Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory45.jpg 2 2 401 1 205 3 3 201 1 500011 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Hassen That's all for this week's routine report. Dismissed. 1 5 5 201 1 500001 6 6 301 1 Celica Gray Raven Commandant? You're a bit worse for wear. Is your stomach okay? 1 7 7 302 I gotta bad feeling about today... 8 8 8 301 Celica Haha, you're just overthinking. The Gray Ravens are just performing routine equipment tests. What could possibly go wrong? 1 9 9 302 Fingers crossed... 10 10 10 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Celica Go back to your room and rest up. Just don't forget to meet at the mission dispatch area later. 1 11 11 202 1 1 12 12 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory21.jpg 13 13 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Returning to your room to rest, you find a Construct waiting inside, gracefully sipping a cup of tea. 14 14 201 1 500150 15 15 301 1 Qu Pine needle tea... Not as good as black tea, but it sure tastes like the wilderness. 1 16 16 302 Qu?! What are you doing here... 17 17 17 301 Qu What's all the fuss about? All I did was use your "collar" as a springboard into Babylonia. 1 18 18 302 But your body... 19 19 19 301 Qu I'm just borrowing it for the time being. As I said before, only you can see the real me. Others just see me as some obsolete Construct. 1 20 20 302 So... What are your plans for today? 21 21 21 301 Qu Aren't you a paranoid one... I don't have anything planned. I just want to learn more about Babylonia—learn more about your everyday life. 1 22 22 301 Qu You basically know all about my past, but I don't know anything about you. That's not exactly fair as your partner. 1 23 23 302 You have a point. 24 24 24 301 Qu Well, what about you? 1 25 25 302 I'm going to Mission Dispatch. 26 26 26 301 Qu I will go with you. It doesn't look like the Gray Ravens are around, so I don't think you have any reason to refuse. 1 27 27 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Better than you running around and making a mess, I guess... 1500 28 1500 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory52.jpg 29 1501 401 1 201 30 28 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Qu Is this where missions are dispatched...? What mission did you choose? 1 31 29 302 (Show her) 30 (Decline) 31 32 30 33 301 Qu Patrolling a Low Viral Intensity Region... Isn't sending a star commandant such as yourself a bit overboard? 1 33 31 301 Qu What's there to hide? No matter how dangerous the task is, I won't be surprised... Let me see. 1 34 32 301 Qu Low Viral Intensity Region guard duty...? That's it? 1 35 33 202 1 1 36 34 201 1 500138 -400 37 35 201 2 500163 400 38 36 301 1 Male Commandant Hmph... Got that right. Our Big Boss is stealing missions from us average joes. Must have a hell of a grudge against us or something. 1 39 37 301 Female Commandant Don't put it like that. Our Big Boss, being all high and mighty, shouldn't have to risk life and limb completing missions. They should just stay back and guard the rear. 2 40 38 202 1 2 1 41 39 201 1 500150 42 40 301 1 Qu Insensate buffoons... If you have time for envy, consider taking a good look at yourself! 1 43 41 202 1 1 44 42 201 1 500138 -400 45 43 201 2 500163 400 46 44 301 1 Male Commandant Oh, I heard that Gray Ravens weren't here today... Are you one of our good Boss's temporary squad members? What can a walking pile of scrap metal like you do? Hahaha! 1 47 45 301 Female Commandant No wonder you didn't choose a harder mission, Boss. Taking her with us would just be our death sentence! 2 48 46 202 1 2 1 49 47 201 1 500150 50 48 301 1 Qu You... 1 51 49 302 Cool it... We should get going. 50 52 50 202 1 1 53 51 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Seething with anger, Qu shuts her mouth and follows you, ignoring the arrogant laughter from the other commandants. 54 53 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory31.jpg 55 54 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Soon, Qu and the commandants arrive at the location designated for the mission. To your surprise, you are joined by the previous two commandants. 56 55 201 1 500138 57 56 301 1 Male Commandant You actually came, Boss. I didn't think you'd seriously accept the mission after everything we said... 1 58 57 302 You'd think that, wouldn't you? 58 59 58 201 1 500163 60 59 301 1 Female Commandant No matter, just don't slow us down. 1 61 60 201 1 500150 62 61 301 1 Qu The same goes for you, too. 1 63 62 201 1 500138 64 63 301 1 Male Commandant I am the leader of this operation. Everyone must obey my orders. Got it, Boss? 1 65 64 302 Of course. 65 66 65 201 1 500163 67 66 301 1 Female Commandant Boss, you take the west. We'll stay here. 1 68 67 201 1 500150 69 68 301 1 Qu Hmph, seems "reasonable"... 1 70 69 302 Roger. Let's go. 70 71 70 301 Qu Why do we have to listen to orders from dimwits? Is that how Babylonia works? 1 72 71 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Orders must be obeyed on the battlefield. 72 73 72 202 1 1 74 73 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 75 74 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Still unable to understand, Qu follows you to take up garrison in the western region. 76 75 301 AniZhuanchangBegin And very quickly, Qu's concerns come true... 77 1100 401 1 203 78 77 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory37.jpg 79 78 201 1 500150 80 79 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Qu Mmph... 1 81 80 302 Qu, are you hurt?! 81 82 81 301 Qu tears out the Corrupted appendage stabbed into her leg. Vital fluid begins to pour out from her wound. 83 82 301 Qu Don't worry. It's nothing serious... But we can't leave the cave now. 1 84 84 401 2 1508 85 1000 301 Horrifying screams echo throughout the cave... You can tell that the Corrupted already have you surrounded. 86 86 301 Qu This can't just be a coincidence... The Corrupted already have us surrounded before we could establish a communication channel. 1 87 87 301 Obviously, Qu meant that the other two commandants set you up. 88 88 302 No way. 89 89 89 301 Qu Boy, aren't you naive... Those in the limelight always attract those that want a share. 1 90 90 301 Qu You can't trust anyone on your way to the top... The Path to Glory is that of solitude. 1 91 91 302 I don't want to be at the top. 92 92 92 301 Qu Unfortunately, sometimes you don't have any other choice. Just like now. 1 93 93 302 Even if we have our differences, they're still our comrades. 94 94 94 301 Qu Enough with the comrade spiel... Even family members will stab you in the back! 1 95 95 302 I choose to trust them. 96 96 96 301 You hand a signal flare to Qu. 97 97 302 But do you trust me? 98 98 98 301 Qu This is stupid... Even if there's only a 1% chance of success, I still won't lose hope... 1 99 1001 204 1 1 100 99 301 Qu smiles. She picks up the flare and fires it into the sky—exposing your position to your comrades, but also the enemy. 1 101 100 202 1 1 102 101 401 2 1508 103 102 301 Corrupted Rargh—!!! Argh!! 104 103 301 As expected, you hear a flurry of footsteps as Corrupted approach the cave. 105 104 301 You sling Qu's hand over your shoulder to support her injured leg, then help her to her feet. 106 105 302 They're coming, Qu! 106 107 106 201 1 500150 108 107 301 1 Qu I take back what I said earlier. Maybe you aren't a star commandant, you're just a fool. Simple as that. 1 109 108 302 You're only just now finding that out? 109 110 109 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Qu But I'm the star of Kowloong in my own right. I won't let my partner die so easily. 1 111 110 202 1 1 112 111 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory32.jpg 113 112 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Corrupted swarm the cave. Both of you manage to help each other fight through the waves of enemies, but you are nearing your limit. 114 113 201 1 500150 115 114 301 1 Qu There's no stopping them...! 1 116 115 301 Qu kicks away an approaching Corrupted, causing her remaining leg to ignite with sparks as it is destroyed. 117 116 301 Qu Commandant! It's okay, leave me! Run! 1 118 117 302 No need to retreat! Time to counterattack! 118 119 118 202 1 1 120 119 301 Three flickering lights fly through the air, then fall around you and explode, turning most of the Corrupted into scrap iron. 121 120 201 1 500150 122 121 301 1 Qu Have they... really come to save us? 1 123 122 201 1 500138 124 123 301 1 Male Commandant Hey, Boss! Are you guys okay?! 1 125 124 302 I'm alright. Can't say the same about her legs. 125 126 125 202 1 1 127 126 301 To your surprise, the two commandants from before arrive with the Support Force from Babylonia. 128 127 201 1 500138 -400 129 128 201 2 500163 400 130 129 301 1 Female Commandant Thank goodness! We wouldn't have found you had it not been for the signal flare. 2 131 130 301 Male Commandant Great work, Boss... That sure took a lot of courage to fire that off at a time like this. 1 132 131 301 The female commandant and support Construct begin work on repairing Qu's injured legs. 133 132 301 Female Commandant You too. I didn't think an obsolete Construct could last so long against so many Corrupted... 2 134 133 301 Male Commandant I think we underestimated the combat capabilities of older models. I think we should take this to the Science Council for reevaluation. 1 135 134 302 No... We just got lucky is all! 135 136 135 202 1 2 1 137 136 301 Qu couldn't help but laugh seeing you try to desperately explain yourself. 138 137 201 1 500150 139 138 301 1 Qu Maybe I underestimated "humans"—whether that be 【kuroname】 or the two other commandants. 1 140 139 301 Qu Ugliness and beauty; malice and goodwill; cowardice and courage; vulnerability and strength—all are intertwined. Humanity is defined by contradiction and irrationality. 1 141 140 301 Qu looks off into the distance at the people celebrating the victory. Her gaze finally falls upon the person in the center of it all. 142 141 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Qu 【kuroname】, I believe I now have a better understanding of what you believe in. 1