Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory286.png 2 2 401 1 201 3 3 201 1 500155 -400 4 4 201 2 1081001 4 400 5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 Chrome Alright. Sample collected. 1 6 6 301 Kamui Without the protective gear, I'm sure we'd be infected if we got any closer... What a creepy thing. 2 7 7 202 1 2 1 8 8 301 Though sealed in the airtight container, the sample is still attempting to flow toward the Red Tide as if it is alive. It also continues to produce small Hetero-Creatures. 9 9 201 1 1081001 -400 10 10 201 2 500273 400 11 11 301 1 Kamui As if it's trying to get back to its mother. Is it alive...? 1 12 12 301 Wanshi Asimov indeed believes that the Red Tide is a form of biologically evolved Punishing Virus. 2 13 13 301 Wanshi Looks like the Hetero-Creatures are by-products of the Red Tide, but further studies will need to be conducted in order to understand their source and how they are formed. 2 14 14 301 Kamui Wanshi isn't falling asleep for once. That's rare. 1 15 15 301 Wanshi ...Old habits die hard. But that's irrelevant now. 2 16 16 202 1 2 1 17 17 301 Wanshi looks back at the Red Tide. It has slowed down and formed a decent-sized lake in the lower grounds of the city. 18 18 301 The sunlight shimmers on the quiet crimson liquid that swallows life and death wherever it goes... 19 19 301 Then Wanshi hears the whispers in the Red Tide. 20 20 201 1 1081001 -400 21 21 201 2 500273 400 22 22 301 1 Wanshi ...! 2 23 23 301 Kamui What's wrong, Wanshi? You look terrible. 1 24 24 301 Wanshi Don't you hear that? 2 25 25 301 Kamui Hear what...? 1 26 26 202 1 2 1 27 27 201 1 500155 28 28 301 1 Chrome The creatures are talking in the Red Tide... No, they sound more like... data fragments? 1 29 29 301 Chrome It's meaningless. Don't let it distract you. 1 30 30 201 1 500273 31 31 301 1 Wanshi I know. 1 32 32 202 1 1 33 33 301 Even so, an eerie silence still envelops them. The whispers in the Red Tide flood into their ears and wraps around them like a perpetual shadow. 34 34 301 It is not until the vibration and rumbling in the distance break the silence that the three wake up from the trance and look for the source of the commotion. 35 35 301 The hissing of the Hetero-Creatures and the sound of the greatsword slashing echo above the empty city. 36 36 301 Mixed with familiar angry roars. 37 37 201 1 1081001 400 38 38 201 2 500155 -400 39 39 301 1 Kamui Could this be... 1 40 40 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Chrome Let's find out. 2 41 41 202 1 2 1 42 42 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory287.png 43 43 301 AniZhuanchangEnd They arrive just in time to see Camu fling a sticky Hetero-Creature off his greatsword with disgust. The creature splats on the wall behind Chrome then slowly slides down. Its mucus splashes onto the hem of Chrome's pants. 44 44 201 1 500155 45 45 301 1 Chrome ... 1 46 46 201 1 1081001 1 47 47 301 1 Kamui Camu! It really is you! Are you okay? 1 48 48 201 1 500175 49 49 301 1 Camu ...Stay back. 1 50 50 201 1 1081001 51 51 301 1 Kamui ...Hah? 1 52 52 201 1 500175 53 53 301 1 Camu I'm immune to it, but you might not be. Don't come closer if you don't have to. 1 54 54 301 Camu lifts a finger to point at the Hetero-Creature remnants and "blood" all over his body. 55 55 201 1 1081001 1 56 56 301 1 Kamui Nah. A part of our mission is to collect Red Tide samples, so we all put on full protective gear before we landed. Don't worry about us! 1 57 57 201 1 500175 58 58 301 1 Camu I didn't say I was worried. 1 59 59 202 1 1 60 60 201 1 1081001 -400 61 61 201 2 500273 400 62 62 301 1 Wanshi His fighting style is as insane as Kamui's... 2 63 63 301 Kamui I don't fight like that... 1 64 64 301 Camu puts the greatsword on his back and kicks the pile of Hetero-Creature limbs away, then walks toward the Strike Hawks. Kamui finally gets a good look at all the filth on Camu. 65 65 204 1 4 66 66 301 Kamui I? 1 67 67 201 1 500175 400 68 68 201 2 500155 -400 69 69 301 1 Camu So what's the situation? What are you all doing here? 1 70 70 301 Chrome We received a direct order from President Hassen to look for the Gray Ravens. They... 2 71 71 301 Camu Lost all contact, right? The guy with a disgusting smile told me the same thing and gave me a few possible coordinates. I've sifted through them, however... 1 72 72 301 Camu takes out the screen and pulls up the map. 73 73 301 Camu The closest coordinates are underground. I circled around this area but I didn't find an entrance. 1 74 74 301 Chrome There's an underground shelter below the city. I'm sure there are more than one entrances. If only we can find the blueprint of the underground facilities... 2 75 75 301 Camu Pointless. 1 76 76 301 Camu All the possible entrances have been blocked off. 1 77 77 301 Chrome What's... 2 78 78 301 Camu points at the Red Tide puddles on the ground. 79 79 301 Camu Unless you want to dive underwater to open the door? 1 80 80 202 1 2 1 81 81 201 1 1081001 -400 82 82 201 2 500273 400 83 83 301 1 Kamui ...That might be a little challenging. 1 84 84 301 Wanshi It feels like someone is intentionally trying to stop us. Where does the Red Tide come from? Is it sentient or is someone manipulating it? 2 85 85 201 1 500175 400 86 86 201 2 500155 -400 87 87 301 1 Camu Hmph. Every time I tried to get closer to those coordinates, these disgusting things would swarm at me. 1 88 88 301 Chrome Other squads are also looking for Huaxu. Their protective gear isn't as strong as ours, so they might not be able to get past the Red Tide. 2 89 89 301 Chrome If we can't find a way to go underground, we should at least ensure the safety of our ground support. 2 90 90 301 Chrome Kamui, you work with Camu. Continue to look for the Gray Ravens. 2 91 91 301 Chrome Wanshi and I will connect with the other squads. We need to sync our information and make sure that there is enough support to handle any situation. 2 92 92 202 1 2 1 93 93 201 1 1081001 -400 94 94 201 2 500273 400 95 95 301 1 Kamui Understood. 1 96 96 301 Wanshi Got it. 2 97 97 202 1 2 1 98 98 201 1 500155 99 99 301 1 Chrome (We'll leave Huaxu to you, Gray Raven. I have faith in you.) 1 100 100 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Chrome Whatever we do... we need to hurry. 1