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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
<0B>yJ<79><4A><EFBFBD>z<EFBFBD>Raq<61><71>!6<> <0A>Gm<17><><52><10>;<3B><>m<EFBFBD>Z<EFBFBD>ra<><61>S<EFBFBD>S\<5C>8t<>0<EFBFBD><30><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>т1<D182><31><6B><C5B2>~<7E><><06><>"<00><68><D5B4>+R<><52>V<EFBFBD><56>z<><1C><>|z<04><16><><EFBFBD>*w<>I<19><><1A>WZ|S<>:<3A>5oiId ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory140.png
2 2 401 1 211
3 3 301 DialogEnable The search teams have looked through every corner in the lower-level car but haven't found anything.
4 4 301 It isn't until two in the morning the next day that Noan comes across a thread that seems as though it came off Field's scarf around the entrance to the ventilation duct in Storage 54 of Carriage G.
5 5 301 When people get into the storage and check the security footage, they notice that there is a range of areas the security camera fails to capture—because the camera is unable to turn properly with all the dust stuck at its rotating shaft.
6 6 301 The range of area isn't big at all—but still leaves enough room for a child to pass through easily.
7 7 201 1 500138 600
8 8 201 2 500427
9 9 201 3 500140 -600
10 10 301 1 Maintenance Member Wow, nothing caught on tape. This ain't fishy at all, right? 1
11 11 301 Bumblebee Member What was the kid doin' here anyways? 2
12 12 301 Cargo Crew Member Bancroft's team just left for a mission, and the kid might just have left with them. 3
13 13 202 1 2 3 1
14 14 201 1 500398
15 15 301 1 Cargo Captain Shauna Let me double-check with Rachel. 1
16 16 301 Through her terminal, Shauna again got a reply in the negative.
17 17 201 1 500140 -400 1
18 18 201 2 500427 400 1
19 19 301 1 Cargo Crew Member We've gone through everywhere already. How can someone just disappear like that? 1
20 20 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Bumblebee Member Should we just wait until the team comes back tomorrow, then? 2
21 21 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory143.png
22 22 202 1 2 1
23 23 201 1 500086 1
24 24 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Bancroft Wait, Field what?! 1
25 25 301 Bancroft gets back on the train at six in the morning.
26 26 202 1 1
27 27 201 1 500521 -400
28 28 201 2 500086 400
29 29 301 1 Noan He was still around when I left for training in the morning, but he was gone when I got back at 10 last night. 1
30 30 301 Noan Was he out on the mission with you guys? 1
31 31 301 Bancroft No, he wasn't. I kept my eye out for the goods the entire way because they cost an arm and a leg, and I didn't see him around. 2
32 32 301 Noan Is it possible... that he was hiding among the goods? 1
33 33 301 Bancroft We went through all the boxes already. 2
34 34 301 Noan When did you do that? 1
35 35 301 Bancroft We did it once before to minimize our stopover before we arrived at the station, and then a second time when we were delivering the goods. 2
36 36 301 Bancroft ...Wait. 2
37 37 301 Bancroft Is it possible that he went missing right after the first time you went through the goods? 2
38 38 301 Bancroft No way, because we ran a quick check over the goods once halfway through the mission. 2
39 39 301 Noan A quick check, you said? 1
40 40 301 Bancroft Right, because a few of our transport vehicles toppled over when we ran into some Corrupted on the way. 2
41 41 301 Bancroft I mean, we did spend some time going around the place without the goods to divert their attention, but we didn't pick up on any abnormalities when we got back. 2
42 42 301 Noan Did you lose anything this time? 1
43 43 301 Bancroft No. We totally thought someone had their eye on this particular batch of goods because they were such gems, but we didn't really lose anything besides the few things that got damaged from the attack. 2
44 44 301 Bancroft Could he still be on the train? 2
45 45 202 1 2 1
46 46 201 1 500342
47 47 301 1 Cargo Crew Member 6 We went through everywhere in the lower level together. If he's still on the train, he's gotta be somewhere up there. 1
48 48 202 1 1
49 49 201 1 500521 -400
50 50 201 2 500086 400
51 51 301 1 Noan Yes. We went through everywhere, even all the ventilation ducts and the roof. 1
52 52 301 Bancroft ...Did you just say you did it all together? 2
53 53 301 Bancroft looks at them incredulously.
54 54 301 Noan Right. I mean, not everyone was able to help, but a lot of people did give us a hand. 1
55 55 301 Noan But this is all we found. 1
56 56 301 Noan hands the thread he found over to Bancroft.
57 57 301 Noan I found it in one of the ventilation ducts, but I can't be sure if this is something that came off his scarf. 1
58 58 301 Bancroft rubs the thread for a few moments before he gives it a sniff—and that's when his face pales.
59 59 301 Bancroft The texture and the smell of it... Yes, it's gotta be the scarf he wears that he got from my wife. I'm 100% sure. 2
60 60 301 Bancroft Which ventilation duct did you find this in? 2
61 61 301 Noan The one in Storage 54 of Carriage G. 1
62 62 301 Bancroft G54?! 2
63 63 301 Noan nods.
64 64 301 Bancroft Why would he want to go there, though? 2
65 65 301 Noan ...Well... 1
66 66 202 1 2 1
67 67 201 1 500421
68 68 301 1 Assad So I see you're totally clueless, huh? 1
69 69 201 1 500521
70 70 301 1 Noan ...Assad? 1
71 71 201 1 500086
72 72 301 1 Bancroft ...What do you mean? 1
73 73 201 1 500421
74 74 301 1 Assad "Please! We don't want to get kicked off the train!" 1
75 75 301 Assad bursts out laughing as he mimics a child's voice.
76 76 201 1 500521 5
77 77 301 1 Noan (That's not something Field would ever say...!) 1
78 78 201 1 500421 400 1
79 79 201 2 500086 -400 1
80 80 301 1 Assad So he decided to tag along to see who's been stealing all the goods. 1
81 81 301 Assad And bam—when he came out of the box he was hiding in, he caught Daddy red-handed! 1
82 82 301 Bancroft But we didn't lose anything this time! 2
83 83 301 Assad My, you sure you didn't leave your boy in City 074 for him to do the stealing for you? 1
84 84 301 Bancroft Are you out of your mind?! I didn't even have time to see him because of this stupid long route you said you were going to take! 2
85 85 301 Assad smirks.
86 86 301 Assad Oh, yes, we did take the long route—but so what? Are you gonna snitch to one of the "dickheads" now to get your little boy his meds? 1
87 87 301 Bancroft W-why would I do that?! 2
88 88 301 Bancroft How did he know my goods were in G54 anyways? Oh, I see. You told him my goods were there! 2
89 89 301 Assad You should bring that question to your son because you're not going to believe what I say either way. But let's see—if he's not on the train, then he's gotta be in City 074 with all the goods, then. 1
90 90 301 Assad Or are you just going to leave him there to die because he's such a burden? 1
91 91 301 Bancroft ...I... 2
92 92 202 1 2 1
93 93 301 With his lips trembling, Bancroft turns around to look at the door.
94 94 301 The countdown light on the frame is flashing—signaling that the train will be departing from City 074 in no time.
95 95 201 1 500521 -400
96 96 201 2 500086 400
97 97 301 1 Bancroft I'm going to look for him. 2
98 98 301 Noan Wait, what?! 1
99 99 301 Bancroft He has to be in the city. He's either at the base or where the Corrupted attacked us. 2
100 100 202 1 2
101 101 301 He grabs his protective suit and makes a dash for the door.
102 102 201 1 500421
103 103 301 1 Assad Wait, you haven't got your rewards yet. Since you didn't lose too many things this time, there's still food and a bottle of watered-down homemade rum for you after your monthly fine for the lost goods is taken care of. It's cold out there and you should bring some of them. 1
104 104 301 Assad Barbra, bring them to him. 1
105 105 201 1 500527
106 106 301 1 Barbra the Chef Here. 1
107 107 301 She produces a bag with bottles in it from behind the counter and tosses it toward Bancroft.
108 108 202 1 1
109 109 201 1 500521 -400 1
110 110 201 2 500086 400 1
111 111 301 1 Bancroft Thanks. 2
112 112 301 Noan When are you coming back, Sir? 1
113 113 301 Bancroft I probably won't be back for a while. 2
114 114 301 Bancroft I'll be living out there with Field when I find him since there is no way the train is going to keep staying here just for me. We'll hop back on when the train comes back here again. 2
115 115 301 Noan Can I go with you, then? 1
116 116 301 Bancroft You can't. I'm going to go alone because it's much too dangerous out there. 2
117 117 301 Bancroft But I still want to thank you and everyone else that helped look for Field... 2
118 118 301 Bancroft Because... see, I never thought anyone would ever give me a hand after what I did. 2
119 119 202 1 2
120 120 301 Bancroft stands up and steps out of the closing door.
121 121 201 1 500421 400 1
122 122 201 2 500527 -400 1
123 123 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 When Noan turns around, he sees Assad and Barbra—who's completely taken over his mother's place—smiling back at each other.
124 124 401 1 33
125 125 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory600.jpg
126 126 202 1 2 1
127 127 201 1 500521 1
128 128 401 1 119
129 129 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Ever since then, Noan has been asking around to see if anyone has seen Bancroft and Field—except they both seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth, gradually fading away from people's conversations. 1
130 130 301 Having a hard time letting go, Noan finishes the mechanical firefly Field left behind using the discarded mechanical parts he's gathered. 1
131 131 204 1 1
132 132 301 Noan ...Think this will do as a keepsake between us. 1
133 133 204 1
134 134 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory599.jpg 2
135 135 301 Training, walking alone in downpours, and jumping at every chance to look for Field—Noan grows used to these as time passes by. 1
136 136 301 The lower level has been the same hellhole it'd always been—but Noan knows that the fire in his heart will keep burning strong, so long as he still has a place among the people down here. 1
137 137 301 A year after Julie's death, Noan passes Rachel's test. He can now leave the train and join the Cargo Crew for missions. 1
138 138 202 1
139 139 201 2 500511
140 140 301 1 Not a day has gone by that he stopped trying to bring about their collective dream and find his long-lost friend. 2
141 141 204 2 1
142 142 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Living among people and experiencing their warmth and complexity first-hand, the boy grows up to be a well-rounded young man who now thinks twice before he acts. 2
143 143 202 2 1
144 144 510 2
145 145 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory300.png
146 146 501 1000 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxTongyong/FxUiYinghuochong.prefab 1
147 147 301 AniZhuanchangEnd He sees fireflies flying in the forest for the first when he's out on a delivery mission.
148 148 301 Before him are countless glowing spots on the ground that pave themselves into a path that leads into the dark of the night—and it's only then that it hits him that he's never forgotten a thing.
149 149 301 Be it his hot temper or all the heart-wrenching goodbyes he had to say—though toned down over the years by the warmth he's felt from all those around him, they've been with him all along and have now become an unseverable part of him.
150 150 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Noan still dreams of the forest now every now and then.
151 151 205 999 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory550.jpg 0.3 0.3 0
152 152 201 1 500512 -600 1
153 153 205 1 0.5 0.5 0
154 154 201 2 500511 600
155 155 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 And whenever he does, he'd see Field smiling among the fireflies, the same way he once hoped to see of his friend.
156 156 301 Where is he now? Is he living somewhere far away from ACA with Bancroft?
157 157 204 2 4
158 158 301 Noan ... 2
159 159 301 Or... is he long gone where no one would ever find him?
160 160 301 For years he's been looking for them—and for years they remain as elusive as the fireflies in his dream and the lullaby his mother used to sing...
161 161 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxTongyong/FxUiYinghuochong.prefab
162 162 401 2 613
163 163 501 300 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3 1
164 164 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
165 165 402 613
166 166 301 Up will the sun rise above the horizon when away the night fades.
167 167 203 300 2 0.3
168 168 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryGoldDust.prefab 1
169 169 205 500 1 0.5 0 0.5
170 170 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryGoldDust.prefab 1
171 171 401 1 36
172 172 301 Noan Summer! 2
173 173 202 1 2 1
174 174 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
175 175 205 999 1 1 0
176 176 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory604.jpg
177 177 201 1 500514 -300 1
178 178 201 2 500506 9 300
179 179 401 1 210
180 180 301 RImgBg1Shake 1 Lithos Ugh...! 1
181 181 301 Jolting awake from what seemed to be an endless dream, Noan notices that he's grabbing Lithos' hand—as Lithos tries to hook a medical device up to him that he's never seen before.
182 182 204 2 9
183 183 301 Noan Lithos? Wait, what was I... 2
184 184 301 Lithos We put you to sleep because your M.I.N.D. was a little unstable, and you just never woke up... 1
185 185 204 2
186 186 301 Noan ... 2
187 187 301 Noan (Right, my name is "Noan"... and my M.I.N.D. went berserk and I went into a coma when I recalled my name and the reason I threw it away.) 2
188 188 301 Lithos Uhm, do you mind letting go? 1
189 189 204 2 7
190 190 301 Noan Oops, sorry. 2
191 191 301 Letting go of Lithos' hand and looking embarrassed, Noan rubs his hand against his hair.
192 192 204 2
193 193 301 Noan Were you going to hook this up to me just now? 2
194 194 301 Lithos This device is meant to treat M.I.N.D., and the cord fell off when they bumped into it in the middle of a fight... I was just trying to put it back on you. 1
195 195 301 Noan ...Did I wake up right after the cord fell off? 2
196 196 301 Lithos ... 1
197 197 301 Noan Wait, did you just say "in the middle of a fight"...? 2
198 198 202 1 2 1
199 199 301 Noan looks up—and sees that Talbot is having a shouting match with a few Constructs just a few meters away.
200 200 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory351.jpg 2
201 201 201 1 500514 -500
202 202 201 2 500506 -800
203 203 201 13 500019 300
204 204 201 14 500019 800
205 205 301 1 Construct Soldier 1 Just grow up already, kid! You'd be nothing more than Ascendants' partner in crime the moment you step out of here! 13
206 206 301 Construct Soldier 2 Why can't you just have more confidence in us? 14
207 207 202 13 14 1
208 208 201 13 500517 500 1
209 209 301 1 Talbot Because confidence takes us nowhere! We're powerless against this disaster, and Ascendants are our only way out! 13
210 210 202 13 1
211 211 201 13 500019 500
212 212 301 1 Construct Soldier 3 Shut your trap before I call the Purifying Force on you! 13
213 213 301 Noan What in the world is going on over there... 2
214 214 301 Lithos It's all because of me... I put you to sleep without following the maintenance procedure... 1
215 215 301 Lithos I forgot to follow the standard procedure because I was on edge since I had a teammate that died after his M.I.N.D. went berserk... 1
216 216 301 Lithos You never woke up, and they all wanted to hold me accountable and were going to report this whole incident to the higher-ups, except the reception here at the base is dead now. 1
217 217 301 Lithos And people have been saying... that this is what happened to some of the other bases before they were attacked by Ascendants... which kind of puts me on edge now. 1
218 218 202 13 1
219 219 201 13 500517 700
220 220 301 1 Talbot Why are you calling the Purifying Force on me when I'm just trying to save people?! 13
221 221 301 Talbot The Ascendant I ran into told me I'm good enough to pass the "filtering", and that he'd come to me if I survive his "test". 13
222 222 301 Talbot Why are we shunning this chance when it's right there in front of us?! 13
223 223 201 14 500335 200
224 224 301 1 Lillian Best that we report this to the higher-ups, Talbot. Everyone here would be in dire danger if the Ascendants actually come here. 14
225 225 301 Talbot But this place won't be safe forever even if they don't come here. We still might get attacked at any time with all the threats still around us. 13
226 226 301 Lillian Talbot! 14
227 227 301 Talbot Sacrificing a few people means nothing if I get to have the power of an Ascendant—and I can save even more people with that. 13
228 228 202 13 14 1
229 229 201 13 500019 500
230 230 301 1 Construct Soldier 1 You friggin' son of a... 13
231 231 401 1 36
232 232 202 13
233 233 401 2 1512
234 234 401 2 3077
235 235 401 2 3079
236 236 301 Finally losing it, one of the Constructs swings a jab at Talbot.
237 237 401 2 9326036
238 238 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
239 239 202 1 2 1
240 240 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiSHanshuoNew.prefab 3
241 241 510 2
242 242 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
243 243 501 700 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
244 244 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory604.jpg
245 245 301 RImgBg1Shake As though personally getting punched in the face, Noan feels a burning pain.
246 246 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
247 247 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
248 248 401 1 148
249 249 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiSHanshuoNew.prefab
250 250 301 ...Ascendant...?
251 251 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
252 252 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory189.png
253 253 201 1 500334 1
254 254 301 1 Roland Hello, my beloved "traitors" who have relinquished your past. Vonnegut—the very power you came seeking—shall arrive in no time. 1
255 255 301 Roland But before he is here, I can take and answer some of the frequently asked questions you might have. 1
256 256 201 1 500019
257 257 301 1 Defecting Construct 1 That's Roland... So the rumor is true. 1
258 258 201 1 500530 -400
259 259 201 2 500334 400
260 260 301 1 ?? Will this do? 1
261 261 301 Roland Yes, you may go back now. 2
262 262 202 1 2 1
263 263 201 1 500019
264 264 301 1 Defecting Construct 2 Hold on, do you see who's in this medical chamber... 1
265 265 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
266 266 202 1 1
267 267 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2901_13.jpg
268 268 301 Roland Don't sweat it. That's a special guest personally invited by "him", and he's at a much safer place than any of you.
269 269 301 Roland Look, he's waking up.
270 270 301 Defecting Construct 2 A "special guest", you said...?
271 271 304 Ascendant, defecting Constructs... I remember them. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1
272 272 304 I've seen them all before. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1 1
273 273 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
274 274 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory143.png
275 275 201 1 500308 1
276 276 301 1 Cinderelik Are you taking him? 1
277 277 201 1 500305
278 278 301 1 Vonnegut I am, because we'll be seeing even fewer humans the further down the road our plan goes—and I never wanted to see this planet deprived of all lives. 1
279 279 301 Vonnegut There will be Constructs and machines, but there are still countless talented humans trapped within their carnal shells that have yet to get their tickets. 1
280 280 301 Vonnegut Gemini caught him right when he fell off the train, the new weapon has made him immune to Punishing, and he's right here at City 210. 1
281 281 301 Vonnegut I say our new plan will be off to a good start with all these coincidences. 1
282 282 304 These are his memories from when he was going in and out of coma. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1
283 283 304 Someone brought him to an entirely white room when he was severely injured. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1
284 284 304 He didn't catch a good look of the person's face with all the light in his eyes, but he still remembers that weird-looking chair. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1 1
285 285 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
286 286 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory411.jpg
287 287 201 1 500526
288 288 301 1 ??? Boy, look at how damaged he is... and he's still alive... 1
289 289 301 ??? How would you like him dealt with? 1
290 290 202 1 1
291 291 201 1 500526 400
292 292 201 2 500305 -400
293 293 301 1 Vonnegut I want him to stay alive—but feel free to turn him into one of us your way if you so wish. 2
294 294 301 ??? ...Understood. 1
295 295 301 Vonnegut Where is Teasell? I thought you brought him back with you? 2
296 296 301 ??? He's still in City 043 with the women. 1
297 297 202 1 2 1
298 298 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory19.jpg 2
299 299 201 13 500523 500
300 300 201 1 500526 -700
301 301 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 13
302 302 301 1 He calls up the screen from his terminal and clicks on a live feed from the security camera.
303 303 301 The screen shows a half-demolished building—in which a long-haired young man now looks coldly at the people who were once his commandant and comrades as they provide the women with on-the-spot medical treatment.
304 304 301 ??? I'll be keeping an eye out for Teasell... He doesn't have a place there among those people anymore, and that's how I know he'll come back here. 11
305 305 301 ??? Is he the reason you came this time? 11
306 306 201 1 500305 -700
307 307 301 1 Vonnegut No, I actually came to get what I left with you here. 1
308 308 201 1 500526 -700
309 309 301 1 ??? ...Ready to use Cthylla's original, I gather? 1
310 310 201 1 500305 -700
311 311 301 1 Vonnegut No, we're going to run another experiment. 1
312 312 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
313 313 304 When he regains his memory, he has a hard time recognizing his body. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2901_13.jpg 1
314 314 202 1 13 1
315 315 510 2
316 316 304 Did that happen after the surgery? ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2901_13.jpg 1
317 317 304 No... there seems to be more to it than that. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2901_13.jpg 1
318 318 304 All the damage he sustains is reminding him that he's missing certain parts of his memory. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cg2901_13.jpg 1 1
319 319 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
320 320 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory189.png
321 321 201 1 500334 1 -400 1
322 322 201 2 500305 400 1
323 323 301 1 Roland And there goes another trial. See, I told you that none of these defecting Constructs would ever make the cut. 1
324 324 301 Roland You're only going to put Babylonia on edge letting him go around spreading the word however he wants. 1
325 325 301 Vonnegut And that's exactly what I want. 2
326 326 301 Roland Oh, I see you're trying to bait them, huh? 1
327 327 301 Vonnegut Exactly, except I won't need you there for what I need to do after that. 2
328 328 301 Roland So I'm getting laid off, I gather? 1
329 329 301 Vonnegut No, but I just thought I'd let him handle things here. 2
330 330 301 Vonnegut I'll bring you up to speed about Luna in the foreseeable future—and I don't suppose you'll still be around working for me once that happens, no? 2
331 331 301 Roland ...Well, well, well... 1
332 332 202 1 2 1
333 333 201 1 500526
334 334 301 1 With a smirk on his face, Roland turns around to look at the person sitting on the chair.
335 335 202 1 1
336 336 201 1 500334 1 -400
337 337 201 2 500305 400
338 338 301 1 Roland I heard you didn't have a lot of Ascendants working for you, and that most of the Ascendants you have are either "trainees" like Cinderelik or "stand-ins" like yours truly—and that's why I thought there were "special" requirements in place that you wanted your Ascendants to meet. 1
339 339 301 Roland But the kid has trouble controlling himself sometimes, and he's just so set on humans or the Constructs that failed the filtering. 1
340 340 301 Roland I mean... you should have seen him when he came face to face with Gray Raven's ex-commandant Ravenge... Boy, was the kid like a cloying little puppy. 1
341 341 301 Roland I see him as an empty shell without a soul. 1
342 342 301 Roland What exactly are you trying to do placing so much trust in a lunatic like this? 1
343 343 301 Vonnegut I need there to still be a lot of people that can join our ranks in the new world after the filtering. 2
344 344 301 Vonnegut And his vision of the new world isn't different from mine—those that fail to pass the filtering might as well make themselves useful by being the Red Tide's food. 2
345 345 301 Vonnegut He believes that they'll be sleeping happily ever after in the Red Tide because the Red Tide will literally have dissolved all their pains from when they were still alive. 2
346 346 301 Vonnegut Which is why he loves the world in the Red Tide with all his heart as much as he does those twisted shards, and I have no reason to wake him up from his dream no matter what they really are. 2
347 347 301 Roland Spoiling your kids never does them good. 1
348 348 301 Vonnegut How about you? Would you rather I stick my nose into what you do? Or do you just not believe that I'd steer clear of your way? 2
349 349 301 Vonnegut If you don't want to become one of my Ascendants, then all the work you do here and the information you receive are nothing more than a trade. 2
350 350 301 Vonnegut You already have what it takes to stand in the new world—and as long as you steer clear of the filtering, you can go anywhere you want and I won't stop you. 2
351 351 301 Roland You won't stop me, but you're still going to keep an eye on me. 1
352 352 301 Vonnegut That's only appropriate. You're not one of us yet, after all. 2
353 353 301 Roland Ha, not one of you... Your "special guest" is only suffering so much because he's not one of you yet either, isn't he? 1
354 354 304 ... ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1
355 355 304 That's right. I got these wounds... because I rejected someone. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1 1
356 356 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 3
357 357 202 1 2 1
358 358 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg
359 359 201 1 500526 -500 1 1
360 360 201 2 500507 4 500 1
361 361 301 1 ??? Why didn't I agree? 1
362 362 301 1 Noan I'll never be your accomplice. 2
363 363 301 1 ??? Accomplice... So you think this is a crime? 1
364 364 301 1 Noan What else? Do you think you're a hero? Everything you do is just reinforcing your Big Bad shtick. I won't be surprised if you show up as a black silhouette next time. 2
365 365 301 1 ??? ...This is the best way to make sure everyone lives. 1
366 366 301 1 Noan Does becoming a shard of memories count as living to you? 2
367 367 301 1 ??? They're certainly more alive than a completely rotten shell. 1
368 368 301 1 ??? Why won't you understand? We share a similar past... and similar regrets. You should understand where I'm coming from. 1
369 369 301 1 Noan I'll say it again—I understand why you've gone off the deep end, but I'll never agree with your actions. 2
370 370 301 1 Noan Including reading my memories. 2
371 371 301 1 ??? ... 1
372 372 301 1 ??? Mister didn't want me to get too aggressive—it doesn't matter to him whether you become one of us. 1
373 373 301 1 ??? But I must admit being intrigued by you after I saw your past. 1
374 374 301 1 ??? Not to mention that I made you... You carry my mark, unlike those regular Constructs. You're an "anomaly," and you can never get rid of that no matter how far you run. 1
375 375 301 1 ??? If you leave me, you'll slowly lose control of yourself until you become a monster that hurts other people before they decide to hunt you down. 1
376 376 301 1 Noan That's why you haven't killed me yet, isn't it? 2
377 377 301 1 ??? That's right. Even dismissing the fact that I'm intrigued by your past, it's only natural that a creator is attached to their creation, right? 1
378 378 301 1 ??? ...I'd hate to break you that quickly. 1
379 379 203 1 1 -200
380 380 301 1 The blurred figure sighs, slowly approaching Noan.
381 381 301 1 ??? ...But I can't convince you however hard I try, can I? 1
382 382 301 1 ??? I'm sorry. Forgive me... then forget all of this. We'll start again, and we'll make up then. 1
383 383 401 2 1505
384 384 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 1
385 385 301 PanelActor2Shake 1 Noan —! 2
386 386 301 1 ??? Does it hurt? I'm sorry... but naughty children need to be disciplined. 1
387 387 202 2
388 388 301 1 Noan ...You... Cough... cough...
389 389 304 Noan feels a sharp pain in his chest before everything fades to black. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1
390 390 304 His memories melt away into the chaos with his injuries. Only now does he remember that... he is the one involved with the Ascendants. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png 1 1
391 391 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
392 392 202 1 2 1
393 393 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
394 394 201 1 500506 10 1
395 395 301 1 Noan I was prepared for the fact that I'm probably one of those righteous super friends, but I wasn't expecting to be someone the Ascendants invited. 1
396 396 204 1
397 397 301 Noan ...To have something like this happen to a regular guy is as absurd as reading the start of a manga. 1
398 398 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
399 399 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg
400 400 201 1 500526
401 401 301 1 ??? If you leave me, you'll slowly lose control of yourself until you become a monster that hurts other people. 1
402 402 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
403 403 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
404 404 201 1 500506 14
405 405 301 1 Noan At least I haven't lost control for now... 1
406 406 204 1 16
407 407 301 Noan What now? "Start again"... Could that person be lurking nearby? 1
408 408 401 1 36
409 409 301 Lost in thought, Noan finally looks up to find everyone rushing outside in disarray.
410 410 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryWhiteNew.prefab 2
411 411 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory604.jpg
412 412 204 1
413 413 301 Noan ...?
414 414 401 1 203
415 415 201 1 500019 -600 1
416 416 201 2 500019 1
417 417 201 3 500019 600 1
418 418 301 RImgBg1Shake 1 Construct Soldier 1 Large number of Corrupted approaching! 1
419 419 301 Construct Soldier 2 How far away? 2
420 420 301 Construct Soldier 3 Several hundred meters. Where are the guards?! 3
421 421 202 1 2 3 1
422 422 201 1 500405 -400
423 423 201 2 500311 400
424 424 301 1 Construct Soldier 4 ****! Where is everyone?! 1
425 425 301 Construct Soldier 5 The alarm isn't triggered either. What is going on?! 2
426 426 202 1 2 1
427 427 201 1 500335 19
428 428 301 1 Lillian ...It can't be... 1
429 429 201 1 500517 -400
430 430 201 2 500019 400 1
431 431 301 1 Talbot The Ascendant... Is he finally coming? 1
432 432 301 Construct Soldier 1 "Finally"?! Have you lost your mind?! There are still a lot of patients in there! 2
433 433 202 1 2 1
434 434 201 1 500506 4
435 435 301 1 Noan Ascendant...?! 1
436 436 201 1 500517
437 437 301 1 Talbot I won't run away. Please let me fight with you! 1
438 438 201 1 500506 4
439 439 301 1 Noan I'm coming with you too! 1
440 440 401 2 1513
441 441 202 1
442 442 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Noan steps out of the medical center.