Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory279.png 2 2 401 1 201 3 3 301 DialogEnable The Polyphage's silhouette becomes more apparent the further you follow Lamia down underground. The closer you are, the more its colossal size becomes evident, as well as the malevolence that seeps in. 4 4 301 Eventually, there is only a rift standing between the Polyphage and you. Below it, the Red Tide roils and crashes to the sides of the cliff. 5 5 201 1 500165 1 6 6 301 1 Lamia Hmph... This is where I come in. After all, you wouldn't be able to pull this off... 1 7 7 301 The Punishing Virus crystalized under Lamia's command, forming a bridge that connects the rift, even if it only fits one person at a time. 8 8 203 1 0.25 -400 9 9 201 2 500026 400 10 10 301 1 Lee Stop bragging. Get to work unless you want a bullet in you. 2 11 11 301 Lamia A small compliment wouldn't hurt... Did you see how hard I've been trying to help you? 1 12 12 301 Lee I'm not buying it. There's no way you'll genuinely help us. 2 13 13 301 Lamia Hehe, after all, I'm just a poor little fish in your leash. I'd do anything you tell me to. 1 14 14 301 Lamia I'd rather live than be eaten alive by the Polyphage... Now that I've managed to escape. 1 15 15 302 Escape? 16 16 16 301 Lamia nods while maintaining her control on the bridge. 17 17 202 2 1 18 18 203 1 0.25 0 19 19 204 1 20 20 301 Lamia Gabriel has never treated me as an equal... He wanted to feed all of us Ascendants to the Polyphage to give it enough power to destroy humankind. 1 21 21 301 Lamia Well, I didn't want to be eaten... So I escaped. 1 22 22 301 Lamia But consuming Miss Luna has given it more than enough power... Now we all get to be desserts... 1 23 23 302 How can we stop the Polyphage? 24 24 24 201 1 1031001 14 25 25 301 1 Liv I'm afraid the only way is to get Luna out of there... Or... 1 26 26 301 Liv falls silent. What she meant to say is plain as day. 27 27 201 1 500026 400 28 28 201 2 500166 -400 29 29 301 1 Lucia Lee, Liv, can you take Commandant back to the surface and call for reinforcement? 2 30 30 301 Lee ...Why? 1 31 31 301 Lucia If you take Lamia with you, she should be able to help you bypass the signal blockade and reach Babylonia. 2 32 32 301 Lee ...Are you trying to get us out of here? 1 33 33 202 1 2 1 34 34 201 1 1031001 35 35 301 1 Liv Lucia, what about you?! 1 36 36 201 1 500166 5 37 37 301 1 Lucia Someone has to hold off the Polyphage. With how powerful it's become, it will be countless lives spared if I can just hold it back for a few seconds. 1 38 38 301 Lucia Besides, Luna is still inside there. I... 1 39 39 301 Lee cuts Lucia off before she finishes. 40 40 203 1 0.25 -400 41 41 201 2 500026 400 42 42 301 1 Lee Then we go together. 2 43 43 301 Lucia ...I'm the leader of Gray Raven. Doing so is too risky, and... irrational. I will not put Commandant and you in danger for my judgment. 1 44 44 302 That is why... 45 45 45 302 You need us. 46 46 46 202 1 2 1 47 47 201 1 500026 48 48 301 1 Lee Commandant's right. What's irrational is splitting up in the face of that. 1 49 49 301 Lee If it were a strategic decision, I would have accepted it without question and given it my all. 1 50 50 301 Lee But it's not the right move here, and you're clearly doing so because you thought this is just your burden to carry. I'm not going to allow that. 1 51 51 201 1 500166 52 52 301 1 Lucia I... 1 53 53 201 1 500026 54 54 301 1 Lee You might be the leader here, and we're supposed to follow your orders, but—we are also your friends. 1 55 55 203 1 0.25 400 56 56 201 2 1031001 -400 57 57 301 1 Liv Just like what Lee said, Lucia. 2 58 58 301 Liv We still don't know our way around here. We could easily get into trouble on our way back. 2 59 59 204 2 1 60 60 301 Liv Besides, Gray Raven is at its best when we are together, right? 2 61 61 202 1 2 1 62 62 201 1 500166 1 63 63 301 1 Lucia ...I understand. Thank you. 1 64 64 201 1 500026 65 65 301 1 Lee That's what we're here for. 1 66 66 201 1 500165 1 67 67 301 1 Lamia Hehe... Such a touching display of camaraderie! I'm so jealous! 1 68 68 301 Lamia But I'm also pretty fed up. 1 69 69 201 1 500026 70 70 301 1 Lee ?! 1 71 71 202 1 1 72 72 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Suddenly, Lee feels a searing burn in his palm. Reflexively his hand jerks, and he finds the steel wire that has Lamia tied up ruptured without any indication. 73 73 305 74 74 74 74 502 1 DialogDisable