Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory269.png 2 2 401 1 203 3 3 401 2 1508 4 4 201 1 500013 5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 Corrupted —! 1 6 6 201 1 500166 5 7 7 301 1 Lucia ! 1 8 8 201 1 500013 9 9 401 2 10002001 10 10 501 500 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 1 11 11 301 1 Corrupted ... 1 12 12 401 2 1506 13 13 202 500 1 14 14 201 1 500026 15 15 301 1 Lee Commandant, the last one is right under your foot. 1 16 16 302 (Fire) 17 17 17 202 1 1 18 18 401 500 2 1510 19 19 201 1 1031001 20 20 301 1 Liv The surrounding area has been cleared of Corrupted! 1 21 21 202 1 1 22 22 301 After a sigh of relief, you all begin to investigate your surroundings. A vast underground space outstretches before you with faint red lights flashing all over the place. 23 23 201 1 500026 400 24 24 201 2 500166 -400 25 25 301 1 Lee This looks like a production facility... Seems like all of the Corrupted surrounding the city are produced here. 1 26 26 301 Lucia ... 2 27 27 302 Lucia, what's wrong? 28 28 28 301 Lucia puts away her katana and walks back. The confused tone in her voice echoes throughout the vast empty space. 29 29 301 Lucia I think... I just heard a Corrupted say my name. I... 2 30 30 301 Lee The neural circuits of the Corrupted have long been destroyed by the Punishing Virus. Maybe you're just hearing things. 1 31 31 301 Lee Or maybe, the data collected contains memories from a Babylonian Construct, which just so happens to contain data about you... 1 32 32 302 Data? 33 33 33 301 Lee Well, I retrieved data from the memory shells of the Corrupted we fought in battle just now and screened it for potential intel. 1 34 34 301 Lee After all, we've reached the source of the Red Tide. We don't need to collect info from such a wide area like we did in the city. We just need to screen data through the Spear of F.O.S. to find the useful ones. 1 35 35 201 2 1031001 -400 36 36 301 1 Liv Lee, you've already started analyzing the data we found in battle? 2 37 37 301 Lee Yes, it'll be more efficient. After all, most of the information in the memory shells is damaged or meaningless. We can't always stop to look at these things. 1 38 38 301 Lee Thankfully we have the help of the Spear of F.O.S. Our data collection and analysis speed has increased significantly. 1 39 39 301 Lee turns the holo-screen to you and points to several marked entries of memory data. 40 40 202 2 1 41 41 203 1 0.25 42 42 301 Lee I picked out something interesting from the information extracted. 1 43 43 301 DialogDisable The video on the holo-screen plays at double speed and then stops at the place that Lee marked. 44 44 202 1 1 45 45 501 1500 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3 46 46 504 0.8 47 47 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory13.jpg 48 48 401 1 202 49 49 201 1 500008 -400 50 50 201 2 500019 400 51 51 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 52 52 301 DialogEnable 1 Roland Yes... That's right... 1 53 53 301 Roland Despair and hatred, correct? When these emotions completely occupy your M.I.N.D... it will be the beginning of your redemption. 1 54 54 301 Construct Ugh... Aaargh! 2 55 55 301 Roland Babylonia will no longer send rescue teams here. The people you want to protect have already... 1 56 56 301 Roland Are you disappointed with humankind? If you had enough strength... Even just a little, it wouldn't have been like this. 1 57 57 301 Roland I know a place where you can make your wish a reality. You will make the people who've betrayed you suffer a hundred times more pain than you do now... 1 58 58 301 Construct Are you... joking...? 2 59 59 301 The Construct reaches out his feeble hands into the void. Only the alloy bones of his fingertips remain, their skins having fallen off from all the damage as if he had used them to dig through the hard earth. 60 60 301 Beside him is a big crater from an explosion. The things lying at the bottom of the crater are not projected, indicating that the data is damaged. 61 61 301 Roland stands on a rock covered in vital fluid next to the crater as he slowly speaks with a menacing tone and an unconcerned smile. 62 62 301 Roland Isn't that good? You no longer have to fear the Punishing Virus. Instead, let it become the power that can destroy everything within your grasp. 1 63 63 301 Roland raises his hand like a magnificent conductor. The Punishing Virus wraps around his fingertips and charges toward the Construct. 64 64 301 Roland Remember these coordinates. Remember these boiling emotions within your M.I.N.D. 1 65 65 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Roland ...May "she" become the beacon that guides you in your rebirth. 1 66 66 202 1 2 1 67 67 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg204_1.jpg 68 68 301 AniZhuanchangEnd It appears to be a sanguine sea of machines. 69 69 301 A large number of machines and Constructs gather at Luna's feet. Their bodies shine with red light from the corrosive Punishing Virus. 70 70 301 Kneeling down, they shout and scream mechanically like enthralled apostles, yearning to receive the power of ascension from Luna. 71 71 301 Luna How naive... Only by embracing and accepting it, are you fit to control the power of the Punishing Virus. 72 72 301 Roland To wish for relief—you have already lost your chance. 73 73 301 Corrupted Ugh—! 74 74 301 Roland swings his weapon, and the Corrupted is quickly split into two halves. 75 75 301 Corrupted ... 76 76 301 Roland To join the core of the Ascension-Network and be bestowed Miss Luna's power, you will have to prove yourself— 77 77 301 Roland Prove that you are crueler... more dreadful... and deadlier... than the virus. 78 78 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Roland Only so, are you fit to become the owner of the virus, do you understand? 79 79 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory269.png 80 80 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The red current at Luna's fingertips gradually extinguishes. She looks at the mangled Construct before her with a tepid gaze. 81 81 201 1 500019 82 82 301 1 Construct I... did it... I've become... an Ascendant! 1 83 83 301 Construct I can control the Punishing Virus! I can... revive my companions... I can be with them again... 1 84 84 201 1 500105 85 85 301 1 Luna ... 1 86 86 201 1 500019 87 87 301 1 Construct Miss Luna... Thank you... 1 88 88 202 1 1 89 89 301 The enraptured Construct bows before Luna. Suddenly, a noticeable change overcomes him, and his corruption level rapidly reaches critical. 90 90 201 1 500006 91 91 301 PanelActor1Shake 1 Construct Ugh... Aaargh! 1 92 92 301 Construct How can this... But I... I succeeded! 1 93 93 301 Construct AAAAGGHHH! 1 94 94 301 The Construct's alarm continuously warns of the dangerous level of Punishing Virus corruption. His eyes, eager for the power of an Ascendant, begin to lose focus, before turning to a deep red from the corruption. 95 95 301 Corrupted Death... to... humanity... 1 96 96 202 500 1 1 97 97 201 1 500105 98 98 301 1 Luna ... 1 99 99 202 1 100 100 301 Luna quietly watches everything unfold before her, then lowers her gaze and walks away. 101 101 201 1 500008 4 -400 102 102 201 2 500101 400 103 103 301 1 Roland Another failure... How many has there been? 1 104 104 301 Gabriel Your preliminary screening is flawed. 2 105 105 301 Roland I don't think that was the case this time. After all, he passed the test. What happens after that is out of my control. 1 106 106 301 Gabriel The test object is screened by the Ascension-Network, but only Miss Luna can grant them ascension. Are you questioning Miss Luna's judgment as an agent? 2 107 107 301 Roland That's not what I said. 1 108 108 202 1 2 1 109 109 301 Roland raises his hands and retreats in defeat while quietly observing Luna's expression. She remains indifferent as if the two people's arguments have nothing to do with her. 110 110 301 She looks up at the projection before her in contemplation. The projection shows a picture of a girl with black hair kneeling in the ruins and propping herself up with a sword. 111 111 201 1 500008 4 112 112 301 1 Roland Even if you become an Ascendant, that doesn't mean you've become one of our comrades. 1 113 113 301 He frowns in pity at the incapacitated Corrupted on the ground. 114 114 301 Roland Even if you pass the Ascnet test... That doesn't mean you're home free. 1 115 115 201 1 500105 116 116 301 1 Luna Roland. 1 117 117 201 1 500008 118 118 301 1 Roland Yes, Miss Luna? 1 119 119 202 1 1 120 120 301 Luna gently tilts her head. The Corrupted writhing in agony stops moving. He lies on the ruins quietly as the red light fades from his eyes. 121 121 301 The pale girl stretches out her hand, gently touching the projection of the girl in agony, who is holding an ID card, then folds her hand as if to hide her in the palm of her hand. 122 122 201 1 500105 123 123 301 DialogDisable 1 Luna ...It's time. Let's bring Lucia home. 1 124 124 202 1 1 125 125 501 1500 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3 126 126 504 0 127 127 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory269.png 128 128 401 1 203 129 129 201 1 500166 130 130 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 131 131 301 DialogEnable 1 Lucia Luna... 1 132 132 301 Seeing Luna's projection, Lucia's hand clenches at her side. 133 133 301 Lucia In other words, the remains of all Corrupted here are just the failed results of the "Ascnet test." 1 134 134 301 The Corrupted thirst for power and fight for favor, but scream in agony as they lose their minds... Even after the playback is over, their harsh screaming still echoes in your ears. 135 135 301 Lucia I can't bring myself to imagine what Luna went through to become an Ascendant... 1 136 136 302 Lucia. 137 137 137 301 You put your hand on Lucia's shoulder. Liv approaches and gently holds her hand. 138 138 204 1 1 139 139 301 Lucia I understand. Now's not the time to think about it. 1 140 140 301 Lucia's eyes return from their momentary doubts to their usual resolve. She looks over at you and smiles. 141 141 204 1 142 142 301 Lucia Lee, is there anything else about this info that have you concerned? 1 143 143 201 1 500026 144 144 301 1 Lee ... 1 145 145 302 Lee? 146 146 146 301 Lee ...Well, judging from our current intel, the "ascension" process is probably composed of three stages: virus corruption, qualification testing, then ascension from an "agent". 1 147 147 203 1 0.25 400 148 148 201 2 1031001 -400 149 149 301 1 Liv Only Luna, who is an "agent", has the ability to ascend individuals corrupted by the Punishing Virus. The question is whether Luna is the only "agent". 2 150 150 302 Qu and Shome... 152 151 151 201 1 500026 152 152 301 Lee Well, they don't seem to belong to Luna's forces. So who made them "Ascendants"? 1 153 153 301 Lee According to the number of Ascendants in our intel and the number of remains here in the ruins, we can estimate a success rate of 0.042%. 1 154 154 202 1 2 1 155 155 201 1 500166 156 156 301 1 Lucia Seems like it's not so easy to become an Ascendant. No wonder Roland is running around trying to find new recruits and sending them here. 1 157 157 201 1 500026 400 158 158 201 2 1031001 -400 159 159 301 1 Lee And... we don't know if there are more Ascendants left unaccounted for. 1 160 160 301 Liv Moreover, if Ascnet repeatedly tests Ascendants, that means that Ascendants can revert to Corrupted at any point. 2 161 161 202 1 2 1 162 162 201 1 500166 5 163 163 301 1 Lucia Revert to Corrupted... 1 164 164 201 1 500026 400 165 165 201 2 1031001 -400 166 166 301 1 Lee We don't know exactly what this so-called "test" means. 1 167 167 301 Lee Anyway, synchronize this data with Babylonia. I'll leave it to you, Liv. 1 168 168 301 Lee Perhaps, Luna is hiding here. If my deduction is correct, then... we are going to need backup. 1 169 169 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv Got it! 2