Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 3 504 1 2 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory176.png 3 2 401 1 208 4 4 201 1 500220 1 -400 5 5 201 2 500221 400 6 6 301 DialogEnable 1 Qu Is anyone willing to carry out this mission? 1 7 7 301 Moyuan I'll go. Bai Gui has been busy doing business with Akdilek recently. 2 8 601 201 1 500243 -400 9 602 201 2 500241 400 10 8 301 1 Bai Gui Indeed, Moyuan would be more suitable. Sending others over to the World Government would turn exchanging words into exchanging blows. 1 11 9 301 Lianshan Hey, that was ages ago. Stop bringing it up. 2 12 10 301 Bai Gui You have yourself to blame for fighting with Cosmos Industries for three straight days and nights, Lianshan. Something like that is going down in history. 1 13 11 301 Lianshan I would prefer if you call it civilized discussion. We were merely debating over horizontal and vertical urban development! 2 14 603 202 1 2 1 15 604 201 1 500221 16 12 301 1 Moyuan Haha, Bai Gui, don't tease Lianshan. He might just ignore you when the time comes. 1 17 605 201 1 500243 -400 18 606 201 2 500241 400 19 13 301 1 Bai Gui As long as we have sufficient funds here at the Chiwen Crew, we won't have to worry about Lianshan's attitude issue. 1 20 14 301 Lianshan Screw you. That's an insult to our professionalism as members of the Baxia Crew. 2 21 15 301 Bai Gui Funds for the next project will be tripled. 1 22 16 301 Lianshan ...Deal, then. 2 23 607 201 1 500220 1 -400 24 608 201 2 500221 400 25 17 301 1 Moyuan Uhm, is it really alright to spend money so wantonly, Bai Gui? 2 26 18 301 Qu No matter. She'll earn it all back. 1 27 19 301 Moyuan If you say so, Lady Qu. Well then, I'll go back and get ready to leave. 2 28 609 201 1 500244 -400 29 20 301 1 Heng Ji Wait, take this. 1 30 701 401 2 1509 31 21 301 Heng Ji throws a micro bot blinking in blue to Moyuan. The probe above the machine spins in the air. 32 22 301 Heng Ji It's a long way to go. This gadget can replace me in giving your periodic maintenance for your prosthesis. 1 33 23 301 Moyuan Oh, it's this thing again. 2 34 24 301 Heng Ji Don't worry. I've improved it. It won't burden your external humanoid brain any more. I've also reduced the power consumed by the nerve link with your prosthesis. It should perform better than last time. 1 35 25 301 Listening to Heng Ji, Moyuan tosses the micro bot into the air beside her. Surprisingly, it hovers in the air. A young mechanical doll with small hands firmly catches the device. 36 26 301 Moyuan Alright, fine. 2 37 27 301 Moyuan reaches out and gently strokes the doll's hair. A moment later, the doll disappears with the gadget and hides nearby. 38 28 301 Moyuan My prosthesis may have cured my disease, but it sure is a pain to repair. 2 39 29 301 Heng Ji That's the price you have to pay. 1 40 610 202 1 2 1 41 611 201 1 500220 42 30 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Qu Alright, you're dismissed. Have a safe trip, Moyuan. 1 43 31 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory58.jpg 44 32 202 1 2 1 45 33 401 1 201 46 34 201 1 500221 47 35 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunNew.prefab 2 48 36 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Moyuan Check, 123. Check, 123. Okay, I can hear you. Communication established. 1 49 37 301 Moyuan I've finished negotiating with the World Government. The mission went according to plan. 1 50 38 301 Moyuan But there's one thing they haven't made public. 1 51 39 301 Moyuan And that's the failure of the zero-point reactor experiment. 1 52 40 301 Moyuan I've got a bad feeling about this... 1 53 41 301 Moyuan No cause for alarm, though. My hunches are known to be wrong on occasion! 1 54 42 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Moyuan I'll return to Kowloong once I get more detailed information. Wait for me. 1 55 700 201 1 500237 56 43 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Moyuan Lady Qu... The zero-point reactor is more dangerous than we all thought. 1 57 44 301 Moyuan Its failure gave birth to a strange virus, which is being referred to as the "Punishing Virus" by the World Government. 1 58 45 301 Moyuan Namely—mankind's punishment... 1 59 46 301 Moyuan This virus infects machines, turning them into monsters. I'm not sure if it will affect my mechanical functions. 1 60 47 301 Moyuan Don't worry. I'm on my way back now. 1 61 48 301 Moyuan But before I return, be sure to— 1 62 49 301 PanelActor1Shake AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Moyuan ———— 1 63 50 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory176.png 64 51 401 1 202 65 52 202 1 1 66 53 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunNew.prefab 67 54 504 0 68 57 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Qu awakens from her memory and opens her eyes to eight officers standing before her. 69 55 201 1 500241 70 58 301 1 Lianshan The defense turrets have been installed. 1 71 612 201 1 500220 72 59 301 1 Qu Alright. Chi Ling, transfer 50 people from the Pulao Crew to replace the Baxia Crew and let Zhao Lun lead the team. He's from Shenjiu Street in the outer city, so he should be more familiar with the area. 1 73 613 201 1 500224 74 60 301 1 Chi Ling Understood. 1 75 614 201 1 500244 76 61 301 1 Heng Ji The virus filter supported by Huaxu's computational power has entered the final stage. It's expected to be completed 3 hours before the Corrupted's arrival. 1 77 615 201 1 500220 78 62 301 1 Qu To ensure safety, give priority to ensuring that the people in the city will not be infected by the airborne Punishing Virus. 1 79 616 201 1 500244 80 63 301 1 Heng Ji Understood. 1 81 617 201 1 500243 82 64 301 1 Bai Gui The supplies that will be distributed to each city district have been prepared. 1 83 618 201 1 500220 4 84 65 301 1 Qu Lianshan, send twenty of the Baxia Crew from West City District to the South City District. The network of old streets from Dingwu to Dingjiu in the South City District needs more manpower. 1 85 619 201 1 500241 86 66 301 1 Lianshan Alright. 1 87 620 202 1 88 67 301 Qu quickly flips through each report in the data panel and issues orders. After all the reports are processed, Qu closes the panel. 89 68 301 Qu's officials serve as the backbone of the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce. Their individual personalities work like gears in a machine, performing their respective duties and supporting the operation of the city with Qu. 90 69 301 Qu glances at everyone in the conference room and finally stops at an empty seat. 91 621 201 1 500220 92 70 301 1 Qu ...Moyuan's comms are still offline? 1 93 622 201 1 500224 94 71 301 1 Chi Ling Correct. She's been MIA ever since an outbreak occurred at her location. 1 95 72 301 Hearing this, everyone falls silent. They all know what would happen to Moyuan with her modifications and the lack of protection in the outside world. 96 623 201 1 500242 97 73 301 1 Danhao There's no reason to be distraught. Moyuan likes going off grid, then appearing the next day. She's a brash and reckless child, even the Chaofeng Crew doesn't bother restraining her. 1 98 624 201 1 500241 99 74 301 1 Lianshan The situation is different. 1 100 625 201 1 500220 101 75 301 1 Qu Lianshan is right—the situation is different. I have sent the frontline battle reports to all of you. This is the reality we are about to face. 1 102 76 301 Seeing the escalating disaster report, the officials give up on their unrealistic fantasies. 103 77 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Qu However, as Danhao said, being distraught won't solve any problems. As KCC officials from various departments, now, we shall determine the fate of Kowloong. 1 104 78 401 1 102 105 79 202 1 1 106 80 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory237.png 107 81 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Broadcast Up next, an emergency statement from the World Government on the Punishing Virus. 108 82 301 Broadcast We face an unprecedented disaster in human history. The Science Council has launched a comprehensive investigation, and the Star of Life is actively seeking a cure. 109 83 301 The progress made by the World Government on the Punishing Virus will be broadcasted throughout the streets in real-time. 110 84 301 Androids and mechanic servants seen throughout the KCC have all been recycled. 111 85 301 In a state of panic, people have destroyed all of the machines around them, leaving them to deteriorate in deserted alleys. 112 86 301 Those who learned of the destruction caused by the Corrupted locked themselves in dark and narrow rooms in an attempt to save themselves. Others packed up and fled to port to board ships and leave Kowloong. 113 87 301 The property abandoned by refugees became hotbeds for crime. Thugs plundered abandoned houses of their leftover supplies and used them as gathering points to plan their next robbery. 114 88 301 Locked doors and windows for businesses had been pried open by thugs. People no longer communicated with words, only violence. 115 89 301 Every member of the Kowloong Crew sets out to maintain order in Kowloong. Never have they felt so arduous in waiting for the leaders to announce the next step. Even so, they still had their own mission to complete. 116 90 301 The once prosperous KCC is now long gone. A few pedestrians gather near the broadcast on the street. 117 91 301 Frail Man Pardon me. Have you seen my daughter? She's about this tall, with black hair tied into pigtails. 118 92 301 A distraught man suddenly runs onto the road, waving his hands at every passer-by. 119 93 301 Resident A No, the city's in chaos! I ain't got time for others! 120 94 301 Frail Man B-but... 121 95 201 1 500236 122 96 301 1 Resident B Hey! C'mere. 1 123 97 301 A man shouts at him from afar. Thinking someone would finally help him, he rushes over. As he approaches, the man knocks him on the ground. 124 98 301 Frail Man W-what do you want from me?! 125 99 301 Resident B Hand over y'er valuables. 1 126 100 301 The man pats him down as he speaks. 127 101 301 Resident B Hmph, broke ***. That's all you got on your card? Wait a minute, what's that in your hand? 1 128 102 301 Frail Man No, please... 129 103 301 Resident B Hand it over, punk ***. 1 130 104 401 2 1512 131 105 301 He steps on the man's wrist. The man opens his hand out of pain and stress. In the man's palm is a silver wedding ring. 132 106 301 Resident B Looks like ya do have a lil' somethin'. Dont'cha? 1 133 107 301 Frail Man I beg of you. I'll give you everything else. Leave this ring to me... This is the only memento I have... 134 108 301 Resident B Like I care! 1 135 109 401 2 1512 136 110 301 He takes the ring away and kicks the man in the stomach. 137 111 301 ??? Stop! 138 112 301 Just as he was about to continue beating the man up, two soldiers approach from a distance. The words "Pulao Crew" appear on their masks intermittently, signaling their identity as guardians of Kowloong. 139 113 301 Resident B Outta the way, punk! 1 140 114 202 1 141 115 401 2 1512 142 116 301 RImgBg1Shake The violent man runs the other way after seeing the Pulao Crew block his escape, knocking down miscellanies from the road to slow down his pursuers. 143 117 301 As he knocks a child out of the way, others begin to gather on the street, but no one bothers to stop him, let alone help the child up. 144 118 301 A Pulao soldier keeps up chasing for a few steps, but the perpetrator has long disappeared in the maze of streets. 145 500 201 1 500223 146 121 301 1 Pulao Crew B There is a robbery in Guisi Street, South City... Call the headquarters for support. 1 147 501 202 1 148 122 301 System Copy. 149 123 301 After reporting the situation on the block, the Pulao soldier returns to the child and helps him up. 150 124 301 Child Thank... Thank you... 151 502 201 1 500223 152 125 301 1 Pulao Crew B You're welcome. Hurry on home. 1 153 503 202 1 154 126 301 A little farther away, the Pulao soldier approaches the frail man. 155 504 201 1 500223 156 127 301 1 Pulao Crew A Please give me a detailed description of your child. 1 157 505 202 1 158 128 301 The man squeezes through the crowd as if he was finally thrown a lifeline and almost falls before the Pulao Crew. The soldiers hurry to catch him. 159 129 301 Frail Man Th-Thank you. If I can't find her, I won't be able live up to the promise I made to my late wife. 160 130 301 The man holds back tears as he spoke. He is weak from hunger and his shoes are tattered from a long journey. 161 131 301 The Pulao soldier that picked up the child walks up to the radio tower. He picks up a receiver and broadcasts to the bystanders on the street. 162 506 201 1 500223 163 132 301 1 Pulao Crew B It is very dangerous outside. Please return home and wait for further notice. Please cooperate for the sake of your safety. 1 164 507 202 1 165 133 301 The broadcast amplifies the Pulao Crew's voice as it rings throughout the street. 166 134 301 After hearing this, the crowd disperses one after another, cursing at the Pulao Crew. 167 119 201 1 500223 -400 -50 168 120 201 2 500223 400 169 135 301 1 Pulao Crew A Are you finished up here? 2 170 136 301 Pulao Crew B They've all been sent home. 1 171 137 301 Pulao Crew A Apparently, there is a small-scale riot on Renwu street in the East City. 2 172 138 301 Pulao Crew B What about the man? 1 173 139 301 Pulao Crew A I promised to help find his child, which put his mind at ease. The medics will take him to get medical attention when they arrive shortly. 2 174 140 301 Pulao Crew B I see... Good... 1 175 141 301 The shorter Pulao soldier feels a little relieved hearing this, and slings his rifle on his back. 176 142 301 Pulao Crew B Any new orders from up top? 1 177 143 301 Pulao Crew A ...Not yet. 2 178 144 301 Pulao Crew B People are at their breaking point... If officials don't sort this out, I'm afraid Kowloong will destroy itself before the Corrupted arrive. 1 179 145 301 Pulao Crew A Put your faith in them. Lady Qu will guide us through this. 2 180 146 301 While the two soldiers are talking, an electronic buzzing sound broadcasts on the radio overhead followed by a soft female voice. 181 147 301 Broadcast People of the KCC, upon hearing this broadcast, please gather in the Commerce Plaza in an orderly fashion for an important decision. People of the KCC, upon hearing this broadcast... 182 148 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Hearing the broadcast, the two soldiers exchange glances and then walk toward the Commerce Plaza. 183 149 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory152.png 184 150 202 1 2 1 185 151 201 1 500215 5 186 152 401 1 12 187 153 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Villier Damn it! I didn't expect that Heng Ji to have this trick up his sleeve. 1 188 154 301 Huaxu —— 189 155 301 Villier clenches his lips upon hearing the city-wide broadcast calling for citizens to gather in the plaza. 190 156 301 Villier Tsk, there's no time to slowly decipher it. 1 191 157 301 Villier Fortunately, I left a backup command during your development. 1 192 158 301 Saying this, Villier's fingers quickly dance on Huaxu's control panel, causing the supercomputer to rumble violently shortly. Villier recovers the chip and turns to leave through the dark doorway. 193 159 301 Villier I'm sorry. I can't bring the original you with me... 1 194 160 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Villier But no matter. I'll make good use of this backup. 1