Key Comment Value BeMentorLv Level when becoming mentor 80 GraduateLv Level of student at graduation 80 BeStudentLv Level of student when collaboration started 20 MaxStudentCount Mentor's student limit 3 JudgeFailPassTime No. of minutes AFK before marking as fail 4320 TickPunishTime No. of minutes banned from becoming a student or teacher again after terminating collaboration 720 CompleteTaskCount Student's weekly mission limit 6 SysReleaseTaskCount No. of missions posted by the system 5 GetTaskCount No. of missions available for student per day 3 ChangeTaskCount Mentor's daily mission swap limit 9 MaxApplyCount Message limit on application list 6 ApplyTimeout Request message storage limit (minutes) 1440 MaxRecommendCount No. of recommendations displayed 6 ApplyCd Mentor stops receiving request from this player for x minutes after a request is rejected (an error message will display if x is set to 0) 5 MaxRecommendRecordCount Max recommendation stored in server 100 StudentRefuseApplyInterval Student stops receiving request from this player for x minutes after a request is rejected (an error message will display if x is set to 0) 5 RecommendIntervalTime "Cooldown of recommendation list refresh (minutes). E.g. If a player has tapped for N times in a row, and each two taps are less than X minutes apart. Used for both recommendation list and search functions" 1 MaxContinuousClickCount Max tapping counter when retrieving a recommendation list 10 MaxContinuousClickIntervalTime Interval between two taps of retrieving recommendation list (seconds) 10 MaxDailyApply Max requests sent per day 100 KickTeacherMailId Mail ID sent to mentor upon termination 60004 KickStudentMailId Mail ID when terminating a student 60003 AnnouncementMaxLength Announcement length limit 20 AddMentorTeacherMailId Mail ID sent to mentor upon collaboration is formed 60002 AddMentorStudentMailId Mail ID sent to the student upon collaboration is formed 60001 MentorChatMaxCount Max number of messages between mentor and student saved (latest) 50 GraduateRewardId Graduation rewards (reward list ID) 40750 GraduateStudentRetainDay No. of days available for mentor to collect mission rewards after a student graduates 7 GraduateMailId Mail ID if student has incomplete growth mission at graduation (mission will be automatically completed and rewards are sent via mail) 60007 NormalLabelMaxCount Max customized tags that can be selected 2 TimeLabelMaxCount Max time tags that can be selected 1 MentorChangeTaskDisplayCount No. of missions displayed when mentor opens mission swap page 5 MentorGiveEquipCount No. of Memories given in one mission 2 MentorGiveEquipMaxLevel Max Memory level that can be gifted 1 MentorGiveEquipMaxStar Max Memory rank that can be gifted 5 StudentWeeklyResetSendEquipMailId Mail ID if student has not collected the Memories sent by mentor at weekly reset 60005 GraduateStudentCount Display limit of graduates on mentorship list 4 GraduateTaskMailId Mail ID if student has uncollected challenge mission rewards upon graduation 60006 FirstMentorMailId Mail ID of first batch of Instructor mails 60008 FirstMentorRewardDeadline No. of days after 0:00, Nov 26 to stop sending Instructor mails 29 MonthlyStudentCount Monthly student limit 6 GraduateCollectionId Mentor Reward Display Graduation Collectible ID 13000800 AutoGraduateLv Level at Automatic Graduation 83 MessageBoardMaxLen Character limit of a message 100 ActivationCount Limiting value of Daily Activity 100 ActivationItemId Displayed gift ID for the instructor who reaches the activity 96006 ActivationRewardId Actual reward ID for the instructor sends to the student 40802 ActivationRewardCount How many gifts can the instructor send when the activity is reached 3 GiftMailId Email ID for the gift sent to the Instructor 60010 GuidePlayerSearchCD Search Cooldown 3