Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory14.png 2 2 401 1 208 3 3 301 DialogEnable System Confidentiality Level: A+, Urgency: S, Hazard Index: A+, Authentication: Gray Raven. Mission details uploaded. Implementing the permission request... 4 4 201 1 1021001 3 5 5 301 1 Lucia ... 1 6 6 302 What is it? 7 You seem quite serious... 7 7 7 204 1 8 8 301 Lucia Commandant, a new request for combat has come in from Babylonia. 1 9 9 301 Lucia It's different from our typical missions this time... Commandant, do you know anything about the "Memory Chip"? 1 10 10 302 Indeed. 11 Not much. 14 11 11 301 Lucia As you know, the Memory Chip is the culmination of extraordinary tactical memory data of human ancestors. 1 12 12 301 Lucia As the commandant, you can equip and combine various Memory Chips for the Construct through the tactical support program to design a tactical plan. 1 13 13 25 301 Lucia In this way, the Construct can make use of different tactical memory data to better deal with the changes during battles. 1 14 14 203 1 0.25 400 15 15 201 2 1011001 -400 16 16 301 1 Lee Your answer makes me wonder if we've been in a state of vacancy in the six memory slots. 2 17 17 302 Well, I doubt it. 18 Correct. 21 18 18 204 2 10 19 20 22 301 Lee ... Am I supposed to feel relieved now? All in all, the Memory Chip is the culmination of the extraordinary tactical memory data of our human ancestors. 2 20 21 301 Lee It's something to think about whether it's the amazing luck or the inconspicuous leadership of the commandant that has gotten the Gray Raven this far. 2 21 22 204 1 22 23 301 Lee As the commandant, you can equip and combine various Memory Chips for the Construct through the tactical support program to design a tactical plan. 2 23 24 301 Lee In this way, the Construct can make use of different tactical memory data to better deal with the changes during battles. 2 24 25 301 Lucia The Memory Chip tech has always been a significant and effective approach to enhance the overall battle power of Constructs. 1 25 26 301 Lucia But now, it was intercepted by the Ascendants. 1 26 27 302 What's going on? 28 27 28 301 Lucia The tactical terminal of Babylonia was recently infected by the Punishing Virus and it tore a tiny gap. 1 28 29 203 1 0.25 400 29 30 201 2 1011001 -400 30 31 301 1 Lee The gap is extremely small. Records show that a central system has found and fixed this tiny gap in 0.03 seconds. But the gap... happens to be where the memory data is stored. 2 31 32 204 2 10 32 33 301 Lee This was a well-planned and targeted attack, most likely initiated by the Ascendants. 2 33 34 204 2 34 35 301 Lee Though we've isolated the memory data that was briefly exposed, only 27.7% of the memory data is guaranteed to be uncorrupted after a thorough check. 2 35 36 302 Things are not promising. 37 What should we do? 40 36 37 301 Lucia Yes, Commandant. 1 37 38 301 Lucia Fortunately, Memory Chip tech is a core tech that has been put into research since the end of the Post-Pandemic Age. 1 38 39 44 301 Lucia All original data of uncorrupted memory should still be preserved in the ground tactical initially deployed on Earth. 1 39 40 301 Lee There's still hope. Don't panic. 2 40 41 301 Lucia Yes, Commandant. But according to the analysis of the early related records, Babylonia has acquired an important message. 1 41 42 301 Lucia At the end of the Post-Pandemic Age, humans once deployed a ground tactical terminal on Earth, where it was highly likely to preserve all uncorrupted original memory data. 1 42 43 301 Lee That's right. 2 43 44 302 Are you sure it was not corrupted? 47 Do the ascendants have any idea about this? 48 44 45 204 2 45 47 49 301 Lee I'm not a hundred percent sure. After all, the records were too far back and a lot of information was lacking, but it's worth looking into. 2 46 48 301 Lee I'm not a hundred percent sure. But even if it's a risky move, it's also the only effective way to recycle the original uncorrupted memory data in the ground tactical terminal. 2 47 49 302 Prepare for battle. 50 Liv? 52 48 50 204 2 49 51 53 301 Lucia Combat mission confirmed: Detect the original memory data in the ground tactical terminal and recycle the uncorrupted data to restore functionality. 1 50 52 301 Lucia Liv, have you located where the ground tactical terminal is? 1 51 53 202 1 2 1 52 54 201 1 1031001 53 55 301 1 Liv Commandant, I've detected ten ground tactical terminals through data analysis and calculations. 1 54 56 301 Liv The positioning satellite detected that there was a strong reaction of the Corrupted everywhere, but no signs of the Ascendants... 1 55 57 203 1 0.25 -600 56 58 201 2 1021001 57 59 201 3 1011001 600 58 60 301 1 Lee We have to recycle all memory data before they discover the ground tactical terminals. 3 59 61 301 Lee The information and corruption analysis report of the ten Memory Chips have already been loaded into my database. 3 60 62 302 Prepare to move out. 63 A fight is waiting for us. 63 61 63 301 Lucia Right. The first goal, memory: Cottie. Gray Raven, get ready for the battle. 2 62 64 202 1 2 1 63 65 203 3 0.25 64 66 204 3 10 65 67 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Lee I have a bad feeling... about the original memory data. 3