Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory18.jpg 2 1000 401 1 202 3 2 301 DialogEnable Sensor Beep, beep, beep-beep! 4 3 201 1 500054 5 4 301 1 Liv It's... somewhere near... Remember the teachings from tactics class... First, analyze the geography, and if the rescue target is an adult male, walk a sloped path according to the size ratio... 1 6 5 301 Liv Continue crawling... 1 7 6 201 1 500005 8 7 301 1 Soldier ...Ugh... agh... 1 9 8 203 1 0.25 400 10 9 201 2 500054 -400 11 10 301 1 Liv Don't panic, medic's here. 2 12 11 301 Liv Where are your wounds? And your pain scale? 2 13 12 301 Soldier Medic? Haven't they all retreated? 1 14 13 301 Liv Please answer my question. 2 15 14 301 Soldier L-left rib... 1 16 15 301 Soldier Augh—ah... 1 17 16 301 Liv Treatment's done— 2 18 17 301 Soldier It's pointless, medic. The ground forces have all retreated, and when the Corrupted move in here, no one's going to live. 1 19 18 301 Soldier It's an honor to have met you in my last moments, but... please just run, you'll save more people if you live longer... 1 20 19 301 Liv ... 2 21 20 301 Liv Please don't forget to apply direct pressure to the wound for the next thirty seconds. 2 22 21 301 Liv turns silently and climbs toward the next wounded soldier. 23 22 301 Soldier (This girl...) 1 24 23 301 Soldier Dammit... 1 25 24 301 Soldier This world is, too cruel... 1 26 25 202 1 2 1 27 26 301 ... 28 27 301 After a while, the Construct squads finally arrive at the battlefield. 29 28 201 1 500019 30 29 301 1 Construct Soldier Push forward! 1 31 30 301 Construct Soldier Wait, isn't this area already abandoned? Why are there so many life signals? 1 32 31 301 Construct Soldier Reporting to HQ, we've found... 1 33 32 301 Construct Soldier 1 heavily wounded medic, and... 35 treated soldiers... 1 34 33 201 1 500054 35 34 301 1 Liv ... 1 36 35 201 1 500019 37 36 301 1 Construct Soldier They were all... treated by this one medic? 1 38 37 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Construct Soldier Quick... We have to save her. 1 39 38 202 1 1 40 39 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png 41 40 301 AniZhuanchangEnd ……………………………… 42 41 301 ... 43 42 301 ... 44 43 301 Researcher Her vitals are stable now. The temporary consciousness container is also active. Wake her. 45 44 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Researcher Liv, can you hear me? 46 46 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cgqz206.png 47 47 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Liv ... 48 48 301 Experiment Researcher In order to save you, we'll need to modify you into a Construct. 49 49 301 Researcher We need your consent. Based on data I collected from your cognitive analysis— 50 50 301 Liv ...Why save me? 51 51 301 Experiment Researcher ... 52 52 301 Researcher (This child... is...) 53 53 301 Researcher It's simple— 54 54 301 The researcher speaks up as if Liv is having trouble hearing. 55 55 301 Experiment Researcher Because we... Humanity needs you. 56 56 301 Liv Is that so... 57 57 301 Experiment Researcher Yes, you deserve to live more than so many people. That's it. Any other questions? 58 58 301 Liv ...It's okay. I accept. 59 59 301 Experiment Researcher Very well. 60 60 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Researcher Construct Model: BPN-08?Memory: Liv?Beginning modification. 61 62 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory59.jpg 62 63 201 1 500005 63 64 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Knock... knock... knock... 64 65 201 1 500051 65 66 301 1 Mother A... soldier? 1 66 67 201 1 500005 67 68 301 1 Soldier Hello, ma'am. Pardon me, but is this Liv's home? 1 68 69 201 1 500051 69 70 301 1 Mother ...Yes, but... Dear, get over here... 1 70 71 203 1 0.25 -400 71 72 201 2 500050 400 72 73 301 1 Father What is it? 2 73 74 301 Mother I think it's about Liv... 1 74 75 301 Father ... 2 75 76 301 Father The battle's over. What's a soldier doing here... 2 76 77 301 Mother Is it a... death notification...? 1 77 78 202 1 2 1 78 79 201 1 500005 79 80 301 1 Soldier No, ma'am. Liv was seriously wounded in battle and was in critical condition... but she is making a stable recovery. 1 80 81 201 1 500050 81 82 301 1 Father Critical condition... 1 82 83 301 The man says solemnly, rubbing his head. 83 84 201 1 500005 84 85 301 1 Soldier During the battle, Miss Liv saved dozens of lives on her own— 1 85 86 301 Soldier Therefore, she has been awarded a first-class military accolade and has been promoted to lieutenant. She's a crowning achievement in the next generation of soldiers from leaders of the medical research center. 1 86 87 301 Soldier Here's a picture and letter your daughter sent you. 1 87 88 202 1 2 1 88 89 201 1 500050 400 89 90 201 2 500053 -400 90 91 301 1 Brother Father, what's a first-class accolade? 2 91 92 301 Father It's... the greatest honor. 1 92 93 301 Brother Think I'll have a chance to earn a first-class military accolade like Liv? 2 93 94 301 Father Only if you join the military... 1 94 95 301 兄 ... 2 95 96 202 2 1 96 97 203 1 0.25 97 98 301 The man opens the letter, revealing a picture attached to it. 98 99 301 In the photo, Liv is wearing a military uniform and a "Star of Life" medal on her lapel, looking gorgeous and heroic. 99 100 202 1 1 100 101 201 1 500052 101 102 301 1 Sister ... 1 102 103 301 Sister She's so pretty... 1 103 104 301 Sister Liv was jealous of my dress, so I gave it to her... Now, it's my turn to be jealous... 1 104 105 202 1 1 105 106 301 The scene in the doorway draws a crowd. 106 107 301 Pedestrian Congratulations, sir! 107 108 301 Pedestrian You're child is truly remarkable! 108 109 201 1 500050 109 110 301 1 Father ... 1 110 111 301 The man nods awkwardly. 111 112 301 Pedestrian How did you raise such an outstanding daughter? 112 113 201 1 500051 113 114 301 1 Mother We... 1 114 115 203 1 0.25 -400 115 116 201 2 500050 400 116 117 301 1 Father Shh... 2 117 118 301 Mother ... 1 118 119 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Father Go on your way now. 2 119 120 202 1 2 1 120 121 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory56.jpg 121 122 301 AniZhuanchangEnd ... 122 123 301 The family opens Liv's handwritten letter, and her brother reads it out loud for everyone. 123 124 301 Hearing this, Liv's foster mom covers her mouth with her back to the children, hiding her expression. 124 125 301 ... 125 126 201 1 500054 126 127 301 1 Liv Mother, Father, I brought honor to our family. I hope you're proud of me. 1 127 128 301 Liv Sis, thank you for the dress. Too bad I didn't have too many opportunities to wear it in the military... 1 128 129 301 Liv But I'll always keep it safe in my dresser and cherish it. 1 129 130 301 Liv Brother, my time in the med corps has taught me the importance of technical support from the medical research center— 1 130 131 301 Liv Advancement in technology have saved more people than we have. Father's work really is important. I hope you learn a lot from him. 1 131 132 301 Liv I have a new home now. I won't be able to come back and live with you all anymore. 1 132 133 301 Liv But for the days ahead, I will still protect you and everyone on the battlefield. 1 133 134 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv Love, Construct Liv 1