Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory551.jpg 2 2 401 1 202 3 3 401 2 752 4 4 201 2 500150 14 5 5 301 DialogEnable The figure in teal is thrown out, her chest marked by a gaping wound—Lady Qu, the master of the Nighter, plummets to the ground. 2 6 6 201 1 500442 4 -800 7 7 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2 8 8 203 1 0.15 -400 9 9 401 2 11106008 10 10 502 300 PanelActor2Shake 11 11 505 PanelActor2Shake 12 12 203 2 0.15 500 13 13 502 400 RImgBg1Shake 14 14 505 RImgBg1Shake 15 15 301 Behind her, another figure accelerates and dashes, ready to annihilate "Qu" with a claw strike. 1 2 16 16 202 2 1 17 17 201 1 500442 4 18 18 301 1 Hanying //Execute Order [Destroy Target] 1 19 19 202 1 1 20 20 401 2 10002001 21 21 301 Right as Hanying's arm is about to pierce "Qu"'s body, a giant sword flies toward her, spinning and blocking her path, forcing her to step back. 22 22 201 1 500445 23 23 301 1 ??? Stop, Hanying...! 1 24 24 202 1 1 25 25 301 The girl comes rushing in, catching the spinning blade before swinging it with its flat side, fighting off the approaching Hanying and covering "Qu". 26 26 201 1 500445 -450 27 27 201 2 500150 450 28 28 301 1 ??? Lady Qu... are you alright? 1 29 29 301 "Qu" I'm fine. This body can take a few hits. But... who are you...? 2 30 30 301 ??? It doesn't matter... especially when I don't remember it very well! 1 31 31 301 "Qu" nods, standing up and looking at the surrounding crowd. 32 32 301 "Qu" Come out. All the Corrupted on the Nighter are defeated. You can't win. 2 33 33 202 1 2 1 34 34 301 A man in a bamboo hat walks out. The girl remembers him to be the bad person who took Hanying away three days ago. 35 35 201 1 500148 36 36 301 1 "Cradle" That's alright. The Corrupted we drew here were simply distractions... so that we can kill you. 1 37 37 202 1 1 38 38 201 1 500445 -450 39 39 201 2 500150 450 40 40 301 1 ??? ...What did you do to Hanying?! 1 41 41 202 1 2 1 42 42 201 1 500148 43 43 301 1 "Cradle" I just gave the puppet meaning again—as a tool for humans! 1 44 44 202 1 1 45 45 201 1 500445 -450 46 46 201 2 500150 450 47 47 301 1 "Qu" Catch him! 2 48 48 202 1 2 1 49 49 301 Several mechanoids leap toward the man, pressing him on the ground, only to find him laughing. 50 50 201 1 500148 51 51 301 1 "Cradle" This is futile. The puppet will still carry out her programming even if I die. 1 52 52 202 1 1 53 53 301 Meanwhile, Hanying, having attacked "Qu", is in shock, staring at her blood-red, vital fluid-stained hands. 54 54 201 1 500148 -450 55 55 201 2 500442 7 450 56 56 301 1 Hanying What... am I doing... 2 57 57 301 The man laughs, approaching Hanying slowly and leaning in. 58 58 301 "Cradle" You are doing well, Hanying. Think, and remember what your value is. 1 59 59 301 Hanying My... value is... i-is //Execute Order [Destroy Target]. 2 60 60 301 Excruciated, Hanying shakes her head, but she cannot shake away the command deeply rooted in her soul. 61 61 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Hanying No... My value is... 2 62 62 202 1 2 1 63 63 504 0.7 64 64 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory463.jpg 65 65 401 1 211 66 66 201 1 500215 -450 67 67 201 2 500442 4 450 68 68 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 ??? This is activation attempt: 00001. Lord Villier, please enter my designation. 2 69 69 301 Villier You're just a tool, and your AI right now is just a test... You don't need a name. 1 70 70 204 2 71 71 301 ??? I am... a tool? Yes, I understand. 2 72 72 204 2 4 73 73 301 ??? What should I do? 2 74 74 301 Villier You're a vessel I made to house Huaxu in its entirety. That is your value. 1 75 75 204 2 76 76 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 2000 ??? I understand. I shall carry out this order at all costs. 2 77 77 202 1 2 1 78 78 201 1 500442 4 79 79 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 ??? This is activation attempt: 00378. Hello, Lord Villier. 1 80 80 301 But Villier is only focusing on calibrating the machines, and he looks distressed. Seeing Villier like this for the first time, the mechanoid begins developing new emotions. 81 81 201 1 500442 82 82 301 1 ??? Lord Villier, I had a dream during my last slumber. 1 83 83 301 Villier is surprised to find the mechanoid initiating a conversation with him. 84 84 301 ??? In my dream, I became Huaxu for real, and I stay by your side, Lord Villier... 1 85 85 201 1 500215 86 86 301 1 Villier Machines don't dream. I figure your programming is indeed flawed. 1 87 87 201 1 500442 7 88 88 301 1 ??? I cannot dream... What about you, Lord Villier? Do you dream? What are real dreams like? 1 89 89 201 1 500215 90 90 301 1 Villier Enough... Stop pretending to speak like a human. It disgusts me. 1 91 91 301 Villier And I've concluded that only a Construct's M.I.N.D. is capable of housing Huaxu's consciousness after my countless tests. A mechanoid like you is no use to me. 1 92 92 201 1 500442 7 93 93 301 1 ??? I... cannot become Huaxu? 1 94 94 201 1 500215 95 95 301 1 Villier You can't. You have no value anymore. 1 96 96 301 Villier I ought to have you self-destruct, but time is short, and I must obtain Huaxu's backup immediately... The Corrupted will swarm this place soon, anyway. It doesn't matter now. 1 97 97 202 1 1 98 98 301 Villier quickly packs up everything and severs all his connections to this location. 99 99 201 1 500215 -450 100 100 201 2 500442 7 450 101 101 301 1 ??? Lord Villier... 2 102 102 301 Villier What? 1 103 103 202 1 2 1 104 104 301 Countless emotions run through her mind. She wants to flee—to keep him with her—to defend herself—to cry—to rage—to snap... but in the end, she forces herself to smile. 105 105 201 1 500442 106 106 301 AniZhuanchangBegin ??? Thank you for creating me, Lord Villier. I wish you the best of luck. 1 107 107 202 1 1 108 108 504 0 109 109 401 1 10 110 110 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory551.jpg 111 111 201 1 500442 4 112 112 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Hanying Ugh...! 1 113 113 202 1 1 114 114 401 2 825 115 115 301 Hanying's "collar" blinks red, meaning she has lost control of her body once again. 116 116 201 2 500445 -800 117 117 201 1 500442 4 800 118 118 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2 119 119 203 1 0.14 200 120 120 203 2 0.14 -200 121 121 401 2 11106008 122 122 502 350 RImgBg1Shake 123 123 505 10 RImgBg1Shake 124 124 502 350 RImgBg1Shake 125 125 505 200 RImgBg1Shake 126 126 301 Her claw strikes clash with the girl's giant sword, making a shrilling sound. 1 2 127 127 203 2 0.06 -1500 128 128 203 1 0.03 150 129 129 502 300 RImgBg1Shake 130 130 505 200 RImgBg1Shake 131 131 301 1 Before the girl can recover her balance, Hanying slips between her defenses and kicks. 2 132 132 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2 133 133 202 1 2 1 134 134 201 100 1 500445 1500 1 135 135 203 1 0.09 136 136 401 2 1503 137 137 502 350 RImgBg1Shake 138 138 505 200 RImgBg1Shake 139 139 301 1 ??? Aargh...! 1 140 140 301 The girl is sent flying away. She adjusts her center of gravity mid-air, lessening the impact of the fall with her giant sword. 141 141 301 Hanying tries desperately to rein in her slipping mind, retaining her consciousness momentarily. 142 142 201 1 500442 14 -450 143 143 201 2 500445 16 450 144 144 301 1 Hanying Yoyo... Destroy me! 1 145 145 301 ??? No... I'm here to save you, Hanying. We promised to live and return to Kowloong together! 2 146 146 301 Even though the girl has no recollection of the name "Yoyo", nor does she remember why she has to return to Kowloong, they all seem trivial to her now... 147 147 301 Hanying I'm sorry... Yoyo... I'm not strong enough. I thought I could... find my own value if I just kept searching like you said. 1 148 148 301 Hanying But in the end, I'm just a machine someone else built, bounded by my programming... I'm just a puppet without values... 1 149 149 301 AniZhuanchangBegin ??? That's not true! That's not true... 2 150 150 202 1 2 1 151 151 401 1 211 152 152 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cgqz3003.jpg 153 153 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The girl drops her sword, rushing in and hugging Hanying's shaking body. 154 154 301 ??? You're not someone without values! 155 155 301 ??? Remember the guests who love to see you dance on the stage? The people who clap every time you perform? 156 156 301 ??? And the friends you helped in the market? They always came by and thanked you. 157 157 301 ??? And Uno, who's only fixed because of you... It can't speak, but it's been thanking you all this time. 158 158 301 ??? And me... You gave me a second chance... You gave me hope. You allowed me to begin my journey one more time. Can't you see how precious you are? 159 159 301 Hanying looks around at the faces surrounding them, many of whom are familiar to her. They have encouraged her and cheered for her, not because of someone else, but because of her—Hanying alone. 160 160 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Opening time's treasure chest, Hanying discovers all the things she holds dear, all signed with her own name. 161 161 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory551.jpg 162 162 201 1 500442 163 163 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Hanying It's glistening and beautiful... Have I changed? 1 164 164 301 She looks down at the girl holding her. She would still be trapped in the dream of her past if not for the girl. 165 165 301 Hanying In the end... I'm not a vessel for Huaxu... but you, Yoyo, and everyone on the Nighter. 1 166 166 202 1 2 1 167 167 201 1 500150 168 168 301 1 "Qu" Huaxu... How do you know that name? Who are you? 1 169 169 202 1 1 170 170 301 Hanying is slightly shocked to hear that, having thought the "Qu" before her is Villier, but she smiles in the end. 171 171 201 1 500442 172 172 301 1 Hanying You have indeed forgotten me, Lord Villier... but that's okay. Allow me to introduce myself one more time. 1 173 173 401 2 825 174 174 301 Even when her "collar" is glowing bright red, Hanying holds on to who she is. She has Yoyo slowly let go of her before turning around and grabbing the "collar" on her neck. 175 175 301 Hanying My name is Hanying. I really like that name. I hope you will remember it. 1 176 176 201 1 500148 177 177 301 1 "Cradle" What are you doing?! Kill them! 1 178 178 301 "Cradle" manages to shove off the mechanoids that have been holding him, desperately trying to override Hanying through her code signature to no avail. 179 179 301 "Cradle" What?! What did you do... What... have you become?! 1 180 180 201 1 500150 181 181 301 1 "Qu" You want to destroy your "collar"? But you will destroy yourself in the process with the "collar's" security restriction. 1 182 182 202 1 1 183 183 301 In Huaxu's mind, no machine will choose to self-destruct for no purpose or rebel against its programming. What Hanying is doing has surpassed its understanding—she is acting like a human. 184 184 201 1 500442 -350 185 185 201 2 500445 16 350 186 186 301 1 ??? Hanying...! 2 187 187 301 Hanying Do you know, Yoyo, that even machines dream? I used to only have one dream, but I have had so many more since I met you. 1 188 188 301 Hanying cannot help herself but comb the girl's hair, whispering in her ears like how Hanying did years ago. 189 189 301 Hanying Sometimes they were happy dreams... sometimes they were sad dreams... sometimes I was dancing on the stage... sometimes I was stargazing... But more often than not, I dreamed about being with you, visiting all the places in Kowloong. 1 190 190 301 She knows the code invading her through her "collar" will eventually take over her. She will not let it happen. 191 191 301 Hanying Although people say that dreams don't come true... I think that one day, even after I'm gone, you will carry our memories and return to Kowloong with the Nighter. Because you are strong. 1 192 192 202 1 2 1 193 193 301 Hanying gently pushes Yoyo away before backing up a few steps, smiling. She stands at a spot away from the crowd, as if it is a curtain call on a stage of her own. 194 194 201 1 500445 16 195 195 301 1 ??? No...! 1 196 196 201 1 500442 197 197 301 1 Hanying I must protect everything we cherish... I must protect everyone, and your smile, Yoyo... So, can you promise me not to cry anymore? 1 198 198 202 1 1 199 199 301 The Nighter has made her cry so many times already, the girl thought. But it has also given her countless memories—the things Hanying holds dear are now the girl's as well. 200 200 201 1 500445 16 201 201 301 1 ??? I promise you I won't cry... I'll protect this place like you do... I'll go back to Kowloong with everyone, even if... 1 202 202 201 1 500442 203 203 301 1 Hanying I know you can do it, Yoyo. It's a promise. 1 204 204 301 Hanying extends her pinky finger toward the girl—a promise of theirs alone. 205 205 301 Hanying Pinky swear... pinky swear... 1 206 206 201 1 500445 16 207 207 301 ??? Hanying and Yoyo swear... A promise made, a promise kept... a promise of a thousand years... 1 208 208 202 1 1 209 209 301 The girl also extends her pinky finger, but her voice is drowned in her sob. 210 210 301 Hanying nods. The moment she tears the "collar" off her neck, its security protocol kicks in, delivering a massive surge of electricity onto Hanying. 211 211 401 1 36 212 212 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 213 213 401 AniZhuanchangBegin 1000 2 627 214 214 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory167.jpg 215 215 201 1 500150 216 216 401 1 12 217 217 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Villier Why didn't you order them to destroy the mechanoid "Cradle" controlled? Why would you let the girl take her away? 1 218 218 201 1 500160 219 219 301 1 Huaxu That mechanoid is special... I believe... "Hanying" has her values. It is best to keep her close to a subject that can trigger such an unusual phenomenon. 1 220 220 301 Villier lightly groans, not intending to discuss further. 221 221 201 1 500150 222 222 301 1 Villier In the end, your decision has provided us with a new Construct who will remain loyal to us. She might look like a little girl, but her capability is beyond regular Constructs. 1 223 223 201 1 500143 224 224 301 1 Yazi I recommend recruiting her as one of the Dragon Children "Pulao" and tasking her to organize the security forces on the Nighter in case a Corrupted invasion happens again. 1 225 225 201 1 500150 1 226 226 301 1 Villier Alright, do as you said... In that case, we'll have all nine Dragon Children. 1 227 227 301 Villier turns around and nods at Huaxu, revealing a rare, earnest smile. 228 228 301 Villier The device to transfer your body is complete. I'll become "Qu" once again to elect your perfect vessel... Constructs all over the world will gather on the Nighter, providing us with endless bodies. 1 229 229 201 1 500160 230 230 301 1 Huaxu Is this your dream, Lord Villier? 1 231 231 201 1 500150 1 232 232 301 1 Villier Of course. Isn't that your dream as well? 1 233 233 201 1 500160 234 234 301 1 Huaxu My... dream... Can I have a dream of my own...? 1 235 235 202 1 1 236 236 301 Huaxu closes its eyes, wondering if its eventual body will be similar to Hanying. If so, what expressions will it make when it stands next to Lord Villier... 237 237 301 AniZhuanchangBegin It tries to collect different data, but it fails to come up with any answers. 238 238 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory234.png 239 239 401 1 37 240 240 201 1 500444 241 241 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Uno Rargh—! 1 242 242 301 Uno walks toward the girl with the giant sword in its hand, its massive body swaying from side to side. 243 243 201 1 500145 1 244 244 301 1 ??? I got it. Today's our first day guarding the market as the "Pulao Crew". 1 245 245 301 She looks at the giant sword and thinks for a while before deciding to place it back in the corner where it is stored. 246 246 301 ??? I don't think we need it right now, so let's not carry it. After all, it can fly toward us if we do need it. 1 247 247 301 The girl looks at herself in front of the mirror, the character "Pu" on her back indicating her identity. 248 248 301 Pulao Hanying, I'll put away the name "Yoyo" until I meet you again. I'll be Pulao starting today. I'll protect the people on this ship... and one day, we'll all go back to Kowloong together. 1 249 249 301 Pulao looks at her pinky as if it is still hooked to Hanying's. 250 250 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Pulao Uno, let's go! 1