Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 2 2 401 1 55 3 3 304 Recording: ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 1 4 4 304 Experiment failed. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 1 5 5 304 Experiment failed. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 1 6 6 304 Experiment failed. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 1 7 7 304 The concept of the Polyphage shows new possibilities, but its power is still trivial compared to that of an agent's. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 8 8 304 It just needs a "core" to fully unleash its power. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 9 9 304 Absolute power is before my eyes, yet I can't control it. All moving parts on my body are rubbing and ringing due to inexplicable anxiety. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 10 10 304 It needs a core. If possible, I will even dedicate myself to it if need be. But I must witness Ascnet's move toward the future with my own eyes. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 1 11 11 304 Lamia is no good. Roland still has value. Under his guidance, Alpha hasn't questioned our plan. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 12 12 304 ...Alpha. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 13 13 304 His ability to sway the will of the agent is valuable in and of itself. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 14 14 304 A most suitable choice. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 15 15 304 As long as I show Luna the power of the Hetero-Creatures I created, she will definitely agree with my plan and approach. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 16 16 304 If not... ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 17 17 304 AniZhuanchangBegin I already have a backup plan. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory450.jpg 1 1 18 18 401 1000 1 36 19 19 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory11.jpg 20 20 401 1 201 21 21 201 1 500384 22 22 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 ??? No... don't kill me, please! I have no choice... 1 23 23 301 With mud on his face, the refugee cowers in terror in the corner, watching the dark shadows gradually approaching him. 24 24 301 Three armed Scavengers stand in a circle and point their weapons at him. 25 25 201 1 500136 600 26 26 201 2 500140 27 27 201 3 500139 -600 28 28 301 1 Beardy Who would've thought. What makes you think you can steal from the likes of us? 2 29 29 301 Kordes Watch out. Look at his bandages. He's probably showing symptoms of corruption. 3 30 30 301 Zack Come on, see what else we can find from this guy. We gotta run. 1 31 31 301 Zack We're at least four or five days of walk away from the nearest conservation area, and it would be very difficult to travel during the night. We can't afford to waste our time here. 1 32 32 202 1 2 3 1 33 33 201 1 500384 34 34 301 1 ??? W-wait! I... I have stuff I can give you! Don't k-kill me! 1 35 35 301 Escaping the hand of the Scavenger who was about to tear his cloak, the raggedly dressed refugee trembles as he empties the contents of his backpack. 36 36 301 The things in his bag drop one after another. A few tins and hardtacks fall next to the Scavengers' feet. There is also a small unused bandage roll, alcohol, several magazines, a picture frame with a blurred photo, and a broken walkie-talkie. 37 37 201 1 500136 600 38 38 201 2 500140 39 39 201 3 500139 -600 40 40 301 1 Beardy Hmph, looks like you still got a lot there. 2 41 41 301 Beardy kicks the frame away and, after checking them, puts the food, bandages, and magazines in his backpack before he gives a wink to Zack. 42 42 301 Zack nods and hits the refugee's arms, which are holding his bag tightly, hard with the butt of his gun. The refugee cries in pain and lets go of the bag. 43 43 301 Beardy immediately picks up the bag that falls at his feet with a dagger. It's a heavy bag. He sneers and drops the bag to the ground. Inside the bag is an iron box wrapped tightly in cloth and covered with a large brown stain. 44 44 202 1 2 3 1 45 45 201 1 500384 46 46 301 1 ??? Ugh...! 1 47 47 301 Seeing them notice that he was trying to hide something, the refugee trembles and lowers his head even more. 48 48 201 1 500136 400 49 49 201 2 500140 -400 50 50 301 1 Beardy Come on, fella. Still holding out on us? 2 51 51 301 Zack What's this? Come over here and open it yourself. No funny business. 1 52 52 202 1 2 1 53 53 301 The refugee immediately crawls over, reaching out to open the seal on the edge of the iron box. His hands are wrapped in soiled bandages and his fingertips keep slipping from the edge of the box. 54 54 301 Seeing the refugee's hesitant and clumsy appearance, Zack gives an impatient grunt. 55 55 201 1 500384 56 56 301 1 ??? S... Sorry... I hurt my hand. I'll open it right away... right away. 1 57 57 301 The seal is picked off little by little, and the iron box opens with a click, revealing the contents. 58 58 301 After the white fog formed by the cold air dissipates, the Scavengers see three complete doses of serum lying in the grooves of the iron box. It even comes with a syringe, on which the logo of the World Government is clearly visible. 59 59 201 1 500136 600 60 60 201 2 500140 61 61 201 3 500139 -600 62 62 301 1 Beardy Zackpot... Look what we got here. It's serum. Zack, you... 2 63 63 301 Zack Shut up. 1 64 64 301 Kordes ...And not just any serum. This is a World Government symbol, and it's a special military serum, which is more effective than the civilian one. 3 65 65 301 Zack ...It's also rarer, and even we don't have access to it. 1 66 66 301 1 "Beardy" Such a nice little treasure you got here, and you try to steal our supplies? Is it true that people die for money and birds die for food? 2 67 67 301 Zack&Kordes …… 1 3 68 68 301 Despite accidentally ridiculing everyone present, Beardy is unaware of it. He just sighs and puts the serum into his own bag. 69 69 202 1 2 3 1 70 70 301 Zack ignores his mentally incompetent companions, squats down next to the trembling refugee and speaks quietly. 71 71 201 1 500136 72 72 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Zack Tell us. Where'd you get it? 1 73 73 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Zack The CPF? 1 74 74 301 The refugee vigorously nods, and subtly tries to move to the side. 75 75 201 1 500384 76 76 301 1 ??? There's a forest park nearby. T-there's the CPF. No one's there. 1 77 77 301 ??? There's tons of supplies there... There's a lot more in a giant crate. It has the World Government's logo. B-but it's too heavy. I-I couldn't carry it... 1 78 78 301 The refugee's words were like telling a group of travelers wandering the desert about a nearby oasis. Too coincidental yet too alluring, the trio pauses in silent contemplation. 79 79 301 Someone speaks up after a while. 80 80 201 1 500136 81 81 301 1 Zack ...What do you guys think? 1 82 82 201 1 500140 400 83 83 201 2 500139 -400 84 84 301 1 Kordes Something's fishy here. A well-supplied place like that would have been raided already. 2 85 85 301 Kordes ...But if there really are a lot of supplies like he said, I think it's worth checking out. We're running low as is. 2 86 86 301 Beardy Are you sure? Even if those supplies do exist, can we really get them? What if it's a trap? 1 87 87 301 Beardy We got similar info about the reconstruction supplies dumped by a group, remember? You insisted to go and check it out! 1 88 88 301 "Beardy" What happened when we got there? Nothing but that damn Red Tide and crazy idiots who jumped into it. We were a man down, and Zack almost... 1 89 89 301 Kordes But Zack is still alive. And because we passed City 075 on the way out, we got the news about the refugee transfer and the establishment of a conservation area in Babylonia. 2 90 90 301 Kordes If you hadn't been taking your sweet *** time on the way there, we may have made it in time for the last transport craft. 2 91 91 301 "Beardy" You think that was MY fault?! 1 92 92 301 "Beardy" Ha! If it wasn't for the supplies I found, we wouldn't even BE here! 1 93 93 202 1 2 1 94 94 201 1 500136 95 95 301 1 Zack Knock it off. 1 96 96 301 Irritated, Zack commands them to stop. "Beardy" is just about to muster up a retort, but shuts his mouth upon seeing Zack's expression. He grips the handle of his knife hanging down at his side even more tightly. 97 97 203 1 0.25 400 98 98 201 2 500384 -400 99 99 301 1 ??? …… 2 100 100 301 Zack pulls out a map and spreads it out on the floor. 101 101 301 Zack Where exactly is the CPF? 1 102 102 301 ??? Go northwest from here and then down the road, and you'll find it soon! 2 103 103 301 ??? I swear! I'm not lying! 2 104 104 301 Zack's fingers cross the map in the direction refugee is pointing, then stops at a place marked as "Pulia Forest Park". 105 105 201 2 500140 -400 106 106 301 1 Zack ... Central Purification Filter 040. Depending on our travel speed and road conditions, it should take us about three to four days to get there. 1 107 107 301 Zack He wasn't lying about the location of the tower. 1 108 108 301 Beardy You're not seriously thinking of going, are you? 2 109 109 301 Zack With the supplies we have now, we wouldn't make it to the conservation area. Kordes, how many medical supplies do we have now? 1 110 110 201 2 500139 -400 111 111 301 1 Kordes hesitates for a moment before speaking again. 112 112 301 Kordes We used our last vial of serum yesterday. 2 113 113 301 Kordes ...Recently, we've been taking too many detours to avoid high concentration areas. We've used too much of our supplies this week. 2 114 114 301 Zack Even if there are no supplies in the CPF, we can cross the park in this direction and continue north to find the conservation area. 1 115 115 301 Zack From the moment we left the base, there was no turning back. 1 116 116 301 Zack puts the map back into his bag, stands up, and aims his gun at the refugee who had quietly stepped back several meters. 117 117 301 Zack You lead the way. 1 118 118 202 1 2 1 119 119 301 Seeing the dark muzzle aimed right at him, the refugee instantly puts his hands up as if struck by lightning. But after hearing Zack, he shows obvious hesitation. 120 120 201 1 500140 121 121 301 1 Beardy What's wrong? Think we got all day? Move it. 1 122 122 203 1 0.25 400 123 123 201 2 500384 -400 124 124 301 1 ??? There... Over there... 2 125 125 301 ??? But there are monsters. And Corrupted. It's dangerous... 2 126 126 301 The refugee shivers and points into the distance, where a faint green line beyond the city is seen far across the horizon. 127 127 301 ??? That park... has a lot of Corrupted in it. 2 128 128 201 1 500136 400 129 129 301 1 Zack If that's the case, how'd you get out? 1 130 130 301 ??? I... 2 131 131 201 1 500140 400 132 132 301 1 Beardy What a wimp... We've taken all his supplies. I don't think he'll survive on his own. Shall we rub him out here? 1 133 133 301 "Beardy" spins a knife around his fingers and grins. 134 134 301 ??? D-don't! Don't kill me! I, I know how to get there! I've been there several times. I'm the only one who knows a safe route! 2 135 135 201 1 500136 400 136 136 301 1 Zack Any funny games, and you know what'll happen next. 1 137 137 301 Zack Clean up and prepare to move out, "Beardy". Also, take out all of the supplies. Don't think I didn't see that. 1 138 138 201 2 500140 -400 139 139 301 1 Beardy Okay. 2 140 140 301 Beardy takes the ammo and medical supplies from his bag, hands them to Zack and Kordus respectively, then shows Zack the contents of the bag. 141 141 301 "Beardy" That's all. I'm in charge of all the food. Don't say I'm being selfish. 2 142 142 301 Zack Alright, let's hit the road, and... 1 143 143 301 Zack furrows his eyebrows. 144 144 301 Zack What's your name? 1 145 145 201 2 500384 -400 146 146 301 1 ??? Huh? 2 147 147 301 Zack I said, what's your name? 1 148 148 301 Who cares about the name of a dirty thief. No one seems to ever ask him this question, catching him off guard. 149 149 301 ??? I... 2 150 150 301 Like attempting to swallow with a dry mouth, the refugee answers with some difficulty. 151 151 301 ??? Rolmo... My name's Rolmo. 2 152 152 301 Zack Alright, Rolmo. You take the lead. 1 153 153 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Zack Try to escape, we'll see which is faster—your legs or my bullet. 1 154 154 202 1 2 1 155 155 201 1 500384 156 156 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Forced to take the lead, the refugee hunches forward. With his back to the Scavengers, the timid look on his face disappears without a trace. 157 157 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2 158 158 201 1 500366 159 159 301 1 ??? …… 1 160 160 301 His dichromatic eyes obscured in shadow narrow slightly as if "Rolmo" is lost in contemplation. 161 161 301 Normally, Scavengers act in a group. Their supplies are distributed evenly and they can decide what to do with their own rations. 162 162 301 But these people ask different men to keep different supplies. One person keeps all the medical supplies, one keeps all the food, and one keeps all the weapons and ammunition. 163 163 301 This way, the group forms an invisible chain from which no one can break away. Otherwise, they cannot live on just one form of supplies. 164 164 301 In the apocalyptic wasteland with no stable access to materials, losing food means difficulty in moving forward. Losing medical supplies means endless pain and infections. Losing weaponry means the lack of defense when surrounded by Corrupted. Whichever it is, death would be the final destination. 165 165 301 Everyone has the lifeblood of the team, which makes it impossible for them to turn against each other and leave the team by themselves. 166 166 301 This isn't stupid or clever, but one thing for certain is that they couldn't trust each other from the start. So they came up with this way to restrain each other. 167 167 301 Such a classic configuration, Roland can only imagine how the team will end up. 168 168 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin ??? (...Looks like it's going to end as it always does.) 1