Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory247.png 2 2 401 1 22 3 3 201 1 500224 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Chi Ling feels like the distance from the City Gate to the East City District were opposite ends of the world. 5 5 301 Every step seems to require every ounce of his remaining strength. 6 6 301 The Corrupted roar, drowning out his headset and causing him to lose contact with his troops a few minutes prior. The roar even echoes through the channel, so Chi Ling simply removes his headset and holds it in his hand. 7 7 301 Chi Ling Useless. Oh, well. I know what I have to do. 1 8 8 301 Chi Ling crushes his headset, causing electric currents to travel up his hand. He steps forward, knowing that returning to his position would only incur more losses. 9 9 301 He squats down and charges up with his right hand. He aims at his target, then... Three, two, one—punch! 10 10 401 2 1512 11 11 301 Chi Ling's fist caves in the Corrupted's head in front of him. It flails its arms in an attempt to attack, but a quick melee with the butt of his gun destroys its visual module. 12 12 301 Chi Ling 524 Corrupted down. Just 10 more meters to go. 1 13 13 401 2 10007502 14 14 301 The familiar sound of an explosion comes from behind again. Debris from the Corrupted falls at Chi Ling's feet. He knows from the sound that another Pulao soldier had just detonated a grenade on themselves. 15 15 301 He cannot stop. He has to take advantage of the gap that his companions had won for him. Chi Ling charges forward. 16 16 301 Chi Ling knocks a Corrupted to the ground and tramples it. Brass bullet casings scatter on the Corrupted's body. 17 17 401 2 1510 18 18 301 Chi Ling swings his weapon forcefully and quickly reloads. He looks at the wave of Corrupted surging toward him. After reloading, he points the gun downward and fires, killing the Corrupted below him. 19 19 301 Chi Ling Five hundred twenty-five. 1 20 20 301 Kowloong's standard rifle has strong firepower. Even adult men have to hold it with both hands to suppress its recoil. 21 21 401 2 10001004 22 22 301 But now, Chi Ling no longer have to worry about accuracy. At such close range, each shot will hit one or two of the countless Corrupted. 23 23 301 The powerful recoil makes Chi Ling's right arm go numb, but as long as it does not prevent him from pulling the trigger, he could not care less. 24 24 401 2 1513 25 25 301 Chi Ling rushes forward, shouting at and blasting Corrupted with each explosive bullet. 26 26 301 Chi Ling 557 down. 4 meters left. 1 27 27 301 Exhausting the last cartridge, Chi Ling tosses the rifle. 28 28 301 Seeing Chi Ling's firepower dwindle, the Corrupted surround him from all sides. 29 29 301 Ignoring his right leg that was just injured while sprinting, Chi Ling pulls out his tactical knife and walks toward the enemy in front of him. 30 30 301 Chi Ling The people of Kowloong will not lose to you monsters. 1 31 31 202 1 32 32 301 A figure charges through the gray and black Corrupted as dazzling light reflects off the white exoskeleton. 33 33 201 1 500223 34 34 301 1 Pulao Crew Survivor Long live the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce! 1 35 35 401 2 10001004 36 500 202 1 37 36 301 1 Oil and blood flows through the battlefield. Survivors fire their last rounds of ammo to carve a path for Chi Ling through the ocean of Corrupted, ignoring that they will be engulfed in the waves the next moment. 38 37 301 In all the fighting, Chi Ling's legs below the knee have already gone missing, and even his right arm has suffered a severe compound fracture. 39 38 201 1 500220 9 40 39 301 1 Qu Get out of my way! 1 41 40 301 A glaive passes behind Chi Ling and sends a Corrupted flying. 42 41 301 Qu 4th Division, follow me to cover the 1st Division! 1 43 42 301 Following Qu's shout, the division shoots the Corrupted in front of Chi Ling with unrestrained malice. 44 43 301 The enraged Corrupted no longer focus on Chi Ling, instead, they turn to block Qu and the division with their attacks. 45 44 301 Qu Darn it! 1 46 45 301 Qu brandishes her glaive, slicing and dicing her way through the Corrupted that stand in her way. However, even with the firepower of the 4th Division, they make little progress advancing against the massive horde. 47 46 201 1 500224 48 47 301 1 Chi Ling Lady Qu... 1 49 48 301 Hearing Qu's voice behind him, Chi Ling props his tattered body with what remains of his right arm and crawls toward the defense turret. 50 49 301 Finally, Chi Ling reaches the turret. Slowly propping himself up, he detaches the transmission cable on his exoskeleton and connects it to the turret. 51 50 301 System Turret rebooting— 52 51 301 Hearing the turret's system alert, Chi Ling finally breathes a sigh of relief and crumbles against the turret. 53 52 301 Chi Ling I, Chi Ling... have completed my mission... 1 54 53 301 Chi Ling murmurs, his throat in agony with each word. He leans against the turret and makes his final salute to Qu, closing his eyes peacefully afterward. 55 54 201 1 500220 9 56 55 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Qu Chi Ling!!! 1 57 56 504 1 58 57 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 59 58 201 1 500224 60 59 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Chi Ling I, officer of the Pulao Crew, will hereby be your second in command. 1 61 60 202 1 62 61 301 —— 63 62 201 1 500224 64 63 301 1 Chi Ling Lady Qu, what brings you here? These recruits still haven't been approved for review yet. 1 65 64 301 Chi Ling I'm too strict? 1 66 65 301 Chi Ling Let the rookies complain. This training will improve their chances of survival on the battlefield. 1 67 66 202 1 68 67 301 —— 69 68 201 1 500224 70 69 301 1 Chi Ling I'm too serious? Sorry, I don't know how to act at a celebration banquet. 1 71 70 202 1 —— 72 71 301 He has always held himself to the strictest standard and maintained utmost loyalty in his duty by devoting his life to Kowloong. 73 72 301 AniZhuanchangBegin And Qu knows. This outstanding leader, outstanding soldier, outstanding friend—Chi Ling—is no longer of this world. 74 73 504 0 75 74 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory247.png 76 75 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Corrupted wreak havoc on the battlefield, crushing machinery and human bodies, laughing at the useless struggle of mankind. 77 76 301 As the turret behind Chi Ling reboots, a group of Corrupted return to destroy it. Just as a Corrupted's claws are about to rend Chi Ling's body to pieces, a glaive descends from above and nails the claw to the ground. 78 77 301 The impact launches up debris and sends the surrounding Corrupted flying in all directions. Qu picks up the glaive and walks out of billowing smoke and dust. 79 78 301 After a moment of dismay, the Corrupted regain composure and launch an attack on the humans before them. Qu waves her glaive and destroys their electronic brains with pinpoint accuracy. 80 79 301 RImgBg1Shake The Corrupted that were hit stop in their tracks mid-attack. As they fall to the ground, Qu sweeps them away, sending their remains flying into the another crowd of Corrupted. 81 80 201 1 500220 9 82 81 301 1 Qu Abominations like you do not belong in this world. 1 83 82 301 Qu continues her assault, charging in the direction of the surrounding Corrupted that were hit. 84 83 301 Qu Now, you shall taste the same agony humans have suffered in this war. 1 85 84 301 Qu slices through the Corrupted like a hurricane, rending them to pieces. Her hands bleed from the blisters caused by her weapon, but she still continues to fight. 86 85 301 Qu And the wrath of Kowloong soldiers on the frontline protecting others! 1 87 86 301 Qu inserts the worn glaive into the ground, then springs into the air, leaping off her weapon. She thrusts her hands out mid-air onto the head of Corrupted and smashes it into the ground in front of her. 88 87 301 Qu quickly picks up a rifle and unleashes fire into a group of Corrupted. The barrage of bullets obliterate all the Corrupted that approach the turret. 89 88 301 Qu Even in the face of death, we should leave evidence of our own life and face death with a smile. This is the beauty that only humans have. 1 90 89 301 Qu But for scrap metal like you, your existence has been and will always be meaningless. Death is Kowloong's greatest kindness to you! 1 91 90 301 Qu puts down her rifle and walks to the defense turret with explosions at her back. 92 91 301 With the efforts of Qu and the 6th Division, the East City District is finally cleared of Corrupted. A Pulao soldier walks up to Qu and hands her a KCC flag. 93 92 301 Qu Rest in peace... 1 94 93 301 AniZhuanchangBegin With that, Qu covers Chi Ling's body with the flag. 95 94 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory246.png 96 95 202 1 1 97 96 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The defense turret fires round after round as Qu stands beneath the city wall and looks out at the battlefield. 98 97 201 1 500223 99 98 301 1 Pulao Crew A Lady Qu, there's no sign of Danhao... 1 100 99 201 1 500220 9 101 100 301 1 Qu I see... 1 102 101 301 Qu ...This is not the time to mourn. The sacrifice of our companions enabled us to recapture all our defense turrets. 1 103 102 301 Qu Send orders to regroup all divisions and regiments. Consolidate supplies to ensure the integrity of our formation. 1 104 103 201 1 500223 105 104 301 1 Pulao Crew A Roger! 1 106 105 202 1 107 106 301 Hearing the orders, the soldier turns and leaves. Qu picks up her weapon and returns to the frontline. 108 107 201 1 500220 9 109 108 301 1 Qu Comrades, your sacrifices won't be in vain. 1 110 109 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Qu I will inherit your will. 1