Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory121.png 2 2 401 1 202 3 3 201 1 500126 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Aston We meet again, commandant from Babylonia. Thanks to your reckless behavior, this carriage is no longer safe. 1 5 5 302 The carriages near the Hetero-Core were not safe from the start. 6 We won't leave anyone behind. 9 6 6 204 1 8 7 7 301 Aston That's not true. At least those filthy Corrupted never invaded our carriage. 1 8 8 13 202 1 1 9 9 202 1 1 10 10 201 2 500129 11 11 301 1 Ashlar Is this how Babylonia works? Always spieling lies like that? Revolting. 2 12 12 202 2 1 13 13 301 Crying Commoner Child Wahhhhh! Momma! Momma! Wahhh! Where are you... 14 14 301 Angry Aristocrat Woman Shoo! Stop pulling on my dress with your filthy hands! Whose child is this?! Take it away! 15 15 301 Sobbing Commoner Woman My love... I'm sorry... Ahh... Why did I escape alone... 16 16 301 Agitated Aristocrat Man I've had enough of these pesky scums! Why are we not moving forward?! I can't stand being in the same carriage as these filthy mutts for one more second! 17 17 201 2 500129 18 18 301 1 Ashlar Tsk, it's too crowded here... Reminds me of why I hate crowds... 2 19 19 203 2 0.25 400 20 20 201 3 500125 -400 21 21 301 1 Jamilah Which is why I suggested going to Babylonia. 3 22 22 301 Ashlar You suggested... Wait, Lord Aston, what is the meaning of this? 2 23 23 202 2 3 1 24 24 201 1 500126 4 25 25 301 1 Aston ... 1 26 26 202 1 1 27 27 201 2 500129 28 28 301 2 Ashlar Aston, you...! Damn you for betraying us aristocrats! 2 29 29 203 2 0.25 400 30 30 201 3 500125 4 -400 31 31 301 1 Jamilah I have no intention to betray you. And as Aston said, going to Babylonia can satisfy your aristocratic lifestyle! 3 32 32 202 2 3 1 33 33 201 1 1031001 7 34 34 301 1 Liv But even Babylonia can't accept this number of people in... This deal... 1 35 35 203 1 0.25 400 36 36 201 3 500125 4 -400 37 37 301 1 Jamilah I never said all, just move in the "selected few." You should have room for that many, right? 3 38 38 301 Liv You mean, only the aristocrats... 1 39 39 202 1 3 1 40 40 201 2 500129 41 41 301 2 Ashlar Hmph... Looks like you still know the rules. 2 42 42 202 2 1 43 43 301 Commoner What... What are you talking about... 44 44 301 Commoner So we're gonna be abandoned either way?! Dammit! 45 45 301 The commoners cowering in the corner by the door instantly exploded with rage. 46 46 301 RImgBg1Shake A wail of sorrow pierces through the rioting crowd, and the source of the wail, a woman in tattered clothing, walks out of the crowd— 47 47 301 —And as if possessed by something unseen, she rushes for the door, tears it open, and scrambles toward the carriages in the back. 48 48 301 Panicking Commoner It's full of Corrupted in the back! Someone stop her... 49 49 301 Anxious Aristocrat Are you out of your mind?! C-close the door!! 50 50 301 Resentful Commoner Isn't she the one who got separated from her husband... 51 51 301 The crowd hurries to close the door. 52 52 302 No, we have to save her! 53 We have to stop her. 53 53 53 201 1 1031001 7 54 54 301 1 Liv O-on it! 1 55 55 202 1 1 56 56 301 Angry Aristocrat Over our dead bodies! You don't have a say on what happens on our train! 57 57 201 1 1031001 14 58 58 301 1 Liv But that's a living and breathing person... 1 59 59 202 1 1 60 60 301 Rude Commoner Cut the crap! You lot are all talk and no work! Always ordering us around! Get outta here if you ain't helping us to improve our livelihoods! 61 61 201 1 1031001 14 62 62 301 1 Liv Everyone, p-please calm down... 1 63 63 202 1 1 64 64 301 Angry Aristocrat You filthy scums! If you want to die, then go die quietly in a corner! Don't waste our oxygen! 65 65 301 Liv tries to get between the two fighting classes that look like they may go into a war at any second. 66 66 301 That is when a woman's screaming sounds from the other carriage, followed by silence. 67 67 201 1 1031001 14 68 68 301 1 Liv ...I'm sorry, Commandant. If only Lucia or Lee is here... 1 69 69 302 It's not your fault. 70 You already tried your best. 70 70 70 202 1 1 71 71 301 Sparks were no longer flying and the tension eased into silence due to this sudden incident. 72 72 201 3 500125 4 73 73 301 1 Jamilah ...Everyone, please listen to me. 3 74 74 301 Jamilah I don't plan to abandon any one of you... It is not my intention for anyone to get hurt. 3 75 75 301 Jamilah After the aristocrats leave, there will only be commoners left on this train. Do you understand the meaning of this? 3 76 76 302 1000 The peasants will be in control of this train. 79 One side of the conflict will leave this train. 80 77 77 204 3 78 78 303 1000 79 79 81 301 Jamilah That's right. This train and the wealth that the aristocrats can't bring with them will all belong to the commoners, which should be enough for commoners to survive and thrive. 3 80 80 301 Jamilah Correct. Both parties will be satisfied then... 3 81 81 204 3 4 82 82 301 Jamilah But that can only happen under the premise that Babylonia accepts our deal. 3 83 83 301 Jamilah If you agree, we can form an alliance and immediately destroy that black thing. 3 84 84 301 Jamilah But if you decline, then this train, and that horrible thing on it, will be handed over to the Ascendants as per the aristocrats' request. 3 85 85 302 2000 That's a gamble, not a deal. 88 ...Is that your choice? 89 86 86 204 3 87 87 303 2000 88 88 301 Jamilah It was a gamble from the start. 3 89 89 301 Jamilah As you can see, the aristocrats have enough power to decide the fate of Akdilek... I can only speak my heart at times of importance. 3 90 90 204 3 4 91 91 301 Jamilah This train has been running ever since the outbreak of the virus, and everywhere we pass by has only been a pitstop for us. 3 92 92 301 Jamilah Be it commoners or aristocrats, we all want to reach that terminal station... The final destination where we can call home. 3 93 93 301 Jamilah And on this journey in search of peace... Many have paid the price with their sanity, including Ashlar, including me... 3 94 94 202 3 1 95 95 201 1 1031001 14 96 96 301 1 Liv But using something this dangerous to bet... 1 97 97 202 1 1 98 98 201 2 500127 99 99 301 1 Sophia ...No. 2 100 100 301 Sophia It's not possible. Leader, you've been fighting on till now for the happiness of us all, how can you have gone insane... 2 101 101 203 2 0.25 -400 102 102 201 3 500125 4 400 103 103 301 1 Jamilah It's because you've been by my side. 3 104 104 301 Sophia Leader... 2 105 105 301 Jamilah No matter what, this deal will decide the fate of all on this train, so I have to reach an outcome that I won't regret! 3 106 106 301 Sophia ... 2 107 107 202 2 3 1 108 108 201 1 1031001 14 109 109 301 1 Liv Commandant, what should we do now... 1 110 111 302 Now's not the time to fight. 112 Let's wait for Lucia and Lee. 114 111 112 115 301 Liv It's true that I alone can't defeat the enemy. Not to mention that whatever we try to do now is going to be hindered... 1 112 113 204 1 113 114 301 Liv I know they will come back. Then we'll be able to find a way! 1 114 115 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv Please hurry back, Lucia, Lee... 1