Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory107.png 2 2 401 1 201 3 3 301 A few days after the meeting... 4 4 201 1 500008 5 5 301 1 Roland Miss Luna, did you require my presence? 1 6 6 203 1 0.4 400 7 7 201 2 500105 -400 8 8 301 1 Luna Yes. About our plans... 2 9 9 301 Roland Is this about "her?" If so, you need not worry. She is an easy find. 1 10 10 301 Luna You know that I'm not directing you to "find" her. 2 11 11 301 Luna But instead, I need you to remind her of her duty as an agent of the network. Don't "save" people to her own whims. 2 12 12 301 Luna I patched up and upgraded your frame, not to have you play detective for a massive light bulb. 2 13 13 301 Roland Miss Luna... You truly expect her to listen to me? 1 14 14 301 Roland You must know that she is not one that easily sways. 1 15 15 301 Luna As long as it serves to warn her. 2 16 16 301 Roland But with me, Miss Luna? I'm afraid a person of your stature might be required for her to listen. 1 17 17 301 Luna ... 2 18 18 301 Roland Or, pardon my forthrightness, Miss Luna... Are you apprehensive of being beguiled by her? 1 19 19 301 Roland Surely, you know what that entails. 1 20 20 301 Luna Silence. 2 21 21 301 Roland Disregarding one's duties as an agent, with no heed to the aptitude of the target, "saving" people with the power of Asc-net to one's whims... 1 22 22 301 Roland Such an existence is an intolerable betrayal to the network itself. 1 23 23 301 Luna You heard me—Silence. 2 24 24 301 Roland ...My apologies. 1 25 25 301 Roland But, please, Miss Luna. Do reconsider... 1 26 26 203 1 3 2000 27 27 202 1 28 28 401 2 1516 29 29 301 With a most solemn expression unbefitting of Roland, he leaves. 30 30 203 2 0.5 31 31 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Luna ... 2 32 32 202 1 2 1 33 33 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory108.png 34 34 201 1 500101 400 35 35 201 2 500008 -400 36 36 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Gabriel You should not have met Miss Luna with such impudence. 1 37 37 301 1 Roland Well, Gabriel. Even if I'd stayed mute, "her" issue won't magically solve itself. 2 38 38 301 Roland We've already had a taste of the new Ascendants she gave life to. 2 39 39 301 Roland Just that Qu alone had us mobilize an entire region of Corrupted to deal with her. 2 40 40 301 Gabriel But, we succeeded in the end. 1 41 41 301 Roland And the price? 2 42 42 301 Roland All of us Ascendants were put on the line, and the several hundred thousands of Corrupted lost... 2 43 43 301 Gabriel Worth. 1 44 44 301 Roland Tch. You are such a derriere sometimes, Gabriel. 2 45 45 301 Roland "Worth"? What do you mean worth? Are we going all-in on every single faction in this world? 2 46 46 301 Roland And our enemies aren't just target dummies—they learn. After a war of such magnitude, they will develop plans to counter us. 2 47 47 301 Gabriel ... 1 48 48 301 Roland ...Don't forget, Gabriel. In the end, we only have so few of us. 2 49 49 301 Gabriel We only require victors who can live through the "filter." 1 50 50 301 Roland A land of only "victors"... I've heard this spiel more than a thousand times. 2 51 51 301 Roland Not everyone is like you, Gabriel. 2 52 52 301 Gabriel So what? 1 53 53 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Roland ...Yeah, I guess. "So what?" 2 54 54 202 1 2 1 55 55 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory107.png 56 56 201 1 500105 400 57 57 201 2 500100 -400 58 59 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 α Whip-boy seems a bit off. 2 59 60 301 Alpha does a cut-throat gesture with her thumb. 60 61 301 α Should I? 2 61 62 301 Luna ...He's the least of our worries. 1 62 63 301 α So, "her?" 2 63 64 301 Luna At the very least, what Roland said was right. 1 64 65 301 Luna "She" is not one to listen. 1 65 66 301 α Then... 2 66 67 301 Luna She will have to realize—that these "randomly saved" people will have no future to speak of. 1 67 68 301 Luna Something the scale of Kowloong though... That's out of the equation for now. 1 68 69 301 Luna But, if it's to make an example... I'll still gladly do it. 1 69 70 301 α Got it. I'll get moving. 2 70 71 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Luna ...Thanks. 1