Id PoolId Weight Type Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Description Name Icon 1 999 100 201 50 All team members restore 50% HP. HP Recovery Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiInfestorExplore/UiInfestorExploreEventShop01.png 2 999 100 101 7 Gain a random add-on unit. Add-On Unit Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiInfestorExplore/UiInfestorExploreEventShop02.png 3 999 100 502 99 Remove all negative effects. Cleansing Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiInfestorExplore/UiInfestorExploreEventShop03.png 4 10001 80 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [80%] 5 10001 15 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [15%] 6 10001 5 302 53 Obtain 53 Aberrant Cubes [5%] 7 10002 55 303 32 53 Obtain 32-53 Aberrant Cubes [55%] 8 10002 40 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [40%] 9 10002 5 302 -45 Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes [5%] 10 10003 30 301 100 Your Aberrant Cubes x2 [30%] 11 10003 70 301 -100 Lose all Aberrant Cubes [70%] 12 10004 60 502 1 Remove a random negative effect [60%] 13 10004 30 502 99 Remove all negative effects [30%] 14 10004 10 501 1 Obtain a negative effect [10%] 15 10005 70 101 1 Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit [70%] 16 10005 20 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [20%] 17 10005 10 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [10%] 18 10006 70 101 2 Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit [70%] 19 10006 20 302 -75 Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes [20%] 20 10006 10 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [10%] 21 10007 65 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [65%] 22 10007 30 201 -50 All team members lose 50% HP [30%] 23 10007 5 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [5%] 24 10008 65 302 42 Obtain 42 Aberrant Cubes [65%] 25 10008 30 201 -60 All team members lose 60% HP [30%] 26 10008 5 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [5%] 27 10009 65 302 42 Obtain 42 Aberrant Cubes [65%] 28 10009 30 401 -1 Lose 1 Action Point [30%] 29 10009 5 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [5%] 30 10010 80 201 -80 All team members lose 80% HP [80%] 31 10010 15 401 -3 Lose 3 Action Points [15%] 32 10010 5 101 4 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit at max level [5%] 33 10011 80 301 -100 Lose all Aberrant Cubes [80%] 34 10011 15 401 -3 Lose 3 Action Points [15%] 35 10011 5 101 4 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit at max level [5%] 36 10012 50 101 1 Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit [50%] 37 10012 30 101 2 Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit [30%] 38 10012 20 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [20%] 39 10013 50 202 50 A random team member restores 50% HP [50%] 40 10013 40 201 30 All team members restore 30% HP [40%] 41 10013 10 201 -10 All team members lose 10% HP [10%] 42 10014 60 301 -50 Lose 50% of your Aberrant Cubes [60%] 43 10014 30 401 1 Gain 1 Action Point [30%] 44 10014 10 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [10%] 45 10015 60 201 30 All team members restore 30% HP [60%] 46 10015 20 401 -1 Lose 1 Action Point [20%] 47 10015 20 101 2 Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit [20%] 48 10016 30 201 50 All team members restore 50% HP [30%] 49 10016 30 401 -1 Lose 1 Action Point [30%] 50 10016 40 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [40%] 51 10017 60 202 80 A random team member restores 80% HP [60%] 52 10017 40 201 50 All team members restore 50% HP [40%] 53 10018 40 201 -50 All team members lose 50% HP [40%] 54 10018 40 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [40%] 55 10018 20 301 50 Gain 50% of your Aberrant Cubes [20%] 56 10019 40 202 -50 A random team member loses 50% HP [40%] 57 10019 40 302 42 Obtain 42 Aberrant Cubes [40%] 58 10019 20 401 1 Gain 1 Action Point [20%] 59 10020 50 303 40 42 Obtain 40-42 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 60 10020 40 101 1 Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit [40%] 61 10020 10 501 1 Obtain a negative effect [10%] 62 10021 50 303 35 53 Obtain 35-53 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 63 10021 40 101 2 Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit [40%] 64 10021 10 501 1 Obtain a negative effect [10%] 65 10022 50 303 42 60 Obtain 42-60 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 66 10022 40 101 3 Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit [40%] 67 10022 10 501 1 Obtain a negative effect [10%] 68 20001 100 101 1 Dismantle forcefully\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 69 20001 100 201 -10 \n→All team members lose 10% HP 70 20001 100 101 1 Open alone\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 71 20001 100 202 -20 \n→A random team member loses 20% HP 72 20002 100 101 2 Dismantle forcefully\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 73 20002 100 201 -20 \n→All team members lose 20% HP 74 20002 100 101 2 Open alone\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 75 20002 100 202 -30 \n→A random team member loses 30% HP 76 20003 100 101 3 Dismantle forcefully\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 77 20003 100 201 -60 \n→All team members lose 60% HP 78 20003 100 101 3 Decipher alone\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 79 20003 100 202 -80 \n→A random team member loses 80% HP 80 20004 100 101 1 Apply minimal effort\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 81 20004 100 301 -20 \n→Lose 20% of your Aberrant Cubes 82 20004 100 101 2 Apply appropriate effort\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 83 20004 100 301 -40 \n→Lose 40% of your Aberrant Cubes 84 20004 100 101 3 Apply full effort\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 85 20004 100 301 -60 \n→Lose 60% of your Aberrant Cubes 86 20005 100 101 1 Apply minimal effort\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 87 20005 100 302 -45 \n→Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes 88 20005 100 101 2 Apply appropriate effort\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 89 20005 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 90 20005 100 101 3 Apply full effort\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 91 20005 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 92 20006 100 101 2 Dismantle circumspectly\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 93 20006 100 501 1 \n→Obtain a negative effect 94 20006 100 101 2 Crudely dismantle\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 95 20006 100 401 -1 \n→Lose 1 Action Point 96 20007 100 101 3 Dismantle circumspectly\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 97 20007 100 501 1 \n→Obtain a negative effect 98 20007 100 101 3 Crudely dismantle\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 99 20007 100 401 -1 \n→Lose 1 Action Point 100 20008 100 201 50 Comprehensive maintenance\n→All team members restore 50% HP 101 20008 100 401 -1 \n→Lose 1 Action Point 102 20008 100 202 50 Individual maintenance\n→A random team member restores 50% HP 103 20008 100 301 -20 \n→Lose 20% of your Aberrant Cubes 104 20009 100 201 20 Apply minimal effort\n→All team members restore 20% HP 105 20009 100 301 -20 \n→Lose 20% of your Aberrant Cubes 106 20009 100 202 50 Apply appropriate effort\n→A random team member restores 50% HP 107 20009 100 301 -20 \n→Lose 20% of your Aberrant Cubes 108 20009 100 201 50 Apply full effort\n→All team members restore 50% HP 109 20009 100 301 -50 \n→Lose 50% of your Aberrant Cubes 110 20010 100 201 30 Pay money\n→All team members restore 30% HP 111 20010 100 301 -20 \n→Lose 20% of your Aberrant Cubes 112 20010 100 303 40 42 Take damage\n→Obtain 40-42 Aberrant Cubes 113 20010 100 201 -30 \n→All team members lose 30% HP 114 20010 100 101 1 Open alone\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 115 20010 100 202 -20 \n→A random team member loses 20% HP 116 20011 100 201 30 Pay money\n→All team members restore 30% HP 117 20011 100 301 -30 \n→Lose 30% of your Aberrant Cubes 118 20011 100 303 35 53 Take damage\n→Obtain 35-53 Aberrant Cubes 119 20011 100 201 -30 \n→All team members lose 30% HP 120 20011 100 101 2 Withstand inhibition\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 121 20011 100 202 -30 \n→A random team member loses 30% HP 122 20012 100 201 50 Pay money\n→All team members restore 50% HP 123 20012 100 301 -50 \n→Lose 50% of your Aberrant Cubes 124 20012 100 303 42 60 Take damage\n→Obtain 42-60 Aberrant Cubes 125 20012 100 201 -50 \n→All team members lose 50% HP 126 20012 100 101 3 Withstand inhibition\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 127 20012 100 202 -80 \n→A random team member loses 80% HP 128 20013 100 302 35 Probe to extract\n→Earn 35 Aberrant Cubes 129 20013 100 201 -20 \n→All team members lose 20% HP 130 20013 100 302 40 Draw 1 time\n→Earn 40 Aberrant Cubes 131 20013 100 201 -30 \n→All team members lose 30% HP 132 20013 100 302 49 Draw multiple times\n→Obtain 49 Aberrant Cubes 133 20013 100 201 -40 \n→All team members lose 40% HP 134 20014 100 201 50 Require maintenance parts\n→All team members restore 50% HP. 135 20014 100 301 -50 \n→Lose 50% of your Aberrant Cubes 136 20014 100 401 1 Require Energy compensation\n→Obtain 1 Action Point 137 20014 100 301 -50 \n→Lose 50% of your Aberrant Cubes 138 20014 100 101 3 Require equipment\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 139 20014 100 301 -50 \n→Lose 50% of your Aberrant Cubes 140 20015 100 502 99 Cleanse All\n→Remove all negative effects 141 20015 100 301 -50 \n→Lose 50% of your Aberrant Cubes 142 20015 100 502 1 Quick Cleanse\n→Randomly remove 1 negative effect 143 20015 100 301 -20 \n→Lose 20% of your Aberrant Cubes 144 20016 100 502 99 Cleanse All\n→Remove all negative effects 145 20016 100 201 -50 \n→All team members lose 50% HP 146 20016 100 502 1 Quick Cleanse\n→Randomly remove 1 negative effect 147 20016 100 202 -30 \n→A random team member loses 30% HP 148 20017 100 101 1 Carefully open\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 149 20017 100 201 -20 \n→All team members lose 20% HP 150 20017 100 101 1 Crudely open\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 151 20017 100 302 -45 \n→Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes 152 20017 100 101 1 Recklessly open\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 153 20017 100 401 -1 \n→Lose 1 Action Point 154 20018 100 101 2 Carefully open\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 155 20018 100 201 -30 \n→All team members lose 30% HP 156 20018 100 101 2 Crudely open\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 157 20018 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 158 20018 100 101 2 Dismantle circumspectly\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 159 20018 100 401 -1 \n→Lose 1 Action Point 160 20019 100 101 3 Carefully open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 161 20019 100 201 -50 \n→All team members lose 50% HP 162 20019 100 101 3 Crudely open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 163 20019 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 164 20019 100 101 3 Recklessly open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 165 20019 100 401 -1 \n→Lose 1 Action Point 166 20020 100 301 10 Open\n→Gain 10% of your Aberrant Cubes 167 20020 100 302 38 Open\n→Obtain 38 Aberrant Cubes 168 20020 100 303 36 42 Open\n→Obtain 36-42 Aberrant Cubes 169 20021 100 301 10 Open\n→Gain 10% of your Aberrant Cubes 170 20021 100 302 44 Open\n→Obtain 44 Aberrant Cubes 171 20021 100 303 35 53 Open\n→Obtain 35-53 Aberrant Cubes 172 20022 100 301 10 Open\n→Gain 10% of your Aberrant Cubes 173 20022 100 302 49 Open\n→Obtain 49 Aberrant Cubes 174 20022 100 303 42 56 Open\n→Obtain 42-56 Aberrant Cubes 175 10023 50 103 1 Upgrade 1 random Add-On Unit you already own [50%] 176 10023 50 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 177 10024 50 103 1 Upgrade 1 random Add-On Unit you already own [50%] 178 10024 50 102 Lose 1 random Add-On Unit you already own [50%] 179 20023 100 101 1 Carefully open\n→Obtain a low-grade Add-On Unit 180 20023 100 302 -45 \n→Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes 181 20023 100 103 1 Crudely open\n→Upgrade 1 random Add-On Unit you already own 182 20023 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 183 20024 100 101 2 Carefully open\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 184 20024 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 185 20024 100 103 1 Crudely open\n→Upgrade 1 random Add-On Unit you already own 186 20024 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 187 20025 100 101 3 Carefully open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 188 20025 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 189 20025 100 103 1 Crudely open\n→Upgrade 1 random Add-On Unit you already own 190 20025 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 191 11001 25 101 2001 Obtain Add-On Unit: Fuel Purification (Fire DMG Bonus) [25%] 192 11001 25 302 -45 Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 193 11001 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 194 11002 25 101 2002 Obtain Add-On Unit: Improved Circuitry (Lightning DMG Bonus) [25%] 195 11002 25 302 -45 Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 196 11002 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 197 11003 25 101 2003 Obtain Add-On Unit: Radiator Grill (Ice DMG Bonus) [25%] 198 11003 25 302 -45 Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 199 11003 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 200 11004 25 101 2004 Obtain Add-On Unit: Radiation Boost (Dark DMG Bonus) [25%] 201 11004 25 302 -45 Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 202 11004 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 203 11005 25 101 2005 Obtain Add-On Unit: Enhanced Strike (Physical DMG Bonus) [25%] 204 11005 25 302 -45 Lose 45 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 205 11005 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 206 11006 25 101 3008 Obtain Add-On Unit: Shield Strategy (Bonus damage when a Shield is active) [25%] 207 11006 25 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 208 11006 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 209 11007 25 101 3010 Obtain Add-On Unit: Signal Mk.1 (Bonus damage after pinging an orb) [25%] 210 11007 25 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 211 11007 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 212 11008 25 101 3017 Obtain Add-On Unit: Shock Wave Lead (QTE deals Area DMG) [25%] 213 11008 25 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 214 11008 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 215 11009 25 101 2010 Obtain Add-On Unit: Prototype Correction (Restores Orb after defeating an enemy) [25%] 216 11009 25 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 217 11009 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 218 11010 25 101 3006 Obtain Add-On Unit: Potential Control (Bonus damage after dodging) [25%] 219 11010 25 302 -60 Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes [25%] 220 11010 50 302 32 Obtain 32 Aberrant Cubes [50%] 221 21001 100 101 2 Carefully open\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 222 21001 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 223 21001 100 101 2014 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: Link Mk.2 (Bonus Combo DMG) 224 21001 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 225 21002 100 101 2 Carefully open\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 226 21002 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 227 21002 100 101 2013 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: High-speed Processor (Reduces QTE cooldown) 228 21002 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 229 21003 100 101 2 Carefully open\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 230 21003 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 231 21003 100 101 2006 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: Power Boost (Bonus Basic ATK DMG) 232 21003 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 233 21004 100 101 2 Carefully open\n→Obtain a mid-grade Add-On Unit 234 21004 100 302 -60 \n→Lose 60 Aberrant Cubes 235 21004 100 101 2018 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: Shared Intelligence (Restores Orb when switching to a different member) 236 21004 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 237 21005 100 101 3 Carefully open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 238 21005 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 239 21005 100 101 3021 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: Squad Coverage (Bonus damage when switching to a different member) 240 21005 100 302 -90 \n→Lose 90 Aberrant Cubes 241 21006 100 101 3 Carefully open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 242 21006 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 243 21006 100 101 3004 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: Sticky Bomb (Area Fire DMG) 244 21006 100 302 -90 \n→Lose 90 Aberrant Cubes 245 21007 100 101 3 Carefully open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 246 21007 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 247 21007 100 101 3008 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: Shield Strategy (Bonus damage when a Shield is active) 248 21007 100 302 -90 \n→Lose 90 Aberrant Cubes 249 21008 100 101 3 Carefully open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 250 21008 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 251 21008 100 101 3019 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: Radioactive Dust (Bonus Dark DMG) 252 21008 100 302 -90 \n→Lose 90 Aberrant Cubes 253 21009 100 101 3 Carefully open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 254 21009 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 255 21009 100 101 3019 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: Radioactive Dust (Bonus Dark DMG) 256 21009 100 302 -90 \n→Lose 90 Aberrant Cubes 257 21010 100 101 3 Carefully open\n→Obtain a high-grade Add-On Unit 258 21010 100 302 -75 \n→Lose 75 Aberrant Cubes 259 21010 100 101 3013 Crudely open\n→Obtain Add-On Unit: High-voltage Arc (Area Lightning DMG) 260 21010 100 302 -90 \n→Lose 90 Aberrant Cubes