Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory359.png 2 2 401 1 202 3 3 201 1 500327 4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Voodoo The thing... Mister asked me to reveal to you... 1 5 5 301 Voodoo "Loki" has already done so. 1 6 6 301 Voodoo But, from the look of it, you don't seem to be worthy. 1 7 7 301 Voodoo So, let's end it here. 1 8 8 301 The lights on Voodoo's mask begin to flash and change colors. Roland clenches his weapons. 9 9 301 Voodoo If... you... can... surive... 1 10 10 301 Voodoo I... will... judge... again... 1 11 11 301 Voodoo? Heehee... Heehahaahaa... Hahahahaha! 1 12 12 301 Voodoo's calm voice becomes twisted, changing into a horrifying scream once again. 13 13 301 Voodoo? Worst case, I'll just tear you apart and throw your remains to Mister! He won't care! Weaklings don't deserve to live! 1 14 14 301 After a round of battle, Roland is already getting used to her bipolar characteristics. 15 15 201 1 500334 2 16 16 301 1 Roland Worst case? Are you suggesting that... I can still live to see your "Mister"? 1 17 17 201 1 500327 18 18 301 1 Voodoo? ... 1 19 19 301 PanelActor1Shake Voodoo? Dammit... What the... Did those words trigger the defense mechanism...? 1 20 20 301 Voodoo? Ugh... Ahh... 1 21 21 201 1 500334 22 22 301 1 Roland ? 1 23 23 201 1 500327 24 24 301 1 Voodoo "Loki" has gone haywire, exceeding the prediction. The components of the simulation constraint in her vital fluid need to be readjusted... 1 25 25 301 Voodoo ...But the mission must go on. 1 26 26 301 Voodoo Individual "Roland", my mission is to test you. 1 27 27 301 Voodoo But I'm not seeing anything worth noting in your performance. Your battle stats are lower than the benchmarks set by Mister. 1 28 28 301 Voodoo Neither have you displayed the intelligence—like Mister said—that could neglect the difference in strength. 1 29 29 201 1 500334 2 30 30 301 1 Roland ...You've done a lot of homework. 1 31 31 201 1 500327 32 32 301 1 Voodoo Mister knows everything. 1 33 33 301 PanelActor1Shake Voodoo So, I'm... not... going... 1 34 34 301 PanelActor1Shake 1 Starting from her hand, Voodoo's entire body begins to tremble. The light spots on her keep changing colors. 35 35 301 Voodoo "Lo"... You... betrayer... 1 36 36 301 PanelActor1Shake Voodoo B-b-betray... ER... 1 37 37 301 Voodoo? ...So what?! Are you going to... execute yourself? Do you still think you can separate yourself from me... ever since you put your favorite movie character in your brain? 1 38 38 301 Voodoo? "Voodoo", no... Researcher RIKD-042... You don't seem to understand our relationship, do you? 1 39 39 201 1 500334 2 40 40 301 1 Roland Tsk... You can argue all the time you want, but can I go? 1 41 41 201 1 500327 42 42 301 1 Voodoo? ... 1 43 43 401 2 1509 44 44 301 Voodoo is not responding, but the missile launcher on her back locks onto Roland again. 45 45 301 Voodoo? ...WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1 46 46 301 Voodoo? What shall I take? Your entire body, or a hand, or your head? Which one will make Mister happier? 1 47 47 202 1 1 48 48 501 300 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryHitNew.prefab 2 49 49 502 140 RImgBg1Shake 50 50 505 RImgBg1Shake 51 51 201 1 500334 52 52 201 2 500327 53 53 401 2 11106007 54 54 203 1 0.15 -370 55 55 203 2 0.15 370 56 56 203 150 1 0.6 -450 57 57 203 2 0.6 450 58 58 301 ...After a few rounds of engagement, Roland appears to be at a disadvantage. His weapons are no match against Voodoo's air supremacy. 1 2 59 59 401 2 10007502 60 60 401 500 2 10007502 61 61 401 200 2 10007502 62 62 301 RImgBg1Shake 1 Time after time, Voodoo uses her wings and missiles to outmatch Roland's chain blade. 63 63 301 Roland seems to be cornered. He can only swing his chain blade to repulse another attack from Voodoo. 64 64 401 2 1510 65 65 401 700 2 1510 66 66 401 100 2 1510 67 67 301 PanelActor2Shake But once he gets enough distance to fire, he immediately shoots the last eight slugs at Voodoo's helmet. 68 68 401 2 1509 69 69 301 Voodoo's head flinches backward. She tumbles in mid-air, until the auto-balancing device in her suit controls the engine to adjust her position. 70 70 202 1 2 1 71 71 301 —She barely manages to maintain balance before falling to the ground. 72 72 201 1 500327 73 73 301 1 Voodoo? So painful... It hurts... 1 74 74 301 Voodoo? Heehahaha... Hahahahaha!! **** you! It hurts so bad! 1 75 75 301 Voodoo? You hit me! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to tear you apart! I'm going to rip your insides out and rub them on your face! 1 76 76 301 In contrast, Roland makes a firm landing. He pretends to pat dust off himself, even though there is no dust on him. His opponent is blocked by the trees. 77 77 201 1 500334 2 78 78 301 1 Roland Oh, c'mon... You spent all these efforts to lure me here just to beat me up? 1 79 79 301 He sounds relaxed, but soon taunts again. 80 80 301 Roland We could have sat down and chatted if you had any complaints. Resorting to violence is not how a gentleman like me would have preferred... 1 81 81 301 He continues to humiliate his opponent... which is no longer needed. Voodoo has already risen to the sky and dives again. 82 82 201 1 500327 83 83 301 1 Voodoo? Enough with your bullshit! I've no idea what the mission is! I just want you dead! 1 84 84 202 1 1 85 85 201 2 500334 86 86 301 1 Roland ... 2 87 87 201 1 500327 -800 88 88 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2 89 89 203 1 0.15 -400 90 90 502 300 PanelActor2Shake 91 91 505 PanelActor2Shake 92 92 401 2 11106007 93 93 204 2 5 94 94 203 2 0.15 500 95 95 502 400 RImgBg1Shake 96 96 505 RImgBg1Shake 97 97 301 With those words come even more ferocious attacks. Obscured from vision, Roland is dashing back, unable to counter. 1 2 98 98 202 1 2 1 99 99 201 1 500334 2 100 100 301 1 Roland ... 1 101 101 301 For one split second, Voodoo thought she saw a grin in Roland's eyes. But it disappeared so soon that she felt it was just an illusion. 102 102 301 Roland Tsk, doesn't even care about the mission now? Why would they send a psychopath... 1 103 103 301 Voodoo has no time to investigate Roland's smile—in fact, she is consumed by Loki's endless fury and has no time to consider. 104 104 301 Voodoo's leg slams into Roland with extra strength generated by her wings and thruster. 105 105 301 Knocked back by a strike, Roland collapses to the ground, waving his hand and coughing. Vital fluid drips down from the corner of his mouth. 106 106 301 Roland C'mon, at least tell me why you want me dead. 1 107 107 301 The conflict has inevitably attracted someone else's attention. At this moment, Roland's plan is finally complete. 108 108 301 Roland Did your boss not say anything? 1 109 109 301 Roland Or... cough... are you just a mercenary, hired to take my life? 1 110 110 301 She pauses a little after hearing Roland's words. 111 111 301 Roland (Is it working?) 1 112 112 202 1 1 113 113 301 It only buys him a little time before something else takes off from the forest. 114 114 301 It flies over the forest, cliff and Roland, hovering, releasing blistering heat from its exhaust air. 115 115 301 On the other side, No. 21 struggles to tighten her body as her instincts tell her danger is close. 116 116 301 The trees are blown apart by the hot air, revealing a white object between them— 117 117 201 1 500328 4 118 118 301 1 No. 21 ...I'm spotted! 1 119 119 201 1 500334 2 120 120 301 1 Roland (That's right.) 1 121 121 201 1 500168 122 122 301 1 Vera ...Tsk. 1 123 123 201 1 500327 124 124 301 1 Voodoo? ... 1 125 125 301 Voodoo? This scent... this scent?! What a scent! 1 126 126 301 The storm howls. Small rocks fall from the cliff as the metal beast spreads her bladed wings, pulling up rocks and fallen leaves around her, adorned with the moon as a crown. She baths in the blood-red moonlight, her shadow stretching infinitely, and she looks like a claw extended right out of the moon. 127 127 301 The next moment, she suddenly bursts into a twisted growl. Her body twitches, arching into an unnatural curve, and you are baffled by what is happening. 128 128 301 Voodoo? Chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp-chirp... 1 129 129 301 A low, rustling sound comes out of the monstrosity's throat, getting louder and louder. 130 130 301 No, not rustling... laughing. She is laughing from excitement! 131 131 301 An excitement... to kill! 132 132 301 She chirps and laughs, her monotonic and extended voice sending a chill down your spine like the scream of babies abandoned in the sewer. 133 133 301 Voodoo? Chirp-chirp... hahahahAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 1 134 134 301 Her voice suddenly turns into a continuous, high-pitched shriek, filled with equal parts terror and delight. Only a tormented soul in hell could have made such an inhuman sound. 135 135 301 Voodoo? I'm here—here! I'M HERE! 1 136 136 301 Voodoo? Mister must be so disappointed! He picked such a useless scrub! 1 137 137 301 Voodoo? But... if Voodoo brings him his new toys alive—he'll be happy! Mister will be so happy! 1 138 138 201 1 500336 -600 139 139 201 2 500328 140 140 201 3 500168 600 141 141 301 1 Noctis What is that thing mumbling about...? 1 142 142 301 No. 21 New toys? 2 143 143 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Vera Fall back! We are the targets! 3