Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 401 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 201 2 2 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory166.png 3 3 301 DialogEnable 1 As the last of the Corrupted are dispatched, a tiny metallic hand falls limp in the "Mother's" arms, the picture frame clenched within clatters to the ground. 4 4 201 1 1091001 5 5 301 1 Bianca Viral load within acceptable range. 1 6 6 202 1 7 7 201 2 1011001 -400 8 8 201 3 500127 400 9 9 301 1 Lee The orphanage should be around here. 2 10 10 301 1 Sophia That means that the CPF should be nearby. 3 11 11 203 2 0.25 -600 12 12 203 3 0.25 600 13 13 201 1 1031001 14 14 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Liv We need to find the parts to mend the wound immediately. 1 15 15 202 1 2 3 16 16 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory20.jpg 17 17 201 1 500163 18 18 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 "Nanny" Thank you... for finding the child for me. 1 19 19 203 1 0.25 400 20 20 201 2 1091001 -400 21 21 301 1 Bianca No problem. 2 22 22 202 1 23 23 203 2 0.25 400 24 24 201 3 1031001 -400 25 25 301 1 Liv I didn't expect the "child" to be an android too. 3 26 26 202 2 27 27 203 3 0.25 400 28 28 201 2 1011001 -400 29 29 301 1 Lee Anyway, we can't be far from the main power source of the CPF. 2 30 30 203 2 0.25 -600 31 31 203 3 0.25 600 32 32 201 1 1021001 33 33 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lucia Let's stick to the route and finish the mission. 1 34 34 202 1 2 3 35 35 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory39.jpg 36 36 302 AniZhuanchangEnd Wait, so the CPF... 995 37 995 302 actually in the basement of the android orphanage? 37 38 37 201 1 1091001 39 38 301 1 Bianca They probably thought people would be less likely to stumble upon it that way. 1 40 39 203 1 0.25 400 41 40 201 2 1011001 -400 42 41 301 1 Lee Wait... The main power of this CPF requires a special ID to access... 2 43 42 203 1 0.25 600 44 43 203 2 0.25 -400 45 44 201 3 500163 46 45 301 1 "Nanny" Excuse me... 3 47 46 202 1 2 48 47 203 3 0.25 400 49 48 201 2 1031001 -400 50 49 301 1 Liv Oh... please come in. 2 51 50 301 1 "Nanny" I heard you mention the "CPF"? 3 52 51 301 1 Everyone Yes, and...? 53 52 202 2 54 53 203 3 0.25 55 54 301 1 "Nanny" I have an important log that is related to it, but I require a human to grant access. 3 56 55 401 1 211 57 56 301 1 Data log: Year ■, Day ■. Will you... will you help me? I can't hold on for much longer... My child... please. End my suffering... 58 57 301 1 Data log: Year ■, Day ■. Identification edited with external authorization. New relationship: Mother. 59 58 202 1 2 3 60 59 201 1 1031001 14 61 60 301 1 Liv So before this mother died, she asked the caretaker android to take care of her child and also authorized her to do so. But the child's authorization... she died before she could. 1 62 61 201 2 1021001 3 -600 63 62 301 1 Lucia That's why he was staring at the picture in the frame... 2 64 63 201 3 1091001 600 65 64 301 1 Bianca He recognized it as his mother... 3 66 65 301 1 Everyone ... 1 2 3 67 66 301 1 Data log: Year ■, Day ■. Chip authorization complete for reactivation of CPF in Area 202. 68 67 301 1 Data log: Year ■, Day ■. Shockwave generator will reach resonance two hours after CPF reactivation. 69 68 301 1 Liv But... doesn't this mean that... after the activation... 1 70 69 202 1 2 3 71 70 201 1 1011001 10 72 71 301 1 Lee That's right... the androids won't be able to get out of the EM blast in time. They'll all be deactivated... 1 73 72 301 1 Everyone ... 74 73 203 1 0.25 400 75 74 201 2 500127 -400 76 75 301 1 Sophia That explains the coils and parts we saw along the way: they were for the frequency converters of the electric shielding. 2 77 76 301 1 Lee That's the reason why the closer we got to the CPF, the more loose parts we saw... 1 78 77 203 1 0.25 600 79 78 203 2 0.25 -600 80 79 201 3 500163 81 80 301 1 Mother My programming directive is to serve humans. Besides, this will remove painful memories for the child. That... is a good thing. 3 82 81 202 1 2 3 83 82 201 2 1021001 -400 84 83 301 1 Lucia According to our investigation... 2 85 84 201 3 1091001 400 86 85 301 1 Bianca According to our investigation, the control switches nearby and the related circuits have all been destroyed. 3 87 86 202 2 3 88 87 201 3 500127 400 89 88 301 1 Sophia And to activate the power, it requires... 3 90 89 201 2 1011001 -400 91 90 301 1 Lee All five caretaker androids here are required to activate it together. 2 92 91 203 3 0.25 600 93 92 203 2 0.25 -600 94 93 201 1 500164 95 94 301 1 Child Mommy, play with me! Let's play electricity tycoon! 1 96 95 202 1 2 3 97 96 201 1 500163 98 97 301 1 Mother Go to sleep, honey. I'll play with you when you wake up. We'll build a great tower together! 1 99 98 302 Is this all we can do? 99 100 99 202 1 101 100 201 1 1081001 102 101 401 1 206 103 102 301 1 Kamui Wow, this place is practically gamer heaven! Look at all these consoles— 1 104 103 302 Wait! Video game console... Hi-def output... Filter... Got it! 104 105 104 555 401 1 206 106 555 202 1 107 105 301 1 Everyone ? 108 106 201 2 1011001 -400 109 107 201 3 500127 400 110 108 301 1 Lee Gaming consoles... 2 111 109 301 1 Sophia Surely you don't mean... 3 112 110 302 Take the consoles apart. 990 113 990 302 And bring me all the motherboards from the abandoned equipment! 111 114 111 203 2 0.25 -600 115 112 203 3 0.25 600 116 113 201 1 1081001 117 114 301 1 Kamui Huh? Do we really have to take them apart? And here I was hoping to bring a couple limited editions home... 1 118 115 202 1 119 116 201 1 1091001 120 117 301 1 Bianca Commandant... what are you building? 1 121 118 202 1 122 119 203 2 0.25 -400 123 120 203 3 0.25 400 124 121 301 1 Sophia Gamepad... motherboard... wave filter! 3 125 122 301 1 Lee And a tuning lever! 2 126 123 302 That's it! 124 127 124 202 2 3 128 125 201 3 1031001 400 129 126 201 2 1021001 -400 130 127 301 1 Liv Sounds like something really cool. 3 131 128 301 1 Lucia I trust Commandant's judgment. 2 132 129 302 Clear the area and dig a pit. 130 133 130 302 Lee and Sophia. 991 134 991 302 You're in charge of building the frequency converter and control device. 131 135 131 302 Lucia and Bianca: hold off the Corrupted and corral them into the pit. 132 136 132 202 3 137 133 301 1 Lucia I'll be the rabbit. 2 138 134 201 3 1091001 400 139 135 301 1 Bianca I'll give you cover from the rear. 3 140 136 202 2 3 141 137 201 2 1011001 -400 142 138 201 3 500127 400 143 139 301 1 Lee After we activate the CPF, there will be gaps where the EM shockwaves are shielded... 2 144 140 301 1 Sophia Where we will quickly fall back to the business district, with the metal insulation panels? 3 145 141 302 Will that work? 142 146 142 202 2 3 147 143 201 1 500001 148 144 301 1 Celica Finally got through... Can you hear me? 1 149 145 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 150 146 302 When we're all out, Kamui will bring the rocks down on the passage! 147 151 147 301 1 Celica Looks like Commandant's got a plan! 1 152 148 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 153 149 301 1 Everyone Yep! 154 150 302 AniZhuanchangBegin ... 151 155 151 202 1 156 152 401 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 202 157 153 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory20.jpg 158 154 301 1 After the caretaker androids turn on the main power source, the electromagnetic shockwaves are temporarily converted to harmless low-frequency waves. The attracted Corrupted linger around the orphanage. 159 155 302 Now, Kamui! 156 160 156 201 1 1081001 2 161 157 301 Kamui Here I go! 1 162 158 202 1 163 159 301 After several loud impacts, giant rocks come rolling down, blocking the path of the advancing Corrupted. 164 160 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Retreat 161 165 161 301 AniZhuanchangEnd With a thunderous infrasound wave, the area around the CPF's power source begins to shake violently. The Corrupted in the vicinity are all shut down in an instant. 166 162 201 1 1021001 9 167 163 301 1 Lucia Take my hand! 1 168 164 301 1 Commandant ! 169 165 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Narrowly avoiding a pothole, I grab Lucia's hand and we tumble, arms around each other, into cover. 170 166 202 1 171 167 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory94.png 172 168 201 1 1031001 7 173 169 401 1 210 174 170 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Liv Did... did it work? 1 175 171 202 1 176 172 201 1 1081001 2 177 173 301 1 Kamui Duh! How could it not! 1 178 174 201 2 1011001 10 -400 179 175 301 1 Lee This guy sure comes in handy. 2 180 176 202 1 181 177 201 3 500127 400 182 178 301 1 Sophia New speed record for circuit board soldering achieved. 3 183 179 203 2 0.25 -600 184 180 203 3 0.25 600 185 181 201 1 1091001 186 182 301 1 Bianca Scopes are clear of Corrupted too. 1 187 183 202 1 2 3 188 184 201 1 500001 189 185 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 190 186 301 1 Celica Well done, everyone! 1 191 187 301 1 Celica So where's Commandant and Lucia? 1 192 188 202 1 193 189 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 194 190 201 1 1021001 6 195 191 301 1 Lucia Froggie... (pinching my arm) 1 196 192 301 1 Commandant Uh... send a supply pod immediately. Lucia need a vital fluid transmission now. 197 193 202 1 198 194 201 1 500163 199 195 301 1 "Mother" Rockabye, baby... 1 200 196 301 1 In unison, the mothers begin singing a soft lullaby. The streetlamps, with the power reset, gradually dim. 201 197 301 1 Just like every bedtime story— 202 198 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 —they all lived happily ever after.