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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
$<24>ks<6B><73>M<EFBFBD><01> е?<3F>sN2Y<32><59><EFBFBD>5<EFBFBD><35>[5ve<76>B8Rw<52><77><19><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>V]<5D>8<15>o<EFBFBD>\Y&z<>S<EFBFBD><53><EFBFBD><05>.采4O<4F><7F>
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1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory274.png
2 2 401 1 202
3 3 301 DialogEnable Despite the difference in their strength, Roland has still managed to stall Alpha long enough. It is clear who is winning by the end of the fight, yet Alpha cannot fathom why Roland is dead set on stopping her.
4 4 201 1 500100
5 5 301 1 α You should know that there's no way you're beating me... 1
6 6 301 Alpha removes her blade from the side of Roland's abdomen, and vital fluid pours out from the wound.
7 7 202 1 1
8 8 301 Roland retreats backward with his hand on the wound, the weapon in his hand still blocking Alpha's path forward.
9 9 201 1 500008 17
10 10 301 1 Roland Don't be... so sure... 1
11 11 201 1 500100
12 12 301 1 α What was that? 1
13 13 201 1 500008 9
14 14 301 1 Roland Gabriel believes that the only way to create our paradise is to become the strongest Ascendant, holding absolute power in hand... 1
15 15 202 1 1
16 16 301 Roland raises his gun and aims at Alpha. 1
17 17 201 1 500008 5
18 18 301 1 Roland But the Ascension-Network won't allow kindness and mercy in an agent. Intense hatred, pain, obsession... they're where Ascendants draw their strength. 1
19 19 301 Roland Luna's strength and yours have been declining, meaning your wills in the Ascnet have been wavering. 1
20 20 301 Roland If we were to succeed in our goal of destroying humankind and transforming Luna into the strongest agent with absolute power, then you simply must die, Alpha. 1
21 21 201 1 500100
22 22 301 1 α Is that why you're hellbent on stopping me? 1
23 23 202 1 1
24 24 301 Roland lowers his gun.
25 25 201 1 500008 4
26 26 301 1 Roland Nah... 1
27 27 301 Roland Luna's initial wish was to create a "paradise she can stay with her sister." 1
28 28 301 Roland But as long as the Ascnet has a leash on her, Luna will never get what she really wants. 1
29 29 301 Roland It took me so long to understand what she truly desires, but it feels like she has yet to realize it. 1
30 30 301 Roland The Ascension-Network has a bigger hold on her than it has on you or me. 1
31 31 301 Roland Gray Raven, and that human commandant... They are the key to her real vision. That's why I must let them go. 1
32 32 204 1 5
33 33 301 Roland Do you get it now? I'm not the one you should be stopping—Gabriel is. He's the one who's been scheming all along. 1
34 34 203 1 0.25 450
35 35 201 2 500100 -450
36 36 301 1 α ... 2
37 37 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Roland Using us and Luna to fulfill his so-called will of the Ascnet—that's his real goal. 1
38 38 204 1 3
39 39 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Roland informs Alpha of everything he knows about Gabriel's plan.
40 40 301 α ...That Gabriel, how dare he leverage all the Ascendants for his idiotic plan. 2
41 41 301 α To betray, abandon, and sacrifice everything for his own ambition—that just sounds like a... 2
42 42 301 Roland (Chuckles) 1
43 43 301 α Where's Luna now? 2
44 44 301 Roland If I have to guess... Inside the Polyphage. 1
45 45 301 Roland I couldn't warn Luna in time. I didn't expect Gabriel to move forward with his plan so soon. 1
46 46 301 Roland But if you were also stoked by Gabriel and tried to fight the Polyphage at your current state, then forget about saving Luna, you'd have been devoured as well. 1
47 47 301 Roland Then no one would be able to stop Gabriel. 1
48 48 301 α That's why you're guarding here? 2
49 49 204 1 4
50 50 301 Roland shrugs, neither confirming nor denying.
51 51 301 Roland So stay calm. If the Gray Ravens get stomped to death by the Polyphage over there, we still have time to come up with a contingency. 1
52 52 301 α I know what I'm going to do. 2
53 53 301 Roland Oh, really? Well, then... I should also start moving. 1
54 54 301 Roland Gabriel's as purist as an Ascendant can be. Luna, you, and I, we're all just tools to accomplish his goal. So... 1
55 55 202 1 2 1
56 56 301 ??? You are correct. Not only Miss Luna... both of you should also become tools of the Ascension-Network! Roland, I do not find your treachery surprising.
57 57 201 1 500100
58 58 301 1 α Gabriel... 1
59 59 401 1 112
60 60 201 1 500101
61 61 301 Gabriel steps out of a dark corner, still acting as courteous as ever, but he can hardly conceal the deranged sense of menace he is giving off.
62 62 201 1 500008
63 63 301 1 Roland Well, he's all yours. 1
64 64 202 1 1
65 65 301 Roland smiles again nonchalantly. He whispers something to Alpha as he passes her, before leaping into the darkness within the Core Area with the help of his chain blade.
66 66 301 Alpha has already lunged forward with her sword out before Gabriel can make a move.
67 67 301 Alpha closes in, attempting to expose a weak spot on Gabriel with a series of continuous strikes. Gabriel is forced back, barely managing to counter her every move with his cane.
68 68 201 2 500100 17 400
69 69 201 1 500101 -400
70 70 301 1 α You betrayed Luna. 2
71 71 301 Gabriel ...Me? No, Luna is the one who betrayed us, and you—you are the reason for her betrayal! You are why she was forsaken by the Ascension-Network! Why she has lost the power of an agent! 1
72 72 301 α Luna... has never betrayed anyone of us! 2
73 73 202 2 1
74 74 203 1 0.25
75 75 301 1 Gabriel I am sorry, but I cannot let you leave this place. I will not let you disrupt our great ascent because of some frivolous sentiment! 1
76 76 401 2 10002001
77 77 501 PanelActor1Shake Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 1
78 78 202 1000 1 1
79 79 301 Alpha's sword slices across Gabriel's chest, sending sparks flying everywhere. Gabriel rips off his tattered cloak, revealing his colossal mechanical stature.
80 80 201 1 500179
81 81 301 1 Gabriel You... really are the biggest threat to the Ascension-Network... 1
82 82 301 Gabriel Are you not going to save your dear sister now that the Polyphage has devoured her? 1
83 83 201 1 500100
84 84 301 1 α I know what you're conspiring, Gabriel. You might as well have it written on your face. 1
85 85 301 α If I let you go now, you'll just become a larger threat to Luna. 1
86 86 301 α I can only hope that those Gray Ravens will last long enough for me to get to her. 1
87 87 201 1 500179
88 88 301 1 Gabriel I cannot imagine you choosing to believe in those inadequate Constructs. Alas, they have most likely been turned into food for the Polyphage. 1
89 89 201 1 500100
90 90 301 1 α No. 1
91 91 301 α This time, I'm choosing to believe in "myself." And, Gabriel— 1
92 92 204 1 17
93 93 301 α What I'm going to do now is destroy you. 1
94 94 301 Alpha lifts her katana, her eyes burning with fury.
95 95 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin α I will not forgive anyone who hurts Luna. 1