Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory415.jpg 2 2 401 1 33 3 3 201 1 500165 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Lamia knows she is different from the others. 5 5 301 She is scared of death, pain and hunger. In fact, she fears everything. She is always full of emotions. Amongst them, she is like an alien from another world. 6 6 301 Are all the people ruthless like them, or is she just too weak? 7 7 204 1 8 8 8 301 AniZhuanchangBegin This question often haunts her, making her question the purpose of her existence. 9 9 202 1 1 10 10 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory414.jpg 11 11 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The medical director seems to be always busy writing things recently. The books and notes on his desk stack like a mountain. 12 12 301 Lamia has a deep impression on him because he has been taking care of her for a long time. 13 13 301 Maybe "feeding" is a more appropriate description. 14 14 301 To him, Lamia is probably just a collection of many parameters. 15 15 301 Height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, vital capacity, basic metabolism. As long as these numbers are normal, he would not spend a little more time on Lamia. 16 16 301 Lamia once tried to scream and cry in front of him. 17 17 301 He had only one reaction: to diagnose if Lamia had any mental illness. After confirming that she was only throwing a tantrum, he immediately went back to work. 18 18 201 1 500361 19 19 301 1 He is now busy working on his desk, writing some sentences that Lamia cannot understand. 20 20 203 1 0.25 400 21 21 201 2 500351 -400 22 22 301 1 Lamia What are you doing, uncle? 2 23 23 301 Medical Director Working. 1 24 24 301 Lamia But your job is to treat patients, isn't it? 2 25 25 301 Medical Director That was the old one. My mission has changed. 1 26 26 301 Lamia What do you mean that your mission has changed? 2 27 27 301 Medical Director Soon, there won't be a medical director. I need to write down the instructions for my colleagues so they know how to use the medications. 1 28 28 301 Lamia I... don't understand. 2 29 29 301 To her surprise, he is not annoyed by her ignorance. 30 30 301 Medical Director You know we are running low on rations, don't you? 1 31 31 301 Lamia Yes. 2 32 32 301 Medical Director Our food supplies won't last too long. 1 33 33 204 2 19 34 34 301 Lamia What should we do then? 2 35 35 301 Medical Director Easy. We just need to cut down on consumption. 1 36 36 301 Lamia H-how are you going to do that? 2 37 37 301 Medical Director We can let some people starve to death. 1 38 38 301 Lamia opens her eyes wide. 39 39 301 Lamia B-but, who is going to die? 2 40 40 301 Medical Director The order is determined by how important their roles are to our current research. 1 41 41 204 2 42 42 301 Medical Director Starting from the admin department, followed by the logistics and then the medical department. 1 43 43 301 Lamia Are you... going to die too? 2 44 44 301 He sounds extremely calm. 45 45 301 Medical Director Of course. As a member of the medical department, I am no exception. 1 46 46 301 Lamia ... 2 47 47 301 The medical director never looks back. Lamia only sees his cold, distant back. He has not even stopped doing what he is doing. 48 48 301 But Lamia is overwhelmed with fear. 49 49 301 She can't help but raise her voice. 50 50 204 2 19 51 51 301 Lamia What about me? 2 52 52 301 Medical Director What? 1 53 53 301 Lamia Am I... also going to starve to death? 2 54 54 301 Medical Director Oh, you are quite special. Technically, you don't belong to any of the departments... The research director probably has other arrangements, but you won't stay long because you are of no use to us. 1 55 55 301 Medical Director Now that you have asked, I can check with the admin department and see which group they will put you in. 1 56 56 301 Lamia I... I... 2 57 57 204 2 19 58 58 301 Tears swell out of her eyes. 59 59 301 The medical director finally turns around after hearing her cry. 60 60 301 Medical Director Are you crying? 1 61 61 301 Lamia can no longer control her voice. She only sobs even harder. 62 62 301 Lamia I... 2 63 63 301 Lamia I don't want to... 2 64 64 301 Lamia I don't want to die. 2 65 65 301 Medical Director You can't talk like this. 1 66 66 301 Medical Director Get yourself together, then we can talk. 1 67 67 301 He focuses on his work again. 68 68 301 After some time, Lamia's temper finally calms down. 69 69 301 Her voice becomes hoarse and her eyes are all swollen. 70 70 301 Her sleeves are a complete mess from tears and snot. 71 71 301 After hearing she has stopped crying, the medical director turns back again. 72 72 301 Medical Director Can you talk properly now? Say yes or no. 1 73 73 204 2 74 74 301 Lamia ...Yes. 2 75 75 301 Medical Director Why do you want to live? 1 76 76 204 2 19 77 77 301 Lamia Why would anyone not want to?! 2 78 78 301 Lamia Have you all gone crazy?! 2 79 79 301 Medical Director There is no point in venting your emotions. You didn't get my question. Let me ask you in a different way. 1 80 80 301 Medical Director Is there anything you must do? 1 81 81 204 2 82 82 301 Lamia ...No. 2 83 83 301 Medical Director Is there anything that cannot be completed without you? 1 84 3000 301 Lamia No... 2 85 84 301 Medical Director Then I cannot see any necessity for your survival, either subjectively or passively. 1 86 85 204 2 19 87 86 301 Lamia I don't know what you mean by necessity! I just don't want to die! 2 88 87 301 Medical Director Control your temper. 1 89 88 301 Lamia There isn't anything I "must" do! But there are lots of things I want to do, but haven't done yet! 2 90 89 204 2 91 90 301 Lamia I want to go to the land. 2 92 91 301 Medical Director Then? What are you going to do next? 1 93 92 301 Lamia I don't know. 2 94 93 301 Medical Director You don't even know what you want to do. Why do you still want to go to the land? 1 95 94 301 Lamia I just want to see if the land looks like what the books say. 2 96 95 301 Lamia I want to see mountains and forests with my own eyes. I want to step on sand and soil. I want to smell the grass after rain and find out if the wind on land sounds different from the wind here on the sea. 2 97 96 301 Medical Director There are sand and gravel samples in the sample room. Oh, and soil too. The land is nothing different. 1 98 97 301 Lamia No. It's different. 2 99 98 301 Medical Director Why? 1 100 99 301 Lamia ...I can't tell why, but I know it's not the same. 2 101 100 203 2 0.25 -800 102 101 202 2 1 103 102 203 1 0.25 104 103 301 The medical director stares at her. His glasses reflect a cold white light. 105 104 301 After a long time, the light seems to have softened a little. 106 105 301 Medical Director I understand. It's "curiosity." 1 107 106 301 Medical Director I gave up a lot of things to join Atlantis and work here. 1 108 107 301 Medical Director You are... amazing. You just reminded me of some things I gave up. 1 109 108 203 1 0.25 400 110 109 201 2 500351 -400 111 110 301 1 Lamia ...Huh? 2 112 111 301 Medical Director You want to live, don't you? 1 113 112 301 Lamia nods hard. 114 113 301 Medical Director Then you need to become "valuable" to us. This is Atlantis' rule. We have no room for anything useless. 1 115 114 301 Lamia How can I become "valuable"? 2 116 115 301 Medical Director Don't be so impatient. Let me think about it. 1 117 116 301 Medical Director ...Right, there's a way. Quite risky though. 1 118 117 301 Lamia I will take it. 2 119 118 301 Medical Director Let me finish first. 1 120 119 301 Medical Director Before the outburst of the Punishing Virus, the Science Council was working on a technology that could transform humans into modified machines. 1 121 120 301 Medical Director The technology is not mature yet, but we can give you modifications based on it. Let me think... You don't have lower limbs, so I'd better give you some bionic ones that can help you adapt to the sea. That way, you can go out and collect information for us. 1 122 121 301 Medical Director As a source of information, you will become valuable. 1 123 122 301 Medical Director But I must warn you that in theory, only humans with sufficient Tantalum-193 affinity are qualified for such modification. We only have access to the prototype technology. Maybe it has been updated, but I don't know—our job was never to study or modify humans. 1 124 123 301 Medical Director We have no idea what the civilization has become out there. Neither do we know whether the modification can protect you from the Punishing Virus. Do you still want to go out? 1 125 124 301 Lamia I will take it. 2 126 125 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Lamia nods hard before he explains further.