Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory154.png 2 2 401 1 204 3 3 301 DialogEnable The decks of the Nighter—a floating stronghold tasked with perimeter and maritime defense—is littered with the dead and dying, consequences of a costly battle against the Ascendant earlier in the day. 4 4 301 Apart from the Nighter crew, there are also members of the Forsaken and the ACA, who have stayed to bolster the defense. 5 5 301 Striding past them, Pulao can manage nothing more than nods of appreciation—she had more pressing matters to attend to. 6 6 201 1 500145 7 7 301 1 Pulao Be careful! Lash the corners tight. Did they not teach you how to tie knots? 1 8 8 301 Pulao is directing the Nighter crew to move the vast amounts of cargo still on board the ship. 9 9 301 Pulao There is only so much that we can carry. All this precious cargo, supplies that have kept the Voyage afloat for all this time. A tragedy, to be honest...... 1 10 10 301 Having lived on board for such a long time, Pulao has conflicted feelings about the Nighter. 11 11 301 Pulao They've all scurried ashore and left this mess for me to clean up. The Nighter is so quiet—eh? Perhaps not so quiet after all. 1 12 12 202 1 13 13 301 Next to a haphazard collection of cargo, two bands of people are locked into a standoff. Judging by their outfits, neither belong to the crew. 14 100 401 1 201 15 14 201 1 500172 -400 16 15 201 2 500127 400 17 16 301 1 Forsaken Soldier Enough, Akdilek scum! We've had enough of your nonsense! 1 18 17 301 Sophia It is not nonsensical for the cargo to go to the highest bidder. 2 19 18 301 Forsaken Soldier What you call "highest bidder", I call "cutting in line"! The Nighter promised us this cargo. We had a deal! 1 20 19 201 2 500125 2 400 21 20 301 1 Jamilah They would sell one of their own if the price was right. An oral contract means nothing to them. 2 22 21 301 Forsaken Soldier Hey! What are you all jabbering about! 1 23 22 301 Forsaken Soldier Watanabe-San ordered us to procure supplies here. We will not leave empty-handed! 1 24 23 202 1 2 25 24 301 As the tension reaches a boiling point between the two factions, hordes of Corrupted suddenly descend on the Nighter, plunging the deck into chaos. 26 25 201 1 500013 27 26 201 2 500013 -600 28 27 201 3 500013 600 29 28 401 2 1508 30 29 301 1 Corrupted —! —! 1 2 3 31 30 202 1 2 3 1 32 31 201 1 500125 -400 33 32 201 2 500127 400 34 33 301 1 Sophia Boss, it's the Corrupted. They came out of nowhere. 2 35 34 301 Jamilah Wave after wave of cretins to deal with today. So exhausting, right, Sophia? 1 36 35 202 1 2 37 36 301 At Jamilah's command, Sophia draws her Dual Guns, laying down suppressive fire and covering Jamilah's retreat. 38 37 301 Ignoring Jamilah's jibes, the Forsaken draw their own weapons and face off against the Corrupted. 39 38 201 1 1101001 -400 40 39 201 2 500172 400 41 40 301 1 Watanabe Akdileks...... stay out of this. This is a concern for the Forsaken alone. 1 42 41 301 Watanabe (That Ascendant—Lamia—wasn't lying after all. She brought her Corrupted on board the ship.) 1 43 206 202 1 2 1 44 200 201 1 500169 45 203 301 1 Prime —AAAAGGHHH! 1 46 205 202 3 1 47 210 201 1 1101001 -400 48 211 201 2 500172 400 49 204 301 1 Watanabe Even the renowned Kowloong Constructs are being infected...... what is that mermaid up to? 1 50 42 301 Forsaken Soldier Watanabe-San, you're back? Sorry, we haven't secured the cargo yet, thanks to those meddling Akdileks! 2 51 201 203 1 0.25 -600 52 202 203 2 0.25 600 53 45 201 3 500125 1 54 46 301 1 Jamilah To the gentleman of the Forsaken late to our convocation, this matter is of our concern as well. The price for interrupting an Akdilek transaction is steep. 3 55 47 202 1 2 3 1 56 48 201 1 500145 57 49 301 1 Pulao Ladies and gentlemen of both the Akdilek and the Forsaken, my name is Pulao. I am, temporarily, the administrator of this vessel and its cargo. Allow me to present my resolution for the ownership of this shipment. 1 58 50 301 Pulao Whoever eliminates the most Corrupted...... shall receive "all of the cargo"! 1 59 51 201 1 500127 60 52 301 1 Sophia If that's the case, Sophia cannot lose. 1 61 53 201 1 500172 62 54 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Forsaken Soldier Watanabe-San will not lose either, little girl! 1