Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory251.png 2 2 401 1 35 3 3 401 2 10007502 4 4 201 1 500199 5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 Staessen Humans... How pathetic we are sometimes... 1 6 6 301 Staessen Never dying when they should... And when they realize they must live, they try to end it all again. 1 7 7 201 1 500238 8 8 301 1 Luna What are you trying to say? 1 9 9 201 1 500199 10 10 301 1 Staessen I always thought that... a day would come when I could finally put this all to rest. 1 11 11 301 Staessen The Forest Guard will gradually earn their freedom... We'll gradually free ourselves from the technology of the old institute. Then we can forget about all this bull****... as if it never happened. 1 12 12 301 Staessen Everyone... can bathe in the sunlight... without any grudges. Perhaps... I could have too. 1 13 13 301 Staessen Now I know... That time will never come... 1 14 14 201 1 500238 15 15 301 1 Luna ...Are these your last words? 1 16 16 201 1 500199 17 17 301 1 Staessen ...No, if anything, this is my repent. 1 18 18 301 Trembling, Staessen takes out what appears to be a detonator from his coat. 19 19 301 Staessen It's okay... You don't need to do anything... I've long since been ready to go down with this ship. 1 20 20 301 Staessen I just hope... you stop... Please don't... hurt the ARU any more. 1 21 21 201 1 500238 22 22 301 1 Luna ... 1 23 23 301 Luna's summons up several blades around her hand. She sends them flying, cutting open a section of each of the three pillars and exposing a back, mechanical antennae structure in each. 24 24 204 1 4 25 25 301 Luna ...That is your problem. 1 26 26 201 1 500199 27 27 301 1 Staessen ...Looks like it. 1 28 28 202 1 1 29 29 401 2 10007502 30 30 301 RImgBg1Shake Staessen presses the detonator, triggering a continuous dull rumble to shake the wall. The whole hall deforms and disintegrates in an instant, completely covering Staessen in rubble. 31 31 201 1 500238 32 32 301 1 Luna ... 1 33 33 202 1 1 34 34 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Luna glances at the pile of rubble that used to be Staessen, then turns to leave through the entrance. 35 35 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg1501_5.jpg 36 36 401 1 211 37 37 401 2 10001004 38 38 401 2 10008001 39 39 401 2 10002001 40 40 401 2 10007501 41 41 401 2 10007502 42 43 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Luna ... 43 46 301 α Forsaken and the Forest Guard have aroused an offensive... 44 49 301 Luna That's good enough. You can head back, Sis. Let them come. 45 52 301 α Sure. If I keep fighting, I don't know how much longer I can hold back. 46 53 301 α Is your work... finished? 47 56 301 Luna Yes. I got the antennas buried in the pillars, just as Huaxu said. 48 59 301 α I see. 49 60 301 α Yet, you don't look... pleased. 50 63 301 Luna Just witnessing stupidity... as always. 51 66 301 α Is that so? 52 69 301 Luna Tell the others to retreat, and I'll catch up with you later. 53 72 301 α I've already contacted Roland and Lamia, who will be stopping the attackers in other directions. But Gabriel... 54 75 301 Luna We can leave him. I'll retreat shortly after. 55 78 301 α ... 56 80 301 Closing the communications link, Luna silently surveys the wave of destruction left in her wake. 57 81 301 Why go so far? Her M.I.N.D. echoes with confusion that had been festering since the onset. 58 83 301 Luna Huaxu. 59 84 301 Huaxu Yes? 60 85 301 Luna Even after reading the information you showed me, I still can't understand what this so-called human possibility is. 61 86 301 Huaxu As a population, humans are extremely complex creatures, which cannot be explained by a single definition. 62 87 301 Luna That doesn't mean your analysis for Qu was correct. 63 88 301 Huaxu Without further information, sender Luna is unwilling to explain the nature of Ascnet to assist in computing. 64 89 301 Luna It's not something that you, made by humanity, can understand. 65 90 301 Luna Alright, enough. 66 91 301 Huaxu Sender Luna's question does not yield a valid response. 67 92 301 Luna That will not be necessary. 68 93 301 Luna The Ascnet is the only way forward. 69 94 301 Luna Only those who can share their power with me... Are qualified to live here once all of this is over. 70 95 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Luna Until then, it's pointless to mull over it. 71 96 202 1 1 72 97 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory46.jpg 73 98 401 1 12 74 99 201 1 500012 -400 75 100 201 2 500011 400 76 101 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Nikola That's all the worthwhile info. 1 77 102 301 Hassen It's unusual for the Ascendants to attack a human base directly. 2 78 103 301 Nikola Don't forget about Kowloong. 1 79 104 301 Hassen You mean... She had an ulterior motive? 2 80 105 301 Nikola We don't know exactly what they're trying, but judging from previous behavior, that seems likely. 1 81 106 301 Hassen Other than this, there's something I'm more concerned about... 2 82 107 301 Hassen taps a few times on the control panel. It seems to have loaded a filter template. 83 108 301 The holographic window immediately pulls a close-up of Luna, highlighting the area. 84 109 301 Nikola What did you do? 1 85 110 301 Hassen Info all thanks to the Gray Raven Commandant. Looks like you're slower than I am. 2 86 111 301 Nikola I have the original data. You have the research data. They're not the same. Not to mention, we... 1 87 112 301 Hassen The direction is different, I understand. But it serves the same purpose. 2 88 113 301 Nikola does not respond. Instead, he makes some adjustments on the control panel, sorting the energy distribution of the highlighted areas throughout the entirety of the battle along a time axis chart. 89 114 301 After staring at the chart for quite some time, Nikola stands up as if something had come to mind. 90 115 301 Hassen What is it? 2 91 116 301 Nikola I just thought of something. I need to get going. 1 92 117 202 1 1 93 118 203 2 0.25 94 119 301 Hassen ... 2 95 120 301 Hassen looks at the open door of the conference room with a strange expression. 96 121 301 Hassen I guess I really should hit the sack. But before that... I should take this to Asimov. 2 97 122 202 2 1 98 123 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Hassen unplugs the hard drive from the terminal and leaves the conference room. 99 124 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory231.png 100 125 401 1 211 101 126 301 AniZhuanchangEnd (Hours after Luna destroyed the Arctic Route Union.) 102 127 301 Standing on the ruins and dust from the disaster. Watanabe and Rosetta's olfactory receptors are accosted by a foul and pungent odor. 103 128 201 1 500214 104 129 301 1 Rosetta ... 1 105 130 301 Wreckage and blackened earth cover the surrounding area. All they can see are shapeless debris and red scorch marks from the high-temperature blasts. 106 131 301 Rosetta and Diana cannot imagine that the once bustling settlement is now only filled with the sound of flames and crackling of debris. 107 132 203 1 0.25 450 108 133 201 2 500088 4 -450 109 134 301 1 Diana ...How can this be... 2 110 135 301 Rosetta ... 1 111 136 301 Rosetta remains silent and begins searching through the ruins for possible survivors. 112 137 301 Seeing this, everyone appears to come to their senses. This is what should be done at a time like this. Not just sit here and wallow in pain. 113 138 202 1 2 1 114 139 201 1 1101001 115 140 301 1 Watanabe Everyone spread out a meter apart and begin searching! 1 116 144 301 Forsaken Roger! 117 145 202 1 1 118 146 301 ... 119 147 201 1 500214 450 120 148 201 2 500088 4 -450 121 149 301 1 Diana ...Rosetta. 2 122 150 301 Rosetta What is it? 1 123 151 301 Diana watches as Rosetta picks up a massive section of flooring with super-human strength and throws it like cardboard to one side. 124 152 301 Diana Do you... really think we'll find any survivors? 2 125 153 301 Rosetta ...We won't know unless we try. 1 126 154 301 Diana But...! 2 127 155 301 Rosetta Quiet. Make yourself useful. 1 128 156 301 Rosetta Do not forget hope out of fear. We will never give up hope. 1 129 157 301 Diana ...Right. 2 130 158 202 1 2 1 131 159 301 Diana nods thoughtfully and accompanies Rosetta in taking the Forest Guards to clean up the ruins. 132 160 301 On the other side, Clark, who had just finished his report, notices that Watanabe is no long responding as diligently as normal. Rather, he appears to be lost in contemplation as he watches people hurriedly working in the ruins. 133 161 201 1 500197 134 162 301 1 Clark Leader? 1 135 163 201 1 1101001 136 164 301 1 Watanabe Go and help. As Rosetta said, we can't forget hope out of shock and fear. 1 137 165 301 Watanabe I need to think... about further down the road. 1 138 1000 202 1 1 139 166 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Watanabe's eyes move away from the people working in the ruins. He turns to look up at the sky severed by black smoke, as if glaring at a past enemy. 140 167 504 0.8 141 168 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Watanabe "We are the Forsaken. Never we forget." 142 169 301 Watanabe I always thought I had seen enough dead people during my time at war. But today, I realized that... 143 170 301 Watanabe We remember. That is why we are here. 144 171 301 Watanabe Whether flesh or machine, humanity is still... just dust in the wind. Even settlements... fare little against the gale. 145 172 301 Watanabe The enemy who wants to destroy us is so powerful that, even with my knowledge of war, I can't find a way to defeat them. 146 173 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Watanabe "Ascendants"... What must we do to defeat you? 147 174 504 0 148 175 201 1 1101001 5 149 176 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Watanabe But... 1 150 177 301 Watanabe No matter how many times you destroy us, people will remember. Atop these ruins they will build anew. 1 151 178 301 Watanabe And this... You will never understand why. 1 152 179 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Watanabe And even if you did, you have made your presence known here. We won't just sit here and let you run free. 1 153 180 202 1 1 154 181 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 155 182 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Child When... When can we go out? 156 183 301 Lady We can leave once the captain fights away the bad guys. Until then, we need to be good and wait here. 157 184 301 Old Man I haven't seen an attack like this... in all my life. With that timid Staessen in charge... We'd better count our lucky stars... 158 185 301 Child ... 159 186 301 Lady Even so... What other choice do we have...? 160 187 301 Child Are... Are... We gonna die? 161 188 301 ??? Of course not! Someone'll rescue us! 162 189 301 Child Evan... What should... we do? 163 190 301 Evan I don't know if we can count on Mister Staessen either... 164 191 301 Evan But that's okay! The ARU isn't alone! 165 192 301 Evan We've also got the Forest Guard, Forsaken, and Babylonia there to help us! 166 193 301 Evan They... They won't let anything bad happen! 167 194 301 Lady R-really? 168 195 301 Evan Don't forget Amberia and New Sophiasburgh! 169 1001 301 ... 170 196 301 Child Evan! I hear somethin'! 171 197 301 The child points in the direction of the sound. A light knocking is heard vibrating through the heavy reinforced steel doors. 172 198 301 Evan rushes forward and looks through the periscope. A moment later, people can hear sound from the outside world. 173 199 301 ??? Anyone there?! We're here to rescue you! 174 200 301 Evan ... 175 201 301 Evan We... We're... 176 202 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Evan We're... in here!