Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory300.png 2 2 401 1 209 3 3 201 1 500128 4 4 301 1 Bianca Where is this...? 1 5 5 301 When everything finally calmed down, Bianca saw a wetland. 6 6 202 1 1 7 7 301 As far as she could see, there was only greenery and mud. Fallen leaves and new buds scattered on the swamp. A few insect sounds could be heard every now and then. 8 8 301 A grassland not far away was covered in white. 9 9 301 Crane Whoop— 10 10 301 It was cranes, tens of live cranes gathering over the swamp. 11 11 301 Crane Whoop— 12 12 301 Crane Whoop—whoop— 13 13 301 Bianca heard a few cries from the sedge. Unlike the audio file, they sounded more ear-piercing, but quickly weakened. 14 14 201 1 500128 15 15 301 1 Even without necessary knowledge, Bianca could sense exhaustion, restlessness and discomfort in their sounds. She knew that in the time of war, making such sounds would only wear them down sooner, and eventually lead to extinction as humans no longer had the luxury to provide necessary care. 16 16 202 1 1 17 17 301 Crane Whoop—whoop— 18 18 301 Suddenly, one of the cranes made another clear whoop, not as sharp but louder than any others. 19 19 301 The sound had a mechanical texture. 20 20 301 Bianca saw a pair of raising wings, giving a silver shine under the sun. 21 21 301 It was a bionic machine. Its mechanical voice overwhelmed all the other cries. 22 22 301 The voice gradually soothed and ceased, which reminded Bianca of the lullaby that she heard in Babylonia. The mechanical crane then pulled one leg back, burying its head in its wings. 23 23 301 The "lullaby" was only met by more noisy screaming in the beginning. The few loudest cranes seemed to be upset and gathered near the mechanical crane, knocking it with their long bills. 24 24 301 But as it continues, a couple of cranes begin to mimic the mechanoid's pose, awkwardly curling up their legs and resting their heads on the body. It is the most suitable position for them to rest. 25 25 301 Soon, more cranes began to follow, until Bianca saw a group of resting cranes, a common sight in the database. 26 26 301 The restless cranes are comforted by the mechanical crane's voice. 27 27 201 1 500128 28 28 301 1 Bianca ...The CTO mentioned Toniris was based on a bionic machine in the Golden Age. 1 29 29 301 Bianca Is this a recording of you and your friends? 1 30 30 202 1 1 31 31 301 During the Golden Age, the earth was overdeveloped and animals could only be kept in nature reserves. 32 32 301 Humans "blessed" them with stable environments and food supplies, which made them forget their nature over time. 33 33 301 Without such blessings, the animals were extremely fragile in the wilderness during the Post-Pandemic Age as they lost all the instincts. 34 34 301 —But they survived. 35 35 301 They managed to survive till today. Until recently, Bianca heard rumors about the sighting of cranes on the earth. 36 36 301 A group of bionic machines kept them alive. 37 37 301 They were originally allocated in the natural reserve with the duty to maintain the environment and monitor the health of live animals. 38 38 301 When animals were left in the wild to survive, these bionic animals became their protectors. 39 39 301 They taught the cranes how to open their wings, as well as how to find the air holes left by shellfish in the riverbed when taking a walk. 40 40 301 Migration, foraging, avoiding enemies... The bionic machines slowly awakened the animals' forgotten instincts, teaching them how to survive on their natural perception. 41 41 301 They were different from their peers right from the beginning. When humans stopped giving them orders, they still continued the seemingly meaningless guide duty. 42 42 301 When all beliefs were long gone, what could her prayers possibly do? 43 43 301 But even if it made no sense, the action itself still became a symbol. A symbol that could make changes happen. 44 44 201 1 500128 45 45 301 1 Bianca I see... You're just like me. They didn't understand you. They thought you were different. But you were still guiding them in your own way. 1 46 46 301 Bianca You worked until the very last moment. When you heard the other cranes, you thought you were back... 1 47 47 301 Bianca You've done a lot, Toniris... 1 48 48 301 The bionic crane raised its head as if it had heard Bianca from afar. It made a gentle tweet and went back to rest. 49 49 301 Next, the steel leg supporting its body collapsed, and it broke into many pieces. Bianca saw the rust on its body even from a distance. 50 50 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The holographic scene reverted to data streams. Gone were the grass, the cranes, and the blue sky. 51 51 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory6.jpg 52 52 401 1 211 53 53 201 1 500312 54 54 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Only Toniris was left there, standing at where the bionic crane fell. 55 55 301 Bianca gently touched its body. 56 56 301 She does not send a connection request, only stroking along its body like patting a nestling. 57 57 202 1 1 58 58 301 Comms Miss Bianca... Can you hear me... 59 59 301 Bianca was alerted after hearing the voice in the comms channel. 60 60 201 1 500128 61 61 301 1 Bianca What is it? 1 62 62 202 1 1 63 63 301 Comms Lots of Corrupted are approaching your location! 64 64 301 Comms I have contacted other squads... But there is still a massive amount of signals heading your way! 65 65 301 Comms It is impossible for one Construct to face them. 66 66 201 1 500128 67 67 301 1 Bianca ... 1 68 68 202 1 1 69 69 301 Comms S-sorry. I should have been more proactive and worked with you. You could have escaped... 70 70 201 1 500128 71 71 301 1 Bianca That's okay. 1 72 72 202 1 1 73 73 301 Comms No, it's not! 74 74 301 Comms Miss Bianca, you are different from other Purifying Force members. I know this sounds very abrupt... 75 75 301 Comms But I don't want you to die. 76 76 301 Comms There are so many jerks out there that deserve death. Why? Why do you have to face this? You are so kind and resilient... 77 77 201 1 500128 78 78 301 1 Bianca ... 1 79 79 301 Bianca Is that what you are hoping for? 1 80 80 202 1 1 81 81 301 Comms Huh? 82 82 201 1 500128 1 83 83 301 1 Bianca I'm just being thorough. You said one Construct couldn't face them alone, right? 1 84 84 301 Bianca But it's not just a Construct here. 1 85 85 202 1 1 86 86 301 Comms Whaaat? 87 87 301 Numerous Corrupted swarm across the horizon. They soon discover Bianca with her human-like consciousness, and rush directly toward her. 88 88 301 Bianca does not move. Instead, she pulls her bow and starts attacking the Corrupted. 89 89 201 1 500312 90 90 301 1 Toniris opened her wings elegantly, hovering in mid-air and crying out. For one split second, Bianca thought the church was struck by thunder. 91 91 301 Maybe her "Veritas" also formed part of the roaring thunder. 92 92 201 1 500128 1 93 93 301 1 Bianca Now I understand why you didn't want other Constructs to connect to you. 1 94 94 301 Bianca Individuals who are always rejected will tend to alienate themselves in return. They get tired of explaining themselves, and refrain from unnecessary contact or conversations... 1 95 95 301 Bianca You were one such individual among the cranes. None of your kin could understand you. That's why I know exactly what you are thinking. 1 96 96 301 Bianca Because I'm no different... 1 97 97 301 Bianca closed her eyes and recalled the looks on other Constructs when she wanted to pay her tribute in the funeral, and the fear in the voice of the coordinator over the line earlier. 98 98 301 She also remembered that formal, pretentious "professional" she had to fake. 99 99 301 Bianca ...But even though our actions were not understood, we still managed to protect the "present" that we wanted to cherish. 1 100 100 301 Bianca You have done a lot in the "past." Would you like to join me to protect the "future" of our friends? 1 101 101 301 Bianca calls Toniris's name. Her call is not loud, but she stops Toniris's cry. 102 102 201 1 500312 103 103 301 1 Toniris ... 1 104 104 301 Toniris' head slowly turned to Bianca and stopped for a few seconds, as if it was staring at her through those tiny eyes. 105 105 301 Bianca rests her hand on the bottom of Toniris' neck. She quietly looks it in the eyes, and initiates the connection once again. 106 106 301 This time, she does not create a direct connection, but many mini-handshake requests, trying to stimulate a reaction. 107 107 201 1 500128 108 108 301 1 Bianca "Give me your plume, and we shall walk together." 1 109 109 301 Bianca whispered in a prayer tone, calling for another being in the world that had the patience to listen to her. 110 110 301 Soon, she felt a slight shock in her palm. 111 111 301 Along with energy injected from the wings. 112 112 301 It felt massive but calm, like a thunder slowly building up. 113 113 301 Bianca ...Thank you. 1 114 114 301 She let her hands slide down the wings, then picked up her familiar weapon. 115 115 301 "When God stands, he creates a field of peace. Holy light shines upon, cleansing all his enemies." 116 116 301 Now a Construct and a mechanoid had such holy light in their hands. 117 117 301 Bianca Charging complete. 1 118 118 301 The long bow bent to her hand, lightning gathering in front. One could easily mistake it for holy light in her hand. 119 119 301 She never felt her arrow so light. 120 120 301 The Combat Unit Booster's connection makes the lightning bolt as light as a wooden arrow. The enormous energy can be triggered at any time. 121 121 301 The relentless Corrupted storm through the church's broken door, facing Bianca. 122 122 301 Bianca In the name of the Lord... We shall bring you eternal peace. 1 123 123 301 She inhales a deep breath and releases her finger. Toniris calls nearby. 124 124 202 1 1 125 125 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin The lightning bolt launched from her bow, bringing destruction to their enemies.