Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory21.jpg 2 2 401 1 204 3 3 301 DialogEnable Babylonia - Center of Basic Public Education - 9:00 am 4 4 201 1 500120 5 5 301 1 Ayla Here, and there. And then... 1 6 6 301 Ayla Hmm, not bad. Just a bit more here... 1 7 7 202 1 1 8 8 301 ... 9 9 201 1 500120 10 10 301 1 Ayla Alright! Done! 1 11 11 202 1 1 12 12 301 ... (Displays her work) 13 13 201 1 500120 14 14 301 1 Ayla Hmm... This isn't too bad, right? I knew I could do it! 1 15 15 202 1 1 16 16 301 Knocking— 17 17 201 1 500120 18 18 301 1 Ayla Coming! 1 19 19 201 1 500114 20 20 301 1 Meka Ayla, I brought a book for you. "The Legend of Art". 1 21 21 201 1 500120 22 22 301 1 Ayla Thanks, ma'am! 1 23 23 301 Ayla Look at my work! How is it? 1 24 24 203 1 0.25 -400 25 25 201 2 500114 400 26 26 301 1 Meka It's very nice. You are really good, Ayla. 2 27 27 301 Meka You can draw, you can write, and you even sing very well. 2 28 28 301 Meka I hope one day I can see you shine. 2 29 29 301 Ayla Of course! I won't let you down! 1 30 30 301 Ayla I want everybody to see my artwork and listen to my songs! I want everybody to be happy! 1 31 31 301 Meka Good girl... 2 32 32 301 Meka If you become famous, I'll be delighted. 2 33 33 301 Ayla Hehe! 1 34 34 301 Meka Right, Ayla. One more thing. 2 35 35 301 Meka Tomorrow I'm taking everyone for an outing as usual. Don't forget to prepare. 2 36 36 301 Ayla Great! I've been waiting for this! 1 37 37 301 Ayla Museum of Human Legacy last year, Construct Research Lab the year before... 1 38 38 301 Ayla Where are we going this year?! 1 39 39 301 Meka You really can't wait, can you, Ayla? But, no spoilers. 2 40 40 202 2 1 41 41 203 1 0.25 0 42 42 301 Ayla What?! Please! 1 43 43 202 1 1 44 44 301 Fat Boy Hehehe... According to my sources, we are definitely going to the garden for a picnic! 45 45 301 Lazy Boy What, not again... I don't want to go for a picnic. 46 46 301 Fat Boy Really?! I can't believe there's someone who doesn't like a picnic! God save him! 47 47 301 Lazy Boy You're just making it up. I'm going back— 48 48 301 Fat Boy Wait! Ahem, I admit that a picnic is my personal preference. But! 49 49 301 Fat Boy This is highly classified information. I'm only telling you because you are my friend! It's the Virtual Convention Center! 50 50 301 Lazy Boy R-really? Are you saying that... 51 51 301 Fat Boy Yeah, that's right! Virtual reality games, baby! 52 52 301 Lazy Boy I won't be able to fall asleep tonight...! Why did you have to tell me... 53 53 201 1 500120 54 54 301 1 Ayla Huh? Are games really that fun? 1 55 55 202 1 1 56 56 301 Fat Boy Oh, hi, Ayla. 57 57 301 Fat Boy You girls may not know much about games. But if you get to play the game, you'll probably understand how exciting it is! 58 58 301 Fat Boy Imagine you are a powerful Construct, going to an unknown space full of danger. 59 59 301 Fat Boy In your left hand is a sci-fi energy beam weapon, in your right hand is a laser sword. 60 60 301 Fat Boy Three alien monsters suddenly appear in front of you—slash! Pew pew! 61 61 301 Fat Boy One hit, one kill. Then you finish them all with one beam! Bang! How cool is that! 62 62 201 1 500120 63 63 301 1 Ayla Hmm... I can imagine that scene. And I should be able to draw it down...? 1 64 64 202 1 1 65 65 301 Lazy Boy You're a great painter, but you need to actually play it to get the gist. 66 66 301 Lazy Boy Even if you draw it, there's no point... A picture alone can't bring the battlefield to you. 67 67 201 1 500120 68 68 301 1 Ayla Huh... Is that so? 1 69 69 202 1 1 70 70 301 Fat Boy Ayla the Great Artist lives in a pure and innocent world. Leave the battlefield to us brave warriors! 71 71 301 Lazy Boy Ooh! I-I'm feeling excited too! 72 72 201 1 500120 73 73 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Ayla ...Pure and innocent... Huh. 1