Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory17.jpg 2 2 504 AniZhuanchangEnd 0.7 3 3 401 200 2 2576 4 4 401 1 120 5 5 301 DialogEnable In the absence of all the usual passersby, the quiet hallway appears more frigid than ever with the cold lights that illuminate the place. Standing alone in the middle of a passageway for a good few moments, you finally remember what you came to do here. 6 6 302 (It's about what I'm going to do after graduating.) 7 7 7 301 Walking down the same passageway you've taken only too many times, you reach that certain office you can't be more familiar with before you know it. Right before you press the doorbell, however, you hear a weighty voice coming from inside the room. 8 8 301 ??? Come on in. 100000428 9 9 401 2 726 10 10 301 Three green flashes later, the electronic lock unlocks, allowing the alloy door to part to either side. 11 11 302 Good day, sir. 12 12 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory146.png 13 13 201 1 500299 14 14 301 1 Walking into the minimally decorated office, you see the man shutting off the sand table he was using for planning. 15 15 301 Instructor I wanted to talk about your plan after graduation. 1 100000429 16 16 301 He says without a moment's hesitation. 17 17 301 Instructor I'm not going to stick my nose into your business, but I need to know your reasoning behind your decision as your instructor. 1 100000430 18 18 301 Instructor Why did you turn down Command Central's invitation and apply to be a frontline commandant at the Task Force? 1 100000431 19 19 301 The shrewd eyes staring right at you now are the same eyes that have been watching every single student since you entered the school. 20 20 301 You sense neither encouragement nor discontent from his tone—but solemness and gravity. 21 21 301 There is no doubt that those eyes will see right through any petty lies and excuses you come up with. 22 22 302 Because... 23 23 23 301 You can feel the world shaking violently as you open your mouth to speak. 24 24 301 ??? C-Commandant... C-could you... 100000441 25 25 301 AniZhuanchangBegin And then, darkness ensues. 26 26 202 DialogDisable 1 1 27 27 504 0 28 28 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryZhengyanNew.prefab 3 29 29 401 1 5 30 30 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory14.png 31 31 201 1 1031001 3 32 32 301 DialogEnable 1 Opening your eyes, you find yourself in the lounge with Liv standing right next to you. Looking at you with a worried expression, she has one hand on your shoulder while holding a medical device with the other. 33 33 301 The screen on the table shows a report in the making. The first half of it seems normal enough, but the second half is littered with strings of garbled letters and symbols—a telltale sign that whoever was typing landed on the keyboard with their face. 34 34 302 ... 35 35 35 301 Rubbing your slightly numb face, you return your gaze to Liv. 36 36 301 Liv What are you doing sleeping here, Commandant? A little too tired, I guess? 1 100000442 37 37 302 Don't worry. I was just taking a nap. 38 38 38 204 1 19 39 39 301 Liv ... 1 100000443 40 40 301 None of the words put Liv's mind at ease. You put up your hands in defeat seeing Liv all concerned about you. 41 41 302 And I thought I'd have a few check-ups done, too. 42 42 42 302 Liv, can I ask you to do me a favor? 43 43 43 204 1 1 44 44 301 Liv Shift your head backward a little and remember to relax. 1 100000444 45 45 301 Completing the check-up in a breeze, Liv lets out a sigh of relief. 46 46 302 Is everything good? 47 How long do I have, Doc? 49 47 47 301 Liv Everything is good, but I'd still suggest you go to bed earlier, Commandant. 1 100000445 48 48 51 301 Liv nods at you. 49 49 301 Liv It depends on how you manage your health, Commandant. Going to sleep now, for example, will be mighty helpful. 1 100000446 50 50 301 Liv says with a smile. 51 51 302 But I've still got work to do. 52 52 52 301 Liv Well, let me help you with the paperwork, then. You can go to sleep earlier if we finish everything ahead of time. 1 100000447 53 53 302 Now, your M.I.N.D. rehab session for the day... 54 54 54 301 Liv Is completed. 1 100000448 55 55 204 1 2 56 56 301 Liv You weren't late for today's rehab session, right? 1 100000449 57 57 302 Of course not! 58 58 58 301 With it, both you and Liv break into a wry smile—for the time being, neither of you is in any condition to fight, what with the degeneration of your muscles and the occasional migraines occurring in Liv's M.I.N.D. 59 59 301 With the help of an exoskeleton, you've taken part in a few non-combat assignments, except such assignments don't come by every day. 60 60 301 And an exoskeleton is but a short-term solution in the broader picture of making a full recovery. 61 61 301 The war has turned white-hot, and you know for a fact that Lucia and Lee are far too competent and they can't stay in Babylonia with Liv and you. 62 62 301 You want to be at the frontline fighting with the team—but decided to stay behind to perform desk work while rehabilitating instead, after being convinced by them. 63 63 204 1 19 64 64 301 Liv I wonder what happened to Lee and Lucia, though... 1 100000450 65 65 301 To cause no hiccups to the war, Lee and Lucia always make it a point to only contact you when they're back at their base for maintenance. According to them, they've seen small-scale victories in their combat zone. 66 66 302 We just have to trust them. 67 67 67 302 And we need to try our best in what we can do. 68 68 68 204 1 1 69 69 301 Liv Yes! 1 100000451 70 70 301 Having worked off the negative vibes, you find yourself concentrating once again on the report. Then, as you go ahead to delete the string of garbled letters and symbols with the delete key, you reach out for the coffee cup sitting right next to you... 71 71 204 1 6 72 72 301 Yet, much to your surprise, you touch a warm, soft hand instead of a coffee cup... 73 73 204 1 1 74 74 301 Liv How about something else for a change, Commandant? 1 100000452 75 75 301 Liv passes you a different cup. Giving off white steam, the cup has amber-colored tea sitting in it instead. 76 76 302 What's this...? 77 77 77 301 Liv This is a decaffeinated herbal tea. You should refrain from consuming any more caffeine for the day, given that you've already consumed 180mg. 1 100000453 78 78 301 Liv explains in a serious tone. Probably best to listen to the expert here since she's the one taking care of the team's health. 79 79 301 Taking a sip of the tea, you can taste the warm fragrance of the liquid making its way down your throat before it reaches your chest and blossoms, instantly easing you of most of the pent-up fatigue from work. 80 80 301 Liv, on the other hand, has taken a seat across from you and begun sorting through the remaining reports. 81 81 301 The faintly glowing screen, the sound of keystrokes, the fragrance of the tea, and a Liv working away at the reports—the room is quiet and peaceful, seemingly having nothing save for these left in it. 82 82 301 It's been so long since you last felt the same ease of mind... 83 83 301 Liv I need you to go over some parts of this report, Commandant. 1 100000454 84 84 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Sure. 85 85 85 202 DialogDisable 1 1 86 86 101 AniZhuanchangEnd 2000 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory14.png 87 87 201 1 1031001 88 88 301 DialogEnable 1 Liv This is the last one. 1 100000455 89 89 301 You go over the report before signing your ID number on it. The whole process of sorting through the documents was supposed to take you through the entire afternoon—yet here you are, having reached the end of it in under two hours with the two of you working on it. 90 90 302 Boy, that was fast. 91 91 91 301 Pouring tea into the now empty cup, Liv appears out of it as she keeps her eyes fixated on the global warfare map. 92 92 302 What are you looking for? 93 93 93 301 Liv I'm trying to pinpoint Lucia and Lee... 1 100000456 94 94 204 1 19 95 95 301 Liv I mean, because I missed their call from last night. 1 100000457 96 96 302 It's not your fault, though. 97 97 97 301 An episode of migraine hit Liv out of the blue right before Lucia and Lee dialed in last night, plunging her M.I.N.D.—which hasn't even made a full recovery yet—into an extremely unstable state. 98 98 301 After stabilizing her condition with the cable you carried and a Deep M.I.N.D. connection you managed to establish before things went out of hand, you put on your exoskeleton and ran up to the Star of Life with Liv in your arms. 99 99 301 Liv was still under treatment when Lucia and Lee dialed in. 100 100 204 1 101 101 302 Based on where they were calling from last night... 102 102 102 301 Staff list, resource provision, and engagement status—all the information about a certain base pops up when you put your finger on it. 103 103 302 They should be here. 104 104 104 301 Lucia' and Lee's names are on the staff list—with two short lines preceding their names, respectively. 105 105 204 1 19 106 106 301 Frame Damage: 15.32% 107 107 301 Infection: 0.00% 108 108 301 Based on their battle report, the two seemed to have found a branch of the Red Tide on their own without the warning of a Support-type Construct. 109 109 301 They put indicating beacons in place during their battle with Hetero-Creatures. While the beacons had only a minimal effect in guiding the garrison at the base, they managed to sever the branch with their accurate attacks all the same. 110 110 301 Liv If only I were there, too... 1 100000458 111 111 301 Liv keeps her eyes fixated on the very first line of the report. It briefly mentions the resources the base needs more of, with a special note stating that all squads are in need of help from Support-type Constructs. 112 112 302 I am sure you'll be able to get back there in no time. 113 113 113 204 1 114 114 301 Liv And that's if they manage to improve remote Deep M.I.N.D. connection, right? 1 100000459 115 115 301 The Deep M.I.N.D. connection helps to stabilize the migraine coming from Liv's M.I.N.D., and Asimov is working with the rest of his team to figure out a way to establish the connection remotely without a cable. 116 116 302 Asimov said we'll be giving it a try soon, right? 117 117 117 301 Gray Raven will be back on the road whole as soon as we have that technical barrier taken care of. 118 118 301 Nodding her head, however, Liv suddenly looks troubled with what seems to be an abrupt thought. 119 119 204 1 2 120 120 301 Liv By the way, Commandant, I understand that Professor Hippocrates asked you to exercise your body, but I'd still suggest that you steer clear of ground missions before you make a full recovery. 1 100000460 121 121 302 It's force majeure. 122 I'll try to... 122 122 122 301 Liv's eyebrows frown slightly at your reply. 123 123 301 But lucky for you, Liv raises another question, letting go of the subject. 124 124 204 1 1 125 125 301 Liv What are we going to do now, though... 1 100000461 126 126 302 About that... 127 127 127 301 Liv means well, but it's no doubt much too early for you to hit the hay now. 128 128 301 You finished your rehab session for the day in the morning, but you have to make an appointment a day in advance if you want to get to your next session. 129 129 302 Uhm... 130 130 130 301 You have no idea what to do. 131 131 302 I don't know, Liv. Got any plans? 132 132 132 204 1 7 133 133 301 Liv Wait, are you asking me? 1 100000462 134 134 204 1 135 135 204 500 1 6 136 136 301 Liv I don't know either... but let's see... 1 100000463 137 137 401 2 1099 138 138 204 1 139 139 301 With the ringing of a call filling up the room, you and Liv stop in your tracks. When you take the call, a hologram of Asimov appears. 140 140 203 1 0.25 -650 141 141 509 800 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 2 142 142 201 2 500004 9 450 143 143 301 1 Asimov Where are you now? 2 100000409 144 144 302 In the lounge. 145 145 145 301 Asimov Stop whatever you're doing now if it's not super urgent. I need you to come down to the Science Council now. 2 100000410 146 146 301 With bags darker than ever under his eyes, Asimov speaks in a serious tone. 147 147 302 Oh? 148 148 148 301 Asimov I can't get into the details on the line, but I'll fill you in on the situation when you're here. Remember to bring Liv with you. 2 100000411 149 149 204 1 7 150 150 301 Liv Eh? 1 100000464 151 151 301 Liv is surprised at the mention of her name. 152 152 301 Asimov Liv is there with you, right? Bring her with you. 2 100000412 153 153 204 1 154 154 302 Alright. 155 155 155 202 2 1 156 156 510 400 2 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 157 157 203 1 0.25 158 158 301 And with it, Asimov hangs up. 159 159 204 1 3 160 160 301 Liv Why does he need us, though? 1 100000465 161 161 302 I have no clue. 162 162 162 302 But I bet it's something important. 163 163 163 204 1 164 164 301 You rise from your seat, taking a moment to really appreciate the fact that you're now in much less pain thanks to all your rehab sessions and nutritional management. 165 165 301 Liv Can I give you a hand, Commandant? 1 100000466 166 166 302 Uhm... 167 167 167 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Sure... 168 No, I'm fine... 174 168 168 202 DialogDisable 1 1 169 169 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 170 170 301 DialogEnable With the support of Liv and a crutch, you make it to Asimov's lab. 171 171 201 1 500404 1 172 172 301 1 Hippocrates You really need to stop pampering your commandant, Liv. 1 100000825 173 173 185 301 At the lab, you see Hippocrates. 174 174 202 DialogDisable 1 1 175 175 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory17.jpg 176 176 301 DialogEnable With the help of a crutch, you slowly make your way to Asimov's lab. 177 177 301 Taking into account the rehabilitative effects of walking, you decided to go on foot instead of in a wheelchair. 178 178 301 All the while, Liv keeps her eyes closely on you from behind. 179 179 205 1000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 0 1 1 180 180 205 999 1 0 0 181 181 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 182 182 301 When the door to the lab opens, you are caught by surprise. 183 183 201 1 500404 1 184 184 301 1 Hippocrates I see you're making headway with your recovery. 1 100000826 185 185 204 1 186 186 203 1 0.25 400 187 187 201 2 1031001 7 -400 188 188 301 1 Liv Professor? 2 100000467 189 189 301 It's none other than Hippocrates—the very person responsible for treating you and Liv. 190 190 202 2 1 191 191 203 1 0.25 192 192 301 Standing right behind her is Asimov, who's keeping his eyes fixated on the screen in front of him as strings of complicated-looking readings and charts flash past. 193 193 204 1 194 194 401 1 36 195 195 301 Why are they working together when they're from different departments...? 196 196 302 (Wait...) 197 197 197 401 1 201 198 198 301 Hippocrates And judging from that look on your face, I gather you've figured out why Asimov had asked you and Liv to come down here. 1 100000827 199 199 302 Does it have to do with the Empyrea frame? 200 Let me guess. You've made headway with the Deep M.I.N.D. connection. 204 200 200 301 Hippocrates Right, we've received some data from the probe we'd left in the Empyrea frame. 1 100000828 201 201 301 Hippocrates Asimov is working on visualizing the data, except... 1 100000829 202 202 301 Stopping in her tracks, Hippocrates looks back and forth between you and Liv. 203 203 207 301 Hippocrates Except they don't seem normal. 1 100000830 204 204 301 Hippocrates Unfortunately, no. 1 100000831 205 205 301 Hippocrates But we received some data from the probe we'd left in the Empyrea frame. 1 100000832 206 206 301 Hippocrates These data might help further enhance the Deep M.I.N.D. connection, and Asimov is working on visualizing the data. 1 100000833 207 207 203 1 0.25 -400 208 208 201 2 500004 400 209 209 301 1 Asimov Done. 2 100000413 210 210 301 Looking up, Asimov turns the screen this way—which now shows a bird's-eye view of a dense forest. 211 211 302 What's this...? 212 212 212 301 Asimov I'll start from the very beginning. You do still remember what you had to go through to get Liv's M.I.N.D. shards back, right? 2 100000414 213 213 302 Of course. 214 214 214 301 After bringing Liv to safety, you filled them in on what you'd gone through, missing not so much as the most minute of details, with the hope that they'd turn out helpful with repairing Liv's M.I.N.D. 215 215 301 Asimov And you found a seventh M.I.N.D. shard—and that's something we'd never found previously. 2 100000415 216 216 301 Asimov After transferring her consciousness back to the Eclipse frame, we'd scan the Empyrea frame with signals of varying frequencies on a regular basis to see if we'd missed anything. 2 100000416 217 217 302 Wait, could it be... 218 218 218 301 Asimov Spot on. The signal is negligibly weak, but it is part of Liv. 2 100000417 219 219 301 Asimov We took a look at the data sent back by the probe. The bands seem very special, and I'd describe them as... 2 100000418 220 220 301 Asimov is trying to come up with a more appropriate, layman-friendly word. 221 221 301 Hippocrates I'll take over from here. 1 100000834 222 222 301 Hippocrates Here is an example. Do you remember how many people you passed by in the rehab center yesterday? 1 100000835 223 223 302 I'd be damned if I did... 224 Might as well ask me how many rolls of bread I've ever had. 225 224 224 229 301 Hippocrates Correct. See, no one ever remembers how much bread they ate. 1 100000836 225 225 204 1 5 226 226 301 Hippocrates And I take it that you recall how much bread you ate? Now, that's definitely worth looking into. 1 100000837 227 227 302 I... would be damned if I did. 228 228 228 204 1 229 229 301 Hippocrates People don't remember all the information that goes through the brain. 1 100000838 230 230 301 Hippocrates We might experience certain things or think about them, but they don't become lasting memories in our brains. 1 100000839 231 231 301 Asimov It's exactly like what the Professor said, and this particular set of data is showing us the same thing—they are the parts that Liv's mind "ignored," "forgotten," or, if you will, "rejected." 2 100000419 232 232 301 Asimov Based on our analysis of the signal waveform sent back to us, we were able to more or less pinpoint the location of this M.I.N.D. shard that's projecting this forest. 2 100000420 233 233 301 Asimov enlarges the window—to the extent that it almost takes up the entire screen. 234 234 301 Right in the center of the screen now stands the silhouette of a spire—with scarlet plants running along its length. 235 235 302 It's the Punishing Virus... 236 236 236 301 Asimov It's only lightly infected, but it doesn't mean we can just ignore it. 2 100000421 237 237 301 Asimov Which is why we need you to clean up the contamination—in addition to looking into it. 2 100000422 238 238 302 One thing, though... 239 239 239 202 1 2 1 240 240 201 1 1031001 241 241 301 1 Worried, you turn to look at Liv—who you know shouldn't be risking herself over a mission like this with her M.I.N.D. still making a recovery. 242 242 204 1 1 243 243 301 Liv Don't worry, Commandant. I'm okay. 1 100000468 244 244 202 1 1 245 245 201 1 500404 246 246 301 1 Hippocrates I know what's bothering you. Your safety will always be our top priority. 1 100000840 247 247 301 Hippocrates We have an ample amount of time to get ourselves ready, unlike last time. 1 100000841 248 248 301 Hippocrates Asimov came up with a "safety trigger" program. 1 100000842 249 249 301 Hippocrates And what it does is that if and when things get out of hand, the "trigger" will activate and force you to wake up. 1 100000843 250 250 301 Hippocrates And feel free to pull the "trigger" yourself if the situation becomes such that doesn't allow you to continue probing. 1 100000844 251 251 301 Hippocrates It won't hurt your M.I.N.D., but we'll have no choice but to give up on this particular shard. 1 100000845 252 252 302 Why does it have to be Liv, though? 253 253 253 301 Hippocrates I decided to ask you and Liv for help for another reason. See, this shard and the subconscious mind are similar in that they're both what make up the bottom layer of the M.I.N.D. 1 100000846 254 254 301 Hippocrates And the feedback of both of your activities there will go a long way toward improving the Deep M.I.N.D. connection. You just don't get samples of this kind of M.I.N.D. every day. 1 100000847 255 255 301 Finishing her sentence, Hippocrates' face turns uneasy. 256 256 204 1 14 257 257 301 Hippocrates Although I wouldn't want to go through all of it again to get another sample... 1 100000848 258 258 204 1 259 259 203 1 0.25 400 260 260 201 2 1031001 -400 261 261 301 1 Liv I have another question. 2 100000469 262 262 301 Sensing the negative vibes in the air, Liv speaks out. 263 263 301 Hippocrates Yes? 1 100000849 264 264 301 Liv How am I supposed to get inside my own M.I.N.D. shard with Commandant? 2 100000470 265 265 204 1 1 266 266 301 Hippocrates Asimov wrote you a program that will help you do just that. He'll take you through some fine-tuning first, though. 1 100000850 267 267 301 Hippocrates Your commandant, on the other hand, will get in there when you're done fine-tuning. 1 100000851 268 268 301 Liv Alright. 2 100000471 269 269 204 2 1 270 270 301 Liv Will see you in a bit, Commandant. 2 100000472 271 271 203 100 2 0.18 -600 272 272 202 2 273 273 301 After waving goodbye at you, Liv makes her way to the M.I.N.D. diving chamber following Asimov. Then, right when you try to stand up with your crutch... 274 274 204 1 275 275 203 1 0.25 276 276 301 You are forced to sit back down. 277 277 302 Professor? 278 278 278 204 1 14 279 279 301 Hippocrates Liv is bound to be affected one way or another when she's there in her M.I.N.D. shard. 1 100000852 280 280 302 What do you mean? 281 281 281 204 1 282 282 301 Hippocrates It might be her consciousness or her personality, but what it is will depend on which part of Liv this particular M.I.N.D. shard is. 1 100000853 283 283 301 Hippocrates I mean, to a certain degree, this whole thing is just like "really getting to know yourself." 1 100000854 284 284 204 1 5 285 285 301 Hippocrates And I was hoping you could take good care of her when you're both in there. 1 100000855 286 286 301 Hippocrates pats you on the shoulder. 287 287 202 DialogDisable 1 1 288 288 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryShuju.prefab 2 289 289 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 290 290 401 2000 1 36 291 291 205 1000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg 0 1 1 292 292 205 999 1 0 0 293 293 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg 294 294 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryShuju.prefab 295 295 401 1 204 296 296 401 2 2623 297 297 301 DialogEnable No longer feeling weightless, you can feel the rough bark of a tree against your back as you slowly open your eyes and take in the fragrance of the mud and budding grass. 298 298 301 Filtering through the leaves above, the sunlight feels like a gentle touch to the skin, and the crisp calls of birds coming from between the trees travel through the valleys in the distance. 299 299 301 Feeling a fluffy lump on the back of your hand, you look down—and see that there is a chubby chipmunk sitting on it. 300 300 301 Then, as though an invisible string were severed, the forest is quiet no more. 301 301 301 Turning into a furball, the chipmunk rolls off the back of your hand before it disappears into the depths of the forest. 302 302 301 You stand up and spend some time collecting your thoughts... 303 303 402 2623 304 304 302 Liv... 305 305 305 301 Your surroundings look exactly the same as what Asimov has shown you—except you don't see Liv around, who supposedly came in with you. 306 306 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3 307 307 504 0.7 308 308 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 309 309 201 1 500404 310 310 301 1 Hippocrates You'll probably land at a different location from Liv because this is our first attempt. 1 100000856 311 311 301 What Hippocrates said back at the lab pops into your mind. It seems like you'll have to find Liv first before starting your mission. 312 312 201 1 500004 313 313 301 1 Asimov The same way we'd be drawn to what we're most familiar with when looking at a messy picture, there is something that exists between a commandant and their Construct that connects them. 1 100000423 314 314 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3 315 315 202 1 2 1 316 316 504 0 317 317 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 318 318 301 You shut your eyes trying to get a feel for that certain "something"—except all you're picking up are choppy echoes that seem to be taking you nowhere. 319 319 301 This is not unlike looking for a particular fish in the absolute dark expanse of an ocean. You know Liv is right around you, yet you're totally clueless as to where to begin looking. 320 320 301 And right then, a shaft of light descends. 321 321 302 (Open your eyes) 322 322 322 205 1000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg 0 1 1 323 323 205 999 1 0 0 324 324 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg 325 325 301 You see a butterfly—with two pairs of wings, and thin, black stripes along its body, parting the green fluorescence. 326 326 301 You feel like you know the butterfly... 327 327 301 The butterfly makes two circles around you, leaving traces of light to snow on you that seem to be telling you to follow it. 328 328 302 (Follow the butterfly) 329 329 329 301 Drawn by a sense of familiarity, you follow the butterfly as it goes. 330 330 104 0|0|-250 8 331 331 301 Following the butterfly, you travel through the wide expanse that's the forest... 332 332 301 Losing count of the times you've come across the same views... 333 333 301 The butterfly's fluorescence is now your only source of guidance down the increasingly secluded path... 334 334 301 Right then, you hear noises coming from up ahead—someone is coming this way walking on the grass. 335 335 302 Hello? 336 Liv? 336 336 336 301 Liv Commandant? 100000473 337 337 301 Her voice coming from behind the trees, Liv picks up her pace across the grass—and there she is now, standing in front of you... 338 338 201 1 500524 2 339 339 301 1 Except she looks a little "different" from what you remember of her. 340 340 301 A grandiose black dress envelopes her exquisite body, giving her a solemn aura. The jade-green wings behind her, however, add a dreamlike quality to her, and she seems as though she might just vanish in the wind if you so much as look away from her for a split second. 341 341 302 ... 342 342 342 204 1 6 343 343 301 Liv C-Commandant... Please stop looking at me like that... 1 100000474 344 344 301 Liv lowers her head, apparently feeling self-conscious because of your unwavering gaze. 345 345 302 Ahem, right, of course... 346 346 301 Looking around yourself, you can't help but feel flabbergasted by the view, having forgotten about the butterfly that had taken you here. 347 347 302 What's going on here? 348 348 348 301 The Liv you're seeing is wearing a completely different outfit than what she was before coming in. 349 349 204 1 3 350 350 301 Liv I don't know... I found myself like this when I woke up. 1 100000475 351 351 301 Liv reaches for the wings behind her as she starts checking herself out. 352 352 204 1 353 353 302 Maybe this is something your M.I.N.D. shard is doing to you? 354 354 354 301 Liv Asimov said the same thing... 1 100000476 355 355 301 You have never seen Liv like this before. She is usually just dressed in white and pink. 356 356 301 Liv How do you feel, though, Commandant? 1 100000477 357 357 302 I think you look great, Liv. 358 Suits you, Liv. 362 I liked how you were before. 367 358 358 301 Liv Commandant... 1 100000478 359 359 301 With a sheepish look on her face, Liv seems happy with the compliment all the same... while looking slightly caught off guard. 360 360 204 1 2 361 361 371 301 Liv I meant to ask you if you've noticed anything out of the ordinary about yourself, too... But still, thank you. 1 100000479 362 362 204 1 7 363 363 301 Liv Hmm? 1 100000480 364 364 301 Liv seems slightly caught off guard. 365 365 204 1 2 366 366 371 301 Liv I meant to ask you if you've noticed anything out of the ordinary about yourself, too... But still, thank you. 1 100000481 367 367 204 1 3 368 368 301 Liv Is that so? I see... 1 100000482 369 369 204 1 2 370 370 301 Liv But I actually meant to ask you if you've noticed anything out of the ordinary about yourself, too... 1 100000483 371 371 302 Ahem... Never felt better. 372 372 372 301 It's fortunate that your injury didn't get transferred over to this world. 373 373 302 Are you feeling anything else, Liv? 374 374 374 204 1 3 375 375 301 Liv Well... I'm not quite sure if this is something my M.I.N.D. shard has done to me, but... 1 100000484 376 376 204 1 377 377 301 Seeing you all baffled, Liv claps her hands three times. 378 378 301 And with it, you hear noises coming from the trees. When you turn your head over—you see countless chipmunks poking their heads out everywhere. 379 379 301 Among the bushes, above the treetops, behind the rocks—they're everywhere. 380 380 301 With their tiny black eyes traveling back and forth between you and Liv, they seem to have a hard time comprehending the sight of the two human beings in front of them. 381 381 204 1 2 382 382 301 Liv It's okay. This isn't a bad person. 1 100000485 383 383 301 And with it, the chipmunks all come leaping out. 384 384 301 Before you're even able to react, you find yourself and Liv drowning in a sea of warm furballs rubbing your faces and palms. 385 385 302 How did you find out you can do this, though? 386 386 386 301 You clap your hands three times when Liv isn't looking your way—and nothing happens. 387 387 301 It's never been difficult for Liv to draw animals toward her because she's always so gentle—but you know that what you just witnessed is on a different level than just "being gentle." 388 388 301 Liv I was just trying to brush all the dirt off my hands, and then these babies showed up. 1 100000486 389 389 302 Can you get other animals to come to you? 390 390 390 301 Liv I did try to change the tempo and the number of claps, and I even tried mimicking this character from a TV show for kids... 1 100000487 391 391 204 200 1 392 392 204 1 6 393 393 301 Liv stops in her tracks. 394 394 301 Liv And... well, I tried all sorts of things, but the only thing I've managed to get to come to me so far is the chipmunk. 1 100000488 395 395 301 With her hand still caressing a little furball, Liv looks away. 396 396 204 1 397 397 302 ... 398 398 398 301 You carry on speaking as you put on the ground a struggling chipmunk that just fell off your shoulder and was dangling off your chest pocket. 399 399 302 Now, let's try to bring each other to speed. 400 400 400 301 Liv So, when I woke up... 1 100000489 401 401 301 When Liv finishes bringing you up to speed, you see that your diving point was actually one good kilometer away from Liv's—though you came in here at almost the same time. 402 402 301 Liv has a pair of wings similar to that on the Empyrea frame, except it doesn't allow her to fly—presumably because M.I.N.D. has made it so. 403 403 301 It seems like you won't be flying to the center of the forest. 404 404 301 And it's your turn to fill Liv in on what you've been through... 405 405 301 Liv A butterfly, you said? I didn't see any when I woke up, though. 1 100000490 406 406 301 Liv Should we do a quick round of scan? 1 100000491 407 407 302 No, it's fine. 408 408 408 301 You want to learn more about the butterfly, but it's much too fleeting an occurrence for you to spend time on when you're supposed to be looking into the center of the forest. 409 409 302 We're sticking to our plan. 410 410 410 301 Liv I'm analyzing the landscape and the paths. 1 100000492 411 411 204 1 3 412 412 301 Liv Uhm... 1 100000493 413 413 302 Oh? 414 414 414 301 Liv I can't come up with a path that can take us straight to the center of the forest with all the obstacles in the way. 1 100000494 415 415 302 That's fine. We'll see what the data feedback has to say as we go. 416 416 416 302 Let's go. 417 417 417 204 1 2 418 418 301 The chipmunks sitting on you and Liv start jumping off, apparently having sensed that you're about to leave. 419 419 301 And as they leave, they stuff your pockets full of chestnuts, berries, seeds, and petals... 420 420 301 Then, waving its tiny claw at Liv, the last chipmunk disappears into a crack under the rocks. 421 421 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv bids it farewell with a smile. 422 422 202 DialogDisable 1 1 423 423 104 0|0|0 0 424 424 101 AniZhuanchangEnd 500 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg 425 425 302 Doesn't seem like this path is going to work... 426 426 201 1 500524 6 427 427 301 DialogEnable 1 Liv I... am trying to come up with a different route. 1 100000495 428 428 301 You thought a place like this would be a piece of cake for Liv. 429 429 301 Except this forest is proving to be a lot more complicated than previously imagined... 430 430 301 But on second thought, you realize the complexity of this forest... 431 431 301 Should really be attributed to Liv's seemingly endless imagination. 432 432 202 1 433 433 301 This is what happened shortly after you and Liv set out. 434 434 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3 435 435 301 The path through the forest isn't exactly trekker-friendly—while your shoes with the extra-thick soles are keeping your feet well-protected from all the sharp stones on the ground, you still need to be absolutely careful so as not to slip off the moss. 436 436 301 The trees, the grass, and the flowers—everything around you is of the same color... 437 437 301 The forest has not a single trace of humans, and the cries of the insects seem to come from afar. 438 438 301 Completely lost, you stay closely behind Liv. 439 439 301 And suddenly, Liv stops in her tracks. 440 440 201 1 500524 7 441 441 301 1 Liv Hey? 1 100000496 442 442 302 What's the matter? 443 443 443 301 Liv This bridge here... is a little different from how I imagined it would be. 1 100000497 444 444 301 Caught by surprise, Liv seems at a loss for words. 445 445 302 Well, there is only so much radar imaging can do, I suppose. 446 446 446 301 Climbing over the rock in your way, you look up from the ground to see the view up ahead. 447 447 302 See, this isn't something you need to... 448 448 448 202 1 1 449 449 301 The last few words of the sentence get stuck halfway at your throat when you see what's up ahead of you. 450 450 502 RImgBg1BlowUp 451 451 301 In front of you now is a valley about 20 meters wide—with a "bridge" above it connecting either side of the valley. 452 452 301 Giving off a crystalline shine, the bridge consists of many "disks." 453 453 301 The same disks can be seen moving in irregular patterns around the "bridge." 454 454 301 Enveloped in their somewhat dark surroundings, they're reminiscent of glowing lamps. 455 455 301 With a closer look, you see that the "disks" all have long tentacles or semitransparent belts attached to the underside. 456 456 301 As though sensing that they're being looked at, some of the tentacles rise and wave this way. 457 457 401 300 1 36 458 458 401 1 205 459 459 301 The floating jellyfish is greeting you. 460 460 505 RImgBg1BlowUp 461 461 201 1 500524 3 462 462 301 1 Liv I never thought we'd run into anything like this... They don't seem hostile, though. 1 100000498 463 463 301 You never saw this coming yourself, too, because you didn't run into anything out of the ordinary the entire way. 464 464 301 Seems like the speed at which time passes isn't the only thing different between M.I.N.D. and the real world... 465 465 301 This world seems to be full of strange things that can happen to you at every turn—and the fact that Liv was able to get all the chipmunks to hang around you is but an example of that. 466 466 301 And with that taken into account, this "jellyfish bridge" really shouldn't be that big of a surprise. 467 467 302 Aren't they going to dehydrate? 468 468 468 301 As though trying to answer your question, a few enormous jets of water come gushing out from the depths of the valley, washing away some the of jellyfish that make up the bridge. Moments later, however, their places are taken over by other jellyfish. 469 469 301 Having been graced by the water, the bridge now gives off a lucid shine. 470 470 302 Do you know what's going on, Liv? 471 471 471 301 Liv I... think this just might have something to do with the story of the "magpie bridge" that I heard as a kid. 1 100000499 472 472 301 Liv seems unsure of herself as she speaks. 473 473 301 In Kowloong's folklore, the magpie bridge is a bridge formed by magpies squishing their bodies together on a certain day. 474 474 301 And this "jellyfish bridge" does bear a resemblance to the "magpie bridge". 475 475 301 Although one of them flies up there in the sky, while the other swims in the water. 476 476 302 Which means this M.I.N.D. shard is... 477 477 477 301 Liv Yes, this particular M.I.N.D. shard probably has to do with all the fairytales I heard... 1 100000500 478 478 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3 479 479 504 0.7 480 480 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 481 481 201 1 500404 -400 482 482 201 2 500004 400 483 483 301 1 Hippocrates We might experience certain things or think about them, but they don't become lasting memories in our brains. 1 100000857 484 484 301 Asimov It's exactly like what the Professor said, and this particular set of data is showing us the same thing—they are the parts that Liv's mind "ignored," "forgotten," or, if you will, "rejected." 2 100000425 485 485 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3 486 486 202 1 2 1 487 487 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory539.jpg 488 488 504 0 489 489 301 What Hippocrates and Asimov said about this shard matches what you're seeing. 490 490 301 People don't usually remember the fairytales they hear as kids. 491 491 401 1 36 492 492 401 1 204 493 493 201 1 500524 494 494 301 1 Liv Do you find me childish now, Commandant? 1 100000501 495 495 302 There is nothing wrong with being childish, though... 496 No, not at all. 499 496 496 301 These are memories of the fairytales after all. 497 497 302 And there is nothing wrong with that. 498 498 498 502 301 You find it romantic that Liv has found a way to embrace her childhood once again as a grown-up. 499 499 301 Liv is gentle and doesn't talk a whole lot, but she never fails to look after the people around her whenever she can. 500 500 301 She's mature in every sense of the word. 501 501 204 1 2 502 502 301 Liv ... 1 100000502 503 503 301 Liv lets out a sigh of relief at what you said. 504 504 301 Liv Should I try to come up with a different route, Commandant? 1 100000503 505 505 302 Let's just run across it! 506 What's your take, Liv? 507 506 506 509 301 Liv nods. 507 507 301 Liv Well, I think... I should probably take off my shoes first? 1 100000504 508 508 301 Liv looks down at her lethally dangerous high heels. 509 509 301 With Liv's approval, you step on the semitransparent "bell" of the jellyfish, all the while feeling the slipperiness and bounciness of it. 510 510 302 All good. 511 511 511 301 Only need to stay low and go at this pace... 512 512 204 1 7 513 513 301 Liv Commandant, come back now! 1 100000505 514 514 301 With it, Liv grabs hold of your hand, except it's too late now. 515 515 301 The bell crumbles down—before it contracts inward and then hunches up... 516 516 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryFallNew.prefab 2 517 517 301 Before you know what just happened, you find yourself and Liv coming face to face with a glowing jellyfish in the air—although you can't really for the life of you tell where its eyes are. 518 518 203 1 0.15 -80 519 519 301 Before you begin falling through the air, however, the jellyfish whips out one of its "belts" and wraps it around you and Liv. 520 520 301 Except the combined weight of you and Liv seems too heavy for it, sending the jellyfish down into a straight fall like a parachute with a hole. 521 521 301 Fortunately, another jellyfish comes to your rescue in time with its belts. Working together, the two jellyfish float back up once again. 522 522 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryFallNew.prefab 523 523 203 1 0.15 -120 524 524 301 At the same time, the grip of the belt grows tighter still around you and Liv. 525 525 302 What's this thing? 526 526 526 301 You feel something as soft as silk against your back. 527 527 204 1 6 528 528 301 Liv My wings... are getting squashed... Commandant... 1 100000506 529 529 301 From behind you, Liv now speaks in a tone so choppy and low that you can barely make out her words—every last one of which seems to be coming out as the last strand of her being. Tied up tightly back to back, however, you can't see Liv's face. 530 530 301 Somehow, you seem to be hearing the hisses of steam. 531 531 302 I-I'm sorry... 532 (Remain silent) 534 (Change the subject) 535 532 532 301 Liv T-that's fine, but I think this is exactly how we're supposed to cross the valley. 1 100000507 533 533 537 301 And Liv is right—because you can see that the shining jellyfish and its friend are transporting the two of you to the other side of the valley. 534 534 537 301 Remaining silent the entire way, you let the jellyfish do their job. 535 535 302 That doesn't seem to be a bridge. 536 536 536 537 301 Liv Yup. I think this is exactly how we're supposed to get across the valley. 1 100000508 537 537 204 1 538 538 301 From the corner of your eye, you can see that the jellyfish you stepped on at the very beginning is cleaning its "bell" of the dirt on it using the dews coming off a chunk of moss that it's holding with its tentacles. 539 539 301 When it's done grooming itself, the jellyfish does look slightly shinier than it did just moments ago. 540 540 302 Is it trying to polish itself? 541 541 541 301 Liv I don't think they're trying to build a bridge cuddling up together. I think they're just trying to rest. 1 100000509 542 542 301 With a closer look, you see that Liv is right—the jellyfish that you initially thought was acting as the bridge's pier doesn't shine as brightly. With its bell going up and down ever so faintly, it appears to be under a light sleep. 543 543 302 So what the jellyfish did to me just now when I stepped on it just now... 544 544 544 204 300 1 8 545 545 204 1 2 546 546 301 Liv Well... that was probably just the jellyfish feeling grumpy waking up? 1 100000510 547 547 301 Liv sounds at ease, sensing no harm coming from the jellyfish—but right then, your surroundings start growing dark. Moments later, you feel something hard against the bottom of your feet, and the grip around you lets go. 548 548 203 1 0.25 549 549 301 Turning around, you see that the jellyfish is still there—and it's now trying to flatten Liv's crumpled wings. 550 550 301 Liv Thank you all, but don't worry about it. 1 100000511 551 551 301 The jellyfish, however, stays where it is, its tentacles obviously not the most ideal of tools with which to flatten the creases. 552 552 302 Let me fix them for you. 553 553 553 204 1 7 554 554 301 Liv Wait, what...?! But why are you... 1 100000512 555 555 302 I'm sure they won't let us go if I don't do it. 556 556 556 301 Looking up, you see that the jellyfish are still busy trying to fix Liv's wings. 557 557 204 1 3 558 558 302 And I'm partially responsible for it anyways. 559 559 559 204 1 6 560 560 301 Liv Well, then... if you insist. 1 100000513 561 561 301 Bit by bit, you flatten the creases in the chiffon-like wings in the gentle light coming off the jellyfish. 562 562 301 Then, looking up at the jellyfish and then at Liv's wings—now being slowly flattened back to their previous state—you open your mouth to speak. 563 563 302 This is just amazing. 564 564 564 204 300 1 8 565 565 204 1 2 566 566 301 Liv This doesn't happen in real life, though. 1 100000514 567 567 302 But even with everything that seemed to stand in our way... 568 568 568 302 People have made amazing breakthroughs and made the impossible possible. 569 569 569 301 Gravity tried to hold humans down, but we found a way to reach the sky and even further beyond; distance stood between us, but technology made it possible for us to connect with each other whenever we wanted; lightning was once a power inspiring our awe, but we found a way to make it work for us... 570 570 204 1 3 571 571 301 Liv Do you think there is a way... for us to make what we're seeing here possible, then? 1 100000515 572 572 301 The jellyfish form a colorful, fantastic view around you beyond description. 573 573 302 Somewhere down the road, yes. 574 With difficulty, yes. 576 I don't think so. 578 574 574 204 1 2 575 575 580 301 "It might seem like a far-fetched fantasy, but nothing is impossible, so long as there are people drawn to it." 576 576 204 1 577 577 579 301 "But even if we're still so far from that day that we can't even picture it happening within our lifetime, we can still entrust another dreamer with our dream." 578 578 301 "But that doesn't mean we need to forget it altogether. Perfection might be a difficult goal to reach, but that doesn't mean we can't come up with something that's nearly perfect." 579 579 204 1 2 580 580 301 You flatten the last crease on Liv's wings. Although still unable to take Liv through the skies and now bearing shallow scars, Liv's wings can open up again nonetheless. 581 581 302 There is not a wonderful thing that is not worth our time and effort. 582 582 582 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin This is what the forest seems to be mumbling as the breeze gently ruffles the leaves.