Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory121.png 2 2 401 1 201 3 3 201 1 500126 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Aston Let's begin our deal then. 1 5 5 202 1 1 6 6 301 Despite the situation of the train not looking good, and the floorboards ferociously shaking under his feet, the man named Aston didn't waver an inch. 7 7 301 Maintaining his pace, he strides forward with confidence, and even saluted Gray Raven. 8 8 302 What deal? 9 Aren't there more pressing matters right now? 14 9 9 201 3 1011001 10 10 301 1 Lee Those two Constructs just no mentioned a deal as well... Care to explain what that is? 3 11 11 202 3 1 12 12 201 1 500126 13 13 16 301 1 Aston Babylonia sent you here without explaining the situation to you beforehand? 1 14 14 201 1 500126 15 15 301 1 Aston To a merchant, there's nothing more important than trading. 1 16 16 204 1 8 17 17 301 Aston It seems that you have not fully grasped the situation yet... 1 18 18 204 1 19 19 301 Aston Allow me to explain. 1 20 20 301 Aston According to our intel, there was a huge battle between Babylonia and the space station not so long ago. And in that battle, "something important" that belonged to the space station crashed onto this train. 1 21 21 202 1 1 22 22 201 2 1021001 23 23 301 1 Lucia That is correct. Please destroy it together with us... 2 24 24 202 2 1 25 25 201 1 500126 26 26 301 1 Aston No, we will not, and will not allow you to do so. Unless we reach a deal. 1 27 27 301 Aston After all, that is our most valuable merchandise. 1 28 28 202 1 1 29 29 201 3 1011001 21 30 30 301 1 Lee You're using the Hetero-Core as a bargaining chip...? Are you people mad? That's the enemy of all humanity! 3 31 31 202 3 1 32 32 201 1 500126 8 33 33 301 1 Aston Anyhow, our demand is simple—let us move in to Babylonia. 1 34 34 202 1 1 35 35 201 1 1031001 7 36 36 301 1 Liv ...Why? 1 37 37 202 1 1 38 38 201 1 500126 39 39 301 1 Aston Hmph, asking useless questions. 1 40 40 301 Aston Babylonia in outer space is currently the safest place in the universe. Although this train has kept us alive, 1 41 41 301 Aston I still believe going to Babylonia is the only way to achieve true safety. 1 42 42 301 Aston What do you think about this deal, commandant from Babylonia? 1 43 43 302 I'm not authorized to make this deal. 44 And if we refuse...? 47 44 44 301 Aston Then who has the authority to do so, and can you get in contact with them? I'd like a reply as soon as possible, if not... 1 45 45 202 1 1 46 46 50 201 2 500129 47 47 202 1 1 48 48 201 2 500129 49 49 301 1 ??? Ahaha, I knew they wouldn't agree to the terms. Which is good, because now... 2 50 50 301 1 ??? Then I guess we'll have to make the deal with the Ascendants then. 2 51 51 202 2 1 52 52 201 3 500125 53 53 301 1 Jamilah Wait, that's not what we agreed on before. We agreed to wait for an answer from Babylonia first... 3 54 54 202 3 1 55 55 301 Their leader, a teenage girl who stood silently when the aristocrat was talking, suddenly objected. 56 56 201 2 500129 57 57 301 1 ??? Little girls shouldn't meddle in this matter. And it's obvious, the Ascendants are far more superior to those from Babylonia. 2 58 58 203 2 0.25 400 1 59 59 201 1 500126 -400 60 60 301 1 Aston Ashlar, Princess Jamilah is the current leader of the ACA, and as a member of Akdilek, you should show some respect. 1 61 61 301 Ashlar ...Of course. 2 62 62 202 1 2 1 63 63 201 3 1011001 64 64 301 1 Lee I don't know what your situation is, but... You guys are on the Ascendants' side?! 3 65 65 202 3 1 66 66 201 1 500126 8 67 67 301 1 Aston There's no friend or foe in commerce. While you were dilly-dallying, this train has been approaching the designated meeting point with the Ascendants. 1 68 68 301 Aston We are merchants, and we only want to gain the biggest profit from a deal. To us, both Babylonia and the Ascendants are just trading partners. 1 69 69 301 Aston And as you can see, Ashlar suggested the Ascendants as our trading partner, while I, on the other hand, wanted to expand our options. 1 70 70 302 Us? 71 Why would you make deal with the Ascendants? 75 71 71 204 1 72 72 301 Aston Yes, if Babylonia can provide a satisfying answer swiftly, then we need not head toward such dangerous areas full of Punishing Virus to "deliver the goods." 1 73 73 301 Aston From how I see it, it's a win-win, and all that are wise would choose this. 1 74 74 84 202 1 1 75 75 203 1 0.25 -400 76 76 204 1 77 77 201 2 500129 400 78 78 301 1 Ashlar Of course it's to become one of them! To be able to travel freely in this day and age is more valuable than anything else. 2 79 79 202 1 1 80 80 201 1 500124 -400 81 81 301 1 Changyu Tsk, no one is guaranteed to be able to become an Ascendant! 1 82 82 301 Ashlar No one asked for your opinion, peasant. 2 83 83 202 1 2 1 84 84 301 ———— 85 85 302 This alarm? 86 Is the train under attack? 86 86 86 201 3 1011001 87 87 301 1 Lee Something probably happened to the Hetero-Core... 3 88 88 202 3 1 89 89 201 1 500126 90 90 301 1 Aston Looks like the commoner carriages in the back have been assaulted by the Corrupted. 1 91 91 202 1 1 92 92 201 2 500129 93 93 301 1 ??? What?! Then it's dangerous to stay here, we need to head for the front carriages now! 2 94 94 202 2 1 95 95 301 The aristocrats behind Ashlar become agitated— 96 96 301 Some even ignore the leader of Akdilek standing right in front of them and scramble for the front carriages. 97 97 201 1 500126 98 98 301 1 Aston I guess there's nothing else we can do here. We should retreat for now. 1 99 99 204 1 8 100 100 301 Aston Leader, please follow me 1 101 101 203 1 0.25 -400 102 102 201 3 500125 400 103 103 301 1 Jamilah Alright. 3 104 104 202 1 3 1 105 105 201 3 1011001 106 106 301 1 Lee ...No matter how I look at it, that man named Aston feels more like the leader of Akdilek to me. 3 107 107 203 3 0.25 -400 1 108 108 201 2 1021001 4 400 109 109 301 1 Lucia Now's not the time for observations. Commandant, we... 2 110 110 302 Go save people. 111 Destroy the Corrupted 115 111 111 202 3 1 112 112 201 1 1031001 -400 113 113 301 1 Liv I'll try my best! 1 114 114 119 202 1 2 1 115 115 203 2 0.25 0 116 116 201 1 1031001 400 117 117 301 1 Lucia Lee and I will hold back the Corrupted ahead. Liv, provide medical assistance in the back. 2 118 118 202 1 2 3 1 119 119 201 3 500125 120 120 301 1 Jamilah Sophia, can I count on you? 3 121 121 202 3 1 122 122 201 2 500127 123 123 301 1 Sophia Your wish is my command. 2 124 124 202 2 1 125 125 201 1 500124 126 126 301 1 Changyu Wait, what about me? 1 127 127 202 1 1 128 128 201 1 500126 8 129 129 301 1 Aston ...Leader, I remember warning you not to deploy Constructs casually, at least not in front of others. 1 130 130 203 1 0.25 -400 1 131 131 204 1 132 132 201 2 500124 400 133 133 301 1 Aston And Changyu, you may not go. The aristocrats will riot if we deploy all our Constructs right now. 1 134 1006 204 2 5 135 134 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Changyu Tsk...! 2