Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 401 1 201 2 3 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory88.png 3 4 201 1 500200 4 5 301 DialogEnable 1 By the time Pfaff had finished his business with the Fishing Guild and selected a carving knife in the market, it was already noon. 1 5 6 201 1 500093 400 6 7 201 2 500087 -400 7 8 301 1 Port Manager Hurry, and pack up shop. Business is over today. 1 8 9 301 Knife Seller The hell! I just sold me first shivvy! 2 9 10 301 Port Manager "They" are coming. Go home where it's safe. 1 10 11 202 1 2 11 12 301 Hearing this, Pfaff realizes that the bionic tide is coming today. 12 13 201 1 500200 400 13 14 201 2 500093 -400 14 15 301 1 Pfaff Where is the tide coming from? 1 15 16 301 Port Manager Huh? Like always, from the surrounding forest... Same deal this time... 2 16 17 202 1 2 17 18 301 Quickly paying the knife seller, Pfaff turns and hurries into the forest. 18 19 201 1 500087 19 20 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Knife Seller Oi, gramps! Your change! 1 20 21 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory69.jpg 21 22 201 1 500200 22 23 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Pfaff Rosetta! Are you here?! 1 23 24 301 Pfaff shoves open the small door to the cabin. There are no signs of invasion by the tide, but Rosetta is nowhere to be found. 24 25 301 Pfaff has previously ordered Rosetta to leave a note whenever she would leave home. 25 26 301 Pfaff If only I hadn't gone out at this time... Rosetta... Where in God's name are you? 1 26 27 301 His intuition tells him that Rosetta's disappearance must be related to the bionic tide. 27 28 301 And as if confirming Pfaff's thoughts, the characteristic roars of the bionics resound from outside the door. 28 29 401 1 202 29 30 301 Bionic Machine GAAWR...! 30 3301 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Pfaff Damn it! 1 31 32 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory105.png 32 33 201 1 500208 33 34 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Pfaff rushes out the door with an alacrity that betrays his old age. He begins firing his shotgun at the bionics. 34 35 401 2 1510 35 36 301 1 Bionic Machine Bzz.. 1 36 37 203 PanelActor1Shake 1 1 -300 37 38 203 RImgBg1Shake 1 1 -1080 38 39 301 The pellets punch a massive cavity in the chest of a bionic, and it collapses onto the snow. 39 3901 201 1 500208 600 40 3902 201 2 500208 -600 41 40 301 1 The tide, however, is more than just a singular bionic. More begin to surround Pfaff. 1 2 42 41 301 ??? (Whistles) 43 42 301 A short whistle travels through the air, and over a dozen spears plummet from the sky, impaling the bionics that surrounded Pfaff. 44 4201 202 1 2 45 43 301 Crisp clip-clops of hooves approach. A centaur-shaped Construct leaps over the bushes and stands beside Pfaff. 46 44 201 1 500205 1 47 45 301 1 Temia My name is Temia, a member of the Forest Guard. Are you injured, sir? 1 48 46 301 Seeing this strange Construct introduce herself as a Forest Guard, Pfaff furrows his brows and shifts, quietly avoiding eye contact. 49 47 301 Taking Pfaff's silence for shock, Temia strides over to comfort him. Before reaching Pfaff, however, a bionic—not completely destroyed—suddenly hurls itself at her. 50 48 201 1 500208 51 49 301 1 Bionic Machine ROAAR—arghhh!!! 1 52 50 202 1 53 51 401 2 1510 54 52 301 A blast from Pfaff's shotgun punches a hole straight through the bionic's chest. Smoke dissipates from the barrel. 55 53 201 1 500200 56 54 301 1 Pfaff If you don't destroy their power connectors, they might get back up again. 1 57 55 201 1 500205 5 58 56 301 Temia Thank you... 1 59 57 301 Several other Forest Guard members arrive, reporting to Temia. 60 58 202 1 2 61 59 201 1 500205 400 62 60 201 2 500204 -400 63 61 301 1 Forest Guard Captain! We found some fresh tracks leading to the foot of the mountain. Looks like they belong to a girl. 2 64 62 301 Temia To the mountains where the kids in town snuck off to...? But why? 1 65 63 301 Forest Guard There are quite a few bionic footprints nearby. I'm worried that... 2 66 64 301 Hearing the Forest Guard, Pfaff immediately slings his shotgun around his shoulder and hastily proceeds toward the mountain. 67 65 301 Forest Guard Hey, where are you going?! Hey! 2 68 66 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Temia Forest Guards, stay on guard and follow the hunter. Move out! 1 69 67 101 DialogDisable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory54.jpg 70 68 202 2 1 71 69 201 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 500210 -100 72 71 301 DialogEnable 1 Rosetta cautiously hides behind a fallen tree and sniffed the air. 1 73 72 203 1 0.25 74 73 301 Rosetta Vital fluid... They're still moving up the mountain! 1 75 74 204 1 5 76 75 301 Rosetta I should've warned the girls not to go into the forest when I saw them off in the distance! 1 77 76 301 But she couldn't break the promise she made to her grandfather to not speak or meet with outsiders. 1 78 77 301 Rosetta But now there are only two choices: charge ahead of the bionics to find the girls, or... 1 79 78 301 Rosetta firmly grips her trusty spear. 1 80 79 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Rosetta Or destroy all of the bionics! 1 81 78 301 Rosetta firmly grips her trusty spear. 1 82 79 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Rosetta ...Or destroy all of the bionics! 1