Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory187.png 2 2 401 1 201 3 3 201 1 500175 1 4 4 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 2 1 5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 Camu Alright, pick a path you like. 1 6 6 302 ... 7 7 7 204 1 1 8 8 301 Camu ...What is it? I'll find my own way to the surface. 1 9 9 302 ...Alright. 10 10 10 401 2 1503 11 11 301 You hear the rumbling of mechanical movement coming from all over the theme park. 12 12 301 The pressed buttons and pulled levers must have activated something in the park. 13 1201 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 14 13 201 1 500166 400 15 14 201 2 500026 -400 16 15 301 1 Lucia Let's go then! 1 17 16 302 Yeah. 17 18 17 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lee I'm still a little worried, but there's no getting off this ride now. 2 19 18 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory188.png 20 19 401 1 210 21 21 201 1 500166 1 22 22 201 2 500026 600 1 23 23 201 3 1031001 -600 1 24 24 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The old valves and rotating mechanisms hum as you head deeper into the theme park. It seems like a number of doorways and barricades have now been opened. 25 25 301 Finally awakened from their age-long slumber, the ancient mechanisms cough up dust in sheets and clouds. 26 26 301 Fortunately, Liv clamps a gas mask over your face in time, though it did hurt the bridge of your nose a little. 27 27 301 1 Lee Now scanning... Air composition test complete. Liv, you can take the mask off of Commandant. 2 28 28 301 Lee Unlike the underground, the viral density here is still in the safe range. 2 29 29 302 That said... 30 30 30 302 AniZhuanchangBegin ...this place is really big. 32 31 32 401 DialogDisable 1 209 32 33 202 1 2 3 1 33 34 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory196.png 34 36 201 1 1031001 7 35 37 301 DialogEnable 1 Liv No matter what I had imagined before, this has certainly exceeded my expectations... 1 36 38 201 1 500166 5 37 39 301 1 Lucia Indeed, I've never seen anything like this. 1 38 40 201 1 500026 39 41 301 1 Lee But Babylonia isn't completely devoid of these entertainment facilities though, yeah? 1 40 42 201 1 500127 10 41 43 301 1 Sophia The scale of this is on another level. 1 42 44 302 You're not surprised, Sophia? 45 43 45 204 1 5 44 46 301 Sophia I read the brochure Jamilah found on the ride here. I have all the maps and structures memorized. 1 45 47 301 Sophia Did you not read it, Commandant? 1 46 48 201 1 1031001 1 47 49 301 1 Liv You must have, right, Commandant? 1 48 50 201 1 500026 49 51 301 1 Lee Well, Babylonia was made to recreate life on Earth for people away from it... 1 50 52 301 Lee ...But it was not possible to accommodate a "theme park" of this size. There is just no space to waste on a large-scale facility just for "entertainment." 1 51 53 201 1 500127 10 52 54 301 1 Sophia So that was why everyone was surprised. 1 53 55 302 ...Yep. 56 54 56 301 1 Sophia ...Hm. 1 55 57 201 1 1031001 56 58 301 1 Liv Scanning complete. The traces in the area are... quite complicated. 1 57 59 301 1 Liv Including Roland's, there are at least six traces with different traits here. 1 58 60 201 1 500166 5 59 61 301 1 Lucia ... 1 60 66 301 1 Lucia Let's decide on search areas then. 1 61 67 201 1 500127 5 62 68 301 1 Sophia I will visit the indoors amusement area once more with Ayla. It felt a bit off when we passed by earlier. 1 63 69 201 1 500155 64 70 301 1 Chrome Then Strike Hawk and Karenina will head toward the Ferris wheel. 1 65 71 301 Chrome Our weapons work best in more spacious areas. 1 66 72 201 1 500166 5 67 73 301 1 Lucia Then Gray Raven will scout the aquariums. 1 68 74 301 Lucia We shall converge later to share our findings. 1 69 75 201 1 500155 -400 70 76 201 2 500127 400 71 77 301 1 Chrome & Sophia Copy that. 1 2 72 78 202 1 2 73 79 201 1 500166 1 74 80 301 1 Lucia Then, let's move out! 1 75 81 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Let's go. 82 76 82 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory189.png 77 83 201 1 500175 78 84 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Camu Well, looks like my work here is done. 1 79 85 301 Camu All right then... 1 80 86 301 Just as Camu turns to leave, he feels a chill run down his spine. Immediately, he unsheathes his Greatsword to block his back. 81 87 401 PanelActor1Shake 2 10007501 82 88 203 1 0.1 200 83 89 203 1 0.3 200 84 90 203 1 0.1 0 85 91 401 1 202 86 92 301 A rain of bullets bounce off his sword, creating a symphony of clangs. The bullets ricochet off the sword and hit nearby terminals, causing sparks to fly. 87 93 202 1 88 94 301 ??? Hehe... Hehehe... I didn't think you would be able to block my Hetero-shots. You've got some fast reflexes. 89 95 201 1 500175 90 96 301 Camu ...Tch, that gloomy fish lady back in Kowloong? 1 91 97 203 1 0.5 400 92 98 201 2 500165 -400 93 99 301 1 Lamia What's-sa-matter? Not our first meeting, right...? 2 94 100 204 2 1 95 101 301 Lamia But then again, even your speech pattern is different... Looks like there was some truth in what Roland said after all. 2 96 102 204 1 5 97 103 301 Camu ...What did that prick say? 1 98 104 301 Lamia Why do you care what he said? 2 99 105 301 Lamia You should be caring about what I'm saying. 2 100 106 204 1 1 101 107 301 Camu Hah, whatever. I don't care about either of you. 1 102 108 301 Lamia Even when it's about Kamui? 2 103 109 204 1 104 110 301 Lamia Have you never wondered why Kamui's main consciousness was sealed away all of a sudden? 2 105 111 301 Lamia That's not something "we" did. We only gave you your "ticket" to connect to Ascnet. 2 106 112 301 Camu ... 1 107 113 204 2 8 108 114 301 Lamia And... even if you try to separate Kamui now to buy some time for him... 2 109 115 301 Lamia Your "main personality" Kamui is going to be gone in 140 hours anyway. 2 110 116 301 Lamia I can smell it... Your frame is unstable. If we put some pressure on it, it'll... 2 111 117 204 2 112 118 301 Lamia —Hey! Stop that! 2 113 119 401 2 10006001 114 120 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2 115 121 202 1 2 116 122 201 1 500165 1 117 123 301 1 Camu is already swinging his Greatsword at Lamia before she could finish her sentence. 118 124 301 But it is blocked by a wall formed by Heteromers. 119 125 201 1 500175 5 120 126 301 1 Camu It's true that this frame is unstable and I do need a new frame. 1 121 127 204 1 1 122 128 301 1 Camu I guess yours will do since we're both Ascendants. 1 123 129 201 1 500165 1 124 130 301 Lamia ...In case you haven't noticed, mine is a female frame, you sure you're okay with that...? 1 125 131 201 1 500175 126 132 301 1 Camu If it can make you shut up, then I'll take it. 1 127 133 203 1 0.5 400 128 134 201 2 500165 1 -400 129 135 301 1 Lamia ...Hehe, just as Miss Luna said, you really are an interesting fellow... 2 130 136 301 Lamia ...What do you say, would you like to join us? If you do, we'll provide you with a new frame immediately, one that's absolutely stable, of course. 2 131 137 301 Lamia —Not that I think you have any other choice on that matter. 2 132 138 301 1 Camu Ha, in your dreams. 1 133 139 301 Camu It's not like all Ascendants are your mates, like that "Qu" girl who runs Kowloong. 1 134 140 301 Camu I'd rather be in control of my own life. 1 135 141 301 Lamia Hehe... Interesting, but naive. Oh, so naive. 2 136 142 202 1 2 137 143 401 2 10006001 138 144 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2 139 145 301 Camu lifts his Greatsword and deals a heavy blow to crack the Heteromer wall. 140 146 301 Without losing momentum, he pulls back his left knuckle, thrashing toward Lamia. 141 147 201 1 500175 1 142 148 301 1 Camu To let someone else dictate how my life goes? Not in a million years! 1 143 149 201 1 500165 1 1 144 150 301 1 After flipping through the air, Camu raises his sword once again to swing at Lamia. 145 151 301 —But the blade only hits air. 146 152 202 1 147 153 301 Lamia ...A pity. I was starting to find you interesting, but turns out you're just as boring as the others. 148 154 301 Lamia Good bye. See you—never, maybe. 149 155 201 1 500175 5 150 156 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Camu ... 1 151 157 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory196.png 152 158 401 1 205 153 159 201 1 500127 10 154 160 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Sophia Sophia and Ayla reporting back. We've found someone. 1 155 161 302 ? 162 156 162 203 1 0.5 400 157 163 201 2 500091 1 -400 158 164 301 1 Nanami That's right! It's me! Na-na-mi! 2 159 165 302 What are you doing here? 166 160 166 204 2 161 167 301 Nanami That's what I want to ask you! What are you guys doing here at Nanami's secret base?! 2 162 168 301 Nanami This was my secret base and no one else's... And now, boom! It's filled with people! 2 163 169 302 ...? 170 164 170 204 2 1 2 165 171 301 Nanami That's why Nanami ran off to hide! JUST WHEN I finally broke the game and got to farming infinite lives too! 2 166 172 302 Did you see someone weird? 167 173 301 Nanami Let Nanami think... Well, I didn't see any people, but... 2 168 174 204 1 5 169 175 203 1 0.3 0 170 176 301 Sophia I suggest that you speak. Now. 1 171 177 204 PanelActor2Shake 2 172 178 203 2 0.1 -500 173 179 301 Nanami Ah! So cold! It tickles, hahaha! Sophia, stop shoving a gun to my waist! 2 174 180 202 1 2 175 181 201 1 500110 1 176 182 301 1 Ayla Tell us what you know and we'll get Sophia to stop. 1 177 183 201 1 500091 178 184 301 1 Nanami Ahaha! Achoo! All right! I'll talk! I'll talk! 1 179 185 204 1 1 180 186 301 Nanami When Nanami was farming points in "Iron Formation BX Invincible Remastered Annual α++++ Feat. DK-Hyper", there was this rumbling going grrrr from under the floor... 1 181 187 301 Nanami But I was almost at 9999990 points! So I didn't really pay attention to... Hey! Stop it! 1 182 188 201 1 500110 183 189 301 1 Ayla How did you even remember such a long and tasteless game title... 1 184 190 201 1 500091 185 191 301 1 Nanami Oh! But after that, some weird noises shot over from the roller-coaster platform... but Nanami ain't no roaster-coaster-obsessor, so I ignored it. 1 186 192 302 Not a roaster-coaster-obsessor, huh… 193 Around when did that happen? 196 187 193 204 1 188 194 301 Nanami Hmph! So what if Nanami don't find no rollers cooler, but squeals for Ferris wheels?! Nothing wrong with that! 1 189 195 208 301 Nanami If the Ferris wheel wasn't broken I would've been on it! 1 190 196 301 Nanami What are you looking at me like that for?! "Iron Formation BX" on MAX heat takes about 12-something seconds to fill the combo gauge. That's how Nanami calculated the time! 1 191 197 201 1 500110 4 1 192 198 301 1 Ayla And when is that? 1 193 199 201 1 500091 194 200 301 1 Nanami Sigh! Who has time to keep the time?! If we really need to be specific, then it's from 9993366 points to 9997428 points, which is... 5 minutes 14 seconds? 1 195 201 201 1 500110 4 400 196 202 201 2 500127 10 -400 197 203 301 1 Ayla & Sophia ...And you said you didn't remember. 1 2 198 204 202 1 2 199 205 201 1 500091 200 206 301 1 Nanami What are you looking at me like that for?! "Iron Formation BX" on MAX heat takes about 12-something seconds to fill the combo gauge. That's how Nanami calculated the time! 1 201 207 302 I don't even know what to say to that... 208 You're really serious about this game... 208 202 208 201 1 500166 203 209 301 1 Lucia ...Hm? Is it just me or did the number of people here increase? 1 204 210 302 It's just you. 211 No, you're right. 212 205 211 201 1 500091 206 212 215 301 1 Nanami ? 1 207 213 204 1 1 208 214 301 1 Lucia ...? 1 209 215 204 1 210 21501 201 1 500166 211 21502 401 1 201 212 216 301 Lucia We encountered another Task Force at the aquarium. 1 213 217 302 ? 218 214 218 204 1 5 215 219 301 Lucia It was Vera and her team. 1 216 220 302 I didn't expect them to be here. 221 217 221 301 Lucia Me neither, we still don't know what their objective is... 1 218 222 302 I'll ask around. 223 Maybe they're here on vacation too? 231 219 223 201 1 500011 220 224 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 2 221 225 301 1 Hassen Cerberus? Hm, I'm not sure as well. I'll go see if Nikola knows something. 1 222 226 301 Hassen I understand your situation. For now, pursue "Shome". It is highly likely that he knows what we want to know. 1 223 227 301 Hassen But we didn't have time to prepare for this mission, so you'll have to make do with the resources you have on hand. 1 224 228 302 As per usual, I see. 229 225 229 301 Hassen Haha, anyway, just do what you can before reinforcements arrive. 1 226 230 301 Hassen Since we can confirm that there are several Ascendants in the area, it may be more dangerous than you think. Be careful. 1 227 23001 238 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 228 231 201 1 500166 5 229 232 201 2 1031001 14 -600 230 233 201 3 500026 600 231 234 301 1 Gray Raven ... 1 2 3 232 235 301 Lee Impossible. 3 233 236 301 Liv I don't think vacationing is their thing...? 2 234 237 301 Lucia I also find it hard to believe. 1 235 238 202 1 2 3 236 239 301 Let me summarize. Gray Raven encountered Cerberus in the water cloister area; while Sophia and Ayla "picked up" Nanami in the indoors amusement area... 237 240 301 After sorting out the current situation, everyone realizes that what they've done has successfully... made the situation even more complicated. 238 241 201 1 500026 239 242 301 1 Lee ...If Cerberus is here, then that means Commander Nikola is plotting something here. 1 240 243 201 1 1031001 7 241 244 301 1 Liv But the data shows that this area has always been a safe zone... 1 242 245 201 1 500110 243 246 301 1 Ayla Better not to trust the public data. 1 244 247 301 Ayla Public data may have been edited in order to protect top-secret data of the Task Force. 1 245 248 204 1 1 246 249 301 Ayla That doesn't only apply to locational data, but also Construct data. They are sometimes edited to prevent tracking. 1 247 250 201 1 500026 248 251 301 1 Lee No matter what's hidden here, we can't deny the fact that Cerberus is here. 1 249 252 301 Lee Also, multiple unknown traces point toward the indoors amusement area. 1 250 253 201 1 1031001 251 254 301 1 Liv The traces seem to lead to another exit underground, but the area beneath the ground is a Dead Zone... 1 252 255 302 I guess we'll have to call Camu... 256 253 256 301 The team tries to contact Camu again, but to no avail. 254 257 302 ... 258 255 258 301 Liv His GPS signal is gone as well... It is possible he has entered an unknown blind zone. 1 256 259 302 Let's go. 260 257 260 302 Camu will find us. 261 258 261 201 1 500166 259 262 301 1 Lucia Of course. 1 260 263 201 1 1031001 261 264 301 1 Liv Understood. I'll keep trying to establish a connection with him in the mean time. 1 262 265 401 1 10007502 263 26501 401 1 202 264 266 201 1 500166 265 267 301 1 Lucia What was that?! 1 266 268 201 1 1031001 267 269 301 1 Liv It's coming from where Cerberus was headed... No, there were explosions at six different spots underground at the same time! 1 268 270 201 1 500026 269 271 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lee Vera...! 1 270 271 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lee ...That Vera! 1