using AscNet.Common.Database; using AscNet.Common.MsgPack; using AscNet.Common.Util; using; using; using AscNet.Table.share.item; using MessagePack; using System.Diagnostics; namespace AscNet.GameServer.Handlers { #region MsgPackScheme #pragma warning disable CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable. [MessagePackObject(true)] public class ForceLogoutNotify { public int Code; } [MessagePackObject(true)] public class ShutdownNotify { } #pragma warning restore CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable. #endregion internal class AccountModule { [RequestPacketHandler("HandshakeRequest")] public static void HandshakeRequestHandler(Session session, Packet.Request packet) { // TODO: make this somehow universal, look into better architecture to handle packets // and automatically log their deserialized form HandshakeResponse response = new() { Code = 0, UtcOpenTime = 0, Sha1Table = null }; session.SendResponse(response, packet.Id); } [RequestPacketHandler("LoginRequest")] public static void LoginRequestHandler(Session session, Packet.Request packet) { LoginRequest request = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize(packet.Content); Player? player = Player.FromToken(request.Token); if (player is null) { session.SendResponse(new LoginResponse { Code = 1007 // LoginInvalidLoginToken }, packet.Id); return; } Session? previousSession = Server.Instance.Sessions.Select(x => x.Value).Where(x => x.GetHashCode() != session.GetHashCode()).FirstOrDefault(x => x.player.PlayerData.Id == player.PlayerData.Id); if (previousSession is not null) { // GateServerForceLogoutByAnotherLogin previousSession.SendPush(new ForceLogoutNotify() { Code = 1018 }); previousSession.DisconnectProtocol(); } session.player = player; session.character = Character.FromUid(player.PlayerData.Id); session.stage = Stage.FromUid(player.PlayerData.Id); session.inventory = Inventory.FromUid(player.PlayerData.Id); session.SendResponse(new LoginResponse { Code = 0, ReconnectToken = player.Token, UtcOffset = 0, UtcServerTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() }, packet.Id); DoLogin(session); } [RequestPacketHandler("ReconnectRequest")] public static void ReconnectRequestHandler(Session session, Packet.Request packet) { ReconnectRequest request = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize(packet.Content); Player? player; if (session.player is not null) player = session.player; else { player = Player.FromToken(request.Token); if (player is not null && (session.character is null || session.stage is null || session.inventory is null)) { session.character = Character.FromUid(player.PlayerData.Id); session.stage = Stage.FromUid(player.PlayerData.Id); session.inventory = Inventory.FromUid(player.PlayerData.Id); } } if (player?.PlayerData.Id != request.PlayerId) { session.SendResponse(new ReconnectResponse() { Code = 1029 // ReconnectInvalidToken }, packet.Id); return; } session.player = player; session.SendResponse(new ReconnectResponse() { ReconnectToken = request.Token }, packet.Id); } /* TODO [RequestPacketHandler("ReconnectAck")] public static void ReconnectAckHandler(Session session, Packet.Request packet) { } */ // TODO: Move somewhere else, also split. static void DoLogin(Session session) { NotifyLogin notifyLogin = new() { PlayerData = session.player.PlayerData, TeamGroupData = session.player.TeamGroups, BaseEquipLoginData = new(), FubenData = new() { StageData = session.stage.Stages.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value), FubenBaseData = new() }, FubenMainLineData = new(), FubenChapterExtraLoginData = new(), FubenUrgentEventData = new(), ItemList = session.inventory.Items, UseBackgroundId = 14000001 // main ui theme, table still failed to dump }; if (notifyLogin.PlayerData.DisplayCharIdList.Count < 1) notifyLogin.PlayerData.DisplayCharIdList.Add(notifyLogin.PlayerData.DisplayCharId); notifyLogin.FashionList.AddRange(session.character.Fashions); #if DEBUG notifyLogin.PlayerData.GuideData = GuideGroupTableReader.Instance.All.Select(x => (long)x.Id).ToList(); #endif NotifyCharacterDataList notifyCharacterData = new(); notifyCharacterData.CharacterDataList.AddRange(session.character.Characters); NotifyEquipDataList notifyEquipData = new(); notifyEquipData.EquipDataList.AddRange(session.character.Equips); NotifyAssistData notifyAssistData = new() { AssistData = new() { AssistCharacterId = session.character.Characters.First().Id } }; NotifyChatLoginData notifyChatLoginData = new() { RefreshTime = ((DateTimeOffset)Process.GetCurrentProcess().StartTime).ToUnixTimeSeconds(), UnlockEmojis = EmojiTableReader.Instance.All.Select(x => new NotifyChatLoginData.NotifyChatLoginDataUnlockEmoji() { Id = (uint)x.Id }).ToList() }; session.SendPush(notifyLogin); session.SendPush(notifyCharacterData); session.SendPush(notifyEquipData); session.SendPush(notifyAssistData); session.SendPush(notifyChatLoginData); // NEEDED to not softlock! session.SendPush(new NotifyFubenPrequelData() { FubenPrequelData = new() }); session.SendPush(new NotifyPrequelChallengeRefreshTime() { NextRefreshTime = (uint)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() + 3600 * 24 }); session.SendPush(new NotifyMainLineActivity() { EndTime = 0 }); session.SendPush(new NotifyDailyFubenLoginData() { RefreshTime = (uint)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() + 3600 * 24 }); session.SendPush(new NotifyBriefStoryData()); session.SendPush(new NotifyFubenBossSingleData() { FubenBossSingleData = new() { ActivityNo = 1, TotalScore = 0, MaxScore = 0, OldLevelType = 0, LevelType = 1, ChallengeCount = 0, RemainTime = 100000, AutoFightCount = 0, CharacterPoints = new {}, RankPlatform = 0 } }); session.SendPush(new NotifyBfrtData() { BfrtData = new() }); } } }