Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory197.png 2 2 401 1 102 3 3 301 DialogEnable Roland is lying leisurely on the Ferris wheel, juggling his chain blade out of boredom. 4 4 301 Suddenly, he pauses. He stands and straightens himself, looking at the sky. 5 6 201 1 500008 6 7 301 1 Roland Ha! Those gray birdlings really took the bait. 1 7 8 301 And on the other end, Shome exits the aircraft and deplanes on the beach. He heads in the direction of the theme park. 8 9 301 Roland, at a vantage point, takes it all under his eye. He stretches lazily, then casually leaves the Ferris wheel and heads in Shome's direction. 9 10 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Roland Finally. Our main dish. 1 10 11 202 1 1 11 12 401 1 202 12 604 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory196.png 13 610 301 AniZhuanchangEnd After Roland and Camu's fight. 14 609 201 1 500008 15 612 301 1 Roland Let's see how long you can keep barking like that. 1 16 607 301 Roland turns away from the incapacitated Camu and exits. 17 608 301 Leaving only Camu, now leaning on his greatsword, barely staying on his feet. 18 30 301 1 Roland Ah. Right. Here, have a parting gift. No need to thank me. 1 19 31 301 Roland stops in his tracks and turns, lifting his gun and pointing it at Camu. He fires—but Camu easily dodges the moment he pulled the trigger. 20 32 301 ...But the shot was not meant to maim, instead, a robust-looking chain trails from the bullet. It eats into the wall of the theme park behind Camu. 21 33 301 Roland Bye-bye, bothersome boyos. 1 22 34 202 1 23 35 301 Roland tugs on the chain rope and it retracts, bringing him out of Camu's attacking distance. 24 36 401 2 10007502 25 37 301 RImgBg1Shake AniZhuanchangBegin Roland presses a remote in his arms midair. Violent explosions flare up all over the park. 26 38 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory187.png 27 39 201 1 500008 28 40 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Roland Phew. 1 29 41 301 After releasing the chain rope, Roland lands inside the theme park. The usual smirk is nowhere to be found on Roland's face. Anger, barely suppressed, is causing his body to tremble. 30 42 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Roland The rest is in your hands, big guy. 1 31 43 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory189.png 32 44 401 1 102 33 45 401 2 10007502 34 46 202 1 1 35 47 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Violent tremors pulsate from the ground, but even the sound of explosions cannot drown out the screams of chaotic self-expansion, let out by the infected energy center. 36 48 201 1 500101 37 49 301 1 Gabriel Looks like Roland has made contact with the target. 1 38 50 301 Gabriel Then our prey should be arriving soon... 1 39 51 202 1 40 52 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Gabriel hides, waiting in the shadows for Shome. 41 53 201 1 500184 42 54 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Shome Roland is here... They found out, huh... 1 43 55 301 Shome But no matter. The Babylonians will slow him down. 1 44 56 301 Shome As long as I complete my experiment before he catches up to me, I can turn the tables. 1 45 57 301 Shome readjusts his glasses. Now at the control room of the energy center, his hands are tapping swiftly on the screen. However, Shome soon stills his hands. 46 58 301 Shome ...Hm? The production line should have activated right away. Damn it... the disuse must have caused a jam somewhere... 1 47 59 301 Shome This won't do. I might not make it... 1 48 60 203 1 0.25 -400 49 61 201 2 500101 400 50 62 301 1 Gabriel Allow me to apologize. I am sorry for modifying your grandfather's legacy without permission. 2 51 63 301 Gabriel walks out of the shadows, appearing behind Shome. 52 64 301 Shome What? It's you! 1 53 65 301 Ignoring Shome's surprise, Gabriel straightforwardly continues. 54 66 301 Gabriel Why... did you come here? 2 55 67 301 Shome ... 1 56 68 301 Shome quickly scans his surroundings for an escape in silence. Gabriel notices, but decides to allow him to liberty. With Gabriel standing guard before the exit of the control room, Shome has no place to run. 57 69 301 Shome Will you help me if I tell you? 1 58 70 301 Gabriel Naturally... No. 2 59 71 301 Shome It won't hurt to listen. 1 60 72 301 Shome Besides, you've already turned this place into a dead zone. This saves us one step. 1 61 73 301 Gabriel It is only done for ease of control, and to shut out foreign parties. 2 62 74 301 Shome Yes, but, the self-expanding machinery also provide us Ascendants with tremendous computing power. With proper modifications, this place can become the highest-output factory for machines. 1 63 75 301 Shome You are interested in machine modification, yes? We are all trying to break our limits. You and me, together with the data I have, we can complete the experiment 60 percent faster. 1 64 76 401 2 10007502 65 77 301 RImgBg1Shake Gabriel stretches out his hand and thumps it heavily on the wall of the control room. The entire room shakes from the tremendous impact. 66 78 301 Gabriel The way you stall, weakling, is as obvious as ever. 2 67 79 301 Hearing Gabriel, Shome forces a weak smile and readjusts his glasses. 68 80 301 Shome Well, well. Let's see who is the weakling. 1 69 83 301 Gabriel ?! 2 70 84 401 2 1506 71 85 202 1 2 1 72 86 301 RImgBg1Shake The floor of the control room crumbles. Unable to react in time, Gabriel falls to the bottom of the energy center along with the broken floor. 73 87 301 During the descent, Gabriel sees that only the floor in front of the control panel remains intact, and Shome is standing on that part of the floor and looking down at him. 74 88 201 1 500184 75 89 301 1 Shome My grandfather left me this theme park. Of course there'd be secret features only I know. 1 76 90 301 Shome Well then. Farewell. 1 77 91 301 Gabriel flips in mid air, and black wings metal unfold from his back, slowly his descent into a halt. He hovers steadily in the air. 78 92 301 He then swings his arm and hurls his cane up. 79 93 301 Shome Tsk. 1 80 94 401 2 10008001 81 95 301 RImgBg1Shake Gabriel's cane cuts past Shome's cheek, and nails firmly into the wall behind him. The wind from the cane cuts Shome's artificial skin, and vital fluid seeps from his wound. 82 96 301 Shome Looks like my peace and quiet will have to wait until they're all dealt with. 1 83 97 301 Seeing Gabriel flying, Shome quickly pivots and taps on the screen in the control room. He retrieves a light-blue, rectangular chip from under the screen. 84 98 301 Shome It's all on her now... 1 85 99 202 1 86 100 301 At that, Shome bolts out of the control room and heads for the surface. 87 101 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Dodging the crumbling floor tiles, Gabriel eventually reaches the control room. He lands and straightens his coat, then leaves in pursuit of Shome. 88 102 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory190.png 89 103 201 1 500184 90 104 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Shome Damn it, the explosion blocked most of the exits. 1 91 105 301 Shome checks the map of the energy center projected on his glasses. Vibrations from behind him tells him that the traps he set were not of much use. 92 106 301 Shome Good thing the elevator up ahead is still accessible. 1 93 107 201 1 500101 94 108 301 1 Gabriel ... 1 95 109 201 1 500184 96 110 301 1 Shome Tch, a quick one, eh? 1 97 111 301 Shome Turret modules, activate. Disengage the guard security locks... Go, stop that monster. 1 98 112 201 1 500013 99 113 201 2 500013 -600 100 114 201 3 500013 600 101 115 401 2 1508 102 116 301 1 Corrupted —! 1 2 3 103 117 202 1 2 3 1 104 118 301 A horde of Corrupted pour out from the corridor that Shome just passed. They all charge in Gabriel's direction. 105 119 201 1 500101 106 120 301 1 Gabriel A futile struggle. 1 107 121 401 2 10007502 108 122 301 One of the Corrupted launches itself at Gabriel. He dodges by shifting to the side, as the Corrupted passes by, Gabriel punches it and hammers it into the wall of the corridor. 109 123 301 RImgBg1Shake Then Gabriel plucks a Corrupted from the horde and crushes it into a ball. He hurls it at the incoming Corrupted, and most of them topple and collapse from the impact. 110 124 301 After the Corrupted fall, multiple machine guns emerge from the walls of the corridor. 111 125 301 Gabriel Cosmos 9735 HMG. A bullet of this caliber cannot penetrate my body. 1 112 126 401 2 10001004 113 127 301 Gabriel merely marches ahead, allowing the bullets to rain down upon him. Smoke and gunfire fog up the narrow corridor. The smoke soon clears, revealing only tripods buzzing with sparks, the HMGs nowhere to be seen. 114 128 301 In the corridor, Gabriel stands still, looking at the escaping direction of Shome. 115 129 301 Gabriel Everything will end here, through a spectacular finale. 1 116 130 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Tossing the wrenched out machine guns aside, Gabriel exits through the corridor. 117 131 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory199.png 118 132 401 1 201 119 133 201 1 500184 120 134 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Shome Huff... puff... puff... 1 121 135 202 1 122 136 301 Shome stumbles out of the elevator, and quickly taps the control panel of the elevator. 123 137 401 2 1515 124 138 301 System Elevator lockdown procedure, activating. Lockdown complete. 125 139 301 Confirming that the elevator is disabled, Shome turns and leans on the control panel, slowly crumbling to the floor. 126 140 301 Looking around the plaza, everything here just like the blueprint his grandfather had shown him. The central statue of Shark-speare is playing a pre-set children's song on a loop. 127 141 201 1 500177 128 142 301 1 Shark-speare Let's play! 1 129 143 301 Shark-speare Shark-speare loves gingerbread men! 1 130 144 201 1 500184 131 145 301 1 Shome Pant... pant... 1 132 146 301 After a few deep breaths, Shome finally calms down. He stands and walks toward the giant statue in the center. 133 147 301 Shome Looks like I made it. Next, I just have to activate the statue to buy me more time for escape... 1 134 148 301 ??? Going somewhere? 135 149 301 Shome ?! 1 136 150 202 1 137 151 301 An imposing female voice rings out from behind the statue. It is a familiar voice, and one that Shome fears greatly. 138 152 301 Small beads of sweat seep out from his synth-skin. Fear instinctively dominates his body. Without a second thought, Shome turns and bolts. 139 153 301 Against Roland and Gabriel, Shome would still dare dream of a reversal against all hope. But with Luna, only one thought occupies his mind—RUN. 140 154 201 1 500101 141 155 301 1 Gabriel Why aren't you answering Miss Luna's question? 1 142 156 401 2 1512 143 157 301 RImgBg1Shake Gabriel, somehow, is already standing in the way of Shome's escape route. Before he could even react, Gabriel takes a step forward and launches a blow at his abdomen. 144 158 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Shome falls to his knees from the blow. Footsteps approach him from behind, and he knows—everything is over.