Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory457.jpg 2 4 504 0.7 999 3 2 104 AniZhuanchangEnd 100 0|20|-150 0 4 3 104 0|-50|-150 45 5 5 401 2 569 6 6 401 1 201 7 7 301 DialogEnable 1:36 PM. Outside City 072. 8 8 301 The sights beside you fly backward. You have not been to the surface for a while. Right now, you are on your way to conservation area 072. 9 9 401 2 1515 10 10 104 0|50|-150 45 11 11 301 You hear a comms notification from your terminal. 12 12 201 1 500166 1 13 13 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 2 1 14 14 301 1 Lucia Commandant? How is it going? 1 15 15 302 All is well. 16 I'm almost there. 16 16 16 301 Lucia That's good. 1 17 17 302 How about you guys? 18 18 18 301 Lucia We've removed the threats in Zone C. The west side of City 072 is now free of Corrupted. 1 19 19 301 Lucia We're now taking stock of the remaining supplies. 1 20 20 301 Transportation between the surface and Babylonia has recommenced. Over ten conservation areas have since requested assistance from the Task Force. You answered the call and were sent to help their reconstruction efforts. 21 21 301 City 072's CPF has been reactivated, and many refugees and Scavengers have been moved there to await medical treatment. Demand for supplies has drastically increased, but communication with Babylonia remains chaotic. 22 22 301 Signing your assignment confirmation under Hippocrates' watchful eyes, you were surprised that she did not stop you. She simply sighed before waving her hand and leaving the rehabilitation room. 23 23 301 Lucia and the rest have been assigned to different support teams, setting up scanning devices in areas threatened by Hetero-Creatures. They are to eliminate all threats to secure the supply routes on the surface. 24 24 104 0|-50|-150 45 25 25 301 Lucia Please take care of yourself, Commandant. 1 26 26 302 I will. 27 You too. 27 27 27 204 1 2 28 28 401 500 2 1515 29 29 301 Lucia smiles before she receives a new mission notification in her comms. 30 30 104 0|50|-150 45 31 32 301 1 Lucia I have to go, Commandant. We're about to head to the next location. 1 32 33 302 Understood. 34 Keep me posted. 34 33 34 202 1 1 34 35 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 35 36 301 System Transmission over. 36 37 504 0 999 37 38 301 You are suddenly greeted by light. Your vehicle has passed through an abandoned block, and the sun is no longer hiding behind tall buildings. You immediately notice the towering, metallic CPF in the distance. 38 39 201 1 500019 39 40 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Construct We're almost there. 1 40 41 202 DialogDisable 1 1 41 42 402 569 42 43 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory544.jpg 43 44 301 DialogEnable You walk toward the entrance of the conservation area with the Task Force member accompanying you. 44 45 302 A bit chilly, isn't it... 46 45 46 301 The temperature on the surface has dropped quite drastically recently. Even a sunny afternoon like this feels cold when a breeze blows past you. 46 47 301 Someone is already waiting at the entrance. You walk up, presenting your identification. 47 48 301 System Visitor identity confirmed. Welcome to the City 072 conservation area, 【kuroname】. 48 49 301 The person who has been waiting for you is a scantily clad middle-aged man. After you confirm your mission with him, he leads you to the center of the conservation area. 49 50 301 This conservation area is even more crowded than you thought. Most refugees who have been transferred here are living in temporary tents. 50 51 201 1 500340 51 52 301 1 Supervisor You're the Gray Raven Commandant, aren't you? 1 52 53 301 Supervisor I knew a Babylonia commandant would be arriving today, but I wasn't expecting you. 1 53 54 302 (?) 55 54 55 301 Noticing your confusion, the supervisor chuckles. 55 56 301 Supervisor You're a "hero" now. It's hard not to know who you are. 1 56 57 302 (Smile wryly) 58 (Remain silent) 58 57 58 301 Supervisor If they're sending you here, then I suppose... 58 59 301 The supervisor lowers his head as if contemplating something, the rest of his words turning into inaudible mumbles. 59 60 302 Sorry? 61 60 61 301 Supervisor Pardon me. It's nothing... I just heard you were seriously injured in the last battle and have yet to fully recover. I didn't think you'd be back on the surface so soon. 1 61 62 302 Can't seem to sit still. 63 I've more or less recovered. 63 62 63 302 Plus, we're short-handed right now. 64 And we can always use more people. 64 63 64 301 Since you are feeling better, you can no longer justify lying on a bed in Star of Life as your teammates send you their mission reports. Not that this mission is something you have never done before. 64 65 301 Supervisor You are... exactly as people describe. 1 65 66 301 Supervisor This place was a mess when we started... We didn't even have space to settle the new refugees. 1 66 67 301 Supervisor But since transport to Babylonia has returned, we've been slowly receiving supplies. It's a glimmer of hope, so to speak. 1 67 68 301 The supervisor shows you a tired smile, the dark circles underneath his eyes revealing how little rest he has gotten. 68 69 302 I heard they're sending people from the Engineering Force to help rebuild. 70 69 70 301 Supervisor Oh, right... From the base to the west, I think. Should have arrived a week ago if not for some problems with the energy station there. 1 70 71 301 Supervisor We were understaffed everywhere... Supplies allocation was in disarray. Not a single place was doing well... 1 71 72 301 Supervisor Luckily... some people from the Engineering Force arrived early a few days ago. We've been doing much better that past two days. 1 72 73 301 Following where the supervisor is pointing, you are surprised to find a familiar figure in the crowd. 73 74 302 ...Karenina? 75 74 75 301 You notice her pair of standing Inver-Devices from afar. The white-headed girl is dragging supply crates taller than a human as she speaks to a staff member. The staff member reacts with unease before replying. 75 76 301 Hearing the reply, Karenina shoves a list into the staff member's hand before stomping off. 76 77 301 Before long, she has disappeared into the busy crowd. 77 78 302 They sent her... 79 Did something happen? 80 78 79 81 301 Supervisor I was told that she came immediately after she finished organizing the reconstruction of the last base. 1 79 80 301 Supervisor No... she did a lot. 1 80 81 301 Supervisor Reinforcement on our temporary hospital, assessment reports, materials lists, supply requests... We were overwhelmed just settling the wounded, so she's been taking all the reconstruction work upon herself. We're all... 1 81 82 301 Supervisor Hey, Wright! I told you to play in the park! 1 82 83 301 You can hear the sound of children playing nearby. The supervisor stops speaking halfway through, turning his head and shouting in their direction. 83 84 301 The children stop and lower their heads as he scolds them. The leading child looks down, fiddling with a controller, and you hear a buzz in the air—a small drone circles around, flying back toward the children. 84 85 301 Supervisor And Jonathan... Why are you two everywhere? If you keep messing around, Bossma'am is going to take your drone back. 1 85 86 301 The children nod and retrieve the drone on the ground before hopping away. The supervisor sighs, returning to your side. 86 87 302 Bossma'am? 88 Drone? 89 87 88 90 301 Supervisor It's what the kids call Karenina. She's been very popular with them ever since she fixed their toy drone... 88 89 301 Supervisor Yeah... Karenina even fixed the drone the kids found in the trash. But thanks to that, we finally get to see the kids smiling again. 89 90 302 How many things has she done... 91 90 91 301 Supervisor It's just... She overturned the previous rebuild plans the moment she arrived, saying they were too slow. Then she dived into work all alone, not listening to anyone... 1 91 92 301 Supervisor Some of the folks stationed here know a thing or two about construction. They wanted to help, but communicating with her was difficult, and they were always rejected. 1 92 93 301 Supervisor Her style is also very... hmm... No one was in danger, per se, but there were a lot of puzzling explosions. 1 93 94 302 (It's Karenina, after all...) 95 94 95 301 Supervisor So everyone's been stressed. Folks are going to clash if we keep going like this. 95 96 302 She just wants to make things better as quickly as possible. 97 She's just bad at communicating. 98 96 97 99 301 Supervisor Sigh... I know. It's what everyone here wants. Still... 1 97 98 301 Supervisor Sigh... I can tell. She's a responsible leader, and she's taken a lot off our plates since she came. Still... 1 98 99 301 Supervisor It's bad for everyone if she keeps going like this. 1 99 100 301 He sighs, shaking his head. 100 101 301 Supervisor You're a commandant. Maybe she'll listen to you? If you don't mind... speaking with her. 1 101 102 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Of course. 103 102 103 202 DialogDisable 1 1 103 104 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory544.jpg 104 105 301 DialogEnable You head toward where Karenina went, arriving at a temporary shelter. The supervisor said there was a fight when they tried to recover this area. All the buildings were damaged, and this is the only building with a roof. 105 106 301 Some heavily-injured soldiers and Scavengers are currently lying on folding beds, moaning painfully in their dreams. 106 107 301 ??? We can't accept that... 107 108 301 ??? Are you kicking us out?! 108 109 301 You hear a muted shout, which causes a stir. You look toward where the sound comes from and find the girl you have been looking for surrounded by the residents, all of them looking unhappy and mad. 109 110 302 (There...) 111 (What happened?) 111 110 111 201 1 500494 4 111 112 301 1 Karenina seems to be arguing about something with the people there. Frowning, she is about to say something when her gaze goes across the crowd and meets yours. 1 112 113 204 1 7 113 114 301 Her eyes widen. 114 115 301 Karenina Why are you... 1 115 116 204 1 4 116 117 301 For a second, Karenina looks like she is withholding something. Then she immediately looks away and focuses back on the residents surrounding her. 117 118 301 She takes a deep breath, looking incredibly serious. 118 119 301 Karenina I won't change my decision. 1 119 120 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Karenina Let me say it again: I have to blow up this place. 1