Id Icon Name Desc Condition[1] Condition[2] FightEventId[1] FightEventId[2] FightEventId[3] FightEventId[4] 1 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Find Weakness α Attacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack,/n increasing DMG dealt to them by Support Omniframes. 200001 2 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Find Weakness β Attacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack,/n increasing DMG dealt to them by Tank Omniframes. 200002 3 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Lingering Signal After a non-Attacker Omniframe pings Signal Orbs,\nthe next Omniframe entering battle will deal increased DMG. 200003 4 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png High Morale After a non-Attacker Omniframe deals DMG,\nthe next Omniframe entering battle will deal increased DMG. 200004 5 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 5 Each time an enemy is attacked, it loses 2% Extra DMG Reduction. This effect has a cooldown of 1s before being triggered again.\nStacks up to 100%. 200005 6 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 6 The cooldown of Orb recovery from Basic Attacks is doubled. 200006 7 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 7 In Special Dispatch Zone, Basic Attacks recover Orbs at a slower rate.\nAfter dealing DMG, the next Omniframe that enters battle will gain Signal Orbs. 200007 200006 8 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 8 Basic Attacks recover Orbs at a slower rate.\nWhen healed, team members can gain Signal Orbs. 200008 200006 9 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 9 In Special Dispatch Zone, the cooldown of QTE is reduced.\nQTE also recovers additional Orbs for the current character in battle. 200009 10 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 10 In Special Dispatch Zone, Basic Attacks recover Orbs at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal extra DMG 1 time when they hit. 200010 200006 11 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 11 In Special Dispatch Zone, the cooldown of QTE is extended.\nWhile the cooldown of switching between members is reduced. 200011 200012 12 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 12 QTE cooldown increases by 6s. 200012 13 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 13 In Special Dispatch Zone, Basic Attacks recover Orbs at a slower rate.\nWhen gaining a shield, team members can gain Signal Orbs. 200013 200006 14 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 14 In Special Dispatch Zone, after the current character uses a CUB skill\nHe or she will deal increased DMG over the next 5s. 200014 200042 15 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 15 Signature Move consumes all available energy\nAnd deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200015 16 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 16 Gain 9 bonus Signal Orbs each time when a new character is switched into battle. 200016 17 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 17 Character's shield capacity and healing effect increase by 100%. 200017 200018 18 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 18 Character's shield capacity and healing effect increase by 100%. 200018 200017 19 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 19 The energy cost of Signature Move is reduced by 50%. 200019 20 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 20 After character switch, the character that is switched into battle gains 10% Extra DMG Bonus.\nThis effect lasts permanently and stacks up to 150%. 200020 21 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32031.png Berserk 1 The enemy's attacking desire increases by 33%. When dealing DMG, there is a 20% chance to deal 33% Extra DMG. 32031 22 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32032.png Berserk 2 The enemy's attacking desire increases by 66%. When dealing DMG, there is a 40% chance to deal 33% Extra DMG. 32032 23 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32033.png Berserk 3 The enemy's attacking desire increases by 100%. When dealing DMG, there is a 60% chance to deal 33% Extra DMG. 32033 24 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon11011.png Assault 1 Enemies gain 10% more Attack. 11011 25 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon11012.png Assault 2 Enemies gain 20% more Attack. 94014 11012 26 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon11013.png Assault 3 Enemies gain 30% more Attack. 11013 27 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33152.png Lightning Mine Enemy attacks plant a bomb on their target that detonates after some time, dealing Physical DMG equal to 15% of their ATK. 94019 32151 28 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32071.png Radiation 1 The enemy will deal Physical DMG equal to 1% of its ATK to nearby targets per second. 32071 29 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32072.png Radiation 2 The enemy will deal Physical DMG equal to 2% of its ATK to nearby targets per second. 94016 32072 30 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32073.png Radiation 3 The enemy will deal Physical DMG equal to 3% of its ATK to nearby targets per second. 32073 31 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Lightning Shield Every time the enemy gets hit, there is a 10% chance to call down a lightning strike upon the attacker (5s cooldown), dealing Lightning DMG equal to 20% of its ATK. 94022 32131 32 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32021.png Shield 1 Every 8s, enemies will gain a shield equal to 15% of maximum HP for 3s. 32021 33 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32022.png Shield 2 Every 8s, enemies will gain a shield equal to 25% of max HP for 3s. 94018 32022 34 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32023.png Shield 3 Every 8s, enemies will gain a shield equal to 35% of max HP for 3s. 94021 32023 35 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32061.png Barrier 1 Enemies have shields that absorb up to 15% of max HP before shattering. 32061 36 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32062.png Barrier 2 Enemies have shields that absorb up to 25% of max HP before shattering. 94015 32062 37 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32063.png Barrier 3 Enemies have shields that absorb up to 35% of max HP before shattering. 32063 38 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32081.png Closed Loop 1 The enemy's Extra DMG Reduction increases by 30% when taking DMG from more than 4m away. 32081 39 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32082.png Closed Loop 2 The enemy's Extra DMG Reduction increases by 45% when taking DMG from more than 4m away. 32082 40 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32083.png Closed Loop 3 The enemy's Extra DMG Reduction increases by 60% when taking DMG from more than 4m away. 32083 41 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21131.png Dynamic Calibration 1 Th enemy recovers 1% of max HP per second. This effect is reduced from 1% to 0.4% for 2s after taking DMG. 200062 200043 42 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21132.png Dynamic Calibration 2 Th enemy recovers 2% of max HP per second. This effect is reduced from 2% to 0.8% within 2s after taking DMG. 94024 200063 200043 43 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21133.png Dynamic Calibration 3 Th enemy recovers 3% of max HP per second. This effect is reduced from 3% to 1.2% within 2s after taking DMG. 94024 200064 200043 44 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33031.png Black Hole 1 The enemy will pull the player in every 16s. 33031 45 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33032.png Black Hole 2 The enemy will pull the player in every 12s. 94020 33032 46 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33033.png Black Hole 3 The enemy will pull the player in every 8s. 33033 47 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33001.png Flash 1 The enemy will teleport toward the target every 10s. 94017 33001 48 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33002.png Flash 2 The enemy will teleport toward the target every 10s. 33002 49 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33003.png Flash 3 The enemy will teleport toward the target every 10s. 33003 50 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33091.png Freeze Each attack has a 30% chance to deal an additional 10% Ice DMG and freeze the target for 1s. 33061 51 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32001.png Immovable Enemies will not be stunned. 32001 52 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32121.png Penetration Each time the enemy hits the player, player loses 3% DEF for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. 94023 32121 53 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon31072.png Agile The enemy's Movement Speed is increased. 94012 110010 54 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32091.png Blessing Extra DMG Bonus of other enemies around the enemy increases by 20%. 94013 32091 55 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32042.png Bomb The enemy will explode and deal Physical DMG equal to 45% of its ATK to nearby units before it dies. 32041 56 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon31072.png Agile The enemy's Movement Speed is increased. 110010 57 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32091.png Blessing Extra DMG Bonus of other enemies around the enemy increases by 20%. 32091 58 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon11012.png Assault 2 ATK of enemies in Simulated Battle increases by 20%. 11012 59 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32062.png Barrier 2 Enemies have shields that absorb up to 25% of max HP before shattering. 32062 60 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32072.png Radiation 2 The enemy will deal Physical DMG equal to 2% of its ATK to nearby targets per second. 32072 61 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33001.png Flash 1 The enemy will teleport toward the target every 10s. 33001 62 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32022.png Shield 2 Every 8s, enemies will gain a shield equal to 25% of max HP for 3s. 32022 63 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32151.png Lightning Mine Enemy attacks plant a bomb on their target that detonates after some time, dealing Physical DMG equal to 45% of their ATK. 32151 64 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33032.png Black Hole 2 The enemy will pull the player in every 12s. 33032 65 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32023.png Shield 3 Every 8s, enemies will gain a shield equal to 35% of max HP for 3s. 32023 66 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Lightning Shield Every time the enemy gets hit, there is a 10% chance to call down a lightning strike upon the attacker (5s cooldown), dealing Lightning DMG equal to 20% of its ATK. 32131 67 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32121.png Penetration Each time the enemy hits the player, player loses 3% DEF for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. 32121 68 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32013.png Recovery 3 The enemy will recover 3% of max HP per second. 32013 69 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon001.png Add-on 1 Attack Add-on 200021 70 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon002.png Add-on 2 HP Add-on 200022 71 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Coordinated Battle All team members enter the battle. You may choose to control any character at any time. 200023 72 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Lone Wolf Tactic Cooldown of switching between members in Special Dispatch Zone is extended.\nTeam members become enhanced as they stay in the battle longer. This effect is reset each time a new player is switched into battle. 95014 95015 95016 73 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33101.png Deterioration 1 Damage dealt also reduces target's healing received by 50% for 3s. 33101 74 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33102.png Deterioration 2 Damage dealt also reduces target's healing received by 60% for 4s. 33102 75 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33103.png Deterioration 3 Damage dealt also reduces target's healing received by 70% for 5s. 33103 76 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Physical DMG Boost I Increases Physical DMG by 10%, 200024 77 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Fire DMG Boost I Increases Fire DMG by 10%, 200025 78 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ice DMG Boost I Increases Ice DMG by 10%, 200026 79 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Lightning DMG Boost I Lightning DMG increases by 10%, 200027 80 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Dark DMG Boost I Increases Dark DMG by 10%, 200028 81 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Physical DMG Boost II Increases Physical DMG by 20%, 200029 82 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Fire DMG Boost II Increases Fire DMG by 20%, 200030 83 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ice DMG Boost II Increases Ice DMG by 20%, 200031 84 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Lightning DMG Boost II Lightning DMG increases by 20% 200032 85 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Dark DMG Boost II Increases Dark DMG by 20%, 200033 86 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Physical DMG Boost III Increases Physical DMG by 30%, 200034 87 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Fire DMG Boost III Increases Fire DMG by 30%, 200035 88 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ice DMG Boost III Increases Ice DMG by 30%, 200036 89 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Lightning DMG Boost III Lightning DMG increases by 30%, 200037 90 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Dark DMG Boost III Increases Dark DMG by 30%, 200038 91 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png CUB Boost II Gain 3 bonus Signal Orbs every 10s when a CUB is present. 200039 92 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Frontline 1 Physical 1 Physical DMG increases by 10%. Cooldown of switching between members is extended.\nMembers become enhanced as they stay in the battle longer. This effect is reset each time a new player is switched into battle. 200024 95014 95015 95016 93 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Frontline 1 Physical 2 Physical DMG increases by 20%. Cooldown of switching between members is extended.\nMembers become enhanced as they stay in the battle longer. This effect is reset each time a new player is switched into battle. 200029 95014 95015 95016 94 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 1 Physical 2 Physical DMG increases by 20% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal Extra DMG once when they hit. 200029 200010 200006 95 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 2 Physical 2 Physical DMG increases by 20%.\nSignature Move consumes all available energy and deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200029 200015 96 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 1 Physical 2 Physical DMG increases by 20%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Support Omniframes. 200029 200001 97 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 1 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Support Omniframes. 200034 200001 98 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 1 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal Extra DMG once when they hit. 200034 200010 200006 99 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 2 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%.\nThe cooldown of QTE is extended, while the cooldown of switching between members is reduced. 200034 200011 200012 100 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Tank 1 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nWhen gaining a shield, team members can gain Signal Orbs. 200034 200013 200006 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png CUB 1 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%.\nUsing a CUB skill will increase the damage dealt by the current character. 200034 200014 200042 102 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 1 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%. The cooldown of QTE is reduced.\nQTE also recover additional Orbs for the current character in battle. 200034 200009 103 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 3 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%.\nAfter a non-Attacker Omniframe pings Signal Orbs, the next member entering battle will deal increased DMG. 200034 200003 104 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 2 Physical 2 Physical DMG increases by 20%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Tank Omniframes. 200029 200002 105 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 2 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Tank Omniframes. 200034 200002 106 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 2 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%.\nSignature Move consumes all available energy and deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200034 200015 107 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support 1 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nWhen healed, team members can gain Signal Orbs. 200034 200008 200006 108 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png CUB 2 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%.\nGain 3 Signal Orbs every 10s when a CUB is present. 200034 200039 109 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 4 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%.\nAfter a non-Attacker Omniframe deals DMG, the next member entering battle will deal increased DMG. 200034 200004 110 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Frontline 1 Fire 2 Fire DMG increases by 20%. Cooldown of switching between members is extended.\nMembers become enhanced as they stay in the battle longer. This effect is reset each time a new player is switched into battle. 200030 95014 95015 95016 111 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 1 Fire 2 Fire DMG increases by 20% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal Extra DMG once when they hit. 200030 200010 200006 112 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 2 Fire 2 Fire DMG increases by 20%.\nSignature Move consumes all available energy and deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200030 200015 113 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 1 Fire 2 Fire DMG increases by 20%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Support Omniframes. 200030 200001 114 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 1 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Support Omniframes. 200035 200001 115 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 2 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%.\nSignature Move consumes all available energy and deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200035 200015 116 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 2 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%.\nThe cooldown of QTE is extended, while the cooldown of switching between members is reduced. 200035 200011 200012 117 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Tank 1 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nWhen gaining a shield, team members can gain Signal Orbs. 200035 200013 200006 118 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png CUB 1 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%.\nUsing a CUB skill will increase the damage dealt by the current character. 200035 200014 200042 119 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 1 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%. The cooldown of QTE is reduced.\nQTE also recover additional Orbs for the current character in battle. 200035 200009 120 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 3 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%.\nAfter a non-Attacker Omniframe pings Signal Orbs, the next member entering battle will deal increased DMG. 200035 200003 121 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Frontline 1 Ice 2 Ice DMG increases by 20%. Cooldown of switching between members is extended.\nMembers become enhanced as they stay in the battle longer. This effect is reset each time a new player is switched into battle. 200031 95014 95015 95016 122 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 1 Ice 2 Ice DMG increases by 20% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal Extra DMG once when they hit. 200031 200010 200006 123 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 2 Ice 2 Ice DMG increases by 20%.\nSignature Move consumes all available energy and deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200031 200015 124 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 1 Ice 2 Ice DMG increases by 20%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Support Omniframes. 200031 200001 125 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 1 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Support Omniframes. 200036 200001 126 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 1 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal Extra DMG once when they hit. 200036 200010 200006 127 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 2 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%.\nThe cooldown of QTE is extended, while the cooldown of switching between members is reduced. 200036 200011 200012 128 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support 1 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nWhen healed, team members can gain Signal Orbs. 200036 200008 200006 129 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png CUB 1 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%.\nUsing a CUB skill will increase the damage dealt by the current character. 200036 200014 200042 130 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 1 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%. The cooldown of QTE is reduced.\nQTE also recover additional Orbs for the current character in battle. 200036 200009 131 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 3 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%.\nAfter a non-Attacker Omniframe pings Signal Orbs, the next member entering battle will deal increased DMG. 200036 200003 132 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Frontline 1 Lightning 2 Lightning DMG increases by 20%. Cooldown of switching between members is extended.\nMembers become enhanced as they stay in the battle longer. This effect is reset each time a new player is switched into battle. 200032 95014 95015 95016 133 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 1 Lightning 2 Lightning DMG increases by 20% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal Extra DMG once when they hit. 200032 200010 200006 134 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 2 Lightning 2 Lightning DMG increases by 20%.\nSignature Move consumes all available energy and deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200032 200015 135 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 2 Lightning 2 Lightning DMG increases by 20%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Tank Omniframes. 200032 200002 136 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 2 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Tank Omniframes. 200037 200002 137 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 2 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%.\nSignature Move consumes all available energy and deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200037 200015 138 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 2 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%.\nThe cooldown of QTE is extended, while the cooldown of switching between members is reduced. 200037 200011 200012 139 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Tank 1 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nWhen gaining a shield, team members can gain Signal Orbs. 200037 200013 200006 140 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png CUB 2 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%.\nGain 3 Signal Orbs every 10s when a CUB is present. 200037 200039 141 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 1 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%. The cooldown of QTE is reduced.\nQTE also recover additional Orbs for the current character in battle. 200037 200009 142 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 4 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%.\nAfter a non-Attacker Omniframe deals DMG, the next member entering battle will deal increased DMG. 200037 200004 143 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Frontline 1 Dark 2 Dark DMG increases by 20%. Cooldown of switching between members is extended.\nMembers become enhanced as they stay in the battle longer. This effect is reset each time a new player is switched into battle. 200033 95014 95015 95016 144 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 1 Dark 2 Dark DMG increases by 20% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal Extra DMG once when they hit. 200033 200010 200006 145 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 2 Dark 2 Dark DMG increases by 20%.\nSignature Move consumes all available energy and deals increased damage based on the energy consumed. 200033 200015 146 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 2 Dark 2 Dark DMG increases by 20%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Tank Omniframes. 200033 200002 147 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 2 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%.\nAttacker Omniframes mark the targets when they attack, increasing the DMG dealt to them by Tank Omniframes. 200038 200002 148 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Special 1 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nBasic Attacks deal Extra DMG once when they hit. 200038 200010 200006 149 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 2 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%.\nThe cooldown of QTE is extended, while the cooldown of switching between members is reduced. 200038 200011 200012 150 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support 1 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30% but Orbs are recovered at a slower rate.\nWhen healed, team members can gain Signal Orbs. 200038 200008 200006 151 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png CUB 2 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%.\nGain 3 Signal Orbs every 10s when a CUB is present. 200038 200039 152 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 1 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%. The cooldown of QTE is reduced.\nQTE also recover additional Orbs for the current character in battle. 200038 200009 153 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 4 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%.\nAfter a non-Attacker Omniframe deals DMG, the next member entering battle will deal increased DMG. 200038 200004 154 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Affix Name 7 After reaching a combo number that is a multiplier of 50, launch laser to hit all enemy targets\ndealing 100,000 True Damage 200040 200041 155 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33111.png Logistic Support Increases the limit time of Deep Hive by 30s after clearing this stage. 94020 200044 156 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32161.png Abnormal Units The 2nd enemy of the 1st wave is enhanced, and its death increases the ATK and HP of all enemies by 50%. 94019 200045 157 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32101.png Severely Corrupted The 1st enemy of the 1st Wave is enhanced, gaining Commander and Blessing Bonus, and increases HP limit by 50%. 94021 200046 158 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33021.png Sacrifice After 20s of combat, a special Missionary will be summoned. It will gradually approach the enemy unit and deduct its own Health to restore it and it will be summoned every 30s (There's only one Missionary on the field) 94022 200047 200057 159 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13031.png Stress Reaction After a character deals DMG to the enemy, 1 Baneling is generated nearby, 8s Cooldown. 94024 200048 160 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon12251.png Light Punishment 1 beam of Main Laser is generated on the field which tracks your units, and is enhanced every 30s. Enter Overload state 180s later, the enhancement interval reduces to 5s. 200049 161 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon22050.png Light Sensitivity After clearing this stage, the Deep Hive's Main Laser Overload time delays for 30s. 94020 200050 162 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21111.png High-Energy Rig Main Laser increases DMG by 30%. 94019 200051 163 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13061.png Fire Net 2 beams of Secondary Lasers are generated on the field. They move closer to your units every 1s and has a fixed speed and DMG. 94021 200052 164 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13001.png Singularity 26s after the start of the Battle, the field unit unleashes one Dark Explosion, shortening the next unleash interval by 2s, increasing DMG by 10%. 200053 165 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13011.png Catalytic Unit After clearing this stage, the time for the first Dark Explosion unleashed from the Deep Hive's field unit delays to 28s. 94023 200054 166 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13021.png Hysteria Adds 10% of Extra DMG Bonus to all enemy units in field after each Dark Explosion (excluding itself). 94022 200055 167 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33031.png Energy Gathering Unleashes Black Hole which draws in our units before each Dark Explosion. 94024 200056 168 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21212.png Fire 2 Attacks deal an additional 15% Fire DMG and have a 15% chance to inflict Burn, dealing 15% Fire DMG per second for 3s. 110245 169 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33111.png Logistic Support Increases the limit time of Deep Hive by 30s after clearing this stage. 94023 200059 170 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33111.png Add-on 3 Time Add-on 200061 171 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ping After a 3-Ping, 1 Signal Orb of the same color\nwill drop upon a 3-Ping. 3s cooldown 200065 172 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 6 Non-Attacker 3-Pings can store signal orb,\nand then return to the Attacker entered 200066 173 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 3 After the member fights at the frontline for a certain time,\na spinning light orb will generate upon substitution 200067 174 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 4 During substitution, the backstage characters can also obtain 3 orbs,\nwhile the QTE CD increases 200068 175 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE2 Substitution can reset all QTE CD 200069 176 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 3 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%, and after the member fights at the frontline for a certain time,\na spinning light orb will generate upon substitution 200034 200067 177 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 2 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%\nSubstitution can reset all QTE CD 200034 200069 178 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 5 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%, non-Attacker 3-Pings\ncan store signal orb, and then return to the Attacker entered 200034 200066 179 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 3 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%, and after the member fights at the frontline for a certain time,\na spinning light orb will generate upon substitution 200035 200067 180 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 2 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%\nSubstitution can reset all QTE CD 200035 200069 181 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 5 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%, non-Attacker 3-Pings\ncan store signal orb, and then return to the Attacker entered 200035 200066 182 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 3 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%, and after the member fights at the frontline for a certain time,\na spinning light orb will generate upon substitution 200036 200067 183 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 2 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%\nSubstitution can reset all QTE CD 200036 200069 184 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 5 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%, non-Attacker 3-Pings\ncan store signal orb, and then return to the Attacker entered 200036 200066 185 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 3 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%, and after the member fights at the frontline for a certain time,\na spinning light orb will generate upon substitution 200037 200067 186 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 2 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%\nSubstitution can reset all QTE CD 200037 200069 187 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 5 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%, non-Attacker 3-Pings\ncan store signal orb, and then return to the Attacker entered 200037 200066 188 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 3 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%, and after the member fights at the frontline for a certain time,\na spinning light orb will generate upon substitution 200038 200067 189 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png QTE 2 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%\nSubstitution can reset all QTE CD 200038 200069 190 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Support/Tank 5 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%, non-Attacker 3-Pings\ncan store signal orb, and then return to the Attacker entered 200038 200066 191 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ping 1 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%\n1 signal orb of the same color will drop upon a 3-Ping 200034 200065 192 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 4 Physical 3 Physical DMG increases by 30%, and during substitution, the backstage characters\ncan also obtain 3 orbs, while the QTE CD increases 200034 200068 193 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ping 1 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%\n1 signal orb of the same color will drop upon a 3-Ping 200035 200065 194 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 4 Fire 3 Fire DMG increases by 30%, and during substitution, the backstage characters\ncan also obtain 3 orbs, while the QTE CD increases 200035 200068 195 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ping 1 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%\n1 signal orb of the same color will drop upon a 3-Ping 200036 200065 196 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 4 Ice 3 Ice DMG increases by 30%, and during substitution, the backstage characters\ncan also obtain 3 orbs, while the QTE CD increases 200036 200068 197 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ping 1 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%\n1 signal orb of the same color will drop upon a 3-Ping 200037 200065 198 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 4 Lightning 3 Lightning DMG increases by 30%, and during substitution, the backstage characters\ncan also obtain 3 orbs, while the QTE CD increases 200037 200068 199 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Ping 1 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%\n1 signal orb of the same color will drop upon a 3-Ping 200038 200065 200 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Switch 4 Dark 3 Dark DMG increases by 30%, and during substitution, the backstage characters\ncan also obtain 3 orbs, while the QTE CD increases 200038 200068 201 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Pure Site Damage by Uniframes reduces more Finisher Gauge value. 202 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon11012.png Assault 2 Enemy's Extra DMG Bonus increases by 45%. 200114 203 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32032.png Berserk 2 The enemy's attacking desire increases by 66%. When dealing DMG, there is a 40% chance to deal 33% Extra DMG. 200115 204 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13041.png Emergency Device When the enemy's HP falls to 10%, activate a first-aid system that recover 20% of their HP in 5s. 10s cooldown. 94037 200102 205 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon10042.png Burn The enemy's damage also causes allies to Burn, losing HP every second over 5s. 94038 200103 206 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33102.png Deterioration 2 Damage dealt also reduces target's healing received by 60% for 4s. 200116 207 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32121.png Penetration 2 Each time the enemy hits the player, player loses 4% DEF for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. 200117 208 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon11001.png Inner Force The max HP of enemies increases by 10%. 94039 200104 209 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32041.png Revenge Upon death, the enemies will lay a mine where they stand that explodes after a short delay, dealing damage. 94040 200105 210 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21071.png Destructive Beam 30s after the start of battle, 1 laser device will appear to launch laser at ally units every 20s. After each shot, the laser has its interval reduced by 2s and deals 10% more damage. 200106 211 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon12121.png Enhanced Charging Base The warning time of laser device decreases by 33%. 94041 200107 212 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21081.png Cross Fire One additional laser device will appear in battle. 94043 200108 213 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon22050.png Signal Dark Field After clearing this stage, the laser device in Deep Hive will appear 30s later. 94042 200109 214 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21061.png Hive 30s after the start of battle, 2 Jitterbombs will appear. The interval is reduced by 2s each time and 1 more Jitterbomb will appear (up to 4). 200110 215 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21053.png Pheromone Jitterbomb now moves and explodes 100% faster. 94044 200111 216 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13001.png Singularity Mark Jitterbomb initiates a Dark Burst when not dying from self-destruction. 94046 200112 217 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33111.png Logistic Support Increases the limit time of Deep Hive by 30s after clearing this stage. 94045 200044 218 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon33111.png Electromagnetization Enemies inflict Lightning DMG equal to 20% ATK upon dealing damage 200118 219 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13061.png Super Lightning Field Generate multiple rounds of vertical and diagonal lightnings around the target every 8s 94047 200119 220 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon12151.png Dominator Enemies are immune to Matrix effects. 94048 200120 221 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon12051.png Energy Loss Upon receiving Lightning DMG, the character loses 20 Dodge and 20 Energy within 4s. 94049 200121 222 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32063.png Iron Shield Enemies have a shield equal to 10% max HP upon deployment. The shield will not be refreshed. 94050 200122 223 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon22090.png Ruler There will be two more Primes on the field to assist the enemies in battle. 200123 224 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerSupportIcon1.png War Drum α The assistant Primes provide the enemies with 2 buffs when on the field: Assult 3 and DMG Immunity 3 94047 200124 225 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32091.png Undying The assistant Primes will revive 20s after death 94048 200125 226 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon22080.png Wound Healing The assistant Primes restore 1% of max HP per second 94049 200126 227 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon22041.png Overwhelming Power The assistant Primes gain a 10% Extra DMG Bonus 94050 200127 228 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon1.png Ascendant Watcher Alpha will watch over the field. She will fire 1 swordwave 33s after the battle starts. Meanwhile, she will reduce the firing interval by 3s and increase swordwave damage by 10%. Swordwaves +1 every 3 rounds. 200128 229 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21042.png Blade Edge Base swordwave damage increases by 20% 94047 200129 230 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32111.png Blade Wave Swordwaves +1 upon first wave fired 94048 200130 231 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32113.png Blade Shadow Upon fired, swordwave(s) will inflict 1 hit of swordwave(s) on each side, which deal 20% of the original damage 94049 200131 232 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon32121.png Blade Fang Swordwaves will deal Extra DMG equal to 100% of their damage and reduce healing by 25% within 5s after hitting the target. The effect can be stacked. 94050 200132 233 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Limiter Release Every after character switch: \nCharacter on the field has permanent 20% Extra DMG Bonus (up to 200%)\nCharacter on the field gains Super Armor and a shield equal to 30% max HP within 15s. 200133 234 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon012.png Vision Event A black hole will appear on the battlefield at intervals.\nThe black hole will pull in enemies within a large area over time. 200134 235 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconAffixUnionKill/UiUnionKillBUFFIcon018.png Operation Uniframe Upon taking Uniframe DMG, greatly reduces the Finisher Gauge. Speed Attack Skills' bonus effects will not be affected (not shown). 200135 236 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon13021.png Final Countdown After the battle starts, a flame will appear on the battlefield every 9s, which will deal Fire DMG to allies it touches. After the 20th flame is summoned, the flames will start tracking your allies. 200136 237 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon12121.png Ceremony Preparation After the stage is cleared, each flame summoned will shrink over time and start to track your 30s later. 94022 200137 238 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon12151.png Nowhere to Hide The flames' damage cannot be dodged. 94023 200138 239 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerChallengeIcon21212.png Scorching Flame Flame deals 200% more DMG. 94024 200139