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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
~E)<29>Os<4F>/yDz<79><C7B2>R,<2C>Fn&f<><66><EFBFBD>LR<4C>T_<54><10>_<1A><><EFBFBD><1B>|<7C>N<EFBFBD>B<1F><>B<EFBFBD>z<EFBFBD><7A>8<EFBFBD>D<EFBFBD><44>ӭ#|<7C>+~ؽ<><D8BD>}u<><75>I<EFBFBD> jcUE<55><45>a<EFBFBD><61><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>h0b<04>QJ[<5B><>ё <09><> S<><53>JY`r[<1D>f<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EC95A9>B#<23>Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory17.jpg
2 2 401 1 42
3 3 301 DialogEnable Coincidentally, Lee and Liv bump into each other in front of the Babylonia HQ. Lee waves the document in his hand.
4 4 201 1 500026
5 5 301 1 Lee Liv? Are you here to submit the application too? 1
6 6 203 1 0.25 400 1
7 7 201 2 1031001 1 -400
8 8 301 1 Liv is slightly surprised. She chuckles and takes out an application exactly the same as Lee's.
9 9 301 Liv I guess it will be more convincing if both of us do it together. 2
10 10 204 1 10
11 11 301 Lee Let's try... Any extra help will be good. 1
12 12 204 1
13 13 301 Over the past few days, they have been closely watching the battles on the surface. According to the information sent back by Commandant and Lucia, the Hetero-Creature attacks weren't as fierce as they expected, and could still be held off.
14 14 301 However, the more manageable the situation is, the more likely a great catastrophe is approaching... Having experienced and survived countless battles, both Liv and Lee have to acknowledge this ominous presentiment of theirs.
15 15 301 They nod to each other, press the doorbell of the HQ and walk forward, only to find another guest already inside.
16 16 202 1 2 1
17 17 502 DialogDisable
18 18 205 2000 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory545.jpg 0 1 2
19 19 205 999 1 0 0
20 20 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory545.jpg
21 21 201 1 500494 4
22 22 301 DialogEnable 1 Karenina is standing boldly in front of Nikola's office, hands on her waist.
23 23 301 Karenina The Omega Weapons have all been assembled and modified. The Engineering Force can join the fight too! 1
24 24 203 1 0.25 -400
25 25 201 2 500495 400
26 26 301 1 Teddy Nobody knows the Omega Weapons better than us. If such a large quantity of Omega Weapons is required like that commandant said, we can monitor the process and significantly increase the chance of success. 2
27 27 301 Karenina Bianca was lost for so long... We can't rescue her if the Red Tide isn't cleared up. Commander! Please, let us go! 1
28 28 202 1 2 1
29 29 201 1 500012
30 30 301 1 Nikola lets out a sigh. He looks at the application that skipped multiple levels of authority to be directly delivered to him, then stares at Celica.
31 31 202 1 1
32 32 201 1 500001 4
33 33 301 1 Celica I tried to stop them... But it didn't work. I really tried. 1
34 34 202 1 1
35 35 201 1 500012
36 36 301 1 Feeling Nikola's anger, Celica sensibly steps aside, but still gives Karenina and others an encouraging look.
37 37 301 Nikola No... How many times do I have to say this? Remain on standby until the HQ has finalized the strategy. 1
38 38 301 Nikola Besides, what can the two of you possibly do? 1
39 39 202 1 1
40 40 201 1 500494 4
41 41 301 1 Unable to think of something to rebut, Karenina just bitterly stares at Nikola.
42 42 202 1 1
43 43 201 1 500026 400
44 44 201 2 1031001 -400
45 45 301 1 Lee Count us both in then. 1
46 46 301 Lee and Liv walk in and stand next to Karenina.
47 47 301 1 Liv We'd also like to go to the surface... To help with this operation. 2
48 48 202 1 2 1
49 49 201 1 500012
50 50 301 1 Nikola I kept two of you out of this battle to protect you. We can't let the users of new specialized frames take such a risk... 1
51 51 301 Nikola You need to understand your importance. This decision was also based on the opinion of the Gray Raven Commandant. 1
52 52 202 1 1
53 53 201 1 500026 400
54 54 201 2 1031001 -400
55 55 301 1 Lee wants to say something, but Liv speaks first.
56 56 301 Liv But... Commandant is also a vital part to new specialized frames. We would have died long ago without that person... No, our ending might be even worse than death. 2
57 57 301 Liv knows the significance of new specialized frames more than anyone. It was a risky bet, and she was only one step away from destruction. If everything goes all over again, she could have lost everything.
58 58 301 Liv Maybe one day... Not just Lee and myself, other Constructs are also able to use new specialized frames... I'm sure Commandant will become their most important assistance. 2
59 59 301 Lee looks into Liv's eyes and nods. He understands what she was trying to say... Liv and he might not be able to successfully change into specialized frames, and failure often leads to death. Commandant will have to bear the future of mankind in that case.
60 60 301 Lee How can we talk about the future if we lose the present? 1
61 61 202 1 2 1
62 62 301 Nikola closes his eyes. The rest of the people cannot tell what he is thinking. They can only wait in silence.
63 63 201 1 500012
64 64 301 1 Nikola Celica... 1
65 65 301 Celica did not expect her name to be called. She quickly runs to Nikola.
66 66 203 1 0.25 -400
67 67 201 2 500001 4 400
68 68 301 1 Celica Yes, Commander...? 2
69 69 301 Nikola Get me Scarab. 1
70 70 301 Celica quickly looks up her mission record table. She has no idea why Nikola suddenly mentions the Scarab squad.
71 71 301 Celica But the only Scarab member in Babylonia is Yata... She is currently in an event with Harley Jo, her temporary commandant. 2
72 72 202 2 1
73 73 203 1 0.25
74 74 301 Nikola That will do. I remember she has shuttle piloting experience, and she's a good fighter too... Harley Jo is experienced in ground surface battles. Put him in as well. 1
75 75 301 Nikola pauses for a moment, then continues to speak.
76 76 301 Nikola Send another order to Cerberus, but their commandant, Murray, isn't fit for surface operations. Let him use the remote link. 1
77 77 202 1 1
78 78 201 1 500026
79 79 301 1 Lee Murray... 1
80 80 301 Lee has almost forgotten that his little brother is already a commandant. Before he realizes, Murray has become a crucial part of Babylonia.
81 81 202 1 1
82 82 201 1 500012 -400
83 83 201 2 500494 1 400
84 84 301 1 Karenina Commander? Did you just agree with the operation? 2
85 85 204 1 1
86 86 301 Nikola laughs sarcastically. He looks at Karenina and shakes his head.
87 87 204 1
88 88 301 Nikola It's not about whether I agree or not... The HQ's original plan has already considered utilizing all available resources. Still, there is one last problem. 1
89 89 201 2 500026 400
90 90 301 1 Lee May I know what problem it is...? 2
91 91 202 2 1
92 92 203 1 0.25
93 93 301 Nikola Alright, let me explain to you. We don't have much time, so I'll just be brief. 1
94 94 301 Nikola turns on the tactical projector. It displays all sorts of information near Copperfield Aquarium. The vast amount of crimson dots represent enemies.
95 95 301 Nikola A high number of Hetero-Creatures have gathered around the Red Tide that has entered the bottom of the sea... They aren't as widespread as the last time, but have a higher concentration. 1
96 96 202 1 1
97 97 201 1 500495 400
98 98 201 2 500494 13 -400
99 99 301 1 Karenina rests her chin on her hand, thinking about the distribution map on the screen.
100 100 301 Karenina If that's the case, we can't easily break through even if we have the latest shuttle engine... Are you implying we must detour? 2
101 101 301 Teddy According to a report sent by the Gray Raven Commandant, a large humanoid Hetero-Creature seemed to have appeared in the central area, with a large quantity of Hetero-Creatures spawning around it... I don't think it will be feasible to take the land route either. 1
102 102 204 1 13
103 103 301 Teddy Still, I have to give you credit for coming up with an idea other than direct confrontation. Well done. 1
104 104 204 2 5
105 105 301 Karenina Tch! None of your business! 2
106 106 202 1 2 1
107 107 201 1 500026
108 108 301 1 Lee No, actually, we need a frontal breakthrough... As long as we can gather enough manpower, it will be safer to cross the flying Hetero-Creatures as a large group... 1
109 109 301 Lee zooms in on the map and concentrates on looking for a particular set of coordinates...
110 110 401 1 36
111 111 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
112 112 504 0.7
113 113 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
114 114 202 1 1
115 115 301 ??? IR-22... IR-22...
116 116 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
117 117 504 0
118 118 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory545.jpg
119 119 401 1 206
120 120 201 1 500026 7
121 121 301 1 Lee IR-22... IR-22... It really is here! 1
122 122 204 1
123 123 301 Lee If we enter from this airspace, we can fully utilize the acceleration power of the new engine to lose most of the flying Hetero-Creatures. Then we can reach this ground location that is relatively closer to where the Red Tide enters the sea. 1
124 124 301 Lee Here, can you see? There's a valley that connects to the entrance to the sea directly... Humans will probably set up an ambush, but Hetero-Creatures don't have that thought. In here, we can avoid engaging a large number of Hetero-Creatures in open space... 1
125 125 301 Lee suddenly realizes everyone is listening to his analysis.
126 126 201 1 500012
127 127 201 2 500494 13 600
128 128 201 3 1031001 3 -600
129 129 301 1 Liv ...Lee? 3
130 130 301 Nikola Keep going. Don't worry. 1
131 131 301 Nikola waves his hand, telling him to continue.
132 132 202 1 2 3 1
133 133 201 1 500026
134 134 301 1 Lee If... Um, this is just an assumption. We can split into two groups after passing the flying Hetero-Creatures. The first group should deliver the Omega Weapons to their destination as soon as possible, while the second group will go to the surface to seek all available forces that can help. 1
135 135 203 1 0.25 400
136 136 201 2 500012 -400
137 137 301 1 Nikola Are you saying that Babylonia alone cannot stop this disaster...? 2
138 138 301 Lee Correct... We need to use everything available. 1
139 139 301 Lee does not know why he is feeling that way, but he is quite certain that the situation is about to change drastically, perhaps just in a few hours.
140 140 202 1 1
141 141 203 2 0.25
142 142 301 Nikola The HQ also plans to send forces in a large group to break through the enemies. That's why you are all involved... But we will also take Lee's plan and the coordinates he mentioned into consideration. 2
143 143 202 2 1
144 144 201 1 500495 400
145 145 201 2 500494 13 -400
146 146 301 1 Teddy Now the question is whether we can find enough breakthrough forces. They better have real combat experience... We really are short of hands now. 1
147 147 301 Karenina Rosetta is in the Engineering Force at the moment. She also wants to be part of the operation. Count her in. 2
148 148 202 1 2 1
149 149 201 1 500026
150 150 301 1 Lee Good, now the Engineering Force also has a standard squad... But we need at least one more squad of Constructs. 1
151 151 202 1 1
152 152 201 1 500012
153 153 301 1 Nikola's fingers knock on the desk as he thinks of possible candidates.
154 154 204 1 13
155 155 301 Nikola Dark Aries is still in maintenance. That squad has a lot of unstable factors, but... Tch, I have no time to worry about Hassen. He will take care of the Parliament. 1
156 156 204 1
157 157 301 Finally made up his mind, Nikola nods and stands up, facing everyone else.
158 158 301 Nikola We have faced numerous sudden disasters, but this time we have done everything we can. I want a perfect mission. Save everybody you can save, and stop any disaster that you can stop. 1
159 159 301 Nikola nods and looks at the center of the tactical map, where the red dots are.
160 160 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Nikola Get ready! Assemble on the shuttle hangar in 120 minutes... 1
161 161 401 1 36
162 162 202 DialogDisable 3000 1 1
163 163 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory614.jpg
164 164 401 1 161
165 165 301 DialogEnable The first wave of Hetero-Creature attack from the Red Tide has been neutralized. The Omega Weapons are also deployed. However...
166 166 302 The number of Hetero-Creatures keeps rising! 167
167 167 301 Endless Hetero-Creatures are rushing out from the sea like real "waves," eroding the defense formed by Omega Weapons continuously.
168 168 201 1 500168
169 169 301 1 Vera Hey, the Omega Weapons are wearing out! You there, move more Omega Weapons here! 1
170 170 202 200 1 1
171 171 401 2 819016
172 172 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 3
173 173 301 Vera blocks the Hetero-Creatures' attack for a few isolated Purifying Force members with her katana, then slashes one of the enemies in half.
174 174 301 The Purifying Force members don't seem to be following Vera's order.
175 175 301 Issarius Just listen to what she said. Do you think you are better than her?
176 176 301 The Purifying Force members look at one another, then put their weapons away and start doing something that they aren't necessarily good at.
177 177 201 1 500168 1
178 178 301 1 Vera Hah... Good judgment there. 1
179 179 301 Issarius Without good judgment, I will die.
180 180 204 1
181 181 301 Vera Then you should go help them. I'm all good by myself here... 1
182 182 401 2 819016
183 183 301 Vera pokes the katana into a thick-armored Hetero-Creature, but is unable to pull it out as the blade is stuck inside the armor.
184 184 302 Behind the rocks, Vera! 185
185 185 301 Another Hetero-Creature was hiding behind the rocks and got washed onto the shore. Seeing Vera is in trouble, it quickly charges at her.
186 186 301 Vera Tsk... 1
187 187 401 2 819004
188 188 203 1 0.1 200
189 189 301 RImgBg1Shake Vera lets go of the katana and blocks its attack with the folded off-hand blade, but the creature quickly wraps around her body.
190 190 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
191 191 401 2 819016
192 192 203 1 0.12
193 193 301 Just when Vera's infection level keeps rising, someone hurls a katana over, impaling the Hetero-Creature to the rock. It was the Purifying Force soldier named Issarius.
194 194 301 Issarius I'm not going to move the weapons, because I'm a little stronger than them... Besides, fighting is the only thing I'm good at.
195 195 301 Issarius steps on the struggling Hetero-Creature and cuts it in half with Vera's katana before returning it to her.
196 196 204 1 1
197 197 301 Vera Hah... We shall see. 1
198 198 202 1 1
199 199 301 (The coastline defense should be fine for some time.)
200 200 509 600 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory616.jpg 2
201 201 201 1 500309 450
202 202 301 1 Chrome Commandant, according to Wanshi's observation... The giant humanoid seems to be walking toward here slowly. 1
203 203 302 Right. It is probably attempting to get on the land. 204
204 204 301 The humanoid's purpose and origin are still unknown, but the current speculation shows... If it ever gets on the land, it will devour all lives along its path and turn the land into a dead, scorched earth.
205 205 401 2 973
206 206 301 Chrome Commandant... Have you noticed it? 1
207 207 502 DialogDisable
208 208 510 2 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory616.jpg
209 209 202 1 1
210 210 302 Right. It's getting windy... 211
211 211 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
212 212 306 1
213 213 402 973
214 214 401 1200 2 846106
215 215 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiRainNew.prefab 3
216 216 401 2 968
217 217 401 2 2597
218 218 301 DialogEnable Rain starts to fall, and the wind gradually picks up. Soon, gales with cold rain begin to hit the coastline. A storm is imminent.
219 219 301 —This time, the weather is not on the human's side.
220 220 401 2 9327108
221 221 301 The storm churns up crimson waves that splash on the defense formed by Omega Weapons. Countless Hetero-Creatures have crossed the defense line, charging toward the humans.
222 222 302 Spread out! Protect the Omega Weapons! 223
223 223 301 The center of the coastline is most severely damaged by the waves. The Purifying Force members have no time to respond before their positions are stormed by a sudden wave of Hetero-Creatures.
224 224 301 Within seconds, the coastline defense has had a breach, exposing the temporary command center with lots of Omega Weapons stored inside. Dozens of Hetero-Creatures are rushing toward you. It is too late to evacuate.
225 225 306
226 226 201 1 500166 5
227 227 301 1 Lucia —Commandant! 1
228 228 202 1 1
229 229 301 ??? Commandant, get down!
230 231 401 2 12011004
231 232 301 Hearing the shout from behind, you almost instinctively squat down as much as possible. In the next split second, a storm of bullets flies over your head, blowing a few Hetero-Creatures into pieces.
232 230 401 1 62
233 233 302 Lee! 234
234 234 201 1 500026
235 235 301 1 Lee gives you a quick nod as he races past. He is heading toward Lucia, who is also coming over. Both of them are driving the Hetero-Creatures into the encirclement.
236 236 202 1 1
237 237 301 You suddenly feel a pair of slim yet strong arms. They help you to get up.
238 238 201 1 1031001 5
239 239 301 1 Liv Are you hurt, Commandant? 1
240 240 302 (Shake your head) 241
241 241 301 Liv still insists on giving you a quick full-body scan. Her frown eyebrows have finally relaxed.
242 242 204 1
243 243 302 I'm not, the Purifying Force... 244
244 244 301 Liv Understood. Leave them to me... I'll try my best as always. 1
245 245 202 1
246 246 301 Liv then picks up the medical kit and heads to the frontline, along with her Levi-Guns that are already on standby.
247 247 301 Compared to the giant waves, the fighters in the battle may look insignificant, but to those in the command center, they are greater than any tide.
248 248 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin The three Gray Raven members are equally insignificant compared to the berserk, bloodthirsty Hetero-Creatures. But when they stand alongside one another, nothing seems to stop them on the battlefield.