201 1 500149 47 47 301 1 John I see. 1 48 48 301 John turns and looks at Chrome. 49 49 301 John If you want information, you need to look for it yourself. 1 50 50 202 1 1 51 51 301 John follows the servant away and leaves Chrome after his parting words. 52 52 301 As John walks away, something that Chrome has been ignoring becomes blatantly clear. 53 53 301 Even when the humans on Babylonia know little to nothing about the process of becoming a Construct, it is impossible that no one knows about his transformation due to who his father is. 54 54 301 After all, there is nothing better to gossip about than the rich and powerful "screwing up." 55 55 301 Shifting his back to the room, Chrome can feel gazes upon gazes fixated on him, but they all dart away the moment he turns to look. 56 56 301 He adjusts his audio module and listens in on the chatter of the crowds. 57 57 301 Chatter (Look, isn't that...) 58 58 301 Chatter (Why is there a Construct here?) 59 59 301 Chatter (Shush! Didn't you hear what Smith just said? It's still his seat, so keep your voice down.) 60 60 301 Chatter (But why dress like a human when he's already a Construct...) 61 61 301 Chatter (Who can tell what the high and mighty thinks?) 62 62 301 Chatter (Anyway, better stay away from him.) 63 63 301 Chatter (Right, lest he loses it like that Construct earlier...) 64 64 201 1 500156 65 65 301 1 Chrome Humans on Babylonia rarely come into contact with Constructs... so where do their impressions of Constructs come from? 1 66 66 301 Chrome I ought to investigate. 1 67 67 401 2 1516 68 68 301 Chrome straightens his collar and heads toward the talking guests. 69 69 204 1 1 70 70 301 With a polite smile, he salutes the embarrassed-looking crowd. 71 71 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Chrome About what you just said, would you mind telling me more about it? 1 72 72 202 1 1 73 73 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 74 74 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Classified Laboratory B3, Babylonia. 75 75 401 2 1516 76 76 301 Footsteps approach from the empty, expansive hall outside. With a light ring of acknowledgment from the retinal scanner, the heavy doors to the laboratory slide open. 77 77 301 The lights from the corridor outside illuminate the dark room. A young researcher is sitting between an array of glowing monitors, and he squints toward the door. 78 78 201 1 500012 79 79 301 1 Nikola What's the result? 1 80 80 203 1 0.25 -400 81 81 201 2 500004 400 82 82 301 1 Asimov Based on the previous test, Lucia has indeed retrieved all her memories. Her M.I.N.D. has been stable so far with no sign of deviation. 2 83 83 301 Nikola And her frame? 1 84 84 301 Asimov She doesn't seem to have any problem using the Plume frame either. 2 85 85 301 Asimov The instability we saw before has greatly improved as well. As of now, the Plume frame is more or less fully realized, functioning the way I designed it to be. 2 86 86 301 Nikola In that case, we can finally move on to the next stage of the specialized frame project. 1 87 87 204 2 8 88 88 301 Asimov ... 2 89 89 301 Nikola Is there a problem? 1 90 90 204 2 91 91 301 Asimov The draft of the next specialized frame is just about complete with the data I've got from Plume. 2 92 92 301 Asimov There are simply not enough samples and data on specialized frames for me to reference. And unlike Plume, this new frame has no compatible data from an original source. 2 93 93 301 Asimov We will be facing many complications even when we are just trying to get someone to adapt to it. 2 94 94 301 Asimov The research has already hit a bottleneck. If we want to move on to the next stage... 2 95 95 301 Asimov I need an exceptional Construct with M.I.N.D. stability way above average. 2 96 96 301 Asimov I need to find someone who matches the criteria and is willing to volunteer. 2 97 97 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Nikola I'll leave it to you, then. 1